Stephan (23 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #new age, #young love, #adult romance, #jk publishing, #new adult contemporary romance with sex, #new adult college, #new adult and college, #new adult and college romance, #new adult 17 plus, #new adult school college

BOOK: Stephan
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Stephan came out and massaged my shoulders. I
leaned into him moaning at the amazing feeling. He kissed my head.
“I’m going to go hop in the shower and freshen up.”

Crap, now was my chance. It was perfect.
“Sure. I’ll be waiting right here.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to join me.”

Oh boy did I, but I knew if I did I’d chicken
out. “Nah, I’m going to watch this.”

“Oh, okay.” I could hear the disappointment
in his voice and bit my lip to stop from giggling.

He walked away and I waited until I was sure
he was in the shower. Running to my bag I rummaged through it for
what I wanted to wear. I freshened up with some wipes and shook my
hair out trying for the messy seductive look.

Stephan turned the shower off and I took a
deep breath. I could do this. I hoped the stripper heels and black
lace gave him a hint at what I was doing and he’d take over because
right now I wasn’t feeling like the go get ‘em woman. “I’m a
confidant sexy woman.” Ha. The shake in my voice almost had me
running and hiding. Positioning myself on the end of the bed I
waited for the door to open and hoped I looked sexy and

Closing my eyes I took more calming breaths.
I could be sexy, I could seduce him

“Holy shit, Jade, what are you doing?”

Snapping my eyes open I didn’t say anything
but cleared my suddenly dry throat and walked to Stephan praying I
didn’t break my fucking neck in the shoes. Stephan seemed frozen as
he stared at me. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and I
honed in on his tattoo. My heart flip-flopped every time I saw my
name. My gaze traveled down his perfect six-pack abs to the
beginning of his happy trail.

Holy shit. All I had to do was look at him
naked and I became achy and hot. Reaching out I smoothed the pads
of my fingers down his chiseled chest and hooked them on the towel,
unraveling it and letting it fall to the ground. Before I lost my
nerve I yanked him to me and plastered my mouth to his. His hands
touched my heated skin and I deepened the kiss seeking his tongue
and tangling it with my own. My fingers wrapped around his dick and
I slid my hand up and down. I was nervous, I’d jacked him off
before but tonight was going to be different—I was going to take
him inside me. I was going to lose my virginity, and give him one
more thing that had been only mine.

My whole body was alive with need, lust
flowing through me. Stephan had always given me almost an electric
need for him. He cupped my bare arse lifting me slightly. The
hooker heels made me taller, but still not as tall as him.

I rubbed my body against him. “I want you.
I’m ready. I want to make love to you.” I had been through so much
with Stephan I knew he was the one. I loved him. I had for a long
time, it's why it broke me when he left. I didn’t give my love
lightly, everyone I loved never seemed to love me back. Stephan was
trying. He told me he loved me and he’d tattooed my name on him and
that shit was permanent.

Wanting to move to the bed, I tore my mouth
from his and took a step back holding out my hand. “Come on. I want
to do this on a soft bed.”

“Jade. Little bit. You don’t have to do this.
I can wait. We haven’t been back together for long. I don’t want
you to regret this. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I love you
no matter what we do...or don’t.”

“I want this. Please.” I tried what I hoped
was a sexy pout.

Groaning, Stephan took my hand and followed
me to the bed. I let him get on the bed and I crawled on after

“Shit. You look so fucking hot right now.”
Stephan went to grab me but I evaded him, feeling confident he
liked what he saw I wanted to be in charge now. I needed to be in
charge. My insides felt like butterflies were fluttering about.

Kneeling, I smiled at him before I slid up
his legs until I straddled his waist.

“Fuck me. They’re crotchless.” I ground my
pussy against his erect cock and grinned at his hiss. “You’re

Giggling, I ran my fingers over the ridges of
his abs. Leaning down I did what I’d wanted to do since he first
gotten the tattoo, I traced it with my tongue then kissed it with
my lips all the while rubbing my pussy against him.

“Oh fuck this, I can’t take it. This is

Stephan wrapped his arms around me and
flipped us so I was on the bottom. I stared at him, his dark blue
eyes stormy with passion. I smirked because I’d done it. I’d given
him that look.

“You’re so goddamned beautiful.” His lips
mashed mine and I opened to meet his seeking tongue. He leaned on
his elbow and his other hand moved down between my legs. Rubbing my
clit he slid two fingers into me, keeping a rhythm.

I searched for release. Stephan made me hot.
I always came so easily for him. The anxiety and nervousness I’d
been feeling had heightened my senses. Stephan’s mouth left mine
and he nibbled his way to my neck and sucked on my skin sending
shots of pure ecstasy through me.

Moaning, I arched up into his touch. His
fingers delved deep as his thumb pressed down on my nub with just
the right amount of pressure helping me to shatter. “Oh God,” I

Stephan worked his way back up, taking my
mouth again as I felt his cock at my entrance. He bit my lip and
eased back just enough to look into my eyes. “You sure? I can stop.
Tell me now.”

Reaching up I caressed his cheek. “I want
this. I want you.” I spread my legs and wiggled so his cock sank in
a little more.

“Mmm, you will be the death of me,” he
murmured against my lips. “I’m sorry,” he said as his mouth took
mine and he surged up and deep into me.

A sharp pain struck me and I stiffened.

Stephan stilled and his mouth left mine.
“Tell me when you’re ready for me to move.”

I took a deep breath and assessed my body.
Nothing else hurt, I just felt tender down there. Wiggling, I
tested to see if the pain was still there. I didn’t feel painful
anymore. I gazed at Stephan as he hovered over me, his jaw tense,
his lips thinned in a grimace and he was sweating.

“You can move now. Slowly.” I watched as his
face relaxed and then his dick eased out of me before he sank back
in again.

Oh. My. God. I’d never felt anything like
what I was feeling. Shards of delicious tingles shot through me
spreading fire along my senses.

“You’re so tight. I’ve never felt anything
like it,” Stephan growled.

I wanted more. I needed him deeper. Wrapping
my legs around him I met each thrust pushing against him. I gripped
the sheets, needing an anchor, as the onslaught of desire came to
boiling point, I stared up at Stephan watching his muscles flex and
strain. I’d never seen anything sexier.

“Oh, Stephan, this feels so good. Please
don’t stop.”

His eyes flared with passion, and when he
drove into me this time it was with deep sure strokes.

“I love it when you push deep.” I did,
nothing ever felt this good.

Stephan grunted and drove into me hitting
just the right spot. I screamed, never having felt anything like
the rapture taking over. Letting go of the bed sheets I yanked him
down digging my nails into his back. I needed to feel more of him
against me.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he moaned.

Tilting my head I latched onto his neck and
sucked. His thrusts became almost frantic as he propelled into me.
Digging my heels into his arse I ground against him as he drove
deep. I was so close. I knew when I came it would be big.

I need…oh…I need to…” I could barely speak I
was so desperate with need.

“I know, little bit,” Stephan panted out.

He eased his body from mine and rested his
head in the crook of my neck. He pistoned into me and his teeth
scraped my neck and then he nibbled on my ear.

Holy crap. Who knew having my ear being
nibbled on would shoot fiery desire straight to my core. I
exploded, holding Stephan tight as a wave so strong washed over me
and I smashed into a million pieces.

“Stephan,” I yelled, as my orgasm consumed me
and bliss unlike anything I’d ever felt settled over me.

Stephan pumped into me a couple more times
grunting his own release and coming to rest on top of me. I liked
his weight, it added pressure to my already euphoric state.

“That was amazing,” I whispered. “I didn’t
know it could be like that.”

“You’re amazing, Jade. I love you.”

I should tell him I love him back, but I
didn’t want to tell him after he’d just taken my virginity. I
wanted to tell him and have him know I meant it. I closed my eyes
and basked in bliss.




I was on cloud fucking nine. It wasn’t
because Jade had sex with me, well it helped, it was because she’d
given me her virginity. I knew what it meant to her. I knew she
wouldn’t have given it to me if she didn’t love me.

Over the last two weeks Jade had come out of
her shell. She was cooking in the kitchen, dancing and singing. She
hugged me, not me initiating everything. It was like she turned
eighteen and knew she was free, she could go and do what she liked.
DoCS didn’t have a thing to do with her anymore, she was legal.

When she’d waited for me outside my class on
Friday I almost danced with joy. Finally she was accepting we were
a couple, or so I thought until she said the words no man ever
wants to hear, ‘we need to talk’. I almost pissed my pants. What
the fuck? How the hell did I go from such a high to shaking in my
shoes. Jade had never been so forward. I heard the determination in
her voice.

I’d freaked myself out the whole drive to the
park. When we’d sat on a park bench I’d asked what she wanted to
talk about. When she told me it was about our future and what she
was doing next year I’d relaxed and then gotten pissed. Had she not
listened to a word I’d told her. I’d said we would be together
forever. I friggin’ tattooed her name on chest. What the fuck more
did she want?

I stopped acting like a pussy and told it to
her straight. We would be together no matter what. We would be
going to the same university. She was my soul mate, my one and I
wasn’t leaving her…ever. Jade seemed to like it when I took charge
and I liked being in charge.

Glancing over at her as I drove us to the
Newcastle University Campus, I smiled seeing her rosy cheeks, puffy
lips, and bright happy eyes. She looked gorgeous. The
I’ve just
had sex
look suited her. I’d woken this morning to Jade’s back
snuggled up to me rubbing her arse against me. I couldn’t help
myself. My hand moved down from her waist, my fingers finding her
clit, and I began rubbing circles around it. She’d moaned rotating
her hips.

I lined my cock up to her entrance and slid
it back and forth teasing her nether lips. Delving a finger into
her core I tested her wetness. “Holy shit, Jade, you’re soaking

“It’s all your fault. Since meeting you I’ve
turned into a horny mess. I was never attracted to anyone like I am
to you.”

I didn’t say anything. Pulling my finger out
of her I pushed my dick home. She felt fucking amazing as her walls
clenched around me. I was feeling unbreakable, on a high from her
words. I’d worked hard to get her attention and to get her to give
being together another chance. Now I was so close to getting her to
admit to her feelings for me I could feel it. Chuckling at my
thoughts because I sure could feel something right now, and it was
causing me to sweat with the strain of not letting go and coming
without her having her fulfilment.

I caressed her breasts and leaned in and
kissed up and down her neck as my cock thrust in and out of her.
Her sighs and moans drove me crazy. Jade tilted her head giving me
better access and her hands came up and held my head to her

“I love your mouth,” her voice a breathless
pant. Well that was a start, at least she loved something about

Easing up on my elbow I turned her head and
took her lips with mine. I grabbed her leg and hiked it up helping
me to sink deeper. She held it up and I glided my hand down,
thrumming her clit with my fingers. The pads of my fingers touched
where we joined and I devoured her, taking everything she was
willing to give and more. Pressing down on her clit I circled it
and plucked the bud between my fingers.

Her mouth tore from mine and she panted to
catch her breath. “Yes, yes. I’m going to come,” she groaned

Sucking on her neck I wanted to leave my
mark. I wanted everyone to know she was mine. She was taken.
Driving my hips up I plunged into her and nibbled on her ear,
driving her crazy. Her hand came to rest on mine and she screamed,
digging her nails into my hand as she shattered around me, her
pussy quivering before it squeezed me tight milking me. Thrusting
into her one last time I came hard with a grunt.

Slipping out of her I turned her and hugged
her before I took her mouth in a kiss. I loved this woman. She’d
overcome so much in her short life. I was proud she was mine.

We laid in bed for a while cuddling and
basking in our bliss. My alarm went off reminding me we had things
to do and I’d reluctantly gotten out of bed pulling her with me. We
showered, which turned into another round of making love. By the
time we got out and dressed we were late for our tour of the

Pulling into a car park at the advised spot
on campus, I turned the car off. “When you looked more into the two
universities what did you think?”

“They both had the courses I want to do, but
at the moment I’m leaning toward Griffith University in Labrador
the Gold Coast. It’s a bigger campus and I like the idea of
starting over in another state. Today though may change my

I got out of the car and came around to her
side as she opened her door, got out, shutting it behind her. I
locked the car, slipped my fingers through hers, and we walked hand
in hand to the campus.

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