Summer Kisses (229 page)

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Authors: Theresa Ragan,Katie Graykowski,Laurie Kellogg,Bev Pettersen,Lindsey Brookes,Diana Layne,Autumn Jordon,Jacie Floyd,Elizabeth Bemis,Lizzie Shane

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Summer Kisses
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People there didn’t know Will like she knew him. To the townspeople, he was a software engineer for a large communications company. The cover gave him a low profile and a valid reason for being out of town for days at a time, even weeks. Like this past week.

A bit of angst needled her. She wondered if the reason he was gone was because of Gorgon, who had disappeared the same morning he’d been released from the hospital and the day the garbage containing his records had been picked up by the U. S. Marshal’s Office. His whole family had gone underground.

Will had reassured her that the moment the Novokoffs resurfaced they’d be picked up and arrested. Gorgon’s records had been the nails needed for their coffins and he said it was only a matter of time.

Nicole pulled back the sleeve of her sweater and blouse and glanced at her watch. She was going to be late for work if they didn’t hurry.

“Luka… Luke, let’s go,” she called and instantly chided herself for the slip of tongue. She glanced around the quiet neighborhood and was relieved to see there was no one in sight. She had to think of him as Luke. Luke was doing better at not forgetting their new names than she was.

“Coming. Max needed his treat and ball,” he answered as he ran out of the house, pulling the door closed behind him.

Wearing a grin that stretched beyond his dimples, Luke bounded down the steps, struggling to loop his book bag over his shoulder without dropping his lunch bag. He was in his third week of pre-kindergarten and still was as excited as he had been the first day.

Gorgon had never allowed him contact with any other children except those in the family, and none of his cousins had been Luke’s age. He was like a little bird spreading his wings and enjoying new adventures every day.

One day the newness would wear off, she was sure, but for now he had not a care in the world.

She’d hoped and prayed for this kind of life for so many years, but in all honesty, she hadn’t thought her dream would ever come true. And she was certain…they owed their good fortune to Will.

“Let me help you.” She took Luka’s lunch box.

“Can I go to Sam’s after school?” Luka skipped and hitched his jeans up. “His mom said I could.”

“We’ll see.”

Luka’s smile faded like the shadows when the sun moves out from behind a cloud. “You always say that and then I can’t.”

“Sam’s mom works too. I’m sure she’s tired when she gets home.”

“She is. That is why she said I can come over. I keep Sam busy. We keep each other busy.” Hope sparked in his eyes.

Opening the back door of the 2000 sedan the government had given her, Nicole chuckled. Her son had a future in negotiating. “I understand that.”

Luka scampered inside and settled onto the seat. His book bag hit the floor with a thud.

She caught the fresh scent of Luka’s newly laundered shirt while latching his seat belt. “Okay, tell you what. I’ll think about it really hard this time, but right now I’ve got to get you to school, and I’ve got to get to work.”

“Okay.” Luka’s feet wiggled with excitement.

Trying to make up time, Nicole hurried around the vehicle, sending her soft cotton skirt swirling around her calves.

A few minutes later, the Luke’s smile as he joined his friends in front of the school’s double doors warmed her heart. Grinning, she drove under century-old oaks that lined the residential streets and then made her way into the business district.

Just before nine, she pulled into the back parking lot of Sara’s Whimsical Gifts where the agency had obtained a job for her. In this small mountain village known for its many outdoor activities, the little shop was the only one which carried unusual gifts and local artists’ crafts. The job wasn’t high paying. She probably could earn more as a waitress if she added on tips, but she earned enough to support her and Luke’s everyday needs and still managed to stash away some savings even though she didn’t need to.

Gorgon had had a hundred thousand dollars in the safe, which was now hidden in her new home. She didn’t have to worry about mortgages or car payments since the government had provided a home and car for them.

The tiny bell on the door tingled overhead, announcing her arrival. Today’s incense scent, spiced apple, tickled Nicole’s nostrils.

“Good morning, Becca,” her boss, Sara Brennan, called from the center of the store.

Nicole liked Sara the moment they’d met. Sara was a small warm-hearted woman who often, out of the blue, recalled her days as a braless flower-child bride. In fact, Sara had stated more than once, that she still went braless because, with her tiny bosom, she

When the older woman recalled earlier times with the love of her life, Nicole envied the way Sara’s peach and cream complexion glowed. One day she hoped to love a man as much as Sara loved her husband.

Why did Will’s face always came to mind during that musing?

“Sorry, I’m late,” Nicole said rushing through the aisle. “Luke needed a few extra minutes to say good-bye to Max. He just loves that dog.”

Sara waved her off and then pushed her long blond braid over her shoulder. “If the world was meant to run on a second hand, God would’ve installed wrist watches on our arms.”

Nicole stored her purse under the counter and then opened a drawer and pulled out an imprinted green and red apple apron that matched the one Sara wore.

“Thanks for being understanding. I’ll get started on dusting the shelves in the back.” Nicole pulled the apron’s strings tight around her waist and then grabbed the stepstool and headed to the rear of the store. Her flats, padding on the knotty pine flooring, echoed as she made her way past the store’s many displays.

A short while later, the doorbell jangled and Nicole heard Sara call, “Hi, stranger. I haven’t seen you around lately.”

“Hi, Sara,” Will said to the store owner.

His deep tone grabbed Nicole’s attention and almost caused her to lose her balance on the stepstool. She steadied herself with one hand and placed the smooth glass blown pumpkin she dusted back on the shelf with the others then adjusted her position to see him.

Will looked damn good sporting the shadow of a beard.

His intense gaze swept over her too, before returning his attention to Sara.

“I was out of town on business, installing a new network system for a large hospital. How are you?”

Nicole focused on the display shelf in front of her. She swept her tongue across her lips and tasted the light berry tang of her lipstick. Her palms felt slick and she swiped them across her apron before picking up the next pumpkin. She sensed he was here to see her.

“You sure do travel a lot.” Sara moved out from behind the cash register.

“Believe me. Being on the road is not that great. I’m glad to be home.”

“Well, what can I do for you today?”

Sara’s thin frame blocked the aisle between Nicole and Will.

“I need a get well card and gift for a friend.” Will glanced over Sara’s head and again met Nicole’s eyes.

She smiled.

He didn’t.

Her heart fell to her toes. Something was wrong. With a slight tremor, she guided the fragile orange globe to a position between two others.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear your friend is sick,” Sara said pulling Will’s attention back to her.

The phone next to the cash register buzzed.

“Oh, my. It was so quiet here this morning. Everything happens at once.” Sara wavered between grabbing the phone and showing Will some of her wares. “I’m sorry, I need to get that. I’ve been waiting for a call from the artist scheduled to have a showing here this weekend. Could you wait a moment…or maybe Becca could help you choose something nice?” Sara pointed in Nicole’s direction.

“No problem. I’m in no hurry.”

Nicole stepped down off the stool as Will approached. “I’d be happy to help you. So, is your friend a man or woman?” she asked loud enough for Sara to hear.


“Oh,” Nicole wondered if Will was actually looking for a gift for another woman. Her heart dipped at the thought. “We have a nice assortment of cards right over here.”

Will glanced over his shoulder. Seeing Sara was busy on the phone, he took her by the elbow and propelled her further down the aisle to the back corner of the store.

“I need to talk to you.”

The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. “Is something wrong? Have you found Gorgon?”

“No. We learned Yegor, his wife, and their daughter-in-law have left the country by boat through the Florida Keys.”


“A few days after we broke into Gorgon’s house.”

“What about Donnie and Gorgon?”

“They’re underground. I guess Gorgon wasn’t in any shape for rough traveling, yet. We’re assuming his brother stayed behind with him.”

Fear’s icy finger tickled Nicole’s spine, causing her to shiver. “Or he didn’t leave on purpose…”

Will’s warm hands latched onto her arms and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. “Hey, you don’t have to worry. He’s not going to find you and Luka.”

“Luke.” She glanced in Sara’s direction. Fortunately her boss was still busy with the caller and likely missed Will’s slip of the tongue.

“Right.” Between them, Will’s hands trailed down her arms and captured hers. “Because of you, if Gorgon’s nose so much as breaks the surface we’ll nab him and lock him away for life.”

She had to believe Will was right.

Nicole inhaled and set her shoulders. “Okay. I’m going to trust you.” She glanced at his fingers still encasing hers, and then smiled up at him. “So what did you need to talk to me about?”

“I was wondering if you’re free tonight? I’d like to stop by the house. I have something to show you. Do you have anyone you can leave Luke with for an hour or two?”

She looked down at her chest, thinking Will would see the pounding of her heart against her blouse.
Was Will asking her out?

No. He said he had something to show her. Undoubtedly, whatever he had to share had to do with the case. That was why he didn’t want Luka around.

“Well, his friend did ask him to come over today after school. I told him I would think about it. Maybe Sam’s mother will keep Luke a little longer.”

“Great. What time should I come over?”

They heard Sara end her conversation and then the receiver dropped into its cradle.

“I have to call her first, and I work until five-thirty. Maybe around six-thirty. Can I let you know?” Nicole asked while checking on Sara.

“Sure. You have my cell number.” Glancing over his shoulder, he checked Sara’s location before he plucked a stuffed puppy with a bandaged head off the shelf and said openly, “This is perfect, Becca. Gloria is a dog person. Thanks.”

He went to turn but she reached out and touched his elbow, stopping him. “Should I be worried?”

“No.” He smiled. “Trust me.”

Nicole returned his smile. “Okay.”

Will walked to the counter and paid Sara for the toy.

Switching her position and thus her line of sight a few times, Nicole admired Will’s strong shoulders and hard backside as he walked away.

“That man likes you,” Sara said after the door had closed behind Will.

She shrugged and climbed up on the step stool. “He seems nice.”

“He is.” Sara moved a figurine a little to the left on a shelf below. “You know what’s odd about him?”

Nicole stopped dusting the shelf and looked down at Sara quizzically.

“I’ve had this store for more than ten years and I think Will Hanson has been in here maybe twice.”


“So, he’s been in here three times in the past month.”

“Maybe something in his life changed or he’s found someone. You said he wasn’t married, right?”

“I never said anything like that, but I do believe you’re right. I think he’s definitely found someone.”

Warmth crept up Nicole’s neck and flushed her cheeks.

Sara winked before she headed back to the front of the store.

How she wished what Sara implied was true, but Will was interested in her for only one reason. Getting Gorgon and his family behind bars. Nicole chewed her lip. What did Will have to show her?


Both anticipation at seeing Will again and angst over what he had to show her had Nicole wearing a path in her porch’s cement pad. She stopped in front of the porch swing, back-dropped by a veil of honeysuckle. Even her favorite spot didn’t hold enough appeal for her to sit and wait. Maybe she missed Will’s call when she went to lock her car?

She rushed inside, leaving the screen door to bang behind her, and checked her answering machine. No messages.
Where could he be?

Did Will have a picture of Gorgon in handcuffs? Or, maybe one of him in the morgue? No. He wouldn’t have made her wait to hear that good news.

Nicole crossed from the living room’s side window to the larger windows overlooking the porch then drew back the thin linen drape and peeked out. To the west, the late summer sun sparkled through the leafy tops of the old maple trees lining Madison Street. Its dwindling rays spread murky finger shadows across her front lawn and cast tiny beams off her freshly washed car sitting in the driveway.

She looked down over her jeans and long-tailed white shirt, still damp from where water had splattered back at her while she’d rinsed her car. Should she run upstairs and change?

Who was she kidding? She frowned. Her appearance wasn’t that important. Will’s visit wasn’t social. What he had to share had to do with the case.

Behind her, Max whimpered.

“Do you need to go out, boy? Okay, come on.” She led the dog through the small dining room and kitchen to the back door, attached his security collar, and let him out into the backyard. Nicole glanced at the stove’s clock as she passed by on her way back to the front of the house. Seven ten. Will was late. He had said he’d be here around six-thirty.

Wringing her fingers together, she continued to pace the area carpet covering the living room’s hardwood floor while disappointment began to overtake her excitement. Maybe Will had been called away on urgent business. No. He would’ve called her.
Or would he?
After all, what was she to him? Just someone he had to deal with because he was a U.S. Marshal and she was who she was.

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