Sticks and Stones (8 page)

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Authors: Kerrie Dubrock

BOOK: Sticks and Stones
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          “May I?” he
asked as he reached for the book.

          She gingerly
handed him the book and watched his expression as he leafed through the pages.
He frowned when he reached the end of her writings.

          “What’s with
the face?” she giggled.

          “No love

          She took the
book from him and placed it on the desk. “Nope.” She sighed, “I believe Fate
has a hand in such things, don’t you?”

          A smile crept
across his face. “It seems Fate doesn’t want you and that caller to hook up.”

          Her face
flushed. “It certainly seems that way.” She stepped away and lit the incense on
the altar.

          The scent
filled the air and Rick breathed deeply. It smelled like Grace. She noticed the
odd look on his face. “Is the scent too strong?”

          “Nah. I like
it. It smells like you,” he murmured.

          “It’s my
favorite scent, Patchouli.”

          “Can you tell
me what all this is?” he asked, waving a hand over the small table.

          “It’s my altar.
It represents the four elements. The bowl of soil represents earth. The incense
in the east represents air.” Her finger pointed to the left. “The bowl of

water,” he interjected with a grin.

          She nodded
slowly, smiling. “Yep and the charcoal, here in the south direction represents

          Rick warily
pointed to a knife placed between the incense and charcoal. “What’s that for?”

          “That’s an
athame. It’s used to cast circles or to direct energy.” She grinned at his
puzzled expression. “Nothing nefarious.”

          “I was a little
worried there,” he mumbled.

          She shook her
head. “And the candles represent the God and Goddess.”

          Rick rubbed his
hands together. “Now what?”

          “Well, I need
to affix this black candle into the cast iron pot over there and I can begin.”

          He offered to
light candles around the room while she busied herself preparing items for the

          “If you’d like,
you can have a seat over there,” she said softly, indicating a blue overstuffed
chair in the corner.

          He took a seat
and Chewy curled in a ball on his lap. They both watched as she filled the pot
with water, avoiding the wick. She picked up the athame, turned in a circle and
murmured quietly to herself. “I’ve just cast a circle of protection, in case
you’re wondering,” she explained, when Rick’s eyebrows lifted.  “I’ll need you
to be totally quiet, okay?” she asked as she began to clear her mind and

          She closed her
eyes and visualized Ben. Her lips turned downward as his image floated in her
mind. A rapid succession of thoughts and feelings filled her. The love they
shared then the betrayal by the hands of Janice. A steely resolve filled her as
she opened her eyes and visualized power flowing and growing within the candles

          Rick watched in
rapt attention as Grace stared into the candle flame. He swallowed hard when he
noticed the deeper she stared, the flame grew brighter and taller. Hell! It

          Instantly, the
candle snuffed itself out and Grace blinked her eyes for a few moments. “So
mote it be,” she whispered.

          Her eyes lifted
when Rick fidgeted in the chair. “You okay?”

          He nodded.
“That was intense!”

          “Yeah, I guess
it was,” she agreed. “I need to do another one.”

          Rick scratched
his jaw. “What was that one for?”

          “I broke the
power of another’s spell,” she sighed. “Now I need to cast a spell of
protection for him.”

          She rummaged
through a drawer and pulled out several herbs. Rick lifted each muslin sack and
read the names. “And here I thought herbs were just for cooking.”

          “Oh herbs have
many uses! They can be used for cooking, medicines, spell casting…the
possibilities are endless!”

          Rick waved a
hand at a nearby bookcase. “Judging by all the herb books, I guess you’d know.”

          She looked over
her shoulder and nodded. “I used to teach herbology classes at the local


          “Yep. In fact,
one of my students started an herb farm after taking my classes.”

          She assembled
rose geranium, rosemary and mugwort onto a work table then took a small square
of white muslin from a sideboard drawer. As she carefully placed the mixture of
herbs together onto the muslin square she visualized Ben with a white light
encircling him. She gathered up the four corners of the fabric, tied it up
using white satin string and recited the following several times:

          “By water,
earth, fire and air, protect the one for which I care!”


*        *        *


          The next
morning Ben sat with Grace at her antique kitchen table and nibbled on

          Chewy perched
herself near the table, keeping a watchful eye on Ben. When he lifted a hand to
pet her, she arched her back and hissed.

          He shook his
head. “Damn cat has never liked me.”

          In response to
his comment, Chewy hissed again.

          Grace held a
coffee mug between her hands and watched as Ben glared at Chewy. She tore her
eyes away and glanced out the window.

          “Feels kind of
weird, huh?” Ben commented.

          She lifted a
shoulder. “A little.”

          Ben reached
across the table and took her hand.

          Grace pulled
her hand away and stood. “I’ve made a protection sachet for you. You’ll need to
keep it on you at all times,” she murmured, pushing the sachet towards him.

          He snorted,
“Even in the shower?”

          “Look, either
you want my help or you don’t. Last night I removed whatever spells she cast on
you and this will protect you from any more harm,” she snipped.

          Ben stood and
caressed her cheek with his palm. “Gracie, I didn’t mean to be flip. Thank you
for caring enough to do these things for me when I don’t deserve it.”

          She nudged her
cheek into his palm. “You were under a spell, Ben. It’s not like you could’ve
prevented any of that from happening,” she replied softly before pulling away
from him.


*        *        *

          When Rick
pulled up to Grace’s house his jaw clenched upon seeing Ben’s car in the

squeaked when she answered the door.

          Rick shrugged.
“I stopped by your office and Blake said you called off today. I wanted to make
sure you and your aunt were okay.”

          “Gracie, I’ve
lost my cuff link,” Ben stated as he searched the floor.

          The muscles in
Rick’s jaw clicked. Grace reached for him, but he pulled away. “I guess I came
at a bad time. Next time I’ll call first,” he muttered, walking away.

          “Rick! Wait!”

          He stood in the
middle of the yard, trying to calm himself before she reached him. When she
placed her hand on his arm, he turned with a grin that didn’t meet his eyes.

          “Why did you
come by?”

          He shrugged,
“Thought maybe you’d like to hang out. No big deal.” He stepped away. “I’ve got
a hockey clinic to get to.”

          He waved a
casual hand when he drove away.       

          As she walked
back to her house Ben stood in the doorway. She tried to brush past him, but he
gently grabbed her arm.

          “He means something
to you, doesn’t he?”

          Grace pulled
away from Ben’s grasp. “He’s my friend.”

          “Have you slept
with him?”

          Grace sucked in
an outraged breath. “How dare you!”

          “Christ! I’m
sorry, Gracie. It’s none of my business if you have.” Ben raked a hand through
his hair. “From what I’ve read, he’s quite the player. I don’t want to see you
get hurt.”

          She lifted her chin.
“You’re right. I’ve been hurt enough.”

Chapter Five

          After the kids
left, Rick raced around the rink, in an effort to expend pissed-off energy. He
knew he had no right to be angry, but dammit! He couldn’t help it. He barely
knew the woman, but there was just something about her. Maybe Chase was right.
Maybe it
his little head thinking.

          “Aw bullshit!”
he yelled as he sped around the ice. He knew it went deeper than that.

          He was in great
shape, but the extra exertion made his thighs and calves burn. His legs pumped
faster, his heartbeat accelerated with each stride.

          He noticed
Victor waving a clipboard at him and slowed his pace. He skidded to a sudden
stop sending a snow shower onto Victor. “Sorry, bro,” he muttered. “Working off
some tension.”

          Victor glared,
while wiping ice from his face. “I’ve got a group coming in and I need to get
the ice cleaned.”


*        *        *

          “So that’s it?”
Emily questioned.

          Rick cradled
the phone between his chin and shoulder as he poured a shot of Jameson. “What
the hell am I supposed to do, Em? She clearly slept with him! The woman still
loves him!”

absolutely right. Forget about her. We’ll find you someone without so much

          Rick sank into
the black leather couch and placed his head against the cushions and sighed,
“If it were only that easy.”


*        *        *

          A week later
Grace glanced down at her appointment book and groaned. She had five
appointments lined up in the afternoon and by the looks of it, she wouldn’t be
home before ten.

          “Be careful
what you wish for,” she moaned, grabbing a Dove bar from the desk drawer.

          Zee poked her
head in the office. “You okay, Grace?”

          “Yeah. I’m just
so overwhelmed and it’s my own doing.”

          “Tell me all
about it,” Zee said softly as she sat across from Grace.

          Grace took a
bite of the bar. “Well, I cast an abundance spell in hopes of attracting
clients and it seems to be out of control! I’ve got more clients than I ever
expected not to mention possible clients,” she mumbled, waving a hand over the
appointment book.

          Zee nodded,
“Yeah, Blake’s been busy too. Girl, I don’t know how you do it. Going to homes,
doin’ them up and then meeting with perspective clients too. Ya look like hell,
Grace.” When Grace frowned Zee patted her hand. “Come on, let’s go out for
lunch. You’ve got a long day ahead of you.”


*        *        *


          Zee watched as
Grace picked at her salad. “Grace, something else is bothering you. Is it your

          “No, Aunt
Tilda’s fine. She doesn’t understand the word ‘relax’.”

          “Hmph. Sounds
familiar,” Zee noted with a smirk. “How’s the hot hockey player?”

          Grace lifted
her eyes from the plate and shrugged. “He hasn’t called.” She took a sip of
soda and carefully placed the glass on the wooden table. “He stopped by one
morning when Ben was leaving.”

          “And?” Zee

          Grace shrugged.
“I’m certain he thinks I slept with Ben.”

          “Did you?”

           “Of course
not. I don’t feel that way for him anymore.”

          Zee sipped her
water and a slow grin slid across her face. “Because you like the hockey

          “No, I mean
yes, but only as a friend. A very sexy, funny friend.” Grace sipped her cola
and snorted. “He thinks he’s interested in me, but really? I’m seven years
older than he is! What could we possibly have in common?”

          Zee shook her
head. “Stop. Just stop.”


          Zee took
Grace’s hand into hers. “You’re attracted to the hockey player…”

          “His name is
Rick,” Grace interjected.

          Zee shrugged,
“Okay, Rick. You’re attracted to him. Admit it.”

          “Well, duh, who
wouldn’t be?” Grace lifted her shoulders. “I’ve looked him up on the internet.
He’s kind of a whore. Sleeps around…I’m not looking for a one night stand.”

          “So, maybe you
still have feelings for Ben?”

eyebrows knitted together. “The funny thing is, a week before I was crying
because I missed him and then like a light switch, it went away. How the hell
is that possible?”

          Zee lifted an
eyebrow. “Maybe someone cast a spell on you.”


*        *        *


          “Has she
mentioned my name at all?” Rick groused.

          “No!” Blake
huffed. Seeing Ricky flinch made Blake remorseful. “We haven’t seen each other
much this past week. We’re either coming or going.”

          Rick swigged
his beer. “How’s her aunt?”

          “She’s home now
and doing well, or so Zee says.” Blake took a bite of his beef sandwich and
studied his brother. Something was different about him and he sighed when he
realized what it was.

          “Look, Ricky, I
don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be interested in Grace.” When Rick
began to protest, Blake lifted a hand. “Hear me out, okay?” Rick nodded and
Blake continued. “From what I understand, again, from Zee, Grace has been down
in the dumps. Now I don’t know if that has anything to do with Ben or her aunt,
but that’s all I’ve got.”

          Rick polished
off his bottle of Corona and wiggled the empty bottle at the waitress. “She
slept with him.”

          Blake began
choking. Once composed, he eked out, “Ben?”

          “Yeah,” Rick
sighed. “I stopped by her house and let’s just say, it was very obvious.”

          “Ew! Why?”

          “Ew?” Rick
laughed, half-heartedly.

          Blake shrugged,
“I don’t understand women.”


*        *        *


          Zee and Grace
walked arm and arm down the busy sidewalk. The heat was tolerable, only in the
mid-80’s and a slight breeze blew in from Lake Michigan.

          Zee leaned into
Grace. “Who put a spell on your ex and why are you protecting him?”

          Grace gave her
a condensed version and ended it by saying, “I just couldn’t allow him to get
hurt anymore. I loved him once, ya know?”

          “Do you want
him back?”

          Grace shook her

          Zee’s face
brightened. “So, go after the hockey, I mean Rick.”     

          Grace cursed
under her breath.


*        *        *


          “Thanks for
lunch, Ricky, but you don’t need to walk me to my office,” Blake said.

          “I have to use
the head,” Rick said quietly.

          Blake glanced
at his brother when they stepped into the elevator. “I doubt Grace is there.”

          Rick shrugged.
“I drank four beers. I need to use the head, okay?”

          Rick’s phone
vibrated in his pocket as they exited the elevator. “O’Shea,” he mumbled.

          “Dude! I’ve got
some hot chicks and I’m willing to share one with you tonight,” Seth Brice
yelled into the phone.

          When he saw
Grace at the reception desk, his breath caught.

          “Ricochet? Ya
still there?” Brice called out.     

          Rick nodded at
Grace and Zee and walked towards the rest-room. “Yeah. Still here. Look, I’ll
call ya back, okay?”


*        *        *

          Grace flinched
at Rick’s cool demeanor. She grabbed a notepad from Zee and scribbled the name
She didn’t want to forget again, to contact him and set a lunch date up with


*        *        *


          Rick washed his
hands and checked himself in the mirror. He didn’t expect to see her. Didn’t
to see her. “Fuck”, he muttered.

          Blake and Zee
were deep in conversation about a client who wanted to paint his living room
walls black. Grace acted interested, but wasn’t. When Rick appeared she put on
a false smile and joined the conversation. “So, ya gonna dress up the room with
a splash of colored paintings?”

          “Blake, great
to see you,” Rick said happily. He turned to Zee and shot her a smirk. “A
pleasure to see you.” He walked away and without turning, muttered, “Grace.”


*        *        *

          It was a total
dick move, but what else could he say to her? Rick cursed under his breath when
he stepped onto the elevator. He pressed the lobby button as the doors began to
close and suddenly they reopened.

          “I thought we
were going to be friends! Friends don’t just casually say hi and bye to each
other, do they?” Grace asked softly.

          Rick shrugged,
“I don’t want Three Piece to get his nose out of joint. Thought it was best I
stayed away.”

          Grace moved to
the threshold of the elevator and clasped her hands in front of her. Rick’s
eyes traveled from her hair to her white sleeveless blouse down to her short
black skirt.

          “I’m not with

          Rick’s eyebrow
lifted. “Seemed that way last week.”

          Grace nodded her head
sadly. “Yeah, I guess it did.”

*        *        *


appointments with potential clients Grace kept thinking about the comment Zee
made earlier in the day.
‘Maybe someone put a spell on you’.
After her
last appointment, she hastily packed her briefcase and made a bee-line for the
parking garage.


*        *        *

          Rick had his
hand wrapped around a Corona bottle and his arm draped around a redheads
shoulder. She was too giggly and quite frankly, annoyed the fuck out of him.

          Brice bought a
round of tequila shots and Rick drank his quickly and slammed the glass down on
the thick wood table. Christ! He couldn’t get the sad look on Grace’s face out
of his head.

          He leaned over
the table. “Yo, Cappie. I gotta jet.”

          Brice shot him
a knowing grin. “Not a problem. Have fun,” he laughed, gesturing to the

          “No, I mean I’m
going home. Alone.”     


*        *        *

          “Poppet! What a
surprise!” Aunt Tilda squeaked when she opened the front door.

          “I know it’s
late and I’m sorry, but this can’t wait.”


          Grace spun to
face her aunt. “Did you cast a spell for me to get over Ben?”

          Tilda nodded
gleefully. “Did it work?”

          Grace closed
her eyes and counted to ten in her head. “Please remove it.”

          “But Poppet,
you’ve been so sad. It breaks my heart to see you that way.”

appeared next to her. “Mine too, love.”

          “Please remove
it. Now,” Grace ordered.


*        *        *

filtered through lace curtains across from Grace’s bed. She rolled over and
threw an arm over her face to shield her eyes. It was Saturday, dammit! She’d
put in nearly a sixty hour work week and wanted to sleep! Thicker curtains were
definitely in her future!

          She rolled over
and began to drift off when the phone rang. Her hand searched the top of the
white wicker nightstand until she found her cell phone.

          “Hello?” she
grumbled into the phone.


          Her eyes shot
open. “Hey, I’m outside your door and I’ve brought breakfast. Can I come in?”

          “I’ll be down
in a minute,” she replied, casting the blue sheet to the side.

          She ran into
the bathroom and pulled her hair into a ponytail, after quickly brushing her

          Grace took a
steadying breath before opening the door. The early August heat hit her almost
as hard as seeing Ben before her. “Come in,” she murmured.

          Ben gaped at
her. She wore the red satin teddy he’d bought for her on Valentine’s Day. It
stirred pleasant memories in him. He’d taken the day off and they spent the day
visiting the museums. Later, after a lavish dinner, he took her home and gave
her the perfectly wrapped teddy. When she modeled it for him, he grabbed her
hand and a can of whip cream and led her to the bedroom. 

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