Storm on the Horizon (Fated For Love) (11 page)

BOOK: Storm on the Horizon (Fated For Love)
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Colton stop.”

He froze. His hungry eyes rose to meet hers
, and Olivia was afraid of the way he looked. He looked tortured and in pain. He looked like... well, she didn’t exactly know what he looked like.

You said you didn’t want to do this. I don’t want you to do something you don’t want.”

His eyes softened.
“Oh, Olivia, my sweet. I need to kiss you... I need to taste you. I promise nothing beyond that.”

Olivia relaxed.
“You don’t need to promise me, Colton. I trust you.”

I promise you will never forget me after this night, and you will never forget this.”

He kissed her hard and Olivia sighed through the kiss. He wasn’t going to stop yet. Thank God.

He continued to pull up her skirts, and she didn’t know what he was doing, but she didn’t care. He could do anything he wanted to her, and she would love every second of it. Anticipation clawed at her nerves as he slowly pulled her skirts above her waist, sliding his hand up her thigh intently, caressing until she grew comfortable with the new sensation.

He looked up at her
. “I want to see all of you.”

Olivia smiled tentatively and nodded. He seemed to be happy with her response and began to pull down her drawers. Olivia held her breath as he slid them over her hips and down her legs onto the bed. She had never been undressed in such a sensual way
, and she didn’t know what to do or how to respond. She still had the insistent ache between her legs, and it was all she could do to keep herself from squirming under his regard. He watched her... his eyes focused on her most private of places as his hands gently caressed her legs apart. Then he moved lower.

Olivia tensed. She had no clue what he was about to do and the anticipation was killing her.

“Relax.” He moved lower still, gently moving her legs up and apart and lying between them.

A shaky breath escaped her
, and she was suddenly nervous that she was going to start giggling like a lunatic. Olivia knew nothing about lovemaking, if this was indeed love making, but she was certain it didn’t include giggling like a mad woman.

She tried to relax. She lay back against the pillows, her hands balled at her sides and watched as
he bent closer to her. She couldn’t watch. She was so afraid she might do something embarrassing that she averted her eyes and stared at the ceiling. But then he started touching her. Softly and slowly, he traced her delicate flesh with a single finger. He played with her softness, coaxing more of the urgent feeling from her. Olivia was beginning to get frustrated with that feeling. It was getting stronger and more annoying, and she didn’t know what to do to appease it.

But Colton did.

She felt the brush of his lips on her inner thigh, and he moved upward towards her center. He alternated between tiny licks and kisses, until he reached her hot core and licked her fully.

Olivia closed her eyes and gripped the blanket in her small fists. It was brilliant, it was amazing, it was the most wonderful thing she had ever felt in her entire life
, and surly nothing could surpass it, but then he kept going. Each lick of his tongue and brush of his fingers against her sensitive folds amplified her desire. It became impossible not to move, and it became necessary to moan and gasp with each new sensation. It was too much, and yet not enough. She was getting closer to something, the need growing within her until she just couldn’t stand it anymore, and it was almost painful.

Colton, please,” she begged him, for what she didn’t know, but her thighs and bottom were cramping and tensing, and she struggled for something she couldn’t define or reach.

He sucked on the hood of her womanhood and pleasure shot throughout her body
like lightning. She screamed. He flicked his tongue against the part of her that was most sensitive and hungriest for touch, and she screamed again. She felt pleasure encompassing her body again like a firework shooting up into the sky, bursting with a violent display of color and light, and then sprinkles of light gently fell from the sky. Except that light was pleasure, and it sprinkled over every part of her body, infusing her with bliss from her crown of black curls to the tips of her toes.

She lay there breathing, unable to move her limbs that were so happy to just be. She was vaguely aware of Colton pulling her skirts down, moving up the bed to lay beside her, his eyes on her face, and a smile playing about his wicked lips.

“That... that was... I’ve never.” She gave up. She could hear him chuckling and found the energy to narrow her eyes at him.

I certainly hope not.” He smiled.

Olivia closed her eyes against the sight. It was too much to bear now. She could never look at him again and not be acutely aware of how much pleasure he could bring her. The joy of feeling his body beside hers, against hers, and passionately aroused. When they parted ways after this
voyage, she would never be able to see him again. It made her profoundly sad.

then, the chicken hopped onto the bed and made some rather aggressive noises.

Is that chicken growling?” Olivia asked.

She’s displeased with the light in here. She wants to go to bed.”

I can sympathize.” Olivia sighed and closed her eyes. She was suddenly exhausted, her body felt heavy and limp.

Here.” Colton pulled her up and began to remove her dress.

What are you doing?” Olivia grumbled.

Putting you to bed.”

He got the dress over her hips and pulled it down her legs. He tossed it on the floor and pulled the blanket from underneath her to cover her. He stood and turned down the lamps, dousing the room in shadows. There was scant light from the moon, the storm clouds obscuring its luminescence. He could see the silhouette of Olivia’s face as she curled onto her side and nestled into his pillows.

He watched her for a moment, in awe of her beauty even in the darkness. He couldn’t believe what they had just done, although his rampant erection was testament to his own unfulfilled state. He didn’t care. He would carry the memory of this night to his grave. On that thought, he took off his boots and shirt. He had already broken his vow to remain distant; he might as well enjoy the rest of this night with her warm and sated in his arms. It was a once in a life time opportunity, and he wasn’t about to waste it.

apter 9

Olivia awoke the next morning, there were many more sounds to be heard. Colton was gone and so was the chicken, but she knew without a doubt that he had been there all night with her, holding her. From the large windows, she could see a dock and workmen busily moving crates back and forth. She jumped out of bed and quickly donned clean undergarments and dress. Returning to sit and watch all the commotion, she barely noticed when Willy entered and brought her some breakfast.

May I have some fresh water and a bowl?” she asked before he slipped away.

Certainly. I hope you were able to sleep well, Olivia. The storm tossed us a fair bit and rained a river down on us. Might ye be wanting a bath?”

Olivia turned to face him.
“Is that possible?” She smiled delightfully. She had not washed her hair since the evening before stowing away on the ship. A bath sounded like pure heaven.

I can make it happen for you.” Willy tucked his thumbs in his pockets cockily.

Only if it isn't too much trouble, and the water isn't needed for the rest of the crew, and—”

The Cap'n has already left the ship, but Mr. Timms already said it would be all right.”

Then I would greatly appreciate a bath, Willy.” Olivia sighed as he left and snuggled under the blanket. She could still feel the heavy sated feeling in her bones, but she was even more confused today. He said he would only kiss her and then... Her cheeks flooded with heat. That was so much more than kissing and he said so many wonderful things like wanting and needing her. He was so impassioned and absorbed in the moment that it had to be more than just lust. Didn’t it? Perhaps she was being naive again. Perhaps that’s just how it was between any man and woman. It made her feel a little sick to think that Colton could be that way with any woman.

Willy came back with a
hipbath and assured her that the water was heating in the galley. Then he returned carrying pale after pale of steaming water. Soon the bath was filled, and Willy returned with two more buckets. “Mr. Timms say you need extra for your hair.” Willy gestured to Olivia's wild mass of curls.

You are my hero, Willy, and Mr. Timms is correct. I wonder how he knows so much about women.”

The boy beamed under her flattery.
“I don't rightly know. He used to be a vicar, but now he is first mate. I think he knows everything.”

He must indeed.” Olivia chuckled at the boy’s exuberance.

I'll let you get to it then. Just ring for me when you're ready to be rid of the tub.”

Thank you, Willy.”

Left alone, Olivia undressed and sunk into the blissfully hot water. How quickly she had forgotten the simple of joy of bathing in a tub rather than a simple cleansing with a cloth and basin. It was heaven. She washed quickly before the water cooled, her hair taking the longest. After toweling herself dry and dressing, she returned to the windows to watch the busy dock and brush out her hair. The sky was gray and dreary, the water murky and brown with floating debris crowding around the pilings. Everything her eyes touched upon looked filthy.

She hoped Devon could be found soon and prayed that he was safe.

She braided her hair and rang for Willy. He took the bath and water away and returned to inquire
d if she would like to come to the deck.

She donned
Colton’s cloak and followed him out to the main deck where many of the crew were resting and sipping from tin mugs. She followed Willy up onto the quarterdeck where Mr. Timms was waiting.

Are you going to tie me to the mast now?” She smiled at him.

I've been given leave to do so, Lady Olivia,” he said without emotion.

Olivia's smile wilted.
“I hope you won't feel the need to.”

It all depends on you.”

Olivia looked to Willy and the boy shrugged.

“Well, I suppose I will just stand over here and see what dock life is like during the mornings.”

Willy and Mr. Timms did not respond.

Olivia looked out over the bustling port in wonderment. Everything was moving at once, ships, people, and objects. It was a hive of commotion and noise. It seemed pleasant and jovial, but the closer she looked the more grime and depression became noticeable. A stray cat, mostly fur and bone, curled its self into a coil of rope and anxiously licked its fur. A dog weaved through the crowds, head down, sleek as a cat, but also bone thin and weary. It was sad to look at.

Next, a woman wrapped in a thin blanket
appeared from behind a large stack of crates shortly followed by a man tucking his shirt into his trousers. Olivia gasped. The woman and man went their separate ways, and Olivia turned to look at Willy. The boy paid no mind, but Mr. Timms was frowning.

Willy, will you fetch the sketch book you made me please?”

Certainly.” He hurried from the deck.

Olivia approached Mr. Timms.
“Is he exposed to such indecency so often, Mr. Timms, that the sight of a prostitute has no effect on him?” She tried not to sound accusing, not that it was in any way Mr. Timms fault, but Willy was still a young boy, and innocence should not be treated so callously. Who was here to protect him?

Ay, my lady. I would guess from the day he was born that boy has seen more in his fourteen years than a man with a full life should. That is why the captain saved him.”

But he is still being exposed to such things.”

You cannot hide him from the rot in the world. How will he ever learn to see the beauty?”

Olivia pondered that.
“But what of his innocence?”

I would believe you are far more innocent than he is. Fear not for him. He is strong in heart and mind. He is not the boy you think he is, but a young man growing under the influence of the good captain. While such sights shock you, they are commonplace to him now. We all have different views of the world.”

Olivia felt chastised, although she didn't understand why. Her heart told her to protect Willy
, because he was just a child, but perhaps she was doing him a disservice. She nodded and turned back towards the railing. Willy appeared with her sketchpad, pencil, and a stool, and for the next hour, she sketched the sleeping cat. She was amazed that with all the hustle and bustle, that the cat never woke.

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