Read Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #anthology, #m-m romance

Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty (17 page)

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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Dear Santa,

Ever since I saw this picture, I can't get it out of my mind! I just want to know more about them. Is this a naughty pool boy? Or is he more a kept boy, welcoming his Daddy home after a hard day? Please, Santa, make my Christmas wish come true and tell me more about them!


{PHOTO INSERT:  A handsome older man in a full white linen suit stands on a stone pier jetting out over a beautiful blue body of water. A completely naked young man stands in front of him on his tippy toes reaching up for a kiss.}


Rivulets of water cascaded down Carrick’s freshly showered skin. The slight breeze from the overhead fan, as well as the stifling ninety degree heat, caused the droplets to dry quickly. Dropping the unused towel to the floor, he dressed in the light weight linen jacket and matching slacks that had been set out for him. Studying his reflection in the mirror, his lips curled into a wry smile. His attire seemed so ironic, considering his mood and the planned activities for the afternoon. Tight leather pants combined with straps of wide leather in an X across his broad, muscular chest would be more appropriate. A heavy crop and shitkickers would be the perfect accessories to complete his assemble. Shaking his head at the peculiar choice of white, he turned away. Taking the heavy cuffs from the dresser, he headed out to the back deck.

The view of Saint Croix before him was magnificent. The view of the stunning Caribbean Sea beyond his private pool was a visual feast of lush greens and spectacular shades of blue. The warm breeze brought the ambrosial scents of Hibiscus and bougainvilleas. Yet, the naked man kneeling near the pool with his blond head bowed, hands clasped behind his trim back, was the most exquisite sight of all.

Without a word, he approached the man, letting his fingers gently brush through the silken blond locks. His touch elicited a shudder to ripple through the man at his feet. A shudder he felt surge through his own body. His cock went from half mast to rock hard, pressing against his slacks in anticipation of ravaging this ethereal creature.

 “Stand and present for me, boy.”

“Yes, sir.” The boy answered, following his command without hesitation. He went quickly to his feet and raised his head, keeping his eyes respectfully lowered. Back straight, his hands clasped together at the small of his back. He shifted, took a deep breath, and settled into the perfect pose for Carrick’s inspection.

Carrick took a moment to enjoy the sight, letting his eyes roam appreciatively over the man’s body. Sun-kissed skin glistened in the afternoon sun, strong legs with well-built thighs, lean hips and a tight, flat stomach. A smooth, slender chest rose and fell rapidly as he panted. His mouth watered, his own breath sped in admiration of the long, slender shaft that stood proudly from its nest of pale curls. He hesitated a few moments, held enthralled as a pearly bead of cum seeped from the slit. Licking his dry lips, he forced himself to continue.

Carrick brushed a whisper of a touch starting at the man’s navel and up the smooth skin to his hairless chest. The dark brown discs and hard nipples called to him. A gasp passed the boy’s lips as he reached up and pinched one hard nub between his finger and thumb. The gasp turned into a moan as he leaned and soothed the abused flesh with the tip of his tongue. Smiling at the response he continued to place soft, open-mouthed kisses up along the heated skin until he reached the side of the boy’s neck. The scent and taste of coconut oil, musk and sweat was like an aphrodisiac, ratcheting his lust even further. “Very pretty, boy.” He praised as he took a step back.

“Thank you, sir. I’m glad my body pleases you.”

Circling the boy slowly, his eyes feasted on flawless skin. He ran a finger down the creamy globes of the boy’s ass, his eye drawn to the pale skin, surrounded by the dark tanned skin of his back and legs. The urge to grab onto it and take his release was huge. Sighing in resignation he moved on. Reminding himself there was the little matter of discipline to be administered first.

As he continued his inspection, a thrill of power ran through Carrick. He loved how each of his touches caused the boy to jerk, how he tried to follow his touch when he pulled away. He let his finger tease down the sinew of his back, coming to rest against the crease of the sweet ass. When the pad of his finger made contact with the slick feeling of oil, Carrick’s prick twitched in appreciation. He let his boy hear his approval, growling from deep in his chest. He lingered briefly before resuming his exploration. He continued to touch softly, yet randomly, keeping the boy off balance. Once satisfied, he came to a halt directly in front of the boy. Placing his hands against the firm chest and leaning in, he whispered, “You’ve been a very naughty boy today.”

The sweet boy went up on tiptoes, pushing into Carrick’s touch. His hand reached out to grabbing onto the fabric of his jacket to steady himself. Their lips, a hair's breadth apart, “Yes sir, very naughty.”

His tongue lightly slid across the boy’s lower lip, encouraging him to respond. Lips parted in an unstoppable gasp and he dove in, devouring his mouth. The kiss was hard and fast. A clash of lips, teeth and tongue, yet brief, just enough to leave his boy breathless when Carrick pulled back. “Did I say you could touch?”

The boy had a dazed look in his eyes as he released his hold on the jacket. “Sorry, sir.” Disappointment registered in the slump of his shoulders as Carrick took a step back.

Carrick slid a finger along his aching dick as he spoke. “Tell me, my beauty, what is to be your punishment for being so naughty?” He was thankful that his voice sounded steady, not giving away how affected he’d been by the kiss. His boy watched the movement of his hand. Feeling positively evil, he began to blatantly fondle himself as the boy returned to his display position and tried to speak.

“I…” he swallowed hard, licking at his dry lips, eyes glued to the movement of Carrick’s hand. “I am to be bound to learn to focus. Something I did not do when I was shaving your scalp. My loss of focus caused me to mar the perfection of your skin. I am to feel the sting of your hand for getting distracted-taking liberties I should not have taken-while I shaved your groin.” His boy shivered visibly. Delight, obvious in his voice as he continued, “And, if I might be so bold to add, sir, what a magnificent distraction you have.”

Carrick hid his grin at the boy’s cheeky praise. “Boy.” he chastised. He hid the laughter he was holding onto so tightly behind a harsh scowl.

“Sorry, Master.” not sounding the least bit apologetic.

Oh, someone is begging to be put over my knee. Carrick rubbed his fingers along the leather of the cuffs he held. Oh yeah, he could give his cheeky boy exactly what he was begging for. “Continue, boy. What else shall be your punishment?”

“I have prepared my body as you instructed, sir, so that you may take your pleasure from it. My own release will be denied, because I denied you pleasure. Not assisting you in dressing when I was sent away to reflect upon my lack of focus.”

Jesus! He was harder than granite. Just the thought of his boy stretching and oiling his passage had his dick weeping. He couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped him with the image. Carrick fought to slow his racing heart as he stepped up close once again, his body vibrating with need.

“Very good, boy. Give me your hands.”

He held out his hands and Carrick quickly fastened the heavy cuffs into place. If he didn’t get control of himself, he was going to lose it. To Carrick, that was completely unacceptable. He had grand plans and had every intention of enjoying his boy to the fullest. He took a few calming breaths and once he was better under control, he spoke against his boy’s ear. “You may earn your release if you are a very good boy.”

“Thank you, Master.” The boy beamed. “I will be a very good boy.”

“We shall see.” Carrick made his way to a wide deck chair. Lying back onto the heated terrycloth covered chair, he began to stroke his rigid shaft through the soft linen of his slacks. His overly sensitive flesh caused the material to feel coarse and abrasive.

“Come here and stand at the end of my chair, boy. I wish to watch you as I pleasure myself.” He popped the button on his slacks. His hard cock sprang free as he eased the zipper down.  Eyes fixed on his boy, Carrick wrapped his hand around his engorged member and slowly stroked up from base to tip.

Groaning, he broke his stance and moved quickly, taking up the position as instructed. His eyes roamed over Carrick’s body and the velvety voice caressed him like a lover's touch. “You’re so beautiful, sir. Wouldn’t you like to take your pleasure in me, sir?” His voice became lower and huskier as he spoke. Each word like a jolt of electricity aimed directly at Carrick’s groin. “Wouldn’t you like the feel of my mouth wrapped around you, sir. The wet heat of my tongue as it worships your beautiful cock?”

“Jesus.” Carrick hissed as he felt a tingle start at the base of his skull and begin working its way down his spine. His boy’s pleas were pushing him close to the edge. He tightened his grip on his shaft, loving the way it pulsed against the damp skin of his hand as he worked to control his breathing. “You can please me by being my audience. Watching. Learning how I like to be touched.” He stroked his prick lightly. Not trying to build his orgasm further, just enjoying the sensation of riding the edge as his boy devoured him with his eyes.

In no time, the combination began to be too much. Though his touch was light, he could feel his balls begin to ache with need. He would like to think of himself as superhuman, but his threatening release proved him wrong once again. His boy was so beautiful and ablaze with desire that he made it difficult for Carrick to keep a rein on his arousal.

“Come closer, boy.” His voice deep and harsh-sounding as he continued to struggle with tempering his need.

His boy’s breath hitched as he took slow deliberate steps towards him. The sway of his hips entranced Carrick as surely as a hypnotist’s pendulum.

“Thank you Master.” The boy said as he moved into position next to Carrick’s chair. “How may I please you, sir?” His mouth turned up into a wicked grin.

He felt as if his body were being tortured by lust. His skin tight, palms beginning to sweat and the constant ache in his dick was driving him mindless. But, he could dish out a little torture of his own before he gave into the demands of his body. The wicked grin gave his boy away. He knew exactly the affect he was having on Carrick and enjoyed himself way to much. He’d have to curb that brassy attitude. Oh yeah, my boy has earned a little payback.

Reaching up, he grabbed on to his boy’s engorged shaft and began pumping it lightly. Loving the way it felt against his palm as the silken skin slid over the hard steel beneath. Even more, he loved the way his boy moved into his touch. Whimpers and moans mingled with the sounds of the ocean waves in the distance to create its own unique form of music.

“Very pretty.” Carrick purred as he continued to stroke the long shaft, increasing the pressure of his grip. With his free hand he retrieved the leather strap from his pocket. He snapped the ring on and stroked the heavy shaft rapidly a few times. 

“Thank… Thank you, sir,” he panted, hips jerking.

“You’re not to come until I think you’ve earned it. Rather, if you earn it. Is that understood, boy?”

“Yes, sir. I understand, sir.” His boy seemed to relax at the thought of being able to earn his release. Poor, naive boy.

“Mmm. When I redden your sweet ass, it will be nearly as pretty as this.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss to the tip of the pretty prick in question. Groaning as his tongue snaked out, tasting the salty musk that had dampened his lips. The spicy taste exploding across his tongue was intoxicating.

His boy began to tremble, dick throbbing hard in Carrick’s tight fist. “Oh… Ah, God. Sir… Please, Sir.”

Carrick continued to kiss, lick and nibble at his erection. “Please what, boy? More?” he whispered, moving down to lick his boy’s sac while his hand held the engorged shaft, pumping eagerly. His tongue happily lapped at the soft skin. “More, I can do.” He grabbed the lean hips pulling them hard towards him and, in a deft move, sucked the hard shaft into his mouth. Hollowing out his cheeks, he sucked in earnest on the flared head. He let out a growl from deep in his chest. He wanted his boy to hear it, as well as feel it.

“Won’t be able to hold it long, sir. God! Your mouth feels so good, sir.”

The taste and feel of the heavy cock on his tongue was potent. A double punch of lust to his gut and he showed his boy with mouth, hands, and sounds just how much he appreciated his feast. He ignored his own aching need and went on an extended tour, his tongue dipping into the slit, seeking out more of the rich, unique flavor of his boy.

“Oh! Ah… fuck,” whole body going stiff and taking in harsh panting breaths before he tried again. “No, I… Sir…I,” he sobbed out.

Carrick pulled off his boy’s prick, clamping down hard at the base of it with his hand. “Breathe. Focus on me, only on me. Put my pleasure before your own.” Leaning back he watched his boy try to stop the orgasm that was sitting just under the surface, ready to explode.

He panted harshly, taking in great gasps of air. “Ah…” He groaned, body trembling as he took in a few more gasping breaths. “Jesus, that was close.”

Carrick worked on slowing his own panting breath, his whole body aching with need as his boy got himself back under control. “Good boy.”

Shifting his stance, he tilted his head and puffed out a deep breath. “Okay, better now, I think, sir.”

“Very impressive, boy. Well done.” He praised as he released his boy’s leaking shaft. “Bend over and rest your head on my thighs.” He helped maneuver his boy until he was bent across Carrick, bound hands holding on to the far side of the chair, his sculpted ass within reach of Carrick’s hand.

“Thank you, Master.” His feverish skin deepened to a darker hue with excitement and anticipation.

Carrick’s hand slid over the firm ass. “So fine.” This was going to be a hard and fast. There was simply no way he’d be able to control himself for long with the glorious sight draped over him. A temptation he couldn’t deny himself from sampling. His constraints unfortunately were not limitless. His cock pulsed hard in approval of speeding things along.

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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