Read Summer of the Beast Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Summer of the Beast (2 page)

BOOK: Summer of the Beast
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Violet turned her back to him, lowering the top of her jeans to show him the birthmark. “Is that what you're talking about?”

Blane nodded and glanced at Caser, who stepped around them and smiled. “Welcome to the family, Violet.” He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “If I had known, I would have come right away, Violet. I just never knew it was possible.”

Caser stepped back. “I was having problems with my mate when I met your mother. Back then she was calling herself Morgan. Your mother and I had a one-night stand. Both of us were hurting and we took comfort in each other's arms.” He glanced around and Landon knew he was looking for his mate.

“My mate, Grace, knew what happened long ago and has forgiven me, but it will take her time to get over this news.”

Landon stiffened when Caser's son strolled up to them with three of his friends. “So this is my little sister. Tell me, Dad, how's the news going to go over when everyone finds out you, a royal blood, had a fling and created that?”

Violet cringed, but glared at him. “Excuse me, but I'm not a
,” she snapped. “My name is Violet. You might be my brother, but you will respect our father, you asshole. Everyone makes mistakes, even royalty. Look at Prince Charles.”

Blane laughed at his grandson. “I suggest you watch your mouth, Wrath, or I'll personally cut all funds to you off. Say you're sorry to your sister now, before I come over there and knock you to your feet.”

Wrath glared down at Violet. “Screw this. Cut me off. I don't need your money or the old man's. Oh, just so you know, Mother is gone. She told me to tell you to fuck off.”

Never had he seen Caser move so fast, knocking his son to the ground. “Watch your mouth, and if I see or hear of one of your friends or you hassling your sister, I'll tear you apart. Is that understood? I've had enough of your spoiled ass. Go home!” He stepped back and slowly turned to Violet as Wrath left with his friends.

“Well, that went well, didn't it?” Violet sighed. “I'm sorry about this. I didn't want to cause problems. Why don't you go talk to your wife? I'll stay away.” She patted Caser's arm, but he shook his head and smiled.

“Oh, no, you don't. I just found out I had a daughter and I, for one, am going to get to know her. But you are right. I should go and talk to her.” He glanced up at him. “You three take care of my daughter, and Dad, do you have some men to assign to her?”

Violet moaned and pounded her head onto his chest. “I really don't need any guards. I mean, I drove all the way here from New York and nothing happened.”

“Yes, you do. Your brake line was cut, Violet. It didn't just break.” Landon squeezed his arms around her waist.

“What?” All three—Blane, Caser and Violet—turned and stared at Landon.

He nodded to Blane and Caser. “I don't even like the idea of her living alone.”

She yanked away. “Listen, bud, you might be alpha whatever, but this is the first time I've had my own place and no one is going to ruin it for me! I want a normal life, for a change. I want to date, go where I want to, and I'll be damned if anyone is going to take that away from me!” she screamed and stomped her foot.

Landon laughed and leaned down into her face. “There will be no dating unless it is one of us. You do know that you belong to us, Violet.”

“Listen here you, you big overstuffed lug, I belong to no one. I just met you and your friends, so I will date whoever I please.” She poked his chest with her finger.

His wolf rose close to the surface and snarled, but Blane stepped between them. “Violet, calm down. There are a few things we need to talk about.” He turned and glanced at Landon. “Go find Norris. I believe you need to get answers from him. We'll meet you in the back where we have the blankets set up for the fireworks.”

Chapter Three


Violet let Blane take her back to the blankets and he sat down with her. Guards stood around them as she was handed a plate full of food. “Eat. We have lots to discuss before everyone gets here.” He sighed and leaned back, watching everyone around them.

“I take it you haven't reached your twenty-fifth birthday?” Her grandfather glanced at her as she took a bite of her hot dog.

“Not till August,” she mumbled around her food, and he nodded.

“On your twenty-fifth birthday, you will shift for the first time. Females are slower with the change, giving their bodies time to adjust and find their mates. Each shifter has a mate. We know our mate through signs. Mates are equivalent to a human's wife or husband, but it's more. We have a physical bond with our mate. We can usually read each other's minds, sense if the other is hurt, and the males we are very possessive.”

Violet frowned and tilted her head. “Landon claims to be my mate?”

Blane nodded. “Landon, Kelvin, and Salvador are all mated together and now they have found their female, you, but there also be one more male in the picture. That is why I sent Landon and your mates to find out for sure.”

She laid her plate down and glared at him. “Are you telling me I have three, maybe four, mates? Grandfather, I haven't even been with
man. How the hell am I going to handle four?”

Blane smiled. “Oh, this is priceless. Your men are very lucky indeed, but don't worry, you'll handle them fine. The more powerful and the more mates you have, the more powerful family. With your mother's line and our line, you will be one of the strongest females around. You will need all your mates, Violet. They will help control your wolf and your powers.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “You have your grandmother's eyes and nose. Sara would have loved to meet you. She always wanted a daughter, but we had only sons.”

“Where is she?” Violet smiled at him and popped the last bite of her hot dog into her mouth.

“She was killed two years ago by a man who decided he should be king. I couldn't get to her in time.” Blane sighed and sat up, taking a sip of his beer. “What happened to your mother, Violet? Are any of your mother's family alive?”

Violet curled her legs under her and took a drink. “Mother was attacked coming home from some kind of job. She died an hour after I got to the hospital. I haven't met any of my mom's family. She always told me they didn't approve of her having me out of wedlock, but she wouldn't give me up.” Violet smiled. “It was just the two of us against the world. She made sure I experienced everything, and that I studied hard. By the time I was twenty, I had a master's degree in English. I loved to write, so she encouraged me to follow my dream.”

Blane glanced up and smiled. “Have you had anything published? What do you write?” Before she could answer, he stood up and shook another man's hand. The man was as tall as Landon, but had long blond hair which was also tied back. His gaze met hers; he had blue eyes which scanned her from head to toe.

“Norris Zainfield, I would like you to meet my granddaughter, Violet Vanworth.” Blane held out his hand and Violet put her small hand into his as he helped her stand. “Violet, this man is in charge of my security team when I'm here and, am I right, your mate?” he asked the man, who smiled.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Violet, and I can't wait to get to know you.” He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “You are a treasure, just as Landon said you are.”

Violet rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I think I'm going to walk around some more. I still haven't seen half of the booths and I want to shop.” She smiled, flinging her purse over her shoulder. “Oh and Grandfather, yes, I'm published. I have two books of poems out and three romance novels. Be back in a little while.” She stepped away from the men, but her grandfather grabbed her around her waist and pulled her back.

“I don't think so. You don't go anywhere without a guard. You might have been without them for the past two months, but I insist you have them now. Is that understood?” Blane held her gaze and she looked away.

“Grandfather, there's tons of security around here. I'll be fine for a little while. I just need some time to think, alone.” Violet squirmed under his gaze, hoping she didn't sound like she was whining.

“Norris, why don't you take my granddaughter around and I'll send Landon, Kelvin, and Salvador to you when they come back?” Blane ignored her request and pushed them towards the booths.

“I swear, he's just like my mother.” She mumbled and looked at the first booth they came to.

“Is it so bad to be with me?” Norris whispered behind her. “That dress would look pretty on you.” He pointed to a skimpy leather white halter dress.

“Yeah, sure, if I didn't have thunder thighs. And no, it has nothing to do with spending time with you. It's about the guards Grandfather is bound for me to have.” She picked up a cute baby boy blanket and handed it to the woman behind the booth. “I'll take this, please.”

Norris walked over and eyed the dress, then her. He picked it up and handed it to the lady. “I'll take this. Who's the baby blanket for?”

Violet reached into her purse to pay when Norris handed the woman the money. “I could have bought the blanket. It's for a shelter in New York for women who have been abused. I pick up things now and then and send them to the home. One of my girlfriends from college had to go there one time, but unfortunately her boyfriend found her going into class and killed her. So every time I see something, I send something to them to help the women there.” She smiled sadly.

“So, who's the lucky girl, or do you have some secret fetish for woman's clothes?” Violet strolled through the back of the next booth, checking out the blankets.

Norris laughed next to her. “I'm afraid I couldn't even get my legs into that dress, and you know who it's for. I'm sorry about your friend, Violet. I don't know how some men can hurt a woman, and I keep hearing more and more about it.” He shook his head, picked up a soft dragon blanket, and smiled. “I think my sister would love this.” Norris tucked it under his arm and continued to shop.

“The center is trying to raise money to expand. They only have room for fifteen families and ten single women. I've sent them a check to help, but even I don't have that kind of money after paying off all my mother's bills. The center has had a fifty percent increase in women who have come to look for help in the past year alone.”

Violet lifted up a fairy blanket and spread it out. “Isn't this beautiful? It will look perfect in my bedroom.” She smiled and folded the blanket to put it under her arm, but Norris took it, adding it to his pile. “Are you going to buy everything I pick up?”

“Of course. I'm one of your mates. It's my job to take care of you. How much does the center need to add onto it?” Norris smiled down at her.

She shook her head and moved to the jewelry. “I'm not sure how much they have raised lately, but last I heard they were short two hundred thousand. They are still having trouble with Paul Green. He's holding the building permits hostage.” She sighed. “I'm going to have to go back next month.”

“Where are you going next month?” Landon moved up to her, kissed her cheek and nodded to Norris.

“I have a board meeting with the women's center I help out. We're getting together to see what the landlord dickhead wants so we can get the building permits to add onto the women's shelter. So, what do you have there?” She smiled as he handed her a small box with holes in it.

The box moved in her hands and she heard the whine inside. “What did you do?” Violet opened the box and laughed at the small puppy inside. “Landon, he's precious. Thank you.” She took him out and he licked her face, his small tail thumped against her hand.

“A family brought their pups in and was selling them. We couldn't resist. I kind of figured you didn't have any pets growing up.” He attached a collar around the dog's neck, hooking a leash to it. “What do you want to name him?”

Violet smiled. “How about Lancelot? We're going to have to stop and get food for him. And we can't take him on the bike, Landon. How are we going to get him home?” She put the puppy down and he ran all over the place, sniffing everyone.

“He's not ready yet to come with us, so I'll have the family drop him off when he's weaned. Why don't you have your grandfather help with the building permits? He has a lot of pull everywhere.” Landon laughed.

Violet frowned. “I couldn't do that, Landon, I barely know him and I don't want it to look like I have my hand out.” She grabbed six pairs of earrings and three other blankets, but held onto them when Norris tried to take them.

“No, this I pay for. You can buy my blanket, but these I want to buy for the center.” She patted his cheek when he frowned.

* * * *


Landon took the puppy back to the family and they promised to bring him back when the time was right. Salvador walked next to him. “Sounds like Paul Green has been giving Violet and the center a hard time.”

“I was thinking the same thing. Kelvin and Norris are trying to get some information from her now, but I don't want her to go back to New York, at least until she has her first shift.” He glanced up and laughed when he saw Violet shake her head as Kelvin held up a sexy leather corset.

“Kelvin, I told you I'm too big for that. I'm not going to have my fat rolls hanging down. Now, stop it.” She turned and strolled back into the booth.

“Get it, Kelvin. She'll need something for the club anyway.” Landon patted him on the back and turned to see her pick up a long black silk nightgown. His cock hardened and he moaned.

She glanced up and smiled. “I take it you like this?” They all nodded and she handed it to Norris, who grinned. “I have this strange feeling you guys are going to buy out all the lingerie you see.” Violet moved over to another table and her face turned a bright red. She didn't even look up as she tried to move away from the table, but he wrapped his arms around her.

“Hmm, what has you blushing so sweetly?” He kissed her neck and glanced down at the assortment of sex toys. “Do you know what kind of club you are applying for a job at tomorrow?” He teased.

She glanced back up at him with her eyes so big. “You've got to be kidding. It's a sex club?”

He nodded. “But honey, you won't be working there. You'll be visiting it with us. After all, it's our club.” Landon could smell her heat increase. Her nipples hardened and her pulse jumped all over the place. “I can't wait to see you tied up on the St. Andrew Cross, or bent over the spanking bench while Kelvin spanks your round butt.”

Landon brushed his hand over her breast and squeezed it. “These are so full and will fit my hands perfectly. We'll have to make sure to pick out a few toys for you tomorrow. We need to make sure we get some butt plugs to stretch you for us. Go to Kelvin while I shop.” Landon moved her to Kelvin's arms, knowing her legs were shaking.

Kelvin wrapped his arms around her and turned around to watch Landon shop. He picked up three different butt plugs, two dildos, and two sets of nipple clamps when he straightened up and moaned.

“Master, what are you doing here? Are you buying me more toys?” Carrie asked as she kneeled at his feet.

“Yes, Landon, please make sure you buy her the right toys.” Violet stomped on Kelvin's foot and took off.

“Salvador, go grab her. Carrie, get up. I'm sorry, Carrie, but it's over. We've found our mate. There will be no other female for us. We'll make sure we find you a good master tomorrow.” He handed the items to the saleslady and paid for his purchases.

“Landon, I can't find her anywhere,” Salvador yelled as he came running to him when he stepped out of the booth. “Norris and Kelvin have taken the right side and I have the Dog Squad looking for her.”

“She has no way home and I don't think she would leave her grandfather.” He growled and was making his way toward Blane when he spotted Violet throwing a basketball at one of the game booths.

Landon slowly made his way to her side. She glanced at him, then back to basketball hoop.

“Violet, I'm sorry, but you have to understand that two days ago we didn't know you would be here or that we would find our mate. There won't be any other females for us.” She put down another five dollars and nodded to the guy behind the booth.

He handed her the basketball and she turned to him. “I was wrong to run out and I'm sorry.” She handed him the ball and nodded to the hoop. “What you did before we met is none of my business, Landon.” She glanced to her other side when Blane stepped up to them and frowned.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm fine. Just a little tired.” Violet turned back to him. “I'm waiting. I want that large dragon over there for Norris's sister. So get shooting.” She leaned over and whispered in his ear. “I hope I'm worth giving up every other woman. I've never been with a man before.”

The basketball dropped out of his hand and he stared down at her. His cock twitched in his pants and he grinned when Norris, Kelvin, and Salvador groaned behind them. “Never?”

She shook her head and scooted into her grandfather's arms. Blane grinned. “Guess who's staying with Violet for the next few days? Castor and I have agreed it would be wise for me to stay with her, teach her our customs, and give you gentlemen time to court her properly. After all, you four are getting something priceless.”

Violet laughed when all four of them grumbled. “Well, I guess you're going to have to wait to see me in those little things you bought for me.”

Landon growled and started throwing the basketball until he won the dragon for her. The man handed her the dragon and she hugged it. “But I still want to go to your club tomorrow. I have to make sure my men keep their hands and other body parts to themselves. Well, at least other women.”

BOOK: Summer of the Beast
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