Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War (5 page)

BOOK: Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War
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              Liam walked to a set of drawers nearby and began to open and close them until he found what he was looking for. Returning to Sabrina's bed he held a scalpel in hand. Tim seeing the scalpel gave him a questioning look.

              “Tim, I don't know if I can do anything but I will try,” Liam said.

              Tim, at first, looked confused but then sudden comprehension dawned across his face and he nodded. After he was sure Tim understood, Liam leaned forward and made a deep incision near Sabrina's temple then proceed to make another incision in his left palm. Placing his palm to Sabrina's head he closed his eyes and pulled in on himself. Slowly he focused upon maneuvering his nanites through the open wound into Sabrina's head. Tediously he examined Sabrina's brain as his own nanites worked their way throughout her brain. Liam could not find anything obviously wrong yet something didn't seem right to him. Seeing that none of the brain tissue showed any signs of damage he moved out of the brain and began to spread throughout her body. Moving slowly he searched for what had caused Sabrina to suffer such a fate. He continued to find no obvious damage as he searched yet that nagging feeling he was missing something obvious continued to gnaw at him. He didn't know how much time had passed; it could have been minutes or hours yet Liam couldn't say as he labored to find the answer. It wasn't until he began his third pass through Sabrina's body did it finally hit him. None of Sabrina's nanites were completely active; it was as if they were set in standby mode. They pulsed with a faint glimmer of life but otherwise they did nothing. Further investigation revealed a large group of nanites were clustered around her cerebral cortex, which were interfering with brain activity, effectively shutting her down. Slowly Liam moved his nanites into place around the cluster. When the last of his nanites were in position he focused an electrical surge from his own nanites into the cluster. Nothing happened. Focusing again he intensified the electrical surge but this time overlaid a new set of parameters in the nanites programming to accelerate the process. This time there was a reaction as the cluster came to life, a flurry of activity. The newly activated nanites spread quickly, linking up with the remaining inactive nanites to in turn activate them. In a matter of minutes all of Sabrina's nanites came on-line and finished the integration process.

              Liam withdrew his nanites through the open wound back into his own body, sat back, and waited. Tim looked from Sabrina to Liam and back again before he spoke.

              “Liam, are you okay? You have been at it for hours. Were you able to do anything? Is she going to be okay?” Tim asked in an anxious tone.

              Liam didn't say anything but continued to watch Sabina. Tim moved from his position by the door where he had been watching in case Henry returned. Just as he reached Sabrina's bedside the monitors came to life. Brain activity spiked suddenly as her eyes shot opened. Liam calmly reached over and hit the call button that would bring the medical personnel.

              Sabrina blinked a few times then began to look around, confusion on her face. Her eyes saw Liam first then she must have felt another presence as she turned her head to lock eyes with Tim.

              “Dad?” she asked cautiously.

              Tim carefully reached out and brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. A tear slowly ran down his cheek.

              “Oh Sabrina, I thought I had lost you,” Tim said in a choked voice, tears beginning to flow freely now.

              Sabrina's face softened now as tears welled up in her eyes. She sat up and enfolded her father in a tight hug.

              “I am so sorry, dad, for how I treated you before, I know you would never have purposely done anything to hurt mom. I thought I would never get a chance to tell you how wrong I was when I saw you go on the deep space mission,” Sabrina explained in choked sobs.

              At this point a doctor entered with Henry following close behind. The doctor immediately moved to Sabrina's side and began to check her vitals. Henry stood at the foot of the bed with a look of amazement upon his face.

              “What did you do?” asked Henry.

              Liam didn't answer but instead just stared at Henry until Henry became uncomfortable and looked away.

              “Well.....I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. So is she going to be okay?” Henry asked the doctor.

              The doctor continued to examine her for a few more minutes before he turned to the three.

              “She will be fine...actually I can't find anything wrong with her but I would like to make a few more in depth tests before we release her.”

              “ it all right if I get a blood sample? I would like to test her current nanites to make sure they are working properly.” asked Henry.

              “I don't see any reason why not....hand me that syringe on the counter,” said the doctor.

              Henry handed the syringe to the doctor who then turned, located a vein, and pressed the needle into Sabrina's arm.....or attempted to at least. As soon as he began to push the needle into her arm it was suddenly repulsed by a shimmering energy field.

              “Um....that’s not possible,” said Henry.

              Everyone turned and looked at Henry.

              “I think I had better explain that more. You don’t know but Miss Wellmo volunteered for the
, through the enhancements, have enhanced strength and reflexes. They also have the regenerative health as well as the superior learning abilities. However, all of these abilities are not as superior as knight’s abilities are. The
also lack that sword deflection ability as well as the kinetic shield. Or at least they are supposed to lack the kinetic shield. I don't understand how it is she has this ability,” explained Henry.

              “It is simple, she isn't a
, she is a
,” Liam calmly stated.

              “Really? How is this possible? She was tested for the knight enhancement process and she failed. She would have died if she had undergone that procedure,” explained Henry.

              “Let's just say I was able to fix her nanites the only way I know how they are supposed to work,” Liam explained.

              Henry cocked his head to the side as he thought about this for a few moments before he answered.

              “So you essentially made her a
? But if you could do that then you can do that for anyone,” Henry said excitedly.

              “No,” Liam said simply.

              “But why? If we have a million
knights then we would crush the Shenkar when they returned or even better yet we could go on the offensive and hit them at their home world. Why would you not want to assure the survival of the human race?” Henry asked a bit hotly.

              “For many reasons, first and foremost I fight to defend, not to kill. I will not be part of wiping out another sentient race no matter how barbaric they can be. Second reason, I am not positive I could do this for just anyone, I was mostly guessing when I did this. So who is to say I could do it again? Third reason, even if I could replicate the process do you realize how long it would take me to make a million

              “But....” Henry started to say.

              “Enough of this,” said a man from the doorway.

              They all turned to see an older man standing in the doorway. He was wearing a lab coat but was wearing a gray suit underneath. He carried one of the new portable computers. Fifty times the power of the newest consumer laptops yet only the size of a PDA or personal digital assistant, one of the new benefits of the quantum computer technology the Shenkar had brought with them. Liam hadn't seen the man in a few weeks, ever since he had refused further tests regarding his new abilities. Many of the scientists and medical assistants grumbled that Milton Johansin was a “taskmaster” but Liam had never seen that side of the elderly gentleman, in fact the man was rather kind to Liam.

              “But sir...” Henry started to say.

              “I said ENOUGH, Henry! Now get back to work and you are to tell no one of what has transpired here today, do I make myself clear?” Milton said in a commanding voice.

              “Yes sir,” Henry replied meekly.

              Milton stepped aside to allow Henry to pass. The doctor finished his examination and then left without another word. Milton slowly walked up, the whole time staring at Liam.

              “Well my boy I see you are up to your old tricks again,” Milton said.

              “Old tricks?” asked Liam.

              “Doing amazing things and not telling,” Milton explained with a smile.

              Liam smiled but didn't say anything in response.

              “Well anyways I am glad you were able to help Miss Wellmo, too many people have died last year. Also a father should never outlive their children,” said Milton as he reached out and patted Sabrina's hand.

              Liam wasn't positive but he sensed sadness when Milton had made the reference about outliving a child. He also noticed Milton looked very tired and not altogether healthy.

              “Are you feeling all right, Milton?” Liam asked, not bothering to hide his concern.

              Milton seemed startled for a second but recovered quickly.

              “Oh yes, just a bit tired is all, nothing to be concerned with. So I don't suppose you would explain to me what you did to help Miss Wellmo? I will even spring for lunch,” Milton asked hopefully.

              Liam was about to say no but something stopped him. For some reason Liam felt that Milton wanted more than just to talk about what he had done.

              “Uh...yeah, sure,” Liam said.

              After making sure Tim and Sabrina would be okay, Liam and Milton left father and daughter alone to catch up and headed off to get lunch. He wondered what the older man had to say to him. He was pretty sure it really didn't have to deal with what Liam had done for Sabrina.



























November 26
, 2013, 9:23am

                                                   Shenkar Home World, Shryka


              Shizta entered the palace, taking long strides as he passed through the halls towards the main chamber of the Shelecore. None of the elites made any attempt to stop him, as they knew he had been given free reign of the palace. He had spent the past several moon cycles coming and going from the palace. Meetings lasting long into the night regarding the building of the new fleet, the cloning of new warriors for such ships and general knowledge of what they knew of the humans. As of now the rebuilt fleet was close to completion. Every day the Shelecore was becoming harder to dissuade from once again launching a full scale assault against the human home world. Shizta was constantly reminding the Shelecore they needed to be patient as they would need a fleet much larger if they wished to destroy the humans. However, he didn't think he would be able to stall the Shelecore much longer without risking having his own head removed from the rest of his body. The Shelecore, while intelligent, was not very patient and was prone to severe violence when upset.

              When he arrived in the throne room the overlords of the Shelecore's war council was already present as they all stood around a holographic table. Besides the Shelecore and the overlords the only others present were the elite guard posted around the throne room.

              Shizta eyed the elites as he made his way over to the holographic table. Lately something about certain ones had been bothering him. He had noticed certain elites had been showing more interest in what transpired, especially an elite named Cryta. The young elite always seemed to drift closer whenever discussion of the humans came up. Shizta hadn't mentioned his suspicions to the Shelecore for a couple reasons. One, the Shelecore would most certainly have the young elite executed. However, the second reason was the main reason for keeping his silence. After so long a time spent in close proximity, Shizta had begun to question the Shelecore's sanity. He had become obsessed with the humans and their destruction. If he had his way he would have recalled all warships, including Overlord Threta and his Crimson fleet, and assaulted the human’s home world. To remove the Crimson fleet from the dead zone could result in the
running unchecked throughout the Federation, Shizta shuddered at the thought. He knew he wouldn't be able to stall the Shelecore much longer, perhaps a cycle of the moon at most, before he ordered the assault on the humans.

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