Stormchaser and the Silver Mist (17 page)

BOOK: Stormchaser and the Silver Mist
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“Have you noticed what’s going on?” Charlie grinned, turning to the others. “It’s like Stormchaser’s looking out for Frostie, just like Cracker used to!”

“Oh, those three always looked out for each other,” Archie said, joining in the conversation. “Stormchaser, Cracker and Frostie – or, Thunder
and Misty, to use their real names – were all bred at the same yard in Argentina, and were trained together. Thunder and Misty came as freebies with Storm, because Mr Perryvale paid such a whopping price for him. When Nick used to school them together, Storm and Thunder would clear a path, so that Misty could fly clear of the opposition. Nick always knew that as a threesome, Storm, Thunder and Misty would win them polo matches. Only, Mr Perryvale never bothered to find that out. He was too busy rubbishing them because
couldn’t stay in the saddle on any of them. But Nick won’t separate Storm and Misty, not ever.”

The girls exchanged an amazed look at Archie’s revelation, just as Storm thundered down the length of the arena, closing in on the ball and scattering the rival team’s ponies in his path. Without even looking up, Estoni tocked the ball towards India. Misty was already at full gallop, picking the ball up with ease, before India swung her stick under Misty’s neck and sweetly tapped it into the goal.

The commentary boomed out beside them.
“And it’s Stormchaser and the Silver Mist who team up once more to give the Abbey Polo Club a three goal advantage in their opening match!”

“Silver Mist?” Charlie asked, turning to Archie with a frown.

“That’s Misty’s full name,” Archie explained as the crowd erupted into wild cheers. The girls’ mouths dropped open, then they broke into wide grins, knowing what each other was thinking without having to say a word. As they high fived each other, tears misted their eyes. The awesome threesome may have been broken up, but at least they knew that Misty’s future at the Abbey was guaranteed.

As the morning flew by, an endless stream of beautifully trained ponies poured into the arena, representing different teams in different chukkas. Some riders swapped their ponies mid-chukka, riding to the edge and hopping from one saddle straight into the next. But Stormchaser was the one horse that created a real buzz around the arena – for his intimidating presence and unflinching bravery
in the arena, and his crazy antics on the way out of it. And it was Stormchaser who helped the Abbey team reach the final. He didn’t play in the final match itself, because he’d done enough for one day and was clearly tiring.

Without him, the Abbey team couldn’t quite keep up the momentum, and they lost 7-5 to the hugely powerful Angel Polo Team, but being runners up in their first showing in the Winter Cup was still a cause for huge celebration afterwards.

Estoni came up to the commentary box and gave each of the girls a hug, before dancing off to carry on the party with Storm. Then India, Nick and Billy brought a couple of the older polo ponies into the arena as Nick and his team demonstrated how to hold a stick, how to turn and control polo ponies, and some of the basic moves in competitive play. A big bunch of local riders from Greenfield’s, the Pony Club and local livery yards stayed behind to watch, cheering as Nick invited the four Pony Detectives into the arena to be the first to have a try.

As the girls mounted, giggling at the strange
feeling of ponies that weren’t their own, they looked around at the crowd of horsey people who had stayed behind. It wasn’t long ago that everyone was threatening to boycott the Winter Cup, and Nick’s dream of making polo accessible to everyone in the local area looked to be in tatters. But now, with the team at the Abbey completely cleared of any wrongdoing, the Pony Detectives felt nothing but thrilled about the future of the new polo club, and the small part they’d played in saving it from ruin before it had even had the chance to get going.

The excitement must have transmitted into their sticks. Under Nick’s guidance, the girls got the hang of the basics quickly, and soon the ball was flying between them.

“Your turn, Rosie!”

As the ball scuttled along the sand towards her, Rosie imagined that she was riding Cracker. She pressed her pony forward into a canter, and without thinking, she swung her stick. She closed her eyes in embarrassment, expecting to have missed the ball. Instead there was a clear ‘tock’ as she hit it bang on. As applause and
whoops erupted around the arena, Rosie’s eyes flew open.

“Goal!” India cheered.

Rosie glanced skywards, and broke into a smile. “That one was for you, Cracker,” she said, before riding back to the others.

“I’m impressed,” Nick smiled at the Pony Detectives, after the girls finished their taster sessions and slid out of their saddles. “I think we’ll have to make you honorary members at the club, especially after everything you’ve done.”

“Ooh,” Rosie said, brightening. “Does that mean we get free hot chocolate and cake from the café?”

The other three groaned, tapping Rosie with their sticks.

“If you can score goals like that,” Nick grinned back, “you can have as many cakes as you want. And listen, we’re thinking of starting up a Junior Abbey team pretty soon. Are you interested?”

The four girls looked at each other. The last few weeks had thrown the hardest of cases at them, and now they were ready for some fun.
The others nodded enthusiastically, but left the talking to Charlie.

“You bet we are! Thank you, Mr Webb!”

“But can we bring our own ponies?” Rosie asked, worrying about Dancer feeling left out.

“If your pony can block Stormchaser and live to tell the tale,” India smiled, “she deserves a place on the Junior team, no question about it!”

The Pony Detectives all broke into huge grins. It was only New Year’s Eve, but the next year already promised to be the best one the friends had ever had.

Polo is great fun but also fast and furious! With sticks and balls flying everywhere, it’s important to protect both your pony and yourself during games.

1. Stick
These come in different lengths – the taller your pony, the longer your stick!

2. Helmet
Some helmets have a guard on the front, in case the ball flies.

3. Hogged mane
This helps the pony feel pressure from the reins on his neck.

4. Boots
These are really,
hard, so your shin won’t get bruised if a ball hits you!

5. Bandages
Your pony will be protected if a ball hits him, or if he gets caught by a stick.

6. Taped-up tail
Tape up your pony’s tail, so it won’t get tangled in a stick. It’s especially helpful when doing back shots!

7. Saddle
A polo saddle is built to make sure minimum weight is put on the pony.

Give your pony’s mane a makeover with Mia’s guide to perfect plaits.

1. Your pony’s mane must be sparklingly clean! But, if it is too silky, the plaits will slip out. So, wash it the day before.

2. Divide the mane into small sections (about 3cm each) with rubber plaiting bands.

3. Dampen the section of mane you’re about to plait.

3. Divide each section into three pieces and plait. Make sure the base is tight, so the plait doesn’t go baggy when you roll it up! Finish with a plaiting band at the bottom.

4. Fold the plait up under itself as many times as it allows, until you have a little bun. Put another band around each one.

Are the ponies friends?
You don’t want them nipping at each other, as it would make it hard to lead safely.

Are their heights similar
A smaller pony stretching his head up to a taller horse could hurt his back or neck.

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