Summer Kisses (231 page)

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Authors: Theresa Ragan,Katie Graykowski,Laurie Kellogg,Bev Pettersen,Lindsey Brookes,Diana Layne,Autumn Jordon,Jacie Floyd,Elizabeth Bemis,Lizzie Shane

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Summer Kisses
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Will’s cheeks flushed and she thought how cute his embarrassed reaction made him. She would never forget that moment with the cotton candy. She had thought he might kiss her then and had been disappointed when he didn’t. “Yes, I remember.”

“Watching you that day with Luka, the way you laughed, I felt like I was watching you being happy for the very first time. I didn’t know…” He rested his hand on his stomach. “In that moment, something just clicked inside me.”

“But you tore into me that day. You were upset and we left the park in a hurry.”

He shrugged. “Misguided self-defense mechanism. I was angry at the parents of a group of unsupervised teens. They were too young to run around not chaperoned. I took my frustration out on you.”

“Because I was Gorgon’s woman.”

Will stopped tracing her earlobe with his finger. “Yes, and because I liked you, and I didn’t want to.” He sighed. “A name doesn’t change who you are, Nicole. I’ve told you before you’re one of the bravest women I’ve ever known. You’re a great mom, and I––” He tugged her closer. “I find you interesting, attractive and you make me smile.”

Nicole closed her eyes. Her heart beat echoed in her ears. Did he realize what he was doing to her?

Will squeezed her. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head, relishing the happiness filling her soul. A tear slipped from her eye and she swiped the droplet away. “Nothing is wrong. I’ve never been this happy.”

With his finger under her chin, he lifted her gaze to meet his. “Then why are you crying?”

“Because I know this is going to end.”

She pulled away from him and he let her go, knowing she needed to feel free—to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted.

“What will end?”

“This.” She pointed between them.

“Us? I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“Where can a relationship between us go?” She stared at him accusingly. “Are you ever going to forget who I was? Who I was with? Who Luka’s father is?”

“I know who you are.”

“That’s not the question. Can you forget who I was?” she asked again, accenting each syllable, one at a time.

In a room warmed by the late sun, Will saw Nicole shiver.

He wanted to gather her back into his arms and make her happy, but she was right. He wouldn’t forget. Sharing a kiss or two wasn’t a concern, but her past would matter if a whole hell of a lot more happened between them. He couldn’t answer her question right now.

Maybe the best decision would be to stop this thing between them right now…if he just walked away. “Remember earlier when I said I wanted to see you and make sure you and Luka were happy. That was true, but what I really wanted was to see you. I’m attracted to you.”

The tiny spark in Nicole’s eyes encouraged him to continue. “I didn’t have to tell you that. You know. I can see in your eyes that you know. And I can see you feel the same way.” He might be making a mess laying his guts out like this, but he didn’t know any other way but to be honest with her. “You’re asking me about a future for us. I don’t know if that will happen and it’s not because of me being unable to forget your past––and I’m not saying that’s the case. I’m the first guy you’ve met and kissed after escaping from Gorgon.”

She dropped her arms to her sides and opened her mouth to say something, but he cut her off. “Hear me out before you say anything.” He combed his hand through his hair, wondering if he was doing the right thing. He was, for her, but for himself… He wasn’t too sure. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but...I think best thing for both of us is for you see other men.”

The instant he said the words, he felt like a fucking heel. Nicole did deserve better than him.

The sound of gravel crunching turned both their heads toward the window. Max’s barking told him the dog raced from the backyard to the front of the house.

“Luka is home,” Nicole said. She leveled her shoulders and slipped on her strong façade, distancing herself from the situation.

“Nicole?” He touched her arm, hoping she’d respond to his statement before Luka entered the house. He needed some indication of what was running through her mind.

“Don’t.” She snapped her arm back as if his touch burned her skin. “Just don’t.” Her hand trembled before him.

There, he had his answer. He’d hurt her. Damn. He didn’t want to cause her more pain than he had already.

Footsteps pounded the steps and a second later Luka shot through the door, leaving the screen door to bang behind him.

“Uncle Will, when did you get here?”

The kid’s sparkling eyes lifted Will’s spirits, somewhat. He liked the kid a lot. But just like his mother, Will didn’t want to hurt him further. A clean break was best.

“Just a few minutes ago.” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “What have you been up to? How’s school going?”

“It’s great. I was over at my new friend’s house. His name is Johnny. He’s two months younger than me, but he’s still pretty cool. We’re in the same class. Guess what, Uncle Will?”

Staring down at the kid, Will pasted a shit ass grin on his face even though his mind was focused on Nicole and their conversation which still hung in the air. “What, kid?”

“My birthday is coming up. I’ll be five.”

“Really? When?”

“Next month. October 14th and mom is going to throw a birthday party for me. All my friends from school are coming. I never had a birthday party before. Only ones with my mom and dad. One time, Uncle Donnie and Aunt Gali came for cake. I don’t remember them, but Mom says they did. You’re going to come too, right?”

He didn’t want to break the kid’s bubble but after what just happened between him and Nicole, he’d doubt she wanted him around. “I don’t know—”

Luka circled him and grasped his mother’s hand. “Tell Uncle Will he has to come, Mom.”

Looking down at the desperation on her son’s face, Nicole bit her lip while her fingers combed through the kid’s brown hair, straightening the mess he had made of it Will knew she was stuck in a hard place and wasn’t sure how to respond to her son’s plea.

“I’ll tell you what, kid, if I’m in town I’ll be here. And if I’m not, I’ll make sure my present is here for you to open. Okay?”

“Yeah!” Luka jumped up and down, already excited that he would have presents at his party.

Nicole glanced at him before snagging Luka’s chin between her fingers and forcing the boy to focus on her. “Why don’t you go upstairs and get your book bag. You have toys to pick up before your bath.”

“Ah, Mom. I haven’t seen Uncle Will in a long time.”

He had nowhere to be, but he checked his watch anyway. “Do as your mom says. I’ve got to run anyway.” He winked.

Will moved to the side and Nicole led Luka to the stairs and directed him up. Once Luka was out of hearing range, he said, “I guess I better get going.”

Nicole’s sad expression twisted his gut and without saying a word, she nodded an affirmation.

He opened the door and stepped onto the porch. With the door still in his hand, he turned. “Nicole, I just—”

“Don’t.” Tears glistened in her brown eyes. She pushed him back away from the door. “Don’t be in town.”

Then she closed the inside door and Will heard the lock click into place. A sinking feeling that he’d just royally screwed up his life, gripped his heart.


Gorgon stooped and picked up the section of newspaper he dropped, and winced. The fire in his belly had burned out but a prickling stab shot through his middle every time he bent over too fast or stretched.

He folded the paper back into its tri-fold delivery shape and tossed it aside on the table. Cupping his hands together, with his elbows placed on either side of his plate, he watched the sunshine shimmering through the large window pane before him and dancing across the brocade carpet in heated waves. The sheer curtain, edging the window, billowed and fell as if the wail of the siren below had disturbed its rest. Twenty-five stories down, the hordes continued on with their lives and here he sat, waiting for his strength to return. But would he ever get stronger? Everything he loved was gone and without love, how could he continue on?

How had he not seen Katrina’s unhappiness?

Gorgon’s knuckles turned white while anger stirred in his gut. How had he not seen her strength? He thought he controlled her.

Where had they disappeared to and how would he find them?

“What’s wrong, my brother? Do you not feel well?”

While wallowing in his misery, Gorgon hadn’t heard Donnie enter the sitting room of their suite.

With his chin nestled against his hands, Gorgon inhaled through his nostrils and looked up from studying the spiral shape the dollop of cream made in his now cold morning coffee.

A fluffy, white towel hugged his younger brother’s athletic hips while another hung around Donnie’s neck, covering a portion of his hairy chest. Comb marks etched through Donnie’s jet black waves ,still wet from his shower. He shouldn’t be jealous of his brother, but he was. Donnie had the perks of being a Novokoff without shouldering the weight of responsibility for the family and its business.

“I feel like a caged animal,” Gorgon said before stabbing his spoon into the mug and then pushing it away.

“Bozhe moi. You’re in a five star hotel in the capital city of the world. You have everything you need at your fingertips.” Donnie pointed to the table laden with huge plates of sausages and pancakes. Bowls of whipped cream and strawberries sat alongside.

Gorgon glanced at the man guarding the door and between clenched teeth said, “Everything but what a man holds most dear to his heart.” He tapped a finger against his chest. Fighting the ache of loneliness that welled up inside him, he clamped his jaw closed and looked out the window. Gorgon curled his fists tighter until his fingernails bit into his palms. He would not let his weakness show.

Donnie poured coffee from the silver carafe and took a sip before responding to his pain. “And what is it you long for?”

“My family.”

“Your wife waits for you in Brazil.”

Gorgon rolled his eyes. His brother knew how he felt about the old woman he’d been saddled with fifteen years ago when he was just a young man of twenty-two. He’d wed the then-thirty-year-old Eva for one purpose—to make peace with his family’s enemy. Theirs had never been a Shakespearian love story. Eva’s barren body had not given him the heir he’d hoped for. “Do not act the fool. You know who truly holds my heart, as my wife. Katrina.”

Both he and Donnie caught the eye of the guard.

Donnie nodded to the man to leave them, which he did without uttering a word. Once the door clicked closed and they were alone, Donnie pulled a chair out from the table and dropped onto the seat. Leaning toward Gorgon, he said, “Who is acting like a fool, brother? Katrina betrayed you. She tried to kill you and if not for our men finding you as quickly as they had, we… All of us would be mourning you.”

Gorgon had relived the nightmare over and over, giving Katrina’s actions much thought. He came up with one answer. “Katrina was threatened.”

“What the hell are you talking about? No one would threaten her. Why would they?”

“I brought the girl home.”

“So? She was to be transported to her new owner in a few days. She was worth a half-million dollars. You took her home to protect her from any mishaps.”

“Katrina had to think I was replacing her with the girl. That is the only explanation.” Gorgon chuckled. “The one who truly had to worry about being replaced was Eva.”

“Eva’s a good woman.”

“Eva acts like my mother, not my wife, and I don’t say that because she has not given me a son. I do not blame her as she believes I do. We never were one.”

Gorgon played with the fork lying on the table, lining the hotel utensil up with the knife. He stretched his back, wishing the fire inside his gut would go away. He missed Katrina’s soft hands massaging his muscles. “You know what I mean, brother. I see the love between you and Gali.”

“Katrina will never be Gali.”

“Not as long as I’m married to Eva.”

Donnie frowned. His chair moaned under his weight as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Papa will never allow a divorce.”

“His permission will not be necessary.”

Donnie’s stare became intense through squinting eyes. “What are you saying?”

“Eva’s family is no longer a threat to us.”

“You wouldn’t kill her?”

“Katrina is the wife of my heart. She will be the one who lies beside me through eternity.”

“Katrina is gone.”

“I will find her.”

“How, brother? How will you find her? And why would you want to? You know as well as I do, as well as Papa does, that she is the one who stole into your house and took your files. She is the reason many of our contacts are now in prison. She is the reason our family has fled the country and she is the reason you will rot in jail if you’re caught. She betrayed you not once, but twice.”

Anger flared in Gorgon. He thought if anyone would understand how he felt, his brother would. The carpet scratched beneath the legs of his chair as he shoved back from the table and stood. “She thought I betrayed her.”

“And just like that you’ll forgive her?”

“If we were speaking of Gila, would you?” He cut the air between them with his hand. “You don’t have to answer. I know you would because you love her more than your own life.”

Donnie lowered his eyes, and Gorgon knew his brother now got him. Gorgon stood straighter, hiding the pain in his side and folded his arms across his chest. He must appear strong enough to take on the world. “Will you help me find her?”

His brother’s jaw worked for a moment before he looked at him. “Do you know why I didn’t leave with the family?”

“Because you love me.”

“Yes. You are my brother and until you’re strong again you need my protection. All law agents are looking for us.”

“I know. Will you help me find Katrina and my son?”

Donnie sighed. “Do you have a plan?”

Gorgon grinned while taking a seat and pushing aside his plate. He felt his strength returning. “Yes.”


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