Summer Sizzle (12 page)

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Authors: Samantha Gentry

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Summer Sizzle
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Ty-Ling interrupted her thoughts by jumping onto the table and making herself comfortable in the middle of Vicki’s paperwork. She stroked the cat’s fur, then picked up the animal. “Oh, Ty-Ling. What have I gotten myself into? He’s not at all the type of man I want, yet he makes my insides quiver like an impressionable school girl. I can’t think straight when he touches me. All my good intentions simply sail away on the breeze…” She furrowed her brow. “Just like that kite did.”

Vicki set the cat on the floor. Her breath came a little faster, her heart beat a little harder, and her entire body tingled in anticipation.

She made a quick trip through the kitchen to get a glass of milk and carried it upstairs, but found Blake’s bedroom empty. She continued on down the hall to her room, pausing at the door when she saw his nude body stretched out on her bed. A little grin tugged at her lips. Of course. For the concept of the game, it made sense that he would lie in wait for her in her room rather than assuming an innocent milk maiden would actually go to the stable boy’s room. An unaccustomed moment of frivolous fun assailed her as she entered her bedroom.

“Oh, my goodness. It’s such a warm day, and this milk is getting so very heavy. I think I’ll set it down and rest for a bit before continuing back to the house, perhaps remove some of this heavy clothing and take advantage of the slight breeze. After all, there’s no one here. I’m sure I’ll be perfectly safe from prying eyes…and other unwanted attentions.”

She placed the glass on the nightstand next to Blake, then unbuttoned her shirt. She raked her gaze over the length of his nude body, taking particular delight in the sight of his marvelous erection and knowing the delicious treat would soon belong to her in any number of exciting ways. She noted the twinkle in his eyes as he watched her play out the role he had assigned her. A strange sensation engulfed her—the thrill of exhibitionism she had never before experienced. Just knowing he watched as she portrayed the innocent milk maiden added a new thrill to her already stimulated body.

She removed her clothes, then pretended to fan herself as she sat on the edge of the bed. “Ah, that’s much better. The cool breeze is so soothing on my bare skin.”

Blake snaked his arms around her waist from behind and held her in place. His hot breath tickled across her ear.

“Well, well, well…what have we here?” He cupped her breasts and pulled her back against his chest. “I think it’s time for my innocent little milk maiden to learn the way of the world.”

“No…please don’t.” His touch made it difficult for her to continue playing the part, the thought of saying no in direct opposition to the need throbbing in her pussy. She wanted to impale herself on his rigid shaft, to feel him deep inside her as he shuttled in and out.

“Just relax, my pretty one. You’ll like what I’m going to do to you.”

“No, you can’t do this.” She squirmed in his arms, as if trying to free herself, but the movement only reinforced the need throbbing between her legs. “I’ll be forever ostracized, considered damaged goods.”

“Not if you don’t tell anyone.” He nibbled at her earlobe and kneaded the firm flesh of her breasts. Her insides quivered with desire. “It will be our little secret.” The stable boy shoved her onto her back in the softness of the bed and quickly straddled her legs. He leered at her, a look filled with a raw sexuality that had her pussy close to clenching in orgasmic contractions without even being touched. “A secret we can share again and again.”

“No, you must not. I’m begging you.” She forced out the words, the quaver in her voice very real but not from fear. “The master of the house, he won’t…”

“So, my innocent little milk maiden isn’t so innocent after all. The master has been fucking you?” A glow of excitement flashed in Blake’s eyes. “That means I won’t need to be so gentle after all. Your cherry has already been plucked. You know the feel of a cock. In that case, I intend to make you scream in delight and beg me to fuck you again and again. You’ll forget all about the master once I’ve introduced you to what a real man has to offer. The lady of the house can give testimony as to my prowess. She refers to the master as
that barely adequate little prick

“No.” Vicki had never played a fantasy game before, but Blake obviously had, and he was good at it. It was all she could do to remain still and feign fear. He had not fingered her pussy or as much as touched her clit, obviously knowing full well how she craved his expert seduction. “The master will be harsh with me if he thinks—”

“He won’t know unless you tell him.” His mouth came down hard on hers, totally dominating her existence. His kiss demanded everything of her. His lips were soft and pliant, yet controlling the very breath that filled her lungs. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, aggressively seeking and tasting every hidden corner.

To hell with the game. She didn’t want to play, didn’t want to pretend to put him off. She was ready to scream out her desires and needs, to beg him to fuck her long and hard until neither of them had the energy to move. Until her pussy radiated enough heat to raise the temperature in the room and set off the sprinkler system.

Blake took the decision out of her hands.

His chest heaved with his labored breathing. His cock pulsed with need, but not just for the mindless activity of getting off. The need was specifically for Vicki. He was done with the game. He had to have her right now. Flailing toward the nightstand, he sought one of the condom packets he’d placed there. He accidently knocked over the glass of milk spilling it on the floor but didn’t care. With trembling hands, he expertly sheathed his erection.

Once again, he captured her mouth with a kiss that clearly conveyed all the passion coursing through his veins. Their tongues twined in a dance of seduction, the textures meshing together. Using his knee, he nudged her legs wider apart and settled himself between them. He wanted to immediately plunge his throbbing dick inside her, but held off long enough to make sure she was ready. He slipped his finger between her pussy lips into the moist heat of her body. The quick jerk of her hips against his hand pleased him. He added a second finger, drawing them in and out of her wet slit as he stimulated her clit with his thumb.

Vicki’s insides contracted in orgasmic rapture. Her pussy muscles grabbed at his fingers. His kiss, his touch. It didn’t take much for him to send her over the edge into euphoria. Just being in the same room with him started her juices flowing. The sudden loss when he withdrew his fingers lasted only a second. His cockhead probed her opening, then he slid his shaft into her still convulsing tunnel. She wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms around his neck, and held on for the incredible ride.

His confident strokes kept her in a heightened state of orgasmic frenzy. They grew harder and shorter, until he pumped on the edge of his own release. Two more deep thrusts, and his body shuddered. He held her until the spasms subsided.

And then he continued to hold her.

Neither of them made even the slightest attempt to untangle their entwined bodies, their contentment whole and all consuming. Vicki allowed a brief thought about needing to get back to work but told herself the two hours marked off in her daily planner weren’t up yet. A hint of a smile pulled at her lips. As recently as a couple of days ago, she would have been shocked by that decision. But now, she didn’t give a damn about the work waiting downstairs.

“Let’s buy some chocolate body paint and whipped cream.” His words tickled across her ear. “And maybe some other toys, too.”

Other than her own vibrator used in privacy when she was horny and alone, she had never played with sex toys, and certainly not with someone else, in spite of her one-time attempt at a
ménage a trois
. A little shiver of excitement fluttered inside her as her anticipation grew. The thought of licking chocolate off Blake’s delicious dick tantalized her. And the whipped cream…they could do any number of things with that.

“What kind of
other toys
do you have in mind?” She nipped at his shoulder blade with her lips, then licked his nipples. His skin tasted so good. Everything about him tasted good. And she wanted more.

“I’ll let it be a surprise. And I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

“Mmm, nothing you’ve done so far has been disappointing.”

Blake wanted her again. He wanted her now. He slid out of bed, disposed of the used condom, and grabbed a new one. Hunger gnawed at him, a deep need he wasn’t sure would ever be completely filled. No matter how many times he had Vicki, no matter how great the sex, he still didn’t have enough of her. He had never felt so much at one with another woman. Had never felt as close to anyone other than his immediate family. His mother, his father…and his son.

He lifted her legs over his shoulders, cupped her ass cheeks in his hands, and raised her hips off the bed. And with one swift thrust, he plunged deep inside her, filling her tunnel with his hard shaft. He remained still and reveled in the way her pussy walls closed around his shaft. Then he started long sure strokes, each one burying his dick deeper inside her. He shuttled in and out with ever increasing intensity, thrusting harder and faster. The sight of her boobs jiggling and bouncing with each thrust added to his excitement.

Her orgasmic contractions squeezed his cock, pulling it farther in until it felt as if his balls might be sucked into her pussy. Hard spasms of orgasm shuddered through him, and every nerve ending in his body erupted in exquisite rapture. His chest heaved as he tried to gulp in enough air. He eased her legs off his shoulders, then quickly turned over onto his back with her on top of him—his cock still buried deep, her convulsing pussy holding on to it.

He squeezed and kneaded the firm flesh of her ass cheeks, pausing every few seconds to run his fingers along her crevice and stimulate her anus. She didn’t pull away from his touch, something that pleased him. He thoroughly enjoyed all facets of sex play but didn’t want to push her into participation where she felt uncomfortable. Hopefully, this was something they could further explore in the very near future. Maybe she’d be into that at some point. He hoped so.


“That’s one of the funniest films I’ve seen in a long time.” Vicki’s exuberance flowed with the same excitement as her words. She continued to laugh over a particularly funny scene from the movie as they emerged from the theater.

Blake put his arm around her shoulders and drew her closer. “I really like seeing you laugh. Your whole face lights up. You should relax more often, let your hair down, have fun.”

She shot him a sly look. “You mean fun other than what should only be enjoyed behind closed doors? Unless you’re into really kinky stuff.”

“Oh? Are you saying if I took you outside on the deck, bent you over the railing, and had my way with you, that would be kinky? But if I bent you over the kitchen table and had my way with you behind closed doors, then it wouldn’t?” He looked at her questioningly, a teasing grin playing across his lips.

Heated embarrassment flushed her cheeks. Her actions had surprised her when she agreed to go to the movie with him rather than returning to work after their
time out for a sex romp.

He gave her shoulder an extra little squeeze before they started down the street. “Uh oh.” He glanced up at the angry sky. “Maybe we shouldn’t have walked to the theater. Looks like it’s going to rain again. We’d better hurry home rather than stopping to get something to eat.”

“I think you’re right.” The light-hearted fun of the movie and the protection of his arm around her felt good.
We’d better hurry home
. His words about them going home suffused her with a tender warmth, almost a feeling of longing for what might be possible with this completely wrong man. The words carried the sound and feel of permanency, the same type of permanency and security she’d been determined to provide for herself. As if she and Blake actually belonged together.

No. She had to stop those thoughts before they progressed any further. Regardless of how he made her feel, it didn’t change the fact that he didn’t have a job and seemed to have no desire or ambition toward finding gainful employment. The question darted through her mind again about how he could afford to lease the beach house. Where did he get his money to pay his bills? Maybe an inheritance of some type. She dismissed her concern, trying to convince herself his finances were none of her business.

They walked briskly down the street toward the beach house but only made it half a block before it started to sprinkle. They quickened their pace. The sprinkle soon turned into a shower, forcing them to run the remaining block to the house. Blake and Vicki burst through the front door, each of them laughing in spite of being wet.

“I’m soaked.” Vicki set her purse on the table and tousled her fingers through her wet hair, pushing the matted strands away from her face. “It’s a good thing it was only a shower rather than the rain we had earlier this week.”

“I’ll put some logs in the fireplace and build a fire. You should probably get out of those wet clothes so you don’t catch a cold.”

She gave him a sly grin. “Out of my wet clothes and into your dry bed?”

“Tell me, Victoria Templeton, who are you?” He pulled her into his arms. His voice turned soft. “Or maybe the question should be,
are you? An unbelievably sexy seductress sent to mesmerize and enslave every man whose path you cross? An ultra-organized woman so concerned about tomorrow she won’t allow any time in her life to enjoy today? Or an almost painfully shy woman who isn’t sure about herself, about where and how she fits in? I can’t figure out which one is the real you.” He placed a tender kiss on her forehead. “Or are you all of them rolled into one incredibly enticing woman?”

She closed her eyes and tried to collect some kind of logic. “I thought I knew exactly who I was, what I wanted out of life, and how I was going to get it.” Uncertainty coursed through her veins. “Then I ran into you. Now I can’t make heads or tails of anything. Every time I try to get my life back on my planned course, you pull me into some sort of weird parallel universe where nothing is the way I thought it should be. I just don’t know anymore.”

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