Sticks and Stones (9 page)

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Authors: Kerrie Dubrock

BOOK: Sticks and Stones
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          Smiling, he
followed her to the kitchen wondering if she donned the outfit on purpose.

          “Smells good.”

          “I brought your
favorite, cherry Danish.” He set the packages on the white wooden table along
with the cardboard beverage tray filled with two large coffees.

          She carried
plates to the table and sat opposite of him. “So, is everything okay?”

          “Yeah. I moved
out of the condo the other day while she was out doing God knows what. Anyway,
I nosed around her office, after jimmying the door open.” He handed her a
coffee and opened the lid of the pastry box. “I don’t know much about magic or
spells, but in all the years we were together I don’t remember you using black
candles. Isn’t there significance to the color black?”

          Grace took a
sip of coffee and shrugged. “Not necessarily. I find it odd, however, that when
we were friends, she never had any interest in Wicca.”

          Ben rolled his
eyes. “She thinks you have all that you do because of magic. And she wants
everything you have.”

          Grace took a
bite of Danish and frowned. “She had you. What more does she want?”


*        *        *

          On Monday
morning Zee rapped lightly on Blake’s office door. “Got a minute?”

           “Sure, what’s

          “What’s up with
Grace?” she asked, settling into a brown leather chair.

          “Like?” he

          “What happened
between her and Ben?”

          “Look, I’m not
one to gossip, but…” Blake began.

          Nearly an hour
later Zee shook her head, disgusted. “So, she got comfy in their relationship,
gained a few pounds, because, well, hell, that’s what happy people do and he
bitched about it to his co-workers?” Zee growled.

          Blake nodded.
“Yeah. Max pulled Ben aside one day after one of his rants and told him Grace
was too good for him and the next time he spoke ill about her, he’d punch him
in his perfect face.”

           “This Janice
sounds like a real bitch, too.”

          “I’ve only met
her briefly so I don’t really have an opinion other than, yes; she’s a bitch
for stealing Ben away from her best friend.”

          Zee nodded and
stood. “Thanks for sharing. I promise, what you’ve told me won’t go any


*        *        *


          Grace walked
into Bewitching Designs with a smile plastered over her face. “Oh Zee, you’re
gonna love me! Your bedroom’s finished!”

          “Really? You
mean I can finally go back to my apartment? I mean, I love my sister and all,
but her kids?”

          “Yep! As soon
as we close I’m driving you home just so I can see your expression!”

          Zee held up her
index finger as she answered the phone. “Bewitching Designs!” She nodded and
replied, “Hold on, please. Grace, it’s Becky Martin, the fund raiser. She’s
been trying to reach you.”

          Grace slapped
her forehead. “Ohmigosh! I keep forgetting to call her back.” She spotted
someone in the meeting room and lifted her eyebrows. “Is that Chase Storm?”

          Zee nodded.
“He’s only been waiting a few minutes and said he didn’t make an appointment to
see you, but he wanted to wait. Do you want to take this call?”

          “Just tell
Becky that whatever she needs me for, I’ll be there for her,” Grace replied
over her shoulder, walking towards the meeting room.

          “But Grace, I
think you need to hear what she’s planning,” Zee warned.

          “It’ll be fine.
Whatever she wants from me, she’s got, okay?”

          Chase rose when
Grace entered the room. “Hi Grace, I promise not to keep you long.”

          She grinned,
“No problem. Sorry for my appearance. I wasn’t expecting to meet with clients
today.” She waved a hand over her holey jeans and paint speckled t-shirt.

          “I wanted to
tell you, in person, how much I like your ideas for the subdivision. I can see
you’ve put a lot of thought into the sketches.”

          “I only
designed what I would like, if it were my home.”

          He nodded
thoughtfully. “My wife and I are having a little get-together with clients at
our home. I’d like for you to come, if you can, and meet Emily. I think the two
of you could put some of the furniture in her antique shop to good use. Maybe
brainstorm together?”

          “Sure, I’d love
to! When?”

          “Saturday and
here’s our address and my cell number, in case you get lost on the way.”


*        *        *


          Chase rapped
against the door of Rick’s condo with a bottle of Jameson. “Oh Ricochet…come
out and play,” he called in a sing-song voice. When the door opened Chase
wrinkled his nose. “Dude, you sick?”

          “Nah, just
taking a nap. What brings you to my happy abode?” he asked, waving Chase

          Chase shrugged.
“Happened to be in the neighborhood, thought I’d stop and say hi.” He glanced
at the glass coffee table and back at Rick. “Really dude?
Fifty Shades

          Rick placed two
crystal glasses on the table and scowled. “Nah. Grace was reading it and I
wondered what all the hoopla was and why she had so many pages dog-eared.”

          “Ah! So things
are progressing then!” Chase replied after downing a shot.

          “Pfft. Hardly.
I haven’t been to her house in weeks. I think she’s back with her ex.” He
chugged a shot and handed the empty glass to Chase.

          “And why do you
think that?”

          Rick sighed.
“Because I went to her house and she opened the door with messy hair, in a robe
and he was searching for his cuff link.”

          “Ouch,” Chase
murmured into the glass.

          “Yeah.” Rick
raked a hand through his unruly hair. “I told her I wanted to be friends, but I
don’t think I can do that. I saw her the other day and basically ignored her.
She chased me out to the elevator and called me out on it.” He took a sip from
his glass and continued. “She seemed hurt that I didn’t stop to talk to her.”

          “You said you
wanted to be her friend, so be her friend. Weasel your way into her life. Show
her who you are, man.” Chase sat up straighter and cleared his throat. “ ‘Never
confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.’”

quoting Fitzgerald now?” Rick laughed.

          Chase shrugged.
“Hey, it was the perfect line for the moment!”

          Rick lifted his
index finger. “Yeah, but, there are only the pursued, the pursuing and the
tired. And I’m tired of pursuing.”

          “Wow, dude, you
give up too easily. I, personally, think she’s worth the chase, but hey, to
each their own. Now, onto another topic entirely, did Em call you about our
party Saturday?”

          “Yeah and so
did Danny. We’re going to ride the Harley’s down and meet up with Denny on the

          “Didn’t your
coach give you shit about riding motorcycles?”

          Rick shrugged,
“Yeah, but I’m a rebel. I promised him I’d drive safely. Besides, this will be
the first time I’ve ridden since last summer.”

          Chase wrinkled
his nose. “Em says they’re dangerous. Doesn’t want me to ride anymore.”

          “Gettin’ rid of
the hog, huh?” Rick grinned.

          “Already did,”
Chase sighed sadly.      


*        *        *

          “Keep the
blindfold on!” Grace giggled.

          “Look, just
because I want my room to look like the red room of pain doesn’t mean I want to
be blindfolded.” Zee laughed. “At least not by you.”

          Grace took her
hand and pulled Zee to the threshold of her bedroom. After turning on the
lights, she carefully removed the blindfold. “Ta-da!”

          “Dayyuumm!” Zee
squealed. Her eyes scanned the room then quickly focused on the large,
heart-shaped bed. “Oh my, are those red sheets really silk?” Grace grinned and
nodded. Zee gasped as she walked towards a tall wooden dresser with little
drawers. “Girl, I’d better not find no damn butt plugs in these drawers. I told
ya, I’m kinky, but not

          Grace cleared
her throat. “Um, no. It’s empty. I thought I’d let you decide what you want to
put in there.”

smelled lemony and a bit leathery. Zee spotted a rack which held various
leather straps, something she previously owned, but the wooden rack was new.
She moved towards the bathroom and looked inside the closet. A frown filled her
face and she placed her hand on her hip.

          “Ya don’t like
it?” Grace mumbled sadly.       

          “Don’t like it?
Hell girl! I love it! I was just hopin’ you had a man hiding in here for me to
play with!” Zee grumbled.


*        *        *

          “Okay, tell me
what’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done,” Zee giggled into her goblet of

          Grace blushed.
“Whip cream comes to mind.”

          “That’s it?
Whipped cream? Girl, you need to read that series again!”

          Grace sighed
wistfully. “Unfortunately Ben wasn’t into experimenting and then when he
finally decided to be adventurous, he dumped me for Janice.” She took a sip of wine
and shrugged. “We were so different. I love to dance, he didn’t. Instead of
buying me gifts, he gave me gift cards because he said he didn’t know what I
liked. He didn’t approve of my Wiccan upbringing, but yet, he never embraced
his own religion.” She took another sip of wine. “Hell! He brought me purple
Calla Lilies the other day and he should know that I like pink ones! He didn’t
even like Janice and for them to end up together? Gah!”

          Zee placed her
glass on the black lacquer coffee table and took Grace’s hand. “I’m thinking
that since she had no interest in Wicca before she probably got a spell off the
internet to take him from you.”

          “Well it
worked,” Grace snorted.        

          “Yeah, but it
also makes me wonder how deeply he loved you if he was so easily swayed. I mean
he had to have been attracted to her in some way.” Grace began to protest and
Zee held up a hand. “Hear me out. The thing with spell casting and honest to
Goddess love is simple. No spell, however acquired, or how powerful the witch
is, can break the bonds of true love. It’s just not possible.”

          Grace smirked,
“And how would you know this since you aren’t Wiccan?”

          Zee shifted
uneasily on the couch. “Grace, I haven’t been truthful with you.” Grace’s
eyebrows lifted and Zee continued. “Janice came in search of a high-priestess
to help her get back what was rightfully hers: Ben and your clients. I didn’t
know it at the time, but she sought to ruin you.”

          Grace slowly
removed her hand from Zee’s grasp. “You’re Wiccan?”

          Zee nodded. “I
wanted to get to know you, see what kind of person you were. That’s how I ended
up at Bewitching Designs. Anyway, long story short, I realized the story she
told me was bullshit and you were the one who was wronged.” Grace’s stony
expression softened slightly and encouraged Zee. “I’m not helping her, so get
that notion out of your head. I’ve actually been charming the hell out of the


          “Yeah,” Zee
shrugged. “Girl! You’re Wiccan and don’t know what a damn charm is?”

          “I meant that I
haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary in the office.”

          “Well I placed
them strategically. Besides, you’re not in the office much lately.”

          Graces head
fell against the back of the couch and she closed her eyes. “I’m not sure how I
feel about this.”

          “Feel about

          “You being a
high-priestess, Janice coming to you for help.” She sat up and cocked her head
at Zee. “And if I want you in my life anymore.”

Chapter Six

          It was a lovely
August summer day, not a trace of humidity and a light breeze swayed the willow
branches when Grace arrived at the Storm home shortly after two. Stepping out
of the car she checked her reflection in the driver side window. She glanced at
the vehicles scattered in the driveway and along the road and lifted her thin
brows. Chase Storm had a lot of clients apparently.

          Their home was
a magnificent looking farmhouse and she wondered if Chase designed it.
Side-stepping three Harley Davidson’s she approached the white wraparound
porch. A smile filled her face at the blue wicker furniture. It looked so
inviting and homey. A place she’d love to have someday.

          She was stirred
from her reverie when someone called to her. “Grace?”

          Chase exited
the front screen door. “I’m so glad you made it!”

          Grace grinned.
“I love your home!”

          Chase looked
over his shoulder and smiled. “Yeah, we do too. C’mon, I want you to meet


*        *        *


          Rick stood
under the blue canopy enjoying an ice cold Corona. There’s just something about
riding the Harley on a warm summer day and enjoying a tasty brew afterwards.
Yeah, life was good.


*        *        *

          “And stop
pinching our guest’s asses, Phyllis!” Emily warned.

          Chase cleared
his throat, causing Emily to turn. “Babe, I’d like for you to meet Grace Ryan.”

          Emily hastily
wiped her hands on a dish towel and reached out to Grace. “I’ve heard so much
about you! It’s nice to put a face with the name.”

          “It’s nice to
meet you too,” Grace smiled. “I love your home!”

          Phyllis walked
around Grace with a curious gaze. Emily and Chase tried to make small talk with
Grace, but she was so enthralled by the flapper that she didn’t join in their

          “Um, Grace, is
everything okay?” Chase mumbled, scowling at Phyllis.

          Grace eyed the
flappers clothing. She wore a black fringed dress along with Mary Jane shoes
and a black boa. She shook her head and grinned at Phyllis. “Hi, I love your

squeaked. “You can see me?”

          “You betcha!”

          Chase and Emily
gaped at each other for a long moment. Finally Emily spoke. “You can see

          “Cool, huh?’
Grace murmured.       

          “Um, Chase, can
you entertain our guests? I’d like to talk with Grace for a bit,” Emily said
with wide eyes.

          “Cliff note
versions, okay ladies? I have a lot of guests out there,” Chase muttered, walking

          Emily tugged
Grace’s hand and led her to a room off the kitchen. After sitting on a gray
couch she blurted, “How are you able to see ghosts and don’t leave anything

          Grace laughed,
“It’s no big deal, really. My family is Wiccan and my Aunt Tilda cast a spell
to find her one true love and ended up with Reginald, a British man who died in
the 1930’s.” Grace shrugged, “I wanted to see him for myself so I cast a spell
to communicate with spirits and I’ve been able to see him and others since.”

          Emily tucked
her blonde hair behind her ears and sighed. “When I was very young I fell
overboard while my family and I were boating on Lake Michigan. I was legally
dead for several minutes and since then I’ve been able to communicate with
spirits. Some not so nice.”

          “Oh, how
horrible!” Grace replied, placing a hand on Emily’s knee.

          Emily shrugged,
“So’kay now. Phyllis has been my best friend since I was kid. And Frankie,
you’ll see him later, I’m sure, was my rock before I met Chase.”

          Grace smiled wistfully,
“They sound like they’ve been great friends to you.”

          Emily snorted,
“Yeah. Not too many people want to hang out with a freak who can communicate
with ghosts.”

          “Hey, I’d
rather have dead friends than live ones,” Grace scoffed. “My two best friends
kicked me to the curb and married each other.”


*        *        *

          “What’s the
smile for?” Rick asked Chase.

          “Can’t a guy
smile? It’s a beautiful day; I’m surrounded by family and friends…” Chase
trailed off.

          Rick lifted his
eyebrows. “Methinks you’re up to no good. So ya gonna let me in on it or what?”

          Chase grabbed a
Corona from a round metal tub filled with ice. “Nah, you’ll find out soon


*        *        *

          Emily patted
Grace’s shoulder as they walked out onto the back porch. “I’m so sorry Grace.
But hey, there are plenty of eligible men here today.”

          Grace frowned,
“Thanks, but I’ll take a pass.”

          “Not over your
ex yet?”

          “Actually, I
am,” Grace replied with a small smile and a shrug. “Funny thing is, he wants me
back and I’m not interested anymore.”

          “Good for you!”
Emily grinned. “I’m so glad Chase invited you. I have a feeling we’re going to
end up being great friends.”

          A loud twang
from a guitar sounded and Grace turned her head. A small stage was set up far
from the house. “Wow! I’ve never been to a party where they had a band!”

          Emily rolled
her eyes. “It’s my Cousin Freddie’s band, Double Exposure. And that’s Freddie’s
cue for me to take the stage. Grab yourself a drink, all the beverages and food
are under the blue canopies.”

          Not one for
large crowds, Grace watched as the ocean of people began to meander towards the
stage. She considered her options. Stay on the porch, alone and watch Emily’s
performance or join the small crowd under the blue canopies?

          She took a deep
breath and descended the stairs.


*        *        *


          Rick sauntered
towards the food area and shook his head. Chase never did anything small scale.
He hired damn servers dressed in white. He nudged Denny’s arm with his elbow.
“I thought a cook-out consisted of weenies and chips, not fucking steak, shrimp
cocktail and lobster.”

          Denny shrugged,
“Well Chase is a weenie, doesn’t that count?”

          A throaty laugh
escaped from Rick’s lips then stopped suddenly when he saw Grace. “I’m going to
kill Chase!” he growled.


*        *        *

          Grace was glad
she wore flats as the ground was a bit uneven and she was still nursing a sore
ankle.  She spotted Rick and lifted her hand to wave to him, but he turned his

          “You’ve got
great taste, toots,” Phyllis purred next to her. “Rick is air tight!”

          Grace glanced
at the flapper next to her and grinned. “Air tight?”

desirable. Sexy,” she crooned.

          “Yeah, that he
is,” Grace sighed.

          Phyllis nodded.
“Go on, go talk to him!”

          “He clearly saw
me and turned away, Phyllis. I don’t think he wants to talk to me.”

          “Life is wasted
on the living!” Phyllis griped, rolling her eyes.

          Grace made her
way towards the bar area and requested a glass of red wine.

          The dark haired
bartender grinned, “Any particular type?”

          “Nah. As long
as it’s red and chilled, I’ll drink it,” she murmured.

          “That’s right,
toots! Nothing like a little liquid courage to get ya thinking right,” Phyllis
chortled next to her.

          Grace shook her
head and leaned against the bar, listening to the band. She felt someone sidle
up next to her and turned.

          “Well hello,”
the brown haired man purred.


*        *        *


          Rick’s teeth
ground when he spotted the yuppie talking to Grace.

          Then his eyes
traveled from her face to her body. She wore a navy blue sundress. A
navy blue sundress, to be exact.
Why does she always wear short dresses?

          He watched for
a few moments and rolled his head onto his shoulders. “Oh hell!” he muttered to
himself when she hugged the yuppie.


*        *        *


          “I didn’t
expect to see you here!” Grace grinned, hugging Michael. “Where’s Jessica?”

          Dr. Michael
James motioned towards the bandstand. “She wanted to hear Emily better. What
brings you here?”

          “I’ve been
hired by Storm Design Group to design the model homes they’re building,” she
took a sip of wine and continued. “It’s so nice to see someone I know. I felt
out of place.”

          Michael grinned
at her. “Funny, I didn’t think of you as an introvert.”

          “Hubba, hubba.
This guy’s not too shabby either,” Phyllis cooed into Grace’s ear.

          Grace nodded.
spectacular looking with chocolate brown eyes and a warm
smile. Damn her luck.


*        *        *

          Rick’s eyes
narrowed as he approached Grace and the yuppie. She seemed cozy next to him.

came up behind her and listened to their conversation. It seemed innocuous, but
still ground his gears.

wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her lightly on the temple. “Hey
Grace!” he grinned.

action caught Grace off-guard. She cocked her head and smiled wanly at him.
“Rick.” She glanced at his hand on her shoulder and turned her eyes back to
him, puzzled. “Michael, this is…”

stood, nodding his head. “Ricochet! Wow, what an honor to meet you!” he
grinned, reaching for Rick’s hand.

pumped the yuppies hand
and arched an eyebrow. Okay, so the yuppie
was a fan, but he also happened to be hitting on Grace.

quite a grip you have on you,” Michael mumbled, flexing his fingers.

is Dr. Michael James, my friend Jessica’s boyfriend,” Grace stated.

blushed slightly. “Oh! Hey man, sorry about the grip.”

shrugged and continued to flex his fingers. “No problem. Luckily I don’t have
any surgeries scheduled.” He winked at Grace. “How do you know Chase and

my best friends. Chase and I met in college.” Rick took a swig of beer.
“Actually, we met through mutual friends because Chase is a few years older
than I am. Anyway, we’ve been friends ever since. Plus, Chase sponsors my
hockey clinic.”

have a hockey clinic?” Grace asked, surprised.

Since I came to Chicago I’ve hosted a hockey clinic for kids who wouldn’t
otherwise get a chance to be on the ice,” Rick shrugged. He turned his
attention back to Michael. “How do you know Chase and Emily?”

has a greenhouse down the way and she and Emily struck up a friendship,”
Michael shrugged. “I believe Chase wants Jessica to design the landscaping with
Emily for the model homes.”

men cocked their heads at Grace. She blushed and took a sip of wine. “I’m the
interior designer for the model homes,” she giggled, lifting her hand.

choked on his beer and yelped, “Hey!” An amused grin lit his face as he leered
at Grace. “Did you just grab my ass?” he whispered in her ear.

lifted an eyebrow and shot a glare at Phyllis who stood off to the side,
wearing a smug, satisfied expression.

of hard to do since one hand is holding a wine glass and my other hand is on
the bar,” she replied sarcastically.

sweetheart, whatever you say,” he grinned. “Come on, let’s dance.”

took her wine glass and placed it on the bar. Then he grabbed her hand and
pulled her towards the dance floor set up in front of the bandstand.

band began playing a toe-tapping song and he took her in his arms, breathed her
in and pushed her away into a twirl.

            At first
Grace was pissed that he just assumed she’d dance with him, but being on the
dance floor with the fast beat that the band played, well, it felt
exhilarating! And the man could dance!

*          *          *


and Emily watched the two of them dance from the back porch. Chase wrung his
hands and giggled manically, “Our plan is working!”

palmed his cheek. “Who would’ve thought, you, of all people, would play

*          *          *

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