Summer of the Beast (3 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: Summer of the Beast
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Chapter Four


Violet sat on the blanket with her coat wrapped around her and a hot chocolate in her hand. People gathered all around sitting on blankets waiting for the fireworks show to start. All four of her men stood around Blane and were talking to him.

“Hey, sister dearest.” Wrath plopped down next to her and she jumped, sending hot chocolate all over her jeans.

“Damn it, don't scare me like that,” she snapped and glared at her brother. “What do you want, Wrath? It's obvious you don't like me, so why come back?”

He sneered at her. “You know you aren't going to get anything from dear old Granddad, right? So why show up here and screw up Dad's life?”

“For your information, I don't want anything from either Granddad or Father. I just wanted to meet them and get to know them. I'm sorry if that screwed up your life, but I have a feeling you've already done a good job of that already. So why don't you run along with your hoodlum friends and leave me alone?” She started to stand but he yanked her back down. “Let go of my arm before you lose it.”

“Listen here, you bitch—”

“Wrath, release her now!” Blane snarled and pried his fingers off her arm. Large hands picked her up and she smiled up at Kelvin.

“You okay?” He frowned as he glanced down at the hot chocolate staining her clothes.

“I'm fine. Just a little sticky. I guess I'd better find a bathroom and try to get cleaned up.” Violet let Kelvin and Landon lead her to the ladies’ restroom inside the high school, and they stood outside to wait for her.

Turning on the cold water, Violet tried to wash the stains out of her jeans when she heard one of the bathroom doors open behind her. She glanced in the mirror and into Grace's tear-filled face. “I'm so sorry, Grace. I didn't mean to cause you any trouble.”

Grace sighed and glanced down at Violet's pants. “Did you burn yourself?”

“No, it wasn't that warm. Are you okay? I'm really sorry about all of this. I didn't mean to hurt you or Father.” Violet ran more cold water over the paper towels she held and dabbed at the chocolate.

Grace grabbed a few paper towels and proceeded to help her with the stains on her pants. “I have to admit it was a shock. I thought I had gotten over the betrayal, but I'm afraid seeing you in the flesh just reopened the wound.” She glanced up at Violet and smiled. “I know it's not your fault, dear, but it will take me time to forgive your father. We will get past this.”

She stood, throwing away the towels. “I do want to apologize for our son, though. I'll work on him. Once he gets over the fact that his father screwed up, he'll come around.”

Violet snorted, gathering her purse. “I don't know about Wrath. But I hope you're right. I've always wanted an older brother.” She moved to the door. “Are you going to watch the fireworks with Father?”

Landon and Kelvin glanced into the bathroom as they stepped out. “Everything okay?”

“I'm fine. Grace and I were just talking.” Violet twirled her arms into both Kelvin's and Landon's. Grace walked beside Kelvin.

“Caster will meet us back at the blankets. I hear Blane is going to be staying with you until the claiming.” She grinned as her men both mumbled yes.

Violet grinned. “I was wondering if maybe one day this week we could get together and you could explain a few things to me. Since I don't know any female weres, there are many questions that I really would hate to ask Grandfather.”

Landon bent down and nibbled her ear. “We can explain many things to you. All you have to do is ask.”

She raised her head and smiled. “It's not the same, but thank you.” Violet glanced around the large area and saw more people had arrived for the fireworks. She loved the smell of food cooking as children ran from booth to booth playing, and lanterns were lit as the sun started to set.

Grace nodded to everyone as they slowly made their way back to the blankets. “I would be honored to explain things to you.” Violet turned and stared at her father, who walked toward them.

Caser smiled and had almost reached them when Violet heard the shot and her father fell to the ground.

People screamed, running for cover as Landon and Kelvin threw her to the ground, covering with their bodies.

Slowly Violet untangled herself from the men and inched towards her father. “You won't die on me, too,” she whispered, her hair full of static electricity, her fingers and body tingling as she pushed everything away from her.

“I've got you, Father. You'll not leave this world for the next. You have too many who love you. I'm just sorry I couldn't get to know you.
This is my fault and I will fix it.”
Tears ran down her face as she slowly inched Grace off her father's body and covered it with hers.

Wrath ran to them and crouched down next to them. Violet looked at him. “I will save him, but keep everyone away from me. And, Wrath, I wish things could have been different, my dear brother.”

Blood soaked the ground where Caser lay, a bullet in the back of his head. Violet held onto his soul while she closed his dead eyes and slid her hands to the back of his skull. The one gift she kept hidden rose to the surface and flowed into her father.

* * * *


Landon, Kelvin, Norris, and Salvador surrounded Violet and her family. He had heard what she said and wanted to argue with her, but knew not to interrupt. He knew Caser was dead. No one could survive a bullet to the back of the head.

Blane roared behind them, half shifting. “Find the person who did this, now!” Men shifted and ran in all directions, looking for the assassins, when the hair on Blane's arms stood up. He glanced behind him just as the bullet in Caser's head hit the ground beneath him. Bright light surrounded Caser and Violet. Her lips moved but no one could hear what she said, and her body slowly rose and hovered over Caser.

Norris growled next to him and Landon glanced up to see a man glide over to Blane. His eyes glowed and magic whirled around him. “Blane, have everyone leave this area now. If you want your son and granddaughter to live, no one must see what she is doing.”

“Mr. Vanworth, my son is already dead. There is nothing that can be done for him. Why are you here now?” Blane moved to intercept him from getting closer to Violet.

Vanworth's gaze flickered to Blane's. “She is my granddaughter. Violet left New York before I could find her. Blane, your son might be dead right now, but our granddaughter is bringing him back. She's using one of the gifts given to her, but she has not reached the age to be at full power, and if I don't help her, we will lose them both. Right now she is willing to give her life up for his, but I won't allow it. So if you would, step aside so I can help her.”

His heart stopped for a minute and he glanced back down at his mate. “No!” all four of them shouted and kneeled around her. “Save her. We just found her.” His claws sank into the grass, his vision that of the wolf's, and his body shook as he tried not to reach out to her, pulling her away from the danger.

Blane snarled and waved his hand. Their clan ran, emptying the stadium. Music stopped, and all was quiet within fifteen minutes. “Save her, but know this, Vanworth. We will talk when you are finished.”

Vanworth nodded and knelt down near Violet and her father. He placed his hands on top of her shoulders. “Use what I have, Granddaughter, and come back to us,” he whispered, closing his eyes.

Wind whipped around them, lightning rent the air, ancient chants from long ago could be heard all around them, and bright white lights flickered around the three.

Violet's body arched, her eyes flashed open and a surge of power moved through her to Caser when she collapsed onto his body.

Caser's eyes popped open and he wrapped his arms around Violet. “No! What did you do?” he cried, holding onto to her lifeless body.

Landon howled, the wolf inside broke loose, and anger took control of his body until he felt a large hand on his shoulder. He glanced up to see Vanworth staring down at him.

“She is not dead, just asleep. Come morning, Violet will awake, but she will be very weak. Do not leave her side. Others will know now that she and her children will be the next generation of powerful witches and wizards.” Vanworth glanced over at Blane. “Our family has made many mistakes, including driving my daughter away when we found out she carried Violet. We were wrong, and I've regretted that decision since my son made it. At first we believed Violet's uncle would carry on our powers with his line, but it wasn't the case.”

Landon stood with Kelvin and Norris next to him. “What are you saying?”

“Her uncle is the one who shot Caser, but he wasn't the target. Violet was. He's furious that she will carry on our line, and not him. I had hoped to get to her in New York, to protect her, but she disappeared before I could reach her.”

Vanworth turned when Caser stood, holding Violet in his arms. “I couldn't catch my son. He'll hide until he has another opportunity to get to her. The only thing that can save her from him is to be claimed. Once she is claimed, he can't touch her. Violet's powers will come to her and her mates.”

Landon stepped over to Blane. “Our home is better prepared to protect her. Please come stay with us, all of you. We can work this out together.”

Blane nodded. “She shouldn't have to be rushed into being claimed, but it is best, for her protection.”

Wrath and Grace moved to Caser, touching his face. “We thought we lost you,” Grace whispered and glanced down at Violet. “She is family now. We will welcome her home the right way.”

“No one will hurt my family again. I was wrong, Father, and I'm sorry.” Wrath took her small hand into his. “She will know this big brother loves her if I have to prove it till the day I die.”

Landon, Kelvin, Norris, and Salvador followed Caser and his family towards the front of the school. All around his clan gasped when they saw him and bowed their heads.

Landon stepped forward. “Go home now, all of you. When the time is right, we will have another day of celebration. Until then, watch for anyone who does not belong in our city. They will not harm our mate again.”

Their pack growled and howled to the night at the threat to their female alpha. People strolled to their cars and others went to clean up in the stadium, celebrations put on hold until the claiming. Landon watched Caser hand Violet to Blane in the limo and turned to him.

“We'll meet you at your house. We're all staying there until this threat is gone. I won't lose my daughter. When she healed me, a part of herself was joined to my soul. You four are very lucky. Landon. Don't ever hurt her or you will answer to me personally.” He helped Grace into the limo and got in after her.

Wrath turned and stared at him. “I will do anything to help keep her safe, but Father is right, Landon. We will stand beside her and protect her.”

Norris stepped up to his side as they watched the limo pull away. “We have a lot to work on tonight before our mate awakes.”

He nodded. “Let's go home and prepare.” Landon turned to Norris. “You'll have your things moved to the house tomorrow?” He smiled and wrapped his hand around the base of his neck, bringing him closer. “I want all my mates at home.” Landon brought his mouth down to his and kissed him hard.


Chapter Five


Violet snuggled the pillow and moaned, her body sore from head to toe.
What the hell did I do?
Then it all came back—her father. “Dad!” She jumped up and glanced around the room she was in, which wasn't hers.

“Easy, little sister, you're still weak.” Wrath stepped up to the bed and smiled down at her. “You're at Landon's home. We all are, and Dad is fine. He's talking with Granddad and Mr. Vanworth.” He gently sat down on the side of the bed and stared at her.

“I want to apologize for yesterday. I was a total jerk. When I saw you cover our father's body with your own and do what you did, I knew then what a fool I had been. I'd like to start over, if you'd let me.” He tucked a lock of her red hair behind her ear.

Lying back on the bed, Violet sighed. “I'd like that, Wrath. I only had my mom growing up and always wanted a brother or sister. Is Dad really okay? I didn't know if I could save him or not.” She pulled the sheet up over her body.

The door to the bedroom opened and her father strolled in, followed by her grandfather, Grace, and her mates. “Yes, I'm fine, but very angry right now at you, young lady. You will never risk yourself again like that! Is that understood? How do you think your grandfather would have felt to lose both of us, or your mates?”

Wrath stood up and Caser took his place, kissing her forehead. “I mean it, Violet. Don't do that again.” His eyes flashed to that of a wolf's for a minute, and then back.

“I had no choice. I wouldn't lose you like I did my mom. She wouldn't let me heal her, told me it was time for her to move on. It was my fault this happened anyway. I know that the man who did this was aiming for me.” Violet stared at her father, refusing to admit she had done anything wrong.

“I'm afraid your mother's death is on my hands, granddaughter.” A large man moved into the bedroom. He had brown shoulder-length hair and gray eyes like those of her mother. “Your mother was my daughter. I tried to find both of you for years, but she always stayed one step ahead of me.” He moved to the other side of the bed and sat down.

“When your mother came to us pregnant, I acted like a fool. I pushed your mother away, refused to talk to her, but when I realized I was wrong, it was too late. She had already packed her belongings and left. Your grandmother died with a broken heart, missing her daughter. I promised myself I would find you both and bring you back, but once again, I was too late.” Tears slipped down his cheek.

“You look like her and you have her spirit. I felt it when we joined our forces to help your father. You're all I have left now, Violet. I hope you can forgive me for failing you and your mother.”

Violet could see the hurt and pain in his gaze. He seemed so alone. She reached up and brushed a tear off his cheek. “I don't know about my mother, but you haven't hurt me. I didn't even know you were still alive, but you're not alone anymore. I hope you stay here so we can get to know each other. Can I ask what happened to my mother's twin? Mom did tell me she had a twin brother somewhere.”

Her grandfather glanced to Caser, who nodded, and he sighed. “I'm afraid it was your uncle who tried to kill you yesterday, Violet. Every hundred years a powerful one is born to our family with gifts beyond the previous generations. At first we believed it was your uncle who was granted this, but we were mistaken. You are the one who will be given this gift when you are claimed by your mates. Your uncle won't stop trying to kill you until you are joined with your mates. Once you are joined, your uncle should stop, but I'm afraid his mind is gone.” He shook his head. “The dark magic he's practiced over the years has finally claimed his soul. There is nothing I can do to save him.”

Violet sat up and hugged her grandfather. “I'm so sorry. I wish I could help. Do you think he had something to do with the attack on mother?”

Vanworth frowned. “What do you mean, attack? I was told she died from heart problems.”

She shook her head. “My mother was as healthy as you and me. She was on her way home when she was forced off the road and attacked. She only lived a few hours after the attack. The doctors couldn't save her and she wouldn't let me help. It was like she gave up. That's why I thought maybe she knew it was her brother.”

His gaze hardened, and he stood pacing the room. “I didn't know. Now all the pieces are falling together. God, I've been a fool. He has to have Cal. Working with him, there is no other way. If that's the case, then there is more going on here than I first believed.” He stopped in front of Landon.

“If Cal is working with my son, they will have Cal's pack behind them. They are small but powerful. Do you know who I'm talking about?”

Landon nodded. “I've met Cal before. He was a close friend of the past alpha. His pack consisted of nothing but rogues. We've been trying to locate them. It looks like they'll be coming to us instead.”

Thomas, her mother's father, nodded. “Get ready because they won't wait long. They'll want her dead before you claim her.”

Blane snarled. “Why would Cal join forces with your son?”

Thomas ran his hand through his hair. “It's my guess that my son promised Violet to him as his mate. If he could control her mates, my son could use her magic to benefit him. And now that she has found her mates, they won't allow them to claim her.”

Violet wrapped the sheet around her with shaking hands. “What does Cal look like?” Her gaze caught Landon's.

He moved to the bed and picked her up, sitting her on his lap. “He has black hair, blue eyes, and a small scar above his left eye in the shape of a half moon. Do you know him?” He rested his head on top of her head and rubbed her arms.

“Paul Green! It has to be him. He kept trying to get me to go out with him, but I refused him. He got rough once, but Mom came in and stopped him.” She tried to get closer to his body, suddenly afraid. “He won't give up. Paul told me no one would have me, only him.” She glanced up at Landon. “He'll hurt anyone to get to me. Maybe I should go away and hide until he's found.”

Caser stood and stared at her. “You're not going anywhere. We can protect you better here. You talk with your mates while I talk with your grandfathers.”

Everyone left the room except her four men, who moved to the bed, surrounding her.

* * * *


Landon glanced at all three of his mates and they nodded. He turned Violet on his lap and smiled down at her. “Do you know what a claiming is?” Landon held her face in his hands.

Violet shook her head. “Is it where, well, where we have sex together?” Her voice squeaked and he laughed.

“Yes and no. For our kind of shifters, we claim you while having sex, but there is another part your grandfather explained to us that we'll have to do. When our bodies are joined, the male will almost become like that of a vampire. We'll crave your blood, we will grow fangs for our first joining, and each of us will mark you, taking a small amount of your blood. This will only happen once, Violet, to seal our bond.” Landon leaned down, kissing her lips softly. “Do you understand?”

Violet nodded. “When, Landon? I don't want to wait if I can help.”

He slid his hands down to her collarbone and slowly started to unbutton the shirt she had slept in. “I'm sorry we can't wait, to give you the time, but I promise as soon as this is over, we'll make it up to you.”

Kelvin moved behind her and removed her shirt. Violet's breasts were full and filled his hands when he gently held them. “I know you're still tired. I want you to let us take care of you, Violet. Just feel and let us make you fly.” He ran his thumbs over her nipples and they hardened to his touch.

Kelvin gently picked her up and laid her in the center of the bed while he stood and stripped out of his clothes. Salvador lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth, while Norris took the other. Kelvin separated her legs and slid his hands between them.

All three of them stroked and touched her, driving her need higher. Landon would be the first to claim her this morning, followed by Kelvin, Salvador, and Norris. Landon would mark one side of her neck, while Kelvin marked the other.

Salvador nibbled one breast and Norris the other as Landon stroked his cock back and forth, watching. Violet's little moans only hardened his cock further. The wolf inside paced, ready to claim his mate. Even after claiming his other three mates last night, nothing prepared him for the breathtaking view of Violet laid on the bed, spread out for them.

Kelvin ate her pussy as if he was starving. Small growls could be heard from him when Violet moved to get away from his mouth, not knowing what to expect. He slipped a finger into her and she moaned.

“She's so tight. I'll have to stretch her to take you.” Kelvin's gaze met Landon's, and he nodded.

Landon moved to the head of the bed and leaned down, taking her open mouth with his. He slid his tongue into her mouth, stroking hers. She tasted of honey and chocolate.

Violet reached up and grabbed his head. She moved her fingers through his hair and wrapped it around her fingers. “Landon…” Violet whispered when she pulled back and stared up at him. “I need—”

“Shh, we know what you need. Feel Norris and Salvador scraping their teeth across your nipples, only to pull them into their mouths and suck. Kelvin is at your pussy, licking and tasting while he stretches you to take my cock. Soon we'll stretch that ass of yours to take us, but for now we're going to claim your pussy. All four of us are each going to sink our cocks into that tight hole and make it ours.” He skimmed his hand down her throat and held it there while she stared into his face.

Her eyes glazed over with passion and need. Violet released his hair and grabbed the headboard, arching up again when Kelvin added another finger into her pussy.

Landon moved to the end of bed, Kelvin took one last lick and moved to the head of the bed and sat behind her. Slowly he moved onto the bed and lifted her legs, placing them on his shoulders as he moved his cock against her pussy lips, stroking her. “So wet and ready for me.”

Landon pushed the head of his cock into her pussy, his gaze holding hers all the while. “That's it, baby, relax. Let me in.” He ground his teeth together and pushed another inch inside of her. The walls of her pussy closed around him and hugged him like a tight glove. “Damn, I'm not going to last.”

He slid further into her and stopped at her maidenhead. Landon glanced at Kelvin and nodded to him, knowing he would take Violet's mouth when he penetrated her totally. Sweat rolled down the side of his neck. He reached down and rubbed her clit as he pushed all the way into her.

Violet's muffled cry was only a whimper as he held himself still, letting her adjust to his size. Landon traced his finger all around her clit, bringing her heat up higher again while Norris and Salvador bit down on her nipples. Her back and hips moved, and he knew she was ready.

His cock was swollen. He pulled it out slowly, only leaving the head in. Landon watched as he moved his cock back and forth into her pussy, her juices slick on his cock, and the walls of her pussy squeezing him with each thrust into her.

Little jolts of electricity moved up his body, signaling the claiming. His incisors grew to fangs. Norris and Salvador moved back while Kelvin gently moved Violet forward into his arms. He nuzzled her neck, thrusting more quickly. Landon sank his fangs into her neck, her body shook, and his orgasm rolled over him while he drank what he needed, marking her as his.

Magic moved around the room and into him. Kelvin, Norris, and Salvador snarled as the power brushed them, driving them higher with the need to claim their mate. Landon slowly lowered her legs. The fangs in his mouth retracted, and her wounds healed instantly.

Landon smiled down at her. “Thank you, my mate. I promise to protect, love, and honor you always.” He kissed her lips softly and pulled out of her.

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