Still thicker than water (24 page)

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Authors: Allen Takerra

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I wanna know more about you…Father.” It was hard for her to call him that. “I want us to build with one another.”

She gave her best impression of a regular girl who had genuine interest in a guy. She continued to jerk him slowly while she looked at him innocently.

What’s your favorite food?” She asked. He looked at her incredulously.


She shot him an award winning smile.

C’mon. What’s your favorite thing to eat?”

He leaned his head back in disbelief but continued to enjoy the dick massage, although she was not as good as Noki.

You,” he answered with a sinister laugh, that reluctantly made Jayde chuckle. She licked her lips, ready for the main attraction.

Okay, last question. What’s your favorite movie?”

Come on, climb up on this dick,” he urged.

Jayde stopped rubbing him and leaned over to unbuckle her sandals.

That’s not a movie…I’m serious, favorite flick?”

He sighed and closed his eyes, ready to make a flick of their own.

I don’t know…Casino, I guess.”

You’re no Sam Rothstein,
Jayde pondered.

You wanna know mine?” she asked, slipping out of one of her sandals. Father shrugged as she continued. “It’s Single White Female.”

Never seen it,” he said dismissively, anticipating her.

Jayde’s eyes turned cold as she unbuckled the other shoe.

I like the part…when she sleeps with the guy…and he’s lying back in the bed.”

Father sighed loud.

I said I never seen it,” Father repeated. But Jayde kept talking, blocking him out.

And then she takes her shoe…and he’s so helpless…he doesn’t suspect anything…”

Father was becoming irritated.

Baby, is we gon’ fuck or what?” He shouted.

Jayde looked at him, her Christian Dior spiked heel in her hand, and she finished, laughing hysterically.

And then…she stabbed the mothafucka right in the fucking eye, with her fucking shoe! Can you believe that shit?”

Father sat up slightly, hearing the last part and before he could get his “what the fuck” out, Jayde brought the heel of her shoe straight down into his right eye socket.

Aaaarrggghhhhh!” He hollered, in complete pain and terror.

Fat…fucking… bastard!” She screamed, demented.

Father felt himself blacking out and continued to scream, reaching for the shoe as blood and pus oozed from his face. Jayde quickly grabbed the .32 that was taped under the bed and fired four shots into his fat chest.

Shut!” Pop!

The!” Pop!

Fuck!” Pop!

Up!” Pop!

His body jolted and then relaxed, blood pouring from him onto her bed. She breathed heavy and eyed him closely, checking his pulse and heartbeat.

Done!” She screamed, as Chauncey, E, and Bleek came from out of her walk-in closet. They were there in case anything would have gone wrong.

Damn!” E exclaimed, looking at the naked and dead Father with a shoe in his right eye.

Bleek shook his head from side to side and stretched.

You aint worried about the neighbors?” Chauncey asked calmly, referring to the gunshots.

Soundproof walls,” Jayde shot back, walking over to Father’s body in her nakedness. Chauncey, E, and Bleek watched her as she stood over him, and leaned down.

Fuck you doing?” Chauncey asked, bewildered.

Jayde grabbed the Dior sandal and twisted and turned it until she was finally able to pry it out of Father’s eye socket.

My fucking shoe!” She said, examining it and then wiping off the blood on the sheets. “I paid a grip for these shits.”

She walked away and Chauncey followed her, so that they could discuss the next step.

And E and Bleek stayed behind and did what any real gentlemen would do; they cleaned up the mess, and took out her trash for her. The city was now theirs.



So like I said, if you can’t get a hold of me, Tatum can make any on the spot decisions that need to be made…I want you all to respect her. And I just wanted to formally introduce you all to her.”

Ree,” Tatum protested, feeling self conscious of her portrayal to all of his staff. He was putting her on some type of pedestal.

He had been chauffeuring her around the island, introducing her to everyone and in return, she was treated like a Queen. In fact, that’s exactly what she felt like, and unbeknownst to her, that’s exactly what she now was considered in Jamaica. Royalty.

Tatum didn't understand how the people of the island held so much respect for a man whose family represented crime, murder, and drugs, but she realized that the way these people lived, Ree and his family seemed to care more for them than their own government. They were loyal to him, and now, her as well.

I’m not answering to her,” Trinity mumbled, feeling like a spectacle.

Even though she and Ree had kept their relationship under wraps, many of the staff workers knew that they were dating, mostly due to her. This was embarrassing.

Is there a problem Trinity?” Ree asked boldly.

He knew she was going to be upset with him being with Tatum, but hey, life goes on. He wasn’t going to hide his relationship or put it on hold for her. And he definitely wasn’t going to jeopardize Tatum’s feelings for hers. If she wanted to continue working there, then she would have to find a way to deal with it.

No,” she answered meekly, as Tatum glared at her with an arched eyebrow.

Good,” he responded.

The crew dispersed after showering Tatum with warm smiles and kind words. They all were either trying to get or stay on Ree’s good side. When the area was cleared, Tatum turned and wrapped her arms around his waist.

So, this is us…this is my life,” she said, still not believing it.

Yup, this is us. I have one more thing I want to show you a little later.” He held her hips and stared at her. Now he was at ease.

Okay,” Tatum said, curious as to what it could be. Then she added. “And I have one more thing I want to ask you.”

Ask it,” he urged.

Tatum looked down and then back at him.

This is it, right?” He looked at her not really following what she meant, as she continued. “You know what I mean…no more street stuff?”

Ree sighed and stared her right in the eyes. How could he tell her that no matter what kind of business he was in, he would always be a gangster? It was in his DNA.

All money is legal, now,” he said, hoping that it would be enough.

She smiled and kissed him on the lips, and he figured that it was.

So what else do you have to show me?”


The car crept up a hill as Tatum took in the breath-taking scenery. All of the buildings were classic, almost historic looking, and beautiful fields of trees and flowers surrounded them.

Ooh Ree, look at that building over there, I wonder if that’s someone’s home?”

It is,” he confirmed, looking out of the window on her side at the old mansion he had admired since he was younger. He wrapped his arm around her waist as they sat in the back of the Maybach, gradually approaching their destination.

Oh my god, and look at that! I know that can’t be someone’s house too.” She pointed at a white colonial style estate that resembled a castle. Tatum was in complete awe of the beauty that surrounded them and Ree loved it.

It is,” he stated.

What? Oh my god…must be someone really important, huh?” Tatum was like a child staring at the huge property.

The car slowed down gradually and then finally came to a complete stop in front of the building Tatum had been admiring. Ree got out of the car and walked around to the other side to open the door for Tatum

It is…a very important person.”

Tatum stepped out slowly, looking up at him in confusion. She wondered who he was going to introduce her to now. Her head was spinning from all of the new acquaintances she had made.

He grabbed her hand, helping her out of the car and then he smirked.

It belongs…to you.”

Tatum dropped her jaw.

Nah-unh,” she laughed in amazement.

Ya-huh,” Ree said back, making fun of her juvenile, yet incredibly cute choice of words.

She smiled and shook her head in disbelief as Ree closed the door to the car.

Would you like for me to wait Mr. Knights, or will you be staying?”

Wait…please,” he instructed the driver.

He let go of Tatum’s hand and walked ahead swiftly.

Come on, let’s go,” he said, as Tatum looked around at the front of the estate.

The horse ranch, the pond, the garden, the stone walkways, large metal gates with two huge reflecting K’s encrypted in them.

K is for Knights,
she figured.

Come on Miss Lady, I got somewhere to be soon,” Ree hurried Tatum, with a slight smile. She double stepped to catch up to him, and they finally reached the huge front door.

What do you mean, it’s mine?” She asked intriguingly, as he opened the door and led her inside.

Just what I said. This is my home…and now it’s yours.”

Her heels clicked against the marble floors as she watchfully made her way inside, taking in the spaciousness of her vicinity. It was breathtaking.

But Ree, I’ve been to your house…I’ve been staying at your house.” She looked at him as if he had amnesia as he leaned coolly against a mahogany table in the living area.

My beach house.”


We’ve been staying at my beach house. But this is my…and your…real home.”

She stared at him a second longer and then slowly grinned wide, making her way over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him.

I love you, Mr. Knights.”

Yea…yea…yea…,” he joked, looking up at the ceiling blasé like, with a smirk. She punched him playfully and he smiled and grabbed her hips. He looked deep in her eyes, his stare, so tantalizing.

I love you more,” he answered, kissing her in a way that made Tatum weak. His kiss was so in control, so firm, yet gentle. His kiss was like liquid sex.

Tatum felt his hands making their way to her ample ass, palming her behind through her silk wrap dress.

Mmmm,” she moaned, as his strong hands caressed her body. She could have him right then and there if he had wanted to be had. But she remembered him saying he had somewhere to be.

With the heat he was inducing, she knew they were heading in the direction of a sex down.

Wait…wait. Don’t you have somewhere to be?” She reminded him, as his tongue traced her neckline. His hands sliding under her dress and up her thigh was his response.

But what about the driver? Didn’t you ask him to wait?” She questioned almost inaudibly, closing her eyes and biting her lip.

And that’s exactly what he’ll do,” Ree responded seriously, kissing her again.

Mmmm definitely, liquid sex.
And then they had each other right there, in the living room, on the floor, of their home.



Just one more block to go,” Sasha murmured to herself, as she jogged down Lindbergh Drive. The sun had recently set, catching her in the middle of her workout, and as she started to make her way home, a sense of eeriness came over her.

She tried to fill her thoughts of her latest dilemma with Chauncey and her husband to not become too creeped out, but even that wouldn’t do it.

As she turned onto her street and saw her house, she got that same feeling that she had gotten two years ago when those thugs had broken into her apartment and tried to kill her. The same thugs that she later found out were sent by Neli.

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