Storm Warning (Security Specialists International Book 4) (23 page)

BOOK: Storm Warning (Security Specialists International Book 4)
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At the guilt, the self-flagellation in his voice, she finally found her spine and opened her eyes. His dear face was white with shock, with guilt. “No reason to be sorry. It’s me. All me. Can we try that again? I promise not to freak out this time.”

Ace shook his head and opened his mouth, and she cut him off—

“Please?” She sat up, twined her arms around his waist and then peppered kisses over his chest. “Last night, you said we should try making love with me on top. Can we do that? To start? Then we’ll progress to you on top?”

Ace stared at her, a piercing look as if he could read her thoughts. He must’ve found what he needed, because he nodded, moved out of her arms, then lay on the bed beside her. His wonderland of a body was now an open invitation for her to take.

DJ got to her knees by his side and looked him up and down. His penis was semi-erect, lying on his lower abs in its nest of golden-brown hair. She stroked a finger along the shaft, and it swelled instantly. Emboldened by the instant reaction to her touch, she fisted his shaft and bent over to give it a lick. She looked up and found Ace’s hot blue gaze fixed on her. His expression said it all: he loved her and would let her take him however she wanted.

“Later, you’ll finish teaching me how to suck your cock, yes?” She swiped her thumb over the precum leaking from the slit, then brought it to her mouth and sucked the silken fluid from it.

He inhaled on a hiss, then answered, his voice strained from arousal, from reining in his lust … for her, “Yeah, but only if I’m sure you’re ready.”

“Oh, I’ll be ready. But right now, my body is demanding I take you inside me.” She licked another bead of precum, savoring the salty, earthy taste of him. “And, yes, I’m scared.” He frowned and opened his mouth, but she hurriedly cut him off. “But I ache and need you more. I also want to stop being frightened.”

“Sugar…” he whispered, “you…”

“Hush, darlin’.” DJ half-laughed and shook her head. “This reminds me of the first time I jumped out of a helicopter in the mountains for heli-skiing training. I was so scared, but also exhilarated. Back then, I learned I just needed to jump, get it over with, and realize I could do it.”

Ace chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard initiating intercourse compared to heli-skiing before.” He petted her thigh where it rested against his torso. “I love you, Dahlia Jane.”

“I know,” she leaned over and kissed his lips, “and I love you—and I will conquer my fears, because I need this intimate connection with you.” She rubbed her nose over his. “Help me?”

“Always.” He reached for her hips and assisted her to move into position over him. She braced one hand on his chest. “Let my cock ride your slit for now.”

DJ wiggled and shifted until his penis nestled between her labia. She moved forward and back over his erection, her fluids making the motion easy and smooth. “Feels good. Like when you trace around my opening with your fingers, but more intense.”

Ace had a look on his face that made her heart stutter.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

“I’m memorizing this moment. How you look. How you smell.” He inhaled deeply and his cock pulsed against her sensitive, swollen lips. “How your skin feels touching mine.”

Ace moved, one short undulation that made her moan. He squeezed her hips. “I want this moment engraved in my memory. Want to tell our kids about the day their mother and father cemented their love for one another. Well, the un-X-rated portions, of course.” A naughty grin crossed his lips.

His words, his teasing, filled her with joy. “Take your time. I did the exact same thing the first time you told me you loved me.” She caressed his chest and kneaded his strong muscled shoulders.

He was her alpha-geek. Her sweet, funny, fierce man. Hers.

“I never had those kinds of stories from my father. I know you did, because your dad told me and Momma all about how he’d met your mom. It was a wonderful, funny story made even more so since Molly kept interrupting to correct him. Then your brothers put in points your parents left out. I want that for our children.”

“I want three kids.” Ace massaged her hips and lower back.

DJ leaned down until she her lips met his. “I can do three. We’ll be leaving off the condom, Ace. I’ve waited long enough to make a family of my own.”

“God, I won’t last,” Ace growled. “Must take care of you first.” His hips bucked under hers. The slide of his penis over her needy slit sent ripples of electricity over her body. He gritted his teeth and managed to regain control. “Get closer. I want my mouth on your breasts.”

DJ moved her bracing hand to above his shoulder, bringing her breasts within easy reach of his mouth. She drove her hips forward and then slid back over his erection, feeding her growing arousal.

As Ace licked and suckled her nipples, he slid his hand between their bodies to play with her clit, lightly at first, then with more and more pressure.

The passage of time slowed as he built the need in her to explosive proportions. She kissed and nuzzled his face, neck, and shoulders as she continued to rub her pussy over his erection.

The ache within became even more demanding. Her body wanted his cock inside—and finally her mind was on board with it all.

“Ace?” Was that her voice? So breathless? So needy?

His response was a soothing murmur against a nipple and a testing of her entrance with a finger. “You’re so wet, sugar. Ready to take that jump?”

She shivered and nodded. In her head—just to be safe—she began a litany:
This is Stuart Allen Walsh. Her Ace. Her love. Hers.

“Put me in—only when you’re ready.” He placed his hands on her hips and helped her rise to her knees.

Ace didn’t shove her down onto his penis. Didn’t scream at her or call her a bitch or cunt or tease. He just … waited as if he’d hold her there forever … waited on her to make the call … with such a look of love and pride on his face.

His expression was all it took for her to take the leap. She circled his penis with her hand, guided the tip to her opening and then began to slide down onto him in small increments. His strong hands helped her control the movement. His loving, observant gaze never left her face. He wouldn’t allow her to rush and hurt herself. At the first sign of distress or fear on her face, she knew, he’d pull her off him.

DJ smiled. The rightness of it all swept through her body, her mind, clearing out any lingering darkness.

“I’m okay, darlin’.” She moaned as her pussy stretched to take even more of him inside—as she allowed the feeling of fullness and the pleasure of his heavily veined erection rubbing against the sensitive inner tissues to take over. Slowly, she spread her legs farther apart on the day bed as she sank ever further onto his throbbing erection.

Finally, he was fully seated within her body and she paused.

Bracing both hands on his chest, she lifted her hips slightly and then reversed. She moaned. “I like this. I feel your cock throbbing inside me. It’s like controlling my Hawk.”

“Yeah.” Ace thrust upward, one quick movement, then subsided. “There’s heavy turbulence coming, sugar. So, I need you to move and take control of the stick—or I might have to take over as second seat.” He winked, but she could see the strain on his face, feel it in the reined-in strength underneath her.

“Get ready to fly, Ace. If you feel the need to take the controls, just do it.” She began posting up and down on his erection, finding a speed that made him groan and increased her pleasure. But after a while, she realized—“I’m not sure I can come this way. It’s there … on the horizon, but I can’t get there.”

“Maybe this’ll help.” Ace took control of her hips and moved them in a circular motion as he thrust upward. She groaned as his pelvic bone ground against her clit.

After several minutes of this hip action, she moaned and babbled as the sensations built and built until—nothing. It felt good, but she knew there was more—and she wanted it all.

“Ace!” She leaned over and clutched his shoulders, digging her nails in. “I need—” She attempted to drive her hips faster, but his grip on her hips held her back. “Something. Anything. Now!”

“I’ll take care of you,” he murmured against her forehead.

“Sooner, please.” She rotated her hips and ground her mound against his pelvic bone, seeking more friction, a better angle … and got nothing.

Ace chuckled. “This’ll help.” He released one of her hips and moved his hand between them and began rubbing her clit.

“Fuck, yes. There. Harder.” DJ buried her face at the juncture of his neck and shoulder and bit down.

Ace shouted and thrust his hips to meet hers as he increased the pressure on her clit.

“Awww, gawd.” She threw back her head and arched her back. Her face raised to the skies, she let out a shrieking gasp. She pounded into Ace’s hips faster and faster. Her body shook as if she were having a seizure of epic proportions.

Pleasure took over her body. She could only moan and grunt and gasp. As the ecstasy swelled and eddied, she babbled, “Oh, gawd … fuck, fuck … so good darlin’ … gawd so good, so good … oh gawd, oh gawd … fu-u-uck…”

The sensations kept getting better, because Ace didn’t stop. He kept thrusting his hips and playing with her clit. He curled up and licked and nibbled and sucked her breasts and neck and shoulders through what had to be half a dozen aftershocks.

While she’d enjoyed running the bases with Ace over the last week, taking home plate beat foreplay all to pieces. What made it even better was she could look forward to having this with him for the rest of their lives. Just that thought had DJ shooting to another, much stronger peak. She screamed, “Ace!”

“Awww, fuck.” Ace roared and began jerking against her as his hot cum filled her.

DJ reached one more peak as his penis hit a highly sensitive spot on the inside of her vaginal wall.

“Sweet effin’ hell. What was that?” She moaned as she clutched his shoulders to ground her. “What … are you doing to me?”

“Loving you.” He pulled her face to his and kissed her with strong thrusts of his tongue as, still connected, they rode out the post-orgasmic waves. She whimpered and luxuriated in the intimate kiss. Groaning, a deep sound that went straight to her clit, he pulled his mouth from hers and murmured, “Going to take you up again. Hold on.”

“I don’t think…” Her words trailed off as another orgasm came out of nowhere and stole her breath. For several minutes, maybe longer, she swore she had an out-of-body experience.

“So beautiful.” Ace sucked her lower lip into his mouth and let it go with a distinct
. “So fucking sexy. Love having your pussy squeezing my cock.”

Ace ground his hips against hers. His erection was still hard enough to remain inside her. He hit the sensitive spot again and had her seeing stars and screaming his name over and over.

Finally, exhausted and climaxed-out, DJ collapsed on top of Ace. Neither of them moved for a long while. The sounds of their heavy breathing were broken only by the buzzing of bees and the trill of some exotic birds in the trees surrounding the

Ace held her tightly against him, one arm around her hips, the other around her upper back. His cock still spasmed sporadically inside her.

Boneless and satiated, DJ hovered on the edge of sleep. Ace nuzzled her ear and said something that sounded similar to the buzzing of the bees. He chuckled then, pulling her off his body … pulling his cock from her.

She mewled at the loss. “Ace?” She reached for him.

“I’m here.” Now lying next to her, he tucked her against him. He peppered kisses over her face and neck, punctuating each touch of his mouth with an “I love you.”

She arched her throat to give him better access and was shocked to find his touch and words could still arouse her. She’d figured she was all aroused out. She was so wrong.

When one of her legs cramped, she moaned.

Ace stopped kissing her and raised concerned eyes to her. “Did I hurt you? What’s wrong?”

With a great deal of effort, she lifted an arm and shoved some sweaty hair off his face with shaky fingers. “No, you didn’t hurt me. I loved every single second of your lovemaking. And once I get cleaned up, eat something, and catch my second wind, I want to do it again. But…”

“But what?” Ace moved back and began to check over her body. He touched her hips with a gentle finger and then swore, “Damn it, I left marks. You’re going to have bruises.”

“Good. Then anyone seeing them will know my man loved me well.” She shoved his hands down lower, onto her right leg where her hamstring screamed for attention. “Rub.”

He complied and it felt like heaven.

DJ smiled. She’d done it. She’d had sex with her man. The sexual trauma from her past had lost its smothering grip on her.

“Sugar,” his voice was all grumbly, “when we’re making love, you need to tell me when I’m hurting you.” His talented hands kneaded the cramp out of existence, then went on to care for her other leg.

“You were giving me so much pleasure, the cramp didn’t even register.” She petted his arm in an attempt to soothe him.

Ace grunted. “Can’t stand the thought of you in pain.” He finished turning her thighs into limp noodles.“How’s that?” As if he couldn’t stop touching her, he began to knead her shoulders.

DJ closed her eyes at the feeling of bliss his hands on her body gave her. “Hmmmm. So good. You have great hands.”

He snorted, and she opened her eyes to find him watching her closely, worry and love and lust in his eyes.

She grinned. “You also have excellent hip movement and lots of power. I especially liked the hard, fast, deep action at the end.”

“Good to know since I fucking loved it.” He patted her hip then aligned his body to lie along hers. “Everything okay?”

“Very okay.” She stretched like a cat, brushing the front of her body against his … preening for him. “Let’s take a shower. Then you need to feed me. Later, you can show me variations of what we just did
you finish teaching me how to suck your cock.”

His head braced on one hand, Ace stared into her eyes. He was reading her again. Smiling, he said, “Now, that’s a deal I’ll never turn down.”

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