The New Rule: (The Casual Rule 2)

BOOK: The New Rule: (The Casual Rule 2)
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The New Rule

By AC Netzel

Copyright 2015 © AC Netzel

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.


A huge thank you to Vicki for her encouragement, feedback, pep talks, and free therapy sessions while this story was still rattling around in my brain.

Thank you to my facebook, blog, fanfic friends and followers and my “Twitter Ladies” (you know who you are!) for their amazing support, always checking in on me and making me laugh.

To all the amazing bloggers- I can’t thank you enough for taking a chance on a new author and spending your valuable time reading, reviewing and sharing my book(s) with your followers. I’m so grateful. I owe so much to you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you to my big Italian family- for providing endless entertainment, ridiculous haikus, and love.

Thank you to Olivia and Nick because they’re awesome.

And the biggest thank you to John- My rock and the best man I know.

Chapter 1

I wake up to the sound of a welcoming ping. Stretching my arm across the pillows, I grab my cell phone off my nightstand. As expected, there’s a text waiting for me.

*Good morning.*

A sleepy smile plays across my lips. I quickly text him back.

*Good Morning to you, Stranger.*

*Haven’t forgotten me already, have you?*

“You’re the guy with the dimples. Right?*

*Among other things.*

*Care to elaborate on those other things?*

*The author in me prefers to show instead of tell you about them.*

*The editor in me is intrigued.*

*Editorially or sexually intrigued?*

*Definitely sexually.*

*Sexually? I can show you that. I must warn you, I’m very descriptive.*

*I love a man who pays attention to details.*

*Then you must love me very much.*

*Yes, I do.*

I smile. No truer words have been said… Well, texted anyway. He texts me back…

*Wish I was lying next to you right now.*

*Wish you were lying on top of me right now.*

*The things I want to do to you.*

*The things I WANT you to do to me. When does your flight land?*

*3:00. Come to my place after work. I’ll make dinner.*

*I’ll bring dessert.*

*You ARE dessert. If you can last until then.*

*Are you saying I have no willpower?*

*We both know you can’t resist my body.*

He’s right, I can’t. I text him back.

*True. Especially my lips. They want to touch you.*

*Where specifically do they want to touch?*

*Your choice.*

*I NEED to see you tonight.*

Every muscle below my waist clenches.

*I NEED to see you too.*

*Did you stay away from BOB?*

Ben requested I not use my vibrator while he was away. He wanted me hot and bothered when he got home from his trip. Stupidly, I agreed.

*Yes. I’m extremely horny & frustrated. Happy?*

*Yes. Very.*

I laugh. He’s a bastard.

*You better rectify my situation.*

*I plan to. Come by around 6:00. You’ll be naked by 6:02.*

*6:02? Making me wait?*

*It’s all about the anticipation.*

*Two whole minutes of anticipation. Torture! You’re shameless.*

*Shameless for you.*

*I look forward to your torture. *

*I’ll make sure you do. See you tonight.*

*Safe travels.*

*I love you.*

*I love you too.*


I walk into the kitchen and find my roommate, Allie, leaning against the counter, sipping a cup of coffee. Allie has been my best friend forever and can read me better than anyone. Somehow I’ve managed to keep one secret under the radar. I’ve wanted to share it with her, but I’ve been putting it off.

It’s time.

“So, I have something to tell you,” I say nonchalantly as I grab a mug and pour myself a cup of coffee.

“Yeah? What?”

“I started taking the pill last month.” I pour creamer into the cup, keeping myself busy in effort to keep this conversation as blasé as possible.

“Oh, good idea. Double your protection—the pill and a condom. Smart.” She nods her approval.

“My intention is to get rid of condoms altogether.”

“Why in the fucking hell would you do that?” She places her mug down on the counter, staring at me wide-eyed.

And here’s why I didn’t tell Allie a month ago.

“Ben and I have been together a few months. We’re exclusive. We’re in love.” She rolls her eyes. I narrow my eyes and scowl at her. “Don’t eye roll me, Missy. We are. Anyway, it’s time for the real feel, sans the latex.”

“Jules, you need to give this careful consideration. No condom is a huge decision. Do you realize what it entails? Think about it… wet spots you’re stuck lying in. Man spunk trickling down your legs as you make a run for the bathroom. The scent of sex—you know what scent I’m talking about—on you, in you, all over the drips on your legs that are now circling your ankles. Your life is going to revolve around endless showers: Sex-Rinse-Repeat. Are you out of your mind?”

“First of all, you’re disgusting. Secondly, it’s my way of feeling closer to him.”

“Did Ben put you up to this?”

“No. He doesn’t know. I want to surprise him. Anyway, he has no say in what I put in my mouth.” She cocks her head with a knowing smile. I grab a dishtowel off the counter and throw it at her. “Get your filthy mind out of the gutter.”

“That’s impossible. My mind was born for the gutter. So you’re sure this is what you want, the mess and the rest?”

“Yes, it’s the closest we can be.”

I never thought I’d say that about my commitment-phobic boyfriend, but he has certainly embraced the boyfriend role. Sometimes I worry I’m dreaming all this… happy. I'm terrified that one day I'll wake up and it'll all be snatched away from me. But it’s real. We’re real.

My last relationship was a disaster, with me blind to the fact that I was exclusively dating a serial cheater. I know Ben would never betray my trust like that. I hope he wouldn’t. No, no… he wouldn’t.

Things have also changed a lot in the past three months for Allie, although she’ll deny it until she’s blue in the face. My “casual sex only” best friend has been not-so-secretly exclusive with her boyfriend—although I’m not allowed to call him that—Vince. Neither of them sees anyone else, and she gets that sticky-sweet, gooey-eyed girl in love glaze in her eyes whenever he’s near.

She’s so into him. And it scares the shit out of her.

So we keep up the pretense that they’re just fuck buddies. It works for them. Their sex sessions are one for the record books. Wouldn’t matter if they closed her bedroom door or not, there are all sorts of grunts, moans, growls, howls, and the occasional Tarzan yell coming from her room. God help me, once I hear Marvin Gaye blasting through the walls, I grab my iPod and put in my earplugs.

“Okay, it’s your clean-up. Ben comes home today, right?” she asks.

“Yes, I’m meeting him after work. He’s making dinner for us.”

“You know he’s only cooking for you so he can screw you later. It’s a move straight out of the ‘How to get Laid’ handbook.”

I have no problem with that. It mixes my two favorite things in the world… food and Ben. Besides, four days away from him and the ridiculous BOB ban, which I foolishly agreed to, have left me incredibly horny. So much so that I actually leaned against our washing machine while it was in the spin cycle for some vibration stimulation, a little something to take the edge off. All that got me was hornier. That night’s dreams were filled with me and Ben having sex on a bed of dryer sheets in a laundromat.

I think Allie knew what I was up to, but never questioned me. She was reaping the benefits. We never had so many clean towels.

“Is that all guys think about? Sex?” I ask.

“Yes, it’s their reason for living,” she states flatly.

“Seriously, from the moment they open their eyes—it’s sex, sex, sex.”

“Tell me about it. Vince always wakes up with a woody standing straight at attention. I swear it’s like waking up next to a flagpole. I don’t know whether to suck it or salute it.”

“Classy as always, Al.” I shake my head.

She laughs. “If I’m honest, sex is my reason for living too. That’s how I reeled in Vince.”

“What do you mean?”

“When we first met… I told him I have no shame and I’ll basically do whatever he wants. Boom. Signed, sealed and delivered a mighty-fine orgasm in the club’s bathroom.”

“You had sex in a public bathroom?”

“Yeah. Wasn’t the first time. Damn, he was good for a random hook-up, that’s why I gave him another go,” she says casually.

“God, Allie. That’s so…” I sigh. “That’s just… so dirty.”

“Yeah, it was.” She smiles fondly.

“That kind of behavior could land you in the hospital or worse. You really need to be careful.”

“Oh, speaking of hospitals. I have a favor to ask.”

“Okay,” I say cautiously. I never know which direction Allie’s thoughts will wander. Her logic spins all over the place.

“Promise me something.”

“Sure, what?”

“If I ever fall into a coma… promise me you’ll wax my mustache.”

“You’re in a coma, and
is what concerns you.”

“Of course. I always want to look my best. Is it a deal?”

“Sure. Deal. And with that promise, I’m off to work. I’m probably staying at Ben’s tonight. Will you be okay alone?”

“Vince is coming over tonight.”

“That’s the fourth night in a row,” I tease, arching a sly brow. She hates when I tease her about Vince.

“Yeah, well…” She hesitates and her face flushes. Holy shit! Allison Lewis is at a loss for words. It’s a miracle. I better play the lottery. She folds her arms across her chest and narrows her eyes. “Don’t you have to leave?” she asks, flustered.

“Yes. See you tomorrow.” I walk back to my room, grab my overnight bag and head out to get the day over with.


It’s another workday at Wisteria Hill Publishing. The day is dragging. I drum my nails on my desk, staring at the clock on my desktop every two minutes waiting for it to end. I know it’s only been four days away from Ben, but they were four very long, lonely, frustratingly orgasm-free days. I miss him.

I sound like a pathetic love-sick teenager. What has this man done to me?

Since I’m editing his second book, we thought we should come clean to my boss Vivian, once we became an “official” couple. I’m pretty sure I saw her holding back a laugh when we “came out”. Apparently our attraction and undercover relationship was obvious to everyone within an inch of us. All the while we thought we were keeping it under wraps.

I assured her I could still edit his books impartially. She told me she had no doubt I’d edit fairly and allowed me to continue working with Ben. It’s been a mixed blessing, depending on how he reacts to my editing notes. It’s lead to some pretty big arguments… and even bigger make-up sessions.

I’m in the middle of reviewing a chapter from an up-and-coming author when a voice startles me.

“Delivery for Julia Conti,” a delivery man in a tan uniform announces. He’s holding a small bouquet of daisies in a simple, clear glass vase. I grin, knowing exactly who they’re from. Daisies are “our flower”.

I know, I know, it’s corny and sappy. Don’t knock corny and sappy until you try it. It’s definitely underrated.

“Thank you.” I grab my bag, rummaging through the bottom. I never actually put anything
my wallet, and I’m praying I have a couple of singles to tip the guy.

He waves his hand in front of me. “The tip has already been taken care of Ma’am,” he says. Leave it to Ben to think of everything.

After the delivery guy leaves, I remove the plastic wrap around the daisies and find the card.

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