Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War (74 page)

BOOK: Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War
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              “We will never join you! We will fight you till our last breath as we would rather die than be slaves,” Leah said, her voice full of fire.

              Her vision had completely cleared now and she was able to see the Shenkar standing before her. She was surprised to see he was older than she would have expected, probably the equivalent to a human just beyond middle age. He also wore a look of sadness as he looked upon her, this more than anything disturbed her.

              “Yes, I was afraid you would say that which I am sorry to hear. I do not relish the extermination of sentient beings but I see that your people may not give us a choice.”

              Leah strained against her restraints now, attempting to break free. This did not go unnoticed as she saw the Shenkar move forward and press something to her neck.

              “I see your strength has returned, we cannot have you breaking free now can we?”

              She felt a sharp pain at the site where the object was touching her neck followed by a cool feeling.

              Soon after she began to feel drowsy and she fought to stay awake. As the darkness closed in around her she thought of Liam and whether he would find her. She knew deep down he would not stop until he found her or he died trying.






























              Thank you for taking the time to read the second book in the Shenkar War trilogy. I hope you found it enjoyable to read and ask that if you did like it please leave feedback. The more positive feedback I receive the more incentive I have to finish the book as this lets me know how many people out there that wish to read the third book.

              If you have any questions or advice then I invite you to email me at
[email protected]
or you can find The Shenkar War on facebook. Seeing as this is only the second book I ever wrote I always welcome any advice fans might have.

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