Strangclyf Secret (27 page)

Read Strangclyf Secret Online

Authors: Mary McCall

Tags: #love, #knight, #medieval, #castle, #trust, #medieval historial romance

BOOK: Strangclyf Secret
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The little wolf spoke
truthfully, my friend,” Geno said in a tone clipped with rage. “The
hole was chipped out. Someone wants her dead.”

Are you sure? Bernon
glanced up. Geno was looking at his half-clothed wife. “Damn it,
Geno, quit looking at her legs.”

Geno raised seething eyes
and nodded. “The hole was carved out and in a place not likely to
be noticed until the water began coming aboard.”

Bernon knew Geno’s fury
was directed toward whoever did the deed. Honest to God, his own
wrath raged. Could the assassin from Londontown have followed him
and want both him and Barwolf dead? Or were the old lord and
Gremian behind this? When he found out, he would rip the scoundrel
apart with his bare hands for putting his wife through this ordeal.
“Barwolf, stop crying and tell me where Medwyn is.”

Barwolf sniffed and

The little imp ought to
know better than to give him such an insolent reply. “Were you not
informed that I assigned Medwyn to guard you?”

She shook her head without
looking up. “How can you be so mean? ‘Twas not my fault someone
ruined the boat. And I was told Medwyn was to keep me from working.
No one said anything about him guarding me.”

Bernon closed his eyes and
balled his fists, suppressing the need to shake her. “If you knew
he was assigned to you, then why did you leave without

I was not planning to
work,” she snapped. “I was planning to spend a few hours relaxing
in the sunshine and enjoying the sea breeze.” Her lower lip
quivered then her tears spilled over again. “Now I have lost my
boat and it took me almost a year to build it.”

You would have drowned if
we hadn’t heard you scream!” God’s bones, she was crying over the

Then you would have been
happy I suppose,” she said bitterly.

Bernon stilled and studied
her pouty features. She had a dejected air about her, as if
something bothered her other than the boat. “What is that supposed
to mean?”

She raised angry green
eyes and glared through her tears. “If I die, you will still be The
Strangclyf and you will not have to bother with me.” Her anger
vanished. She dabbed at a tear rolling down her cheek then dropped
her head. “I wish you had let me drown.”

Geno looked between Bernon
and his wife and obviously decided now was a good time to give them
some time alone. “I’m returning to the keep. I want to find out
where our vulture is and what he has been up to. I don’t like

Fine,” Bernon replied, not
lifting his eyes from Barwolf. “See if anyone has spotted the
snake, and I’ll see you shortly.”

Geno left and Bernon
stared down at his wife. She appeared more fragile and dejected
than when they first met. What could have caused her current
melancholy? Hadn’t he lightened her duties? And did she not realize
he had nearly lost her?

Sitting down on the grassy
riverbank, he pulled her unresisting onto his lap, wrapped his arms
around her like a cherished possession, and rested his chin on her
head. “Did you have the boat long?”

About two years, but I
never used it much.” She rested her cheek against the base of his
throat and sighed. “I do not understand this, Bernon. I checked my
boat like Aurick taught me, and I didn’t see that hole.”

Why did you say you wished
I had let you drown? Are you so unhappy married to me that death
seems preferable?” he asked in a gentle voice, feeling his gut
clench as he awaited her answer. Why in perdition was this so
important to him?

Nay. I’m glad I’m married
to you. I just...” She broke off and ran her fingers through her
hair then settled her hands back on her lap and looked up at him.
“I guess I was feeling sorry for myself, because you took away all
my duties.”

You had too

But now I have none.” She
bowed her head and sniffed. “Only a worthless person has nothing to

He hugged her tighter and
sighed. He should have known she wouldn’t understand. “You have
some very important duties, but I’ll not have you burdened by them
for at least a week. You need the rest.”

She tilted her head back
and raised expectant eyes to his. “You mean you have work for me

Your duties will be in
keeping with your status.” He cupped the sides of her face,
caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. “You’ll supervise the running
of the keep, but you’ll not do all the physical labor. You’ll care
for the children and you’ll act as hostess for our guests. Did you
know you walked out on a keep full of visitors?”

She nodded and blushed.
“I’m not used to being around all those noble people and I didn’t
want to go into the hall unless you were there.”

His chest swelled. His
wife felt safe with him. He wanted her to feel valued too. “I will
try to stay with you as much as possible, but I have duties also.
That was one of the reasons I asked Medwyn to stay with you. Are
you uncomfortable around him?”

I have been embarrassed
around everyone.” She dropped her gaze and leaned against him
again. “I thought they would all think you thought me inferior and
worthless and that’s why you took all my chores away.”

No one
thinks that,
. You were working yourself to death. The serfs have been
complaining to me about you having too many duties. They do not
think you are inferior and neither do any of my men.” He tipped her
chin back, making her look into his eyes. “Now are you feeling

She blossomed pink and
directed her gaze at his chin. “I overslept.”

Why did that question make
her blush? “I ordered everyone to stay away and allow you to sleep
until you woke.”

I feel lazy,” she

Good. Let’s discuss two
words—mite and mighty. Do you know the difference?”

A mite is little and
mighty is powerful.” She snorted and her expression told him she
thought that a dumb question.

Then tell me the truth.”
He captured her gaze with an unrelenting force. “Are you a mite
sore or mighty sore from our lovemaking?”

She hid her face against
his neck. “Do we have to talk about this? ‘Tis

Bernon cocked an amused
brow. She made love like a wild woman then couldn’t talk about it.
“Your embarrassment won’t kill you and we should be able to discuss
this without it.”

Well, last night after we
finished, I was feeling a mite sore, but today I’m feeling mighty
achy. I had to soak myself before I could even walk well. I have
been afraid ever since I woke that you would want to do that again
and I’d not be able to bear it.”

He suppressed his urge to
gloat. She probably wouldn’t appreciate his pride over her
disability and he didn’t want her any more upset. “We will wait
until your mighty ache goes away before we do
again. Are you ready to go

Aye.” She sighed and
looked out at the water. “I’m going to miss my boat. ‘Tis one of
the few things I truly enjoyed.”

Bernon set her aside,
stood, then offered her a hand and drew her upright.

Bernon, can I do something
this week if ‘tis for pleasure and not work?” she asked, taking
hold of his hand and pulling him with her along the grassy

He closed his fingers over
hers and smiled. He liked the way she liked holding onto him. “What
are you wanting to do?”

Restore some of the stuff
in the armory. I was having fun doing that.”

You may do so for no more
than two hours a day.” He couldn’t resist. He pulled her damp body
close to his side and draped an arm across her

Thank you,” she said,
slipping her arm around his waist. “I tried doing nothing for
almost a quarter of an hour and grew bored.”

You said you have a
birthday coming up. What day?”

Tis the first of June.
When is yours?”

I do not have

But everyone is supposed
to have a birthday, so people can celebrate them.” she said, worry
furrowing her brow.

Bernon clenched his jaw.
“My mother never saw my birth as a reason to celebrate.”

My father never celebrated
me either. You know, Bernon,” she said in a serious tone, “I think
maybe that’s why we ended up married—so we could celebrate each
other.” She tugged him to a stop and looked at him with a becoming
blush. “Do you mind if I go back through the maze? I cut my skirt
so it wouldn’t weigh me down. I don’t want everyone to see me
dressed like this.”

He tightened his hold on
her. “Lead the way. I’ll come with you.”

~ * ~

Bernon left Barwolf
soaking her mighty ache in the short-person’s bath, went to his
chamber, and changed. He donned the tunic she had made for him just
to cheer her up and wondered at his worry over her tender feelings.
He grunted. Like he hadn’t almost gone berserk over the thought of
losing her less than a half hour before. “God’s teeth,” he
grumbled. “I might as well admit that I do care, so I can get over

A knock sounded at the
door when he was cinching his braiel in place and he called over
his shoulder, “Enter.”

Geno pushed open the door
and sauntered into the chamber. “I thought I would find you here if
I waited long enough. That must be some maze.”

It is. I left Barwolf
soaking in a bath that would make even your ancestors

Does the little wolf still
wish she was dead?” Geno asked, crossing his arms and casually
leaning a hip against the table by the hearth.

She is insecure,” Bernon
replied, sheathing his dagger.

Great legs though,” Geno
said, his eyes dancing with mischief.

Bernon scowled and
released an irritated grunt.

Geno chuckled. “Well, I’m
not blind.”

Do we have men on our
vulture?” Bernon asked, changing the topic. Geno was never going to
let up.

Aye.” His friend lost his
levity. “He hasn’t been out of sight, but he could have done the
damage before we found him.”

He also may not be alone.
There is still the matter of the snake.”

I thought about that. The
men are all alerted and looking for anyone suspicious.”

Which would be easier if
William’s court hadn’t followed him. Is he down yet?” Bernon asked,
exasperation grating his tone.

Nay, but you have a new
situation to deal with.”

What now? Has the ghost of
my wife’s grandfather begun haunting the keep?”

Geno chuckled. “Nothing so
unbelievable, but supernatural just the same. Your wife’s second
favorite person in the world just arrived.”

So the famous Uncle Aurick
is home at last.”

He came in with one man.
They are both unarmed, and the rest of the legion waits outside the
gorge. Said he felt a need to assess the situation.”

Bernon raised a
supercilious brow and waved an arm toward the door. “Then by all
means, let’s go display ourselves.”

They descended to the hall
and Bernon immediately spotted Aurick. The barrel-chested Saxon
appeared pure brawn with flowing chestnut hair. His green eyes
sparkled with laughter as he sat on a bench near the buttery
screen, holding Sapphire and Topaz on one knee, Ravyn, who held
Karl, on the other, and Genius perched on his shoulders. The
children all spoke at once, their excitement over the warrior’s
arrival evident. Bernon saw Ardith hovering nearby and was bemused
by the joyous expression on her face. She obviously had deep
feelings for the man. A tall Saxon warrior with dark-brown hair
stood at her side, smiling at the reunion, with his arms crossed
over his chest and his legs braced. Bernon judged him to be fit and
in his late twenties.

Genius glanced up and
spotted him. “Papa! Uncle Aurick is home!”

I see,” Bernon replied,
stopping about ten feet from them and crossing his arms in front of

Get down, you young
scamps, so I can stand and give his lordship a proper greeting.”
Aurick ushered the girls from his lap, tweaked Karl’s nose, drawing
a giggle, and set Genius on the floor. Standing and approaching
Bernon, he stopped a few feet away, eyed the tunic, then nodded.
“Well now, you must be the new Lord Strangclyf. The little lamb
wouldn’t let just anyone wear her hair.”

Bernon raised a brow at
the legion commander, whose head barely rose to his chin. Height
had nothing to do with skill. This Aurick would be a challenging
adversary. “True. And have you come to give me your

That, milord, depends on
whether or not I decide you deserve it,” Aurick replied, looking
Bernon right in the eye.

Bernon hooded his eyes and
clenched his jaw. “You wish to test me?”

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