Sugar Baby (4 page)

Read Sugar Baby Online

Authors: Erin Pim

Tags: #Younger Woman, #Pussy, #Cock, #Oral, #Penetration, #Bling, #Foreign Man

BOOK: Sugar Baby
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“You're gorgeous,” he breathes, right before planting his mouth directly onto my clit. I cry out for a moment, almost as much in surprise as in pleasure, as he creates a seal with his lips and gently sucks. I can feel his tongue bat my clit around in his mouth, driving me wild. My eyes no doubt roll back into my head, as I arch my back in ecstasy. He keeps this steady, though very slightly varying pressure on my clit, while slowly adding other stimulation. I feel him begin to massage my opening, and the anticipation of having any part of him inside me becomes unbearable. I moan uncontrollably, alternating between pressing myself into his face, and turning my hips up towards him for better access. Then, he tickles my perineum. I feel the moisture of the two of us run freely down me, as I really open myself up to him, almost pushing towards him, welcoming him inside. It only takes the slightest touch on the outside of my relaxed ass to make me cry out like a banshee, coming desperately on Stephen's face.

He discreetly wipes his face, as he finally joins me on the bed. It takes a while for me to calm down and breath normally, and until then, he just gazes at me, smiling. I grab his face, kissing him deeply, only slightly tasting myself on him.

“And what should I call you?”

“Mmm. Yours. I am completely at your will.” At that, I laugh. “Shall I escort you home, Kat the goddess?”

Chapter Five

Days later, I still feel the buzz of the sexually satisfying session. I know I should stay guarded, due to the nature of our arrangement, but I find myself awaiting his call for another date. He's certainly not the typical Sugar Daddy; I find him remarkably genuine, and feel treated as a complete equal. And not just an equal, for he often puts me on a pedestal. I try not to get swept up in it all, but it's difficult not to be enchanted by his affection and generosity. My only hope is that he finds me as special as I am finding him to be.

“You're in a good mood lately,” Jeremy remarks.

“Aren't I usually?”


“Haha, don't answer that. I guess it's the cut hours. It's nice to finally have some time off.”

“You took on another job though, didn't you?”

“Oh. Yeah, well. Time off from here, I mean.”

“Right. Well, it suits you.”


“No, no! You just look happy, that's all.” I consider that.

On the way out, the phone rings. My heart races while I search for it in my purse, not wanting to miss the call.


“Kat the goddess! How are you?”

“Now, you definitely cannot call me that in public,” I tease.

“Alright, but it's such a good fit.”

“What can I do for you, Stephen the stud?”

“Haha, I'll take the compliment! These days, I have to take it where I can get it. Listen! I called for a reason. I have a gift for you.”

“A gift? Stephen...” I mock scold.

“Yes, a gift! I only hope it's appropriate. I got a tip that you might enjoy it. All you need to know, is that it will take up a couple hours of your time. I'll forward you the address...”

When the driver pulls up to the address, I know immediately who recommended the “present”. I walk into the hair salon, feeling a little out of place, considering that I don't know what I'm doing here, adding to the fact that I've never been in an upscale salon before. For the past few years, I've dyed my hair from a box, and trimmed it myself.

“Hi there, I'm here for...” Then realize, that I can't even finish that sentence.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“Sorry, yes. My name is Kat.”

“Kat! Of course. We've been expecting you. Can I offer you a cappuccino?”

“Uh, sure. That would be great.”

“Lovely. Right this way.”

My hands and feet are soaked as someone washes my hair and massages my scalp. A surprising amount of my long hair is cut off right after; perhaps six inches. They, then, strip the many layers of old, cheap colour out of my hair, followed by a new base colour, which sits on my head while I receive a full manicure and pedicure. I'm told it's a more vivid version of what I have already, but that the highlights and lowlights will give it much more depth. They wrap select pieces in tin foil, and refresh my cappuccino. They give me a facial, pluck my eyebrows, then add cucumbers to reduce swelling. My nails are finished with French tips, complete with a little crystal on each one. My hair is rinsed, the cut is finished, blown dry, and put in the same large curlers that girl the other night must have had in. When all is said and done, I feel as if I've been through a car wash, but I only have to look in the mirror to feel energized again. I look gorgeous. I call Stephen right away.

“Hello, Stephen?”

“Yes, Kat?”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

“I take it, you liked the present?” He chuckles.

“You wouldn't believe how good it looks!”

“Well, you looked lovely before, so I can only imagine!”

“I can't wait to show you. Thank you so much, Stephen.”

“You're very welcome. I'm so glad you like it. Do you feel like going out tonight?”

“I would love to.”

“On behalf of your new hairdo, let's say something formal this time?”

Good thing I have a couple dresses in my closet from high school proms past. Hopefully one still fits, I think, as I step into a flowing midnight blue number. I barely can zip up the bodice, but I manage to after a few minutes of trying. The only thing that I can feel busting out is, obviously enough, the bust. I look in my full length mirror to see how bad the damage is, and almost fall down at the magnificence of my own cleavage. Well, at least I still look the part. I actually put on some lipstick.

Pulling up in a full length limo this time, I just shake my head at Stephen. “You really don't have to do this every time,” I tease.

“Oh, let me. After all, we are still in our honeymoon phase. I still feel the need to impress you. Win you over.” If only he knew.

“Tsk, tsk, Stephen. You know I'm not one of those girls.”

“I know you are not. Just the opposite.”

We pull up to a bustling upscale club, with greeters in full tuxedos, tails, and white gloves. We step out of the limo, and I notice that Stephen is in his classiest suit yet. He takes my hand to help me out of the car, turning to take me in.

“Well, you are a vision. How did I ever get so lucky?” I smile graciously in reply.

“You look very handsome yourself, Stephen.”

“Shall we?” He says, offering the crook of his arm. I feel people on the street stop and stare at our odd pairing, but it might be our formal wear; it could be anything, I suppose. I never seem to notice any leering beyond the doors of these expensive venues; perhaps because people are either in similar situations, or are paid to look the other way. Whatever it is, it ends when we cross the threshold, and are lead to a table. Not that we'll be sitting for long. The club has a half orchestra, pumping out hot jazz tunes. The dance floor appears to revolve with patrons spinning choreographically along the edges. I didn't even know something like this existed anymore.

“A drink to start?”

“Yes!” I yell over the music. “I might need some liquid courage to get up there!”

“Not a problem! I used to take some lessons, but am very rusty, myself!”

“You'll have to teach me!”

“The blind leading the blind!” He laughs. “Fabulous! We'll learn together!” I have to smile at his accepting, encouraging, positive manner. I'm beginning to also see him as a role model for living life to the fullest. We toast to each other, and sit back to watch the show.

Upon finishing the wine bottle, he asks, “How ‘bout it, Lady Kat?”

“Lady Kat... That one I could get used to!” I take his hand, feeling excited to try something new. I've always played sports, so I'm definitely coordinated, but have never tried my hand at dancing. Perhaps because I've always been a little afraid to show my sensitive side. That it might reveal me as weak, or inferior. For some reason, I don't feel nervous about that right now, I think, as I gracefully join him on the dance floor. I laugh, liberated by the libations, and also the fact that that with Stephen's arm around me, I feel slightly invincible.

“Alright, Lady Kat!” He says. “This song goes: one two three, one two three, yes?”

“Yes!” I nod, hearing it in the music.

“Our feet will do the same! One two three, one two three...” I watch him do it a couple times, then join in.

“You're a natural!”

“And you know more about dance than you let on!”

“Perhaps! We'll see what I remember! Now, my hand on your hip, your hand on my shoulder...” He says, clasping our free hands in an embrace. “Just follow me!”

We toddle back and forth for a couple bars, and he raises his eyebrows in recognition of my newly found dancing prowess.

“But, we're not doing what they're doing!” I say, referring the couples spinning around us.

“Always eager, you are! That is the next step! Ready? Now, we will travel it!” He leads me in a few small circles, and I admit, it's harder than it looks. “Just listen to the music! You will start with alternating sides, just like when we were standing still! Try to take my lead!” When I picture the dance standing still, it's easier. I can't say that I'm completely taking his lead, but I smile, relaxing into it. We revolve upon each other in the centre of the room.

“That's very lovely! It took me weeks to get what you picked up right now!”

“Weeks? How long did you study for?”

“I had to learn for a special occasion! But, it's much more enjoyable with you, trust me! Shall we join the group?”

“I would love to!”

We tentatively merge into the outer circle, having to really pick up our step to suddenly match the vigour of the group. We laugh at our misstepping, but soon fall in. My dress begins to flow with the speed of our revolutions. It feels like flying.

After a couple songs, we sit down, exhausted and laughing.

“That was fun, yes?”

“Yes! Very! But, let's rest a minute!”

“Marvellous! I don't think I could keep up for much longer!”

We once again find ourselves in the limo, passing by his condo.

“Do you mind? There is something I require.”

“Not at all. Shall I come up?”

“Of course, if you like.”

“I like very much.”

The cool wind hits us, as we jog towards the lobby. When we enter his apartment, he immediately turns on the electric fireplace. He gestures towards the couch. “Please, have a seat. It'll only be a moment.”

“I'll be waiting,” I wink. He's gone a couple minutes, and I take the moment to survey the room. No framed pictures, nothing obviously sentimental. Much of him still remains a mystery to me. Even the calendar on the wall is empty. I glance towards the office, and see him finish up a phone call. I quickly take a few steps back towards the fireplace.

“What is it you do, exactly?”

“Ah, yes. I'm a international financial advisor. To corporate accounts, mostly.”

“I see. And that requires you to...?”

“Advise clients on investments and purchases, make them aware of their current and potential financial standings, help companies with budgeting. Eliminate waste. That sort of thing.”

“Uh huh... Sounds grand.”

“Not really. Think of me as a large scale accountant. I spend much of my time examining expense files.”

“Well, I bet it's more glamorous than kitchen work!”

“Only slightly. But, I like your uniform! It's how I first saw you, if you remember.”

“Yes, all that time ago,” I joke. “When I didn't know what lowlights were!”

“I still don't know what lowlights are!” He laughs, then gestures towards the door. “Shall I escort the Lady Kat home?”

“What's the rush?” I ask, sitting back onto the couch. I remove my shoes, and curl up in my place beside the fire. He smiles, removes his jacket and tie, joining me on the love seat. “You look handsome in the firelight,” I say with mock intensity, raising my eyebrows funnily.

“I do?” He laughs. “I should carry one of these around with me all the time!”

“Don't need it...” I say with genuine affection, my face leaning closer to his. He smiles warmly, and we kiss, with a slowly burning intensity. He never seems to be in a rush, even to make love. Savour the moment; perhaps another of his life philosophies.

I make my way closer to him and lift myself onto my knees, so I can feel his torso against me. He wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace, and I moan with the pleasure of being held. We kiss deeply, feeling the light flicker off the sides of our faces. I discreetly move a knee to the other side of his lap, effectively straddling him. His hands wander over me, but I can barely feel him through the bodice of the dress. I reach back to unzip it, if only to let him know that I want him to, and he gratefully takes over. He lifts the satiny material up my legs, over my hips, where his hands find my ass. I feel his erection through his pants, and I move against him. Soon, he grabs me and pulls my hips against his, grinding into me, as well. I can feel myself wanting him very badly this time, and I wonder if my moisture might wet the front of his expensive slacks. I raise my arms, so that he can lift the remainder of my dress over my head, and again I am naked in front of him. I feel my luxurious locks fall over my shoulders, and I feel as attractive as I've ever felt, here by the firelight, as well.

We continue to kiss, as I reach for his zipper, this time without any apprehensions. I unbutton his pants, as he works on his own shirt. When each arm is out of it, his strong hands feel up my torso, my breasts, my hair. I feel the warmth of the fire on my back. I attempt to pull his pants down slightly, to allow me access, but he almost won't let me. With him ignoring the fact that I want to get to him, I become more brazen, and reach down the front of his pants. I feel him immediately, and make room to pull his erection up in view. It feels warm and strong in my hand, and I feel a smile spread across my face as I grip it.

Stephen leans forward, kissing my breasts, thoughtfully taking each nipple into his mouth, and I struggle to keep hold of his cock as he does so. It's almost as if he'd rather please me. My fingers dance over the tip, simply because it's all I can reach at the moment.

His hands grip one of my breasts while he kisses the other, with his second pulling me against him by my waist. This hand drifts over my ass, between my legs, towards my pussy. He tongues my breasts, while his fingers move over my opening, feeling my wetness. I moan into his mouth, giving up on his cock for the time being, and enjoying the feeling of his hands running over me. He finds my clit, moving moisture upwards towards it, and I groan loudly. He tugs on my breast more intently, using more suction with his lips against my nipple, and bats my clit mercilessly with finger. Already in ecstasy, I feel him begin to probe my lips, inching closer to the opening of my pussy. Suddenly, he hooks on. I cry out as his finger enters me, and he curls it, quickly finding my aching g-spot. I find myself riding his hand, as he continues to take my breasts into his mouth. It feels so intense, that my body wants to close up on him, gripping his finger, but I try to relax and let him in. Only then, can he touch me in that spot, deep inside. Oh fuck. I bear down, pulling him in, opening myself. Let me touch you there, I picture him whispering. Let me touch you right here. Just let me massage this spot for a second more...

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