Summer Kisses (215 page)

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Authors: Theresa Ragan,Katie Graykowski,Laurie Kellogg,Bev Pettersen,Lindsey Brookes,Diana Layne,Autumn Jordon,Jacie Floyd,Elizabeth Bemis,Lizzie Shane

Tags: #romance

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“Aden, you get that signal yet?” Will broke into the friendly squabble behind him without taking his eyes off the auburn beauty.

“Workin’ on it.”

“Work harder. Let me know the minute you hear from either Kyle or Jolene. Chase.”

“Yes, boss?”

“Talk to Balliet. Go over everything that he saw and his conversation with the suspect. Find out word for word what Susie Lakes said to him, if anything.” He hooked a thumb toward the woman on the other side of the glass. “And then find her car. If it’s here, take a look around. Don’t touch anything though. Make sure no one else does either. I want our forensics team to go over the vehicle ASAP.”

“Got it.”

Before the door closed behind his men, Will said to Gary, “How’s Susie Lakes?”

“Alive,” Gary answered, stepping up to the glass. “She’s at a near-by hospital. Mercy Hospital. I have two agents standing guard over her. Her parents have been notified and they’re no doubt already in the sky, courtesy of the FBI.”

“Good. I love happy endings. Just wish there were more of them.”

“I hear you.”

“What about the other kid?”

“This one says he’s her son. He does call her mama. We took his prints and are running them through Lotus. Lucy is on the trail. She’ll text as soon as she has the info. If he’s in the system, we’ll know soon.”

“Lucy is the tech-guru. If any information can be found on the kid, she’d find it.” Turning to Gary, Will pointed to the two-way mirror. “Did the captain get any answers from her about why Kyle called off the operation?”

“Nothing yet. He just went in a few minutes ago. He’s keeping her on edge for us.”

“Is she who I think she is?”

“Yeah. I pulled Gorgon’s folder the moment I got Ebberts’s call. Thumbing through the pages I found a couple of pictures. We have Gorgon’s mistress.” Gary held up a picture of the woman and Novokoff together. Gorgon Novokoff’s one arm was around her slim waist and he was pointing at something off in the distance with his other, covering her face from her button nose down. “She’s partially hidden in the photos but I’m pretty sure it’s her.”

Will had seen the photos before. The woman’s head was always lowered and her entire face or profile hidden by bodyguards or the Russian mafia prince.

“You think Gorgon found the radio chip Jolene planted in Susie’s jacket?”

“No. If he did, he would’ve cleaned up real quick by killing the kid and having his men dump her body. I’m sure he wouldn’t have sent her away with his mistress.” Will shook his head. “No. Something else went down. Have you been able to get a hold of Kyle on the other line?”

“Negative. He’s not answering his cell.”

“Damn.” Will had hoped Kyle had checked in with Gary while he was in flight. “How about Jolene?”

“Nothing from her either.”

Will trapped his hands in his back jeans pockets and studied the woman, who according to his informants, was Gorgon Novokoff’s mistress, Katrina. He’d seen the pictures of her sent via Kyle’s cell phone, but the bits of snapshots hadn’t done her justice. She stood about five foot six. Her short skirt and form-fitting tank top did little to hide her curves and legs that went on forever. Her toes, peeking out from the crisscross leather bands of her sandals, were painted a pale red, as were her nails. Katrina’s auburn hair curled about her shoulders in shiny waves and when Gorgon’s woman looked into the mirror opposite him, her misty-coated eyes reminded him of seasoned acorns against ice.

Her pale skin was a tale tell sign that she didn’t spend a lot of time gardening. Novokoff had kept her under wraps. Her complexion was flawless except for the bruises on her cheek and under her eye. A tiny mole sat above her upper lip. Susie Lakes and Katrina had that feature in common.

Will twisted the intercom knob on the wall next to the glass and sat back on his heels, watching her body language as he listened in on the conversation between the captain and the Russian woman.

Ebberts sat at the square table filling the room’s center.

“Damn it. I want to see my son.”

Katrina was trying to pack her tone with strength but her voice had a slight hiccup. He noticed she dropped her gaze from Ebberts’ time and again, as if she was afraid to make direct eye contact.

“We don’t know if the boy is your son.”

Katrina lurched forward like a lioness and slapped the table, surprising Will.

“He’s my son. He has told your men he is.”

He had to give Ebberts credit. The older man hadn’t flinched at her show of fury.

“It is not right you do this—to hold us.”

Ebberts held her hot glare, relaxed back onto the hardback chair and hit her with a smirk.

Katrina blinked. Tears laced her lashes as she eased back from the table. She snagged her sweater from the chair’s back and stuffed her arms into the sleeves as if she was done with Ebberts and had the option to leave the room in a huff.

“You were found with a kidnapped girl. I think we have plenty to hold you,” Ebberts said.

With her arms folded across her chest, she kept the table between her and the senior officer, and side-stepped to the back wall of the tiny cubicle. Shivering, she pulled her light sweater close over her breasts.

“I told your comrade. I found her.”

“And you put her into your car’s trunk. Why would you do that?”

“She is sick. With a fever. I didn’t want my boy to get sick.”

Ebberts chuckled deep in his throat and sat forward in his chair.

“Nice try, but I’m not buying that story. You know what I think?”

Katrina’s spine straightened. Will saw fear surface in her brown eyes. She knew Ebberts could charge her with kidnapping and take her son away.

“I don’t think you had anything to do with Susie’s abduction, but I think you know who did.”

“You’re a crazy man. I know nothing of this kidnapping.”

The door behind Ebberts cracked open and another officer stuck his nose into the room. “They’re here, sir.”

“Good. I’m done with her anyway,” the chief answered without taking his eyes off the Russian.

Katrina’s eyes widened. “Who is here?”

“Who do you think?”

Katrina kept her gaze latched on Ebberts while she backed up against the wall. “I—I don’t know.”

Her strong façade slipped away and she withdrew into herself.


“What do you make of her?” Gary laid down the file he’d read and came to stand next to him.

“Not sure. Her dialect… She’s not Russian like I thought.”

“Maybe American born Russian?”

Will shrugged. “Maybe.”

“The kid looks like her. I think she’s telling the truth about him being her son. We can order DNA just to be sure, but that is going to take weeks. She acts scared shitless at being separated from him.”

Will chortled. “Maybe she is scared to death at being caught dumping a kidnap victim.”

“True.” Gary nodded and a moment later shook his finger at him. “What I don’t get, if Gorgon didn’t find the chip, why would he pull Susie off the market, take her home and then send her off with his mistress to be discarded in the woods? You think he’s that quick?”

Will shook his head. “Gorgon takes his time with his victims. He likes to control them. You know that.” He looked back to Katrina, zeroing in on the bruise on her cheek that had become more visible by her wiping away tears. “Maybe he didn’t send them away.”

“Are you thinking she took Susie on her own? Why would she do that?”

“Maybe she didn’t like that Novokoff brought the girl home. He hasn’t before, at least not while under our surveillance.”

“So you’re thinking Katrina was getting rid of the girl to protect her turf. Okay, I’ll buy that, but Gorgon wouldn’t just let her walk.”

Will’s instincts made him jiggery. Some huge development was storming and he needed to know what the fuck it was. “Maybe he didn’t. We need to know what happened at Gorgon’s tonight.”

“Let me try Jolene again. Maybe she contacted Kyle.” Gary pulled his cell from the front pocket of his Dockers. The guy always dressed like he was heading out to a golf match. Will preferred the cowboy look minus a Stetson. Worn jeans, worn boots and a T-shirt so thin he could use it to strain coffee grounds.

While Gary tried to reach the agency’s undercover woman, Will’s cell vibrated on his hip. He snagged the phone from his belt and read the text message from his office, his boss. “Damn.”

“What’s wrong?” Gary said at the same time he’d said damn.

“Linkson wants a report now.”

“Bad news travels fast.”

“You get Jolene?”

“Nah. She went silent too.”

Will’s cell phone buzzed again and he frowned at his boss’s insistence.

“He knows you’re not in Jersey anymore.”

Will shut his phone down and shoved it into his belt pouch. “Yeah, well until I find out what happened, I can’t give him the answers he wants. I’m going in there. With Kyle and Jolene both silent, Katrina is the only one who can tell me why Kyle screamed code wolf.”

Inside the interrogation room, the captain stood up from his chair.

Will wasted no time heading for the door. Gary grabbed his files and followed on Will’s heels.

A second later, Ebberts met them in the hall. “Will. Gary. Let’s talk in here.”

“I need to talk to her ASAP.” Will pressed past Ebberts. A vice grip slapped his shoulder.

“Whoa. Give me one minute, guys. She agreed to fingerprints as long as I let her see the boy. My guy is going to take her down the hall to processing. While he’s doing that, let’s talk.”

“We already identified her. The fingerprints will confirm who she is.”

Ebberts’s hand fell from his shoulder. “You did?”

“She’s Novokoff’s mistress.” Will turned to Gary and snagged the file from under his partner’s arm.

At that moment, the door behind Ebberts swung open and an officer led Katrina by the elbow out of the room. The handcuffs she wore hung loose around her thin wrists.

Something inside Will stirred as her wary eyes latched onto his. Her thick black lashes batted, concealing her thoughts and she turned away.

“Come with me.” Ebberts led the way into his office where he rounded his desk and took a seat.

Gary nodded to him to follow and Will’s teeth ground at the delay, but he had no choice. The officer led Katrina down the hall. Will watched the easy sway of her hips for a moment before he turned and headed into the captain’s office.

Ebberts moved aside his mug containing cold coffee, clearing his desk pad. “Novokoff’s woman, uh? The only ID, a birth certificate she had on her, was for a Becca Smith. Ring any bells?”

The captain gained his interest fast and Will shook his head. “No.”

“I’ll have Lucy run the name.” Gary pulled his phone again and moved to the back corner of the office, already texting a message.

“Take a seat.” Ebberts indicated the chair in front of Will.

He shook his head and kept his stance behind the hardback chair. He didn’t have time for a chitchat. His people could be in danger. He needed to know what was going on with them.

Will flipped a picture of Novokoff with his arm around Katrina onto the captain’s desk. “We know her as Katrina. She has been sighted with him numerous times over the past five years. The boy is most likely hers and Novokoff’s.”

Ebberts studied the picture and then looked up at him. “The pictures are not very clear. You can’t see her whole face. How can you be sure?”

“We’re sure. And there’s more. We were seconds away from a sting op when the operation was called off. My undercover agents have gone silent. Then Katrina shows up here with Susie Lakes. The only way we’re going to know what happened is from Katrina.”

Ebberts handed the picture back to him.

Gary flipped his phone closed and looked at Will. “Becca Smith disappeared from her home in Wyoming eight years ago. Lucy is sending the info over to your desk officer, captain.”

“You think she’s Becca?” Ebberts asked pointing to the door.

“Fingerprints will tell,” Gary responded.

Will saw hope in the captain’s eyes. Unfortunately, his gut told him Becca Smith was gone. “Get Katrina back to the interrogation room as soon as your man is finished with her.”

“I promised her she could see the boy.” Ebberts stood and hiked his belt as if to say, ‘my word will stand.’

“Sorry. I didn’t.” Will ignored Ebberts’ huff and turned to his partner. “As soon as you get any additional details on her, on Kyle and Jolene, on any fuckin’ thing that has to do with this operation, bring them to me ASAP. I’m going to talk to Gorgon’s woman.”


Seeing they were headed to the interrogation room again, Nicole skidded to a stop, yanking her arm from the officer’s grip. “Wait a minute. Where’s Luka? Your boss said I could see my son.”

“I have my orders.” The state trooper’s fingers bit into the sensitive underside of Nicole’s upper arm again, causing her to wince. He flung open the door with his free hand and forced her inside the tiny room. He treated her like the Russian whore he thought she was and for the sake of the safety of her family, she bit back the urge to set him straight.

“And I know my rights—” Her protest cut off in mid-sentence. One of the strangers she’d seen standing in the hallway with the captain a few minutes earlier, the one whose intense glare made her feel lower than the underside of a leech’s belly, leaned against the back wall, apparently waiting for her return.

A silver badge hung from the belt circling his trim waist. He tucked his cell phone into his jean’s pocket and pushed off the wall.

Like many men, his blue eyes trailed over her, except his scrutiny held not a hint of lust. Loathing laid in their coolness.

Nicole dropped her gaze to the murky gray pattern of the floor and folded her fingers in prayerlike fashion even though she didn’t believe in prayers. God had abandoned her a long time ago.

She had to remain strong and use her head. These cops believed she had a part in Susie’s kidnapping. She had to make them believe her when she said she did not. She had to get away from the Novokoffs, and she had a feeling this man who stood as tall as Gorgon’s six-foot-two frame was her best hope to do so.

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