Read Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #anthology, #m-m romance

Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty (14 page)

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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After they had all cooled, coming off their ecstatic high, shared kisses and hugs some more, Jasper asked, “I think it’s time we all came and gave you support for your event tomorrow, hey Carlos?”

Carlos smiled. “It’s great being a part of a team.”

“You’ll always be a part of our team, and so long as we are all together, then nothing can stand in our way.” Jasper helped Carlos to his feet. “We are all the conquerors, after all.”

Chalky said, “I’ll drink to that.”

“Here, here!” Padrig added. “But first, let’s hit the showers. Then we can all go out for drinks so we can all get blind drunk. After that, who knows? Maybe stagger back here so we can fuck some more. I want Carlos’s arse, next time.”

Jasper took Carlos by his hand, rolling his eyes up to the heavens. “I think you’re stuck with us all now, you know.”

Carlos pulled his hand away, running toward the shower cubicle, his cute little arse giggling as he did so. “Last one in is a pussy, missing out on a good hard blow job.”

Jasper, Padrig and Chalky all ran to catch up to Carlos, jostling each other along the way. The room filled with their laughter. Jasper was sure glad his cock got mixed up the other day. How else could he have met such a great bloke as Carlos? How else could his team become even better than it already was?  


Copyright ©2010 Mark Alders

Also from Mark Alders:

Shadows of the Mind
Light of the Body
Time of the Soul
Fire of the Heart
Hope of the Spirit
The Pauper's Prize
Call of the Hunted
The Cadet's Officer
Mama's Heart
Unicorn's Peril
Centaur's Awakening


Dear Santa,

I saw this nice little picture in the Suit section of the erotic photos, and kind of got me wondering. What do male employees do after hours?

If you could please stuff my stocking with a story using this picture you'd make my christmas a little brighter!

{PHOTO INSERT: A gorgeous, muscular man stands in the shadows. He is wearing dress slacks and a red neck tie with no shirt.}


“I want you.”

The deep baritone penetrated Jamie’s daydream, overriding the image of him spread out on a mahogany desk with the boss’s son wedged between his thighs.

Jamie blinked twice, giving himself a moment to figure out what he’d missed. Certainly, he couldn’t have heard right. There was no way Alexander Conyer, heir-apparent, had uttered those words to him in front of a roomful of his co-workers. “Excuse me?”

“I want you.”

Well, fuck
. Jamie stopped breathing.

The corner of Alex’s mouth quirked up. “To head up the Barnaby account.” The sparkle in his deep blue eyes said he knew perfectly well where Jamie’s mind had been. Unfortunately, the other ten people in the room looked like they knew too.

Jamie let out his breath, easing the restriction on his chest.
. “Sure.”

Alex nodded once. “We need to get a few things ironed out – what they expect from their marketing team, what I expect from you.”

Jesus, can’t I get past that word?


Jamie sat up straight. “Not this evening.”

Not a soul dared breath. People didn’t say no to Alex Conyer. And no one wanted to be between him and the one who had.

“Tonight.”  Alex prowled around the table, his six-foot frame exuding power. The crisp white oxford shirt molding perfectly to Alex’s chest competed for Jamie’s attention with the smooth cut of his pin-striped dress pants pulling taut over the muscles in his legs. “I expect dedication, Mr. Bushell.”

Alex’s words set off a small fire in Jamie’s blood. “You know I’m dedicated. I’m here late every night, I work weekends, I even sit at my desk for lunch.” His voice rose with each new word and he could feel the flush creeping up his face. “Any other day, it wouldn’t be a problem. But not today.”

Damn it. Jamie took a deep breath and stood up from his chair, coming nose to chin with Alex. “You want to meet tomorrow, fine. But not tonight.”

Tonight marked five years for Cody.
Jamie pressed his lips together, ruthlessly pushing down the sadness that threatened to overwhelm him.
Not here. Not now. Not in front of him.

He could see Alex searching his face and prayed he’d kept his thoughts hidden. He didn’t need the man to have ammunition against him.

Alex stepped around him, brushing their fingers together as he passed. “What time are you available tonight?”

Jamie turned, tracking Alex as he moved back to the head of the boardroom. The man was relentless, which made continuing to refuse pointless. “Early. I have to leave before seven.”

Alex smirked at him. “Hot date?”

“Something like that.” Jamie slumped into his chair and prayed for the stamina to make it that long. Hell, until two minutes ago, he’d had plans to leave right after the meeting.

“This comes first.” The cold edge to Alex’s voice had the entire staff looking at him, unused to that tone aimed at Jamie.

Jaime straightened in his seat, staring Alex down. “Then make sure we’re finished before seven, Mr. Conyer.”

Alex’s nostrils flared and Jamie wasn’t sure if it was the back talk or the disrespect he’d infused into Alex’s name. A sharp nod was his only answer.


A quick tap on his door alerted Alex to Jamie’s arrival. Even though every fiber in his body wanted to leap over the mahogany desk between them and wrap himself around the smaller man, he held himself in check, choosing to appreciate the grace with which Jamie moved.

Jamie cleared his throat, as he lowered himself into one of the guest chairs. “Should I come back?”

“No.” Another few key strokes finished the report he’d been working on and he gave Jamie his full attention.

Jamie was restless, shifting in his seat, running his hands over his thighs. Alex watched quietly. From day one, Jamie had captivated him, made him hope for things that he hadn’t thought possible. The man was quiet, worked hard and never gave Alex any trouble. Of course, his deep brown eyes and sandy-blond hair didn’t hurt anything. Jamie was easy to look at.

But something was off today.

Jamie never hesitated to come to his office after hours. They enjoyed each other, talking and loving well into the night. Alex smiled.
Hell, this desk has seen more action than my bed lately.

And that had to change. Jamie wasn’t simply some bar fuck to be treated casually.

Jamie squirmed, drawing Alex out of his thoughts.

Alex’s smile fell away, his burgeoning erection leaving with it. Yes, something was different. Jamie didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to be with
. He caught Jamie’s eye. “We need to talk.”

“You know I can handle that account, Alex. What could we have to talk about?”


“What?” Jamie sat bolt-straight in his chair, panic clouding his face.

Alex pushed away from his desk and squatted down in front of Jamie. He rested his hands on Jamie’s knees, rubbing his thumbs in circles to reassure himself that Jamie wouldn’t run at the slightest touch from him. When Jamie settled into his seat, Alex let out a long breath. “I want to see you outside of work, outside of this building.”

Jamie’s lips curled into a beautiful smile, lighting his face. “You do?”

Smoothing his hands higher on Jamie’s legs, Alex watched, mesmerized by the lust darkening Jamie’s eyes. “I want you around. I want to share everyday things with you. A funny spot on TV or a crazy old lady walking down the street.”

“I’d love that.” Jamie brushed a kiss across Alex’s mouth, nipping at his lower lip.

The resignation in Jamie’s voice stole any happiness from Alex. “Why do I hear a

“But I can’t.” Jamie ran his hands over Alex’s arms before clasping Alex’s wrists and pushing him away. “You don’t know the truth about me. I can’t do that to you.”

Alex was forced to stand when Jamie did. “So tell me the truth, Jamie.” He reached for him again, and as surely as Jamie slipped away from his grip, Alex felt Jamie slipping away from his heart. “Nothing you could tell me would change the way I feel.”

A single tear rolled down Jamie’s cheek and he slashed it away with a furious wipe of his palm. “Don’t say that.” He backed toward the door, hands up between them. “Just don’t.”

Heated anger boiled in Alex’s belly. “Say what, exactly? That I love you? Well, too bad. Because I do.”

They both stopped short. Alex hardly believed he’d let that tumble out with none of his customary finesse. Like some star-struck teenager.

“You don’t know what you’re saying.” Jamie turned and fled, slamming the door behind him.

Not the reaction Alex was hoping for.

Another soft knock at the door had him hoping Jamie had returned. “Come.”

His secretary, Amber, poked her head around the door. “Everything all right, Alex?”

Alex slumped into the chair Jamie had vacated. “I don’t think so.”

He heard the click of the door and assumed she had left him to his own devices.  When she patted his shoulder, he nearly jumped out of his skin.

Amber leaned against the desk beside him. “I’ve known you for some time.”

He nodded. She’d been his secretary for two years.

“I’ve known Jamie a lot longer.”

Alex raised his eyes to meet Amber’s. “How long?”

“We went to high school together.” She crossed one foot over the other. “He’s been the happiest I’ve seen him in the last six months, since he started seeing you.”

“Must not have been that happy.” Alex sighed, scrubbed his hands over his face. “I asked for more and he bolted like a scared rabbit.”

She smiled at him like Alex was a bright man but not quite getting it. “He
been happy. But today is a rough day for him. It was just bad timing.”

Alex looked at her, hoping she wouldn’t make him ask.

“Why don’t you take a drive to Lake Shore Cemetery in-“ She glanced at her watch. “Oh, a half hour.”

 That got his attention. “Why?”

Her own blue eyes were glassy with unshed tears. “That’s when he’ll be visiting my brother.” She straightened from the desk, twisting her hands together as she walked to the window. Alex could see she was staring out at the night but not really seeing the twinkling lights or the drifting snow. Her voice quivered when she continued. “Have you ever seen Jamie speak to me?”

Alex shook his head but remained quiet.

“That’s because he doesn’t.” She turned to face him. “It’s been a long time, five years today, since Jamie has talked to me. He feels some misguided sense of failure.”


She sighed, pushing her blond hair behind her ears with trembling fingers. “I guess we both carry guilt for Cody’s death.”  She sat in his chair, engulfed by the plush leather and big desk. “My brother was five years older than me. He didn’t want much to do with a fifteen-year-old sister, but I adored him. And I loved Jamie despite him being gay even then.”

“Jamie is easy to love.”

Amber nodded. “I’m not going into all the details, but on our way back from a friend’s Christmas Eve party Cody lost control of the car. Black ice, they said.” She rested her chin on her folded hands, her eyes focused on the past again. “We landed upside down in a ditch full of water.”

Alex sucked in a breath. “Oh God.”

“Cody was stuck. Jamie tried to free him but Cody was frantic that Jamie help me out first.” The tears spilled down her cheeks. “The water was so cold. It took me ages to warm up.”

“Jamie didn’t get back to Cody in time, did he?”

Amber’s bottom lip quivered. “No.”

Alex didn’t know what to say. He opened his mouth to speak but Amber held up a hand as she rose from his desk. “I didn’t tell you this for me. I’m always sad when I think of Cody but now I can remember the happy times, the good memories, which made my brother special. But that day I lost both Cody and Jamie. He feels responsible. Even though it was no one’s fault and he did what Cody wanted. It is past time for him to heal, Alex. Find him. Help him.”

What had Jamie been living with?
The guilt had to be heavy. Almost unbearable. Alex watched Amber leave before standing at the window himself, his shoulders hunched and his hands stuffed in his pockets.

A shooting star crossed the December sky, drawing his attention to the inky black abyss as the light faded into nothingness. An old child’s nursery rhyme sprang to his mind.
I wish I may, I wish I might, Have this wish I wish tonight.
A second star crossed the sky and Alex closed his eyes, pressed his forehead against the cold glass pane, and whispered, “I wish you happiness, baby.”


Jamie sat in the snow facing the tall grey marble with his friend’s name blazed across the front, his ass frozen from the wet cold seeping into his dress pants.
Cody Newburg 1985 – 2005.

It’s my fault.
He hadn’t been fast enough, strong enough. If he’d only been…just more. Jamie rested his cheek against the cold stone and let the tears trace icy paths down his face. “I’m so sorry, Cody.”

“Catching pneumonia won’t solve anything.”

Jamie shrieked and scrambled to his feet, whirling to find the intruder. When he spotted the other man, Jamie pressed his palm to his chest, trying to keep his heart from thundering through his skin. God, like this night wasn’t bad enough.

Alex stood a few graves away, looking blessedly warm in his black parka, hat and gloves. He’d changed from his suit into jeans and snow boots. In one hand Alex held a thermos and the other a red winter coat similar to his own.

 Jamie was instantly leery of the confidence emanating from his lover. Rather than face what his presence might mean, Jamie let his anger at Alex’s arrival take over.  “What are you doing here?”

Alex cocked his head, his gaze sweeping over the ragged mess of Jamie’s clothing. “Apparently keeping you from freezing to death.” He winced. “I mean-“

“Smooth, Alex.” Jamie didn’t want to give him the chance to worm his way into his annual ritual. For the last five years, he’d come to Cody’s grave and sat with him. Paying his penance.

“I brought you a coat and some coffee.” Alex held out both items to Jamie but didn’t move any closer to deliver them.

Jamie sneered at him. “Afraid if you get too close, something will happen?”

Alex’s eyebrows shot up and he took the few steps between them in a rush, stopping just short of Jamie. He glared down at him, his jaw clenched so tight Jamie could hear Alex’s teeth grinding. Alex jerked his hand holding the coat up between them. “Put it on.”

“If I don’t want to?”

“I don’t remember asking if you wanted to.” Alex’s blue eyes glittered with banked anger. “Put the damn coat on.”

Jamie knew that look. When Alex got in this mood, there was nothing for it but to do what he wanted. Jamie flashed back to the last time Alex had that fire – it was the first time they’d fucked. He had dared say he wasn’t good enough for Alex and it had sent the CEO off the deep end. The memory of that night, of the depth of Alex’s passion, sent heat streaking to Jamie’s cock, hardening it even as he stood shivering under Alex’s watch.

Alex bent and set the thermos on Cody’s marker, then smoothed his gloved fingers over Jamie’s frozen cheek. “Baby, it won’t do anyone any good if you come down sick. Please put it on.”

Jamie could steel himself against an angry Alex, but tenderness was something else. The warmth of it seeped past his defenses and the fight drained from Jamie’s body as he slumped forward into Alex’s waiting arms. In a few quick movements, Alex had pulled the coat around him and was furiously rubbing him everywhere. Tingling all over his upper body told Jamie how dangerously close he’d come tonight. “I’m usually dressed for the weather,” he mumbled into Alex’s shoulder.

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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