Storm Warning (Security Specialists International Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Storm Warning (Security Specialists International Book 4)
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Okay, now he’d put his foot in it. He’d made her doubt her beauty. Her self-confidence as a woman was something he, Keely, and the SSI women had worked on since DJ had arrived at Sanctuary. Nancy had noticed what they’d been doing and had taken him aside one evening right after she and DJ had arrived. She’d explained the circumstances behind why DJ possessed a low self-image. Al-fucking-Poe had only valued DJ as a tool to gain more power and took every opportunity to beat down her self-esteem as a way to control her. Then Sean “the bottom-feeder” Varney had raped DJ and made her feel even worse about herself.

Tweeter had to make this right. He couldn’t let DJ believe she was anything less than beautiful in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath and praying he didn’t mess this up, he walked over and knelt by the chaise. He cupped her chin and massaged her tense jaw with his thumb. She leaned into his touch like a kitten getting petted and that elated him—she liked his touch, and, damn, he liked touching her.

“Sugar, it’s not that I don’t like the suit on you—it’s that you’re every straight man’s wet dream in that suit. You’re gorgeous. That’s why you’ll wear it only for me.” Tweeter took another breath. “And just to put you on notice, when you do, it won’t stay on long, because I’ll strip it off you and make love to you until you can’t remember what day it is.”

Mentally he groaned.
Way to go, Walsh. Threaten her with a physical attack, why dontcha?

He held his breath—and prepared to grovel—as he waited to see how DJ would react to his Neanderthal garbage.

“Oh?” A mischievous sparkle entered her eyes making them look like back-lit sapphires. “Does that mean you want to make love to me right this second?” She stroked a finger down the front of his shirt then lingered over the conspicuous bulge in his jeans. “Your penis seems interested.”

He exhaled. She wasn’t scared. His gut said it was time to make a move. She was teasing and happy—and had opened the door to sex herself.

“I want to make love to you more than I want to keep breathing.” He let go of her chin and removed the sunglasses from the top of her head, placing them on a side table. Then he cradled the back of her head in one hand, his fingers threaded through her soft blonde curls. “You okay with that? Do you want me to kiss and lick your pussy as I did last night? Bring you to orgasm?—Get your body ready to accept my cock?”

“Yeah…” She licked her lips as she gazed into his eyes. “More than I want my next breath.” He laughed at her use of the same cliche. “All I could think about on the flight down was how happy I am … being with you. Then this afternoon, I saw the pleasure you took in shopping with me—in simply being with me. I felt your love every time you looked at me or touched me. It was fricking sexy when you used your body and fiery wolf eyes to protect me from all the men leering and making salacious comments.” She leaned forward and whispered against his lips, “Yeah, I want you to make me completely yours.”

Tweeter closed his eyes and muttered, “Thank fuck.” He opened his eyes and then looked around the patio. He wanted to make love to her out here. The air was warm, but not hot. The scent of the local flora was exotic and added to the overall ambience.

But he didn’t want DJ to get burned. There was a day bed situated under an awning that screamed outdoor sex. He silently thanked the hotel’s decorator for thinking of everything an amorous hotel guest might want.

Tweeter stood, turned DJ over, and then scooped her into his arms. “Hold on.” Her arms went around his neck as he carried her to the day bed perfectly situated in dappled shade. He lowered her onto it.

Her eyes glittering with arousal, DJ pushed up into a sitting position and began to remove her bikini top.

He stayed her hands. “No. Let me undress you.”

She smiled, then dropped her hands to her sides. Her expression held no fear, only trust and love.

After Tweeter removed her top, which involved a lot of touching and kissing each satiny inch as her skin was exposed, he lowered her torso onto the day bed and then placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. His hands, seemingly with minds of their own, stroked up and down her naked upper half. Her breasts were flushed with her arousal. Her nipples had budded and were dark, dusty pink. Her skin felt like hot, warm silk under his fingers, and he wanted to feel it against his own nakedness.

“God, you’re glowing like a sun goddess already.” He traced a finger over her chest where she had tan lines from the criss-cross of the halter dress. “Maybe we should take this inside.”

“No. I want you to make love to me out here.” She trailed a slightly shaky finger down the middle of his chest where his shirt was now unbuttoned. He hadn’t even realized she’d opened his shirt; he’d been too busy taking in every detail of her body. “I tan easily. Just walking the plazas and eating at that outdoor café built up my base even with a ton of sunscreen.”

She was nervous, talking to cover it up.

Hell, he was anxious, too. What if he fucked this up? What if he went too fast and … scared her again?

Stop being a pussy. She trusts you. She loves you. Take a breath. Take it a step at a time.

“We’ll stay outside.” Her happy sigh told him he’d made the right decision. “But I’m warning you now, I won’t take chances with your health. I’ll be putting your sunscreen on you each morning to make sure you don’t get severely burned. The sun’s stronger down here.”

“No one’s ever taken such good care of me before.” She ran her fingers through his chest hair, avoiding his nipples. She was teasing him, and he loved the fact she felt safe enough with him to do so.

Tweeter sat on the edge of the day bed and continued to smooth his hands over her skin and fondle her breasts—accustoming her to his touch all over again. Her burgeoning pleasure was evident in her mewling sighs and moans and her nipples pebbling to even sharper points. The dark pink nubs all but begged to be suckled.

“Help me off with my shirt,” he whispered against her lips. He wanted her to be an equal partner in their lovemaking.

DJ’s eyes glistened with excitement as she slipped a few remaining buttons open on his shirt and then used both hands to spread the shirt open and down his arms. He shrugged it off and tossed it to the patio floor.

“I love your chest.” She swept her hands over his chest, now stopping occasionally to pay attention to his nipples. His cock stirred in reaction.

“I’m glad.” He leaned down and nibbled at the lip she so often tortured when she was nervous … and aroused. “I adore your chest.” He cuddled a plush breast, perfectly sized for his hand, and rubbed his thumb over the turgid peak.

DJ arched into the touch even as she continued to sexually torture him by smoothing her hands over his chest in a firm, circular motion. He inhaled sharply, his cock shoving against the fabric imprisoning it, when she gently ground the heels of her hands into his nipples.

“You like that?” Her voice was low and sexy.

He grunted his answer and pushed his chest against her hands.

“Good. I like touching you.” She curled up from the bed, thrusting her breast even more into his hand, and then teethed and licked the juncture of his neck and shoulder. “Mmm, I also like tasting you. You taste good. All clean and salty male.” She looped her arms around his neck. “I love everything about you.”


While DJ didn’t really need Ace to protect her from whatever the world threw at them, such as the Latino men leering at her on the Cancun plazas or making sure she didn’t get a sunburn, she
need him to lead in the bedroom. Even after a week of escalating foreplay, she still wasn’t comfortable taking control of their love play. Someday maybe—but not today.

Most adult males wouldn’t have put up with their slow pace, the tame high school heavy petting. But Ace had never complained or pressured her for intercourse.

Even last night, he hadn’t gotten mad when she’d lost it and couldn’t handle giving him head. Instead, he’d told her he loved her, held her in his arms all night with them curled around each other like sleepy kittens. And, today, he’d gone out of his way to give her a perfect afternoon just like any other loving couple might have experienced visiting Cancun on vacation.

“I love everything about you, too.” Ace angled his head, skimming her body with his heated gaze. “Since I’m on the razor edge of coming, you need to let me arouse you more before you touch me. First, though, we need to remove the rest of that extremely naughty bikini so I can kiss every luscious inch of you and make you come.”

“Ace,” she whispered as she grabbed one of his hands and dragged it inside her bikini bottom to press against her mound. “I’m wet. I ache. It won’t take me long to climax.”

His nostrils flared at the news and the wolf-blue of his eyes all but disappeared with his extreme arousal. “Good.”

He gently lowered her again to the chaise. Kneeling next to the chaise, he kissed his way down her body and then placed a suckling kiss on her stomach just above her belly button before he stripped the bikini bottoms down her legs. Her abdominal muscles contracted and her pussy got even wetter.

“Since I plan on making you come several times before you take my cock,” he said, his voice a low rumble that traveled throughout her body and set her clit to vibrating. “I want you crazy ready when I slide my cock into you.”

“Ace…” She whimpered as he nudged her legs apart and lightly bit an inner thigh. “Trust me, I’m already there.” She raised a hand and ruffled her fingers through his shaggy blond hair, loving the raw silk feel of it. “Make love to me, darlin’. Make me fly.”

“Planning on it. And I’ll be there to catch you when you fall.” Ace moved to sit on the side of the day bed and bracketed her upper torso between his bent arms. He leaned down to devour her mouth.

DJ twined her arms around his neck and tugged him closer. She turned her head away from his ravenous kisses just long enough to demand, “On me. Skin-to-skin. I want your weight.”

He looked into her eyes, a look of concern on his face. “You sure?”

Once again, in the midst of passion, Ace was protecting her, putting her needs above his. Sweet Jesus, she’d put the poor man through the wringer over the last week. She vowed not to balk at the gate this time. This was Ace, her first—and last—lover.

“Definitely.” She soothed the worry lines on his forehead with a finger. “The only man in this bed … in my head … is you. My man.” She lifted her head and bit his chin lightly. “I want you rubbing that effin’ gorgeous body all over mine. I want us to give each other as much pleasure as we can handle. I want
to be the only man who has ever and will ever make love to me.”

“God, I want that, too.” After placing a gentle, worshipful kiss on her lips, he stood and stripped off his jeans and boxers in one motion. His beautifully formed cock stood tall. The purpled head sported a silver drop of precum.

Her eyes widened at the sight and she forgot how to breathe for several seconds. It took all her resolve not to whimper at the thought of finally taking all that generous length and breadth inside her. And, yeah, she’d seen and handled his erection many times over the past week, and last night even had it in her mouth, but right now it looked to be larger than ever before.

DJ swallowed hard. “Ace…” She swept a finger up the length of his cock and smoothed the drop of precum over the extremely swollen glans. His penis moved and seemed to seek her touch once she removed it. “Um, I really don’t see how it’ll fit.”

“Oh, it’ll fit. But only after I pleasure you first with my mouth and stretch you with my fingers.” Ace took her hand and placed it on the day bed by her head. “Let’s see if we can get your mind on your orgasm and off the size of my cock.”

Ace climbed onto the day bed and lay next to her. He began to kiss and fondle her body, from head to toe. There wasn’t an inch of skin he didn’t stroke or kiss. Over the past week, she’d become addicted to his brand of heavy petting. He’d never failed to make her feel good. But today, he put it all together like a symphony with all the sections playing together for the first time. He gave her so many sensations all at once that soon her arousal simmered under and over her skin.

Each time Ace swept a finger over her labia or her clit, she thrust her hips to meet his touch. When he suckled her breasts, she clasped his head to her and arched so he’d take more. He moved down her body, licking and kissing, setting small fires across her overly sensitized skin.

Finally, he settled between her legs and alternated licking and sucking her swollen labia with nipping and suckling her clit. The sensations crescendoed and she came like a final crash of cymbals.

DJ screamed, a breathless sound she’d never before made in her life. Her hips thrust upward and twisted, seeking … no, demanding Ace feed the flames consuming her.

Her man generously gave and gave until she collapsed, panting, quivering, and boneless on the bed.

Invading barbarians could’ve overrun the hotel grounds and she wouldn’t have been able to move to defend herself. Ace had laid waste to her body and left her helpless against the onslaught as surely as Attila the Hun had Europe.

Floating in a hazy aftermath, she sensed a shadow come between her and the late afternoon light, then a weight settled over her. Just that quickly, she was sucked into the depths of the hell that was her past. She struggled and whimpered and felt the same helplessness her eighteen-year-old self had.

The weight moved. A susurrant white noise muffled the screams in her head. “DJ … sugar … come back to me.” The whispered words, the gentle tone, were soothing, familiar, and stubbornly persistent, demanding she come back to the present.

Get your head out of your ass, Dahlia Jane. You scared your man again.

“Ace?” She reached blindly for him. He grabbed her cold hand in his hot one and kissed it. With his loving touch, her strength, her sanity, returned as if Ace had mainlined his energy, his will, straight into her body.

“Dahlia Jane? You coming back to me?” He rubbed his cheek over the hand he held and kissed it again and again. “God, sugar … I’m so sorry.”

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