Sugar Baby (7 page)

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Authors: Erin Pim

Tags: #Younger Woman, #Pussy, #Cock, #Oral, #Penetration, #Bling, #Foreign Man

BOOK: Sugar Baby
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Chapter Nine

“So, you're opening a cafe?”

“Yes. In about a month, hopefully!”

“Shit! That's amazing!” Jeremy exclaims. And, after a pause. “Is that why you've been so weird lately?”

“Yes! Yes. That's exactly why!”

“Wow. Well. Congrats!” He gives me an awkward hug with his spindly frame, and I let out a huge breath in his arms. He's a good friend; at least, the closest thing to a friend I have right now, and I've felt really bad about keeping everything from him. It's almost pained me to see his face everyday. But, everything is coming together, just like Stephen said.

“Do you mind helping me with this?” I ask, referring to the Souffle Al Cioccolato. He looks at me affectionately, but I don't mind.

“Sure. Should I do the whites or the chocolate?”

“Whites, please!” I say in a jokey high pitched voice, batting my eyelashes. It's the tougher of the two jobs; not that perfectly tempering chocolate in out double boiler is a cake walk. I already have the eggs separated, so he gets started hand whipping them. Within minutes, they're beginning to thicken, and alongside, he's beginning to sweat.

“Man, is this why your arms are so cut?”

“Uhh, probably! And kneading bread!” I laugh. Despite having good muscle memory from when I was athletic, the only cardio I get nowadays is in bed, with Stephen.

“This is good, though. I've been wanting to get more into desserts lately. Chef is going to put me on some of your shifts, I think.”

“He isn't going to hire for this station? That's great.”

“Yeah! I dunno. I volunteered to make the switch, though.”

“Hmm. Well, if you're interested...” I trail off, considering it.


“You could come work at my cafe. I'll need another pastry chef. It might only be part time at first, but...”



“Yeah! Of course. You'd be a great boss.”

“Well... Great! I'm drafting up a schedule for training this weekend.”


“Cool,” I say, relieved that I've got one more thing accomplished. My restaurant will be a great showcase for Jeremy's natural talents, and I already know we work together well.

Now that I'm in the space, I hit the ground running. I have the place cleaned, prepped, and painted by the end of the week. Stephen takes me out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate, and finally buys me a nice pair of shoes. Black and strappy, with a four inch heel.

“To us!”

“To you!” Stephen clarifies. We get absolutely sauced on champagne, and I take off my new shoes and tease his cock with my stockinged foot under the table. We share a dessert, putting forkfuls in each others' mouth, until we're absolutely ready to rip each others' clothes off. We stumble back into the full length limo, and Stephen directs the driver to the edge of town. He lifts my dress above my head, so that I'm completely naked in the back seat. I move for his belt buckle, but he stops me. I keep my designer heels and diamond jewelry on, while he pops a cork, pours streams of champagne down me, and licks it off. The creamy liquid flows down my breasts, my stomach, to my pussy, where he drinks. He even pours a droplet into my belly button, and slurps it out. It makes me laugh so badly I want to pee.

The second week, I get the kitchen completely set up. I get it professionally cleaned, then sprinkle in couple new appliances, full sets of baking trays, cooling racks, flour bins, pots, pans, and every cooking utensil I could think off. I completely redesign the menu, and place the food order, due to come in a week and a half.

Stephen draws a bubble bath in his jacuzzi for the two of us, complete with two glasses of a creamy liquor at its side. He watches me as I get in, the bubbles cascading down my soapy body. His hands slide all over me, massaging my breasts, ass, even shoulders. I melt into him and he positions me so that I sit right in front of him. His strong arms envelop me, and I relax backward. We drink. It's amazing to be completely immersed in hot water, while feeling the cool liquid move down into your belly. It gives me the shivers, and he hugs me tighter. He says he can feel my wet pussy even though we're under water. I make Stephen wear a bubble beard, while I hold my breath to fellate him.

The third week, the dining room of my cafe comes together. My custom furniture arrives, along with a couple modern looking pieces for balance. I find genuine, antique cooking tools and pictures from old how-to baking books to accent the decor. My favourite is an antique sugar tin from the 1920's.

Stephen and I are invited to a party on a private jet. I confess that it's my first time flying, but once you're in the air, you don't even notice. I was told that it's easier to get wasted in the air, which is supported by the fact that the SB's were taking their clothes off and making out with each other. Quite drunk myself, it made me wet to watch them dance together, and I had the urge to join in. Instead, Stephen kept me firmly at his side, so I kissed his neck, and placed his hand over my pubic bone, so I could discreetly press myself against it.

The fourth week, the sign and awning come in, and are installed to perfection. It's also my last day at Rigatoni's. Jeremy winks as he gives me a fake hug goodbye, Zach wishes me good luck, while Chef Daniel remains standoffish. Fuck him. I'm opening my own restaurant, now. I poach one of the more capable serving staff on my way out.

The food order comes in, and it's time to get refocussed. I feel like I've gone through a whirlwind, and I'm struggling to get my bearings again. My priority's have been off. I can't even be thinking about parties, drinking, or clothes for the next few months. I can't believe that I'm opening my own restaurant in under a week, and I'm off galavanting like the typical twenty something. It was fun for a while, but it's time to remember the whole reason I was doing this. I phone my mom.

“Hi, Mom?”

“Yes, dear.”

“It's all coming together. I'm open in less than a week.”

“That's great, dear. Must be a lot of hard work.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Well, that's great. Now, who are you seeing nowadays?”

“Uh, Stephen. A guy name Stephen.”

“And he supports you?”

“Yes. He does.”

“Well, that's all I want for you. To be happy. Doing something you love, and with someone you love.”

“Right. Thanks.”

Jeremy and I prep an entire restaurant's worth of food in a day and a half. My goal is to order absolutely nothing pre-made. He's a faster learner like I anticipated, and has no problem keeping up with the new recipes. I vow to let him have creative reign, once he hones the basics. And it's good to be in a space where I don't have to prove anything to anyone. It's even easier having Jeremy there over a new chef, who already knows that I'm a hard worker.

“I think I resented you a bit,” I admit.

“Me?? Why?”

“I know! It's stupid. I was intimidated by you, I guess?”

“By me? Wow. That is stupid,” he laughs.

“Well, anyway. I'm sorry. I'm a jerk.”

“No, you're not. Don't worry about it.”

“Now, get to work, minion!!” I grumble in the deepest voice I can muster, whipping him with a dish towel.

“Ahh! I take it all back!!”

With the grand opening on the horizon, there's also something else coming up. The end of Stephen and my contract. But, I can't even think about it right now.

Along with the end of the month, comes another sugar convention at the Gentlemen's Club. It falls on the eve of my opening, but Stephen says we'll be quick. I step into the Hummer in another new dress, greeted by another glass of champagne.

“I suppose these are becoming old hat, now!” Stephen chuckles.

“Oh no, Stephen! I'm sorry if I seem preoccupied.”

“Not at all! I understand completely. Your cafe should be the priority! Especially now!”

“Well, let's try not think about that,” I say, planting a kiss on him, and smiling. “I need a break, anyway. For now, I just want to think about you.”

Unfortunately, with these things, I rarely interact with Stephen. He gives me his wallet to hold in my purse, and moves towards a group of his SD friends. Immediately, an unattractive man greets me and engages me in conversation.

“Hey there, gorgeous. You looking?”

“Uhh, no. Thanks.”

“I'll treat you right, baby. I'll put you up in a condo, give you a car, the whole works.”

“Not interested. Sorry,” I say uncomfortably, trying to move around him.

“Hey. You whores think you have golden fucking pussies, or something?” He says, hissing into my ear, and grabbing my arm. I pull it away quickly, before anyone manages to see. I look around for Stephen, but when I turn back, the man is gone. Feeling a little shaken, I get myself a drink. Out of a need for the familiar, I approach Dawn, forever flanked by her lackeys. “Hi Dawn.”

“Kat! Hey,” she says, turning around and planting a kiss on either side of my cheek.

“Hey guys,” I greet, gesturing to Kelly and Christine. Kelly smiles.

“You okay? How's SB life treating you?”

“Good... it's been kind of a crazy month. Lots of parties, and stuff.”

“Yeah? Good for you! And he's paying you on time? No drama?”

“Mm hm,” I say, nodding. “It's going surprisingly well.”

“His wife isn't bothering you?” Christine butts in.

“Uhh. He doesn't have a wife.”

“Oh. I thought he did,” she insists.


“Okay, but...”

“Anyway,” Dawn continues. “Just as long as he's paying you. It can be real awkward to have to ask all the time.” I see Stephen wave me over from across the room.

“Yeah, I can imagine. Well, I'll see you guys next time,” I say, making an exit.

“Bye!” Kelly manages to say. I weave through suits and tight, glitzy dresses towards Stephen. I keep on guard for the man that grabbed me, but I don't see him anymore. I just want to be held.

“There you are, Lady Kat! I was just telling my good friend Adamo about you.”

“Nice to meet you,” he nods. An attractive, though bookish man in his late thirties. Much younger than most of the men here.

“Would you be able to produce my wallet, my darling? Having recently become quite fortunate, Adam might have a need for my financial services...” I dig into my purse, and find his wallet, while he continues to chat with Adam. I realize that he might intend for me to produce a business card, so I quickly flip through, but my eye stops on something. I go back to it, but only catch a glimpse. A picture; of a girl. Very pretty, about my age.


“Yes. Here,” I answer, handing him the wallet.

“Thank you. Here we are. This is my office number, but I'll also give you...” My mind is frantic thinking about the picture, while Stephen attempts to further engage me in the conversation. Something Christine said. About a wife. I picture him teaching me to dance.

“Don't you think?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes.” But, she looked young. And hot. Another SB?

“Also an entrepreneur, isn't that right?”

“Sorry? Yes, I am.” I think about the lack of personal things in his apartment, the phone calls...

“More advice than I could give you!”

“Mm, hm,” I smile, feign a laugh. Why I never stay over, why he never comes...

“Well, we better be going. She has a big day tomorrow! Very nice to have made your acquaintance, Adamo!”

“How are you feeling, Lady Kat?” He asks, finally back in the limo. He's dropping me off early, tonight.

“Sorry. Tired, I guess. Nervous about tomorrow.”

“Yes, I know. Were we quick enough for you tonight?”

“Oh, yes. Thank you. I should get home, though, I think.”

“Of course,” he says, placing his arm around me, and pressing his face to my hair. “Of course.”

Before bed, I notice online, that my last payment from Stephen has been deposited into my account, making it an even $20,000. I put my head down on my desk, and let out a sigh. I am no longer obligated. No more dirty looks, awkward Sugar parties, pressure to be something I'm not. No more constant partying, heavy drinking, putting myself on display. But, what about the perks? Exotic food, new experiences, designer clothing, not to mention the money... and, Stephen. A tear wells up in my eye.

The next morning, I arrive early at the cafe for its grand opening, and admire the storefront. The hand carved wooden sign yielding the moniker “Lady Kat's”, sways slightly in the cool breeze. I put the key in the door, thinking that no matter what, he'll always be with me.

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