Stepbrother Secrets (3 page)

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Authors: Lauren Branford

BOOK: Stepbrother Secrets
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Silent Scandal


              I leaned forward and kissed his mouth, opening his lips with mine. Our tongues danced viciously with one another, as if it were an aggressive game. Sebastian forced me backward onto the bed, shoving his tongue deep inside of my mouth in an aggressive embrace.

              He pulled off of me in a display of his masculine torso. His muscles seemed more chiseled today as they indented at his sides and bloomed on his abdomen. There was no doubt that Sebastian was stronger than me. Still, that’s what I liked about him. Beyond the silent scandal that we had created, I had developed feelings for him. Every kiss against my breasts was like a reaffirmation that what we had was more than lust.

              “Come apart for me,” he said looking between my legs. “I want to taste how delicious you are again.”

              “Like this?” I asked coyly as I slowly spread about my legs. Sebastian quivered.

              “Just like that,” he growled. “You are so appetizing.”

              Suddenly, he lunged onto me, licking my pussy with his dribbling mouth. I felt like I was a cutlet of meat he had been waiting to devour. His tongue was faster and stronger than our initial encounter. My body convulsed as I grabbed onto the bedding, thrashing it about the room.

              “Fuck!” I groaned. Sebastian’s hand flew to my mouth, muffling me as I orgasmed.

              “You can’t be done on me, can you?” he smiled. I shook my head.

              “More, please,” I said with an exhausted expression. My pussy was still heated from pleasure when he inserted. The thickness and warmth of his cock only made me feel inside like an intense oven.

              “Shit, you’re warm,” he said as his cock slid in and out of me. “I want to see you from above.”

              “Alright,” I agreed with sweat starting to collect. The truth was, whatever Sebastian wanted to do with me, I was eager and willing to perform.

              He rested on his back as I sat down on my firm cock and began to rock my hips. Slowly, I grinded his meat inside of me. Sebastian’s eyes filled with wonder as he gazed at me in the eyes. As my body twisted, his expression became more focused. Suddenly, his breathing intensified.

              “I’m ready,” he gasped. Then he threw me off of him so that I landed on the other end of the bed. Sebastian got to his knees and jerked his cock. Spouts of his warm sauce sprayed from the tip, covering me in lines of white pleasure. The final dribble he saved for me, placing it inside of my mouth. Normally, I didn’t like the taste of it; however, Sebastian’s was divine.

              “That was utterly fantastic,” I whispered.

              “You are gorgeous,” he said lying next to me. “The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

              He kissed me, sending his tongue to entwine with mine. Then he placed his arms around my chest and sighed.

              “What are we going to do?” I said after a few moments of just listening to our bodies breathing.

              “With what?” he asked.

              “All of this? This is obviously taboo.”

              “It doesn’t matter to me,” he said looking at me in the eyes. “In time, everything will work itself out for the best.”

              “Promise?” I asked.

              “Of course,” he said as he nudged his nose against mine. As he flashed his gleaming smile at me, I started to care less about the world outside of Sebastian.


The End of Book 1

The following is a preview…

Book II: Stepbrother Desires



Morning News


              I awoke the next day to discover that Sebastian wasn’t with me inside of my bed. After wrapping my robe around me, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. The smell of warm, sizzling food permeated the air. I noticed that the chef was preparing some potatoes and ham.

              “Hello!” Lydia called out to me. She seemed to be in an even cheerier than usual mood this morning.

              “Hi,” I said softly. “That smells good.”

              “It’s almost ready,” she said smiling. “You’ll
it. Won’t she, Michael?”

              I stepped around the corner to see Michael at the far end of the stone kitchen counter. Between them was my father who was reading a newspaper. Michael smiled at me with a mouthful of potatoes.

              “It’s absolutely delicious, Aubrey!” he said gleefully. I gave Michael a small smile as I sat down next to Lydia at the counter. One of Michael’s best and worst qualities was his ability to act like the terrible events of previous days never existed. While everything went under rug swept, I was also supposed to play along. In this case, it felt less exhausting to go along with it all.

              “How was your day yesterday, kids?” my father asked behind his newspaper.

              “It was great,” Michael smiled. “I beat Aubrey three times in a row at chess.”

              “Then I destroyed you at trivia,” I reminded him as the chef put a plate in front of me.

              “She did!” Michael laughed.

              “Look at this kids, Lyd,” my father said as he reached his hands across the table. “It’s so nice to have everyone here all at the same time.”

              “It is, isn’t it?” Lydia looked genuinely emotional over the entire scene. “If only Sebastian could get back here quickly, we could have a proper family breakfast.”

              “Did I hear family breakfast?” Sebastian said as he rounded the corner into the room.

              “My doting son is back!” Lydia exclaimed as she stood up from the counter. Meanwhile, I was wondering where he had gone.

              “Having a family gathering without me?” Sebastian was beaming, even more than any time I had seen him before. It was far too early for him to be up, especially with his hair done and dressed in a polo shirt, shorts, and shoes.

              “I was waiting for you,” Lydia said as she gave him a hug. “Tell him that I was waiting, won’t you, darling!”

              “She was,” said my father as he lowered the newspaper.

              “Well, we can’t have a proper family meal without this week’s special guest,” he said. “Darla, come out here! She was just taking her shoes off at the door.”

              A girl just a few years older than me came out from in back of Sebastian. She had black hair that came down in waves around his soft, pale skin. Large, round eyes, and pale pink lips completed her perfectly innocent look. There wasn’t a thing about this girl that wasn’t beautiful, and yet, there wasn’t anything about her that I could trust.

              “Oh my goodness, Darla!” Lydia cried out as she gave the girl a hug. “I can’t believe that Sebastian didn’t tell us you were coming back to the grounds today!”

              “Mother, did you see?” Sebastian smiled. Lydia looked down at Darla’s hand and let out a scream.

              “You didn’t!” Lydia said with wide eyes.

              “Mother,” Sebastian announced. “I’d like you to meet my new fiancé.”

              It seemed as though Sebastian had some more cards up his sleeves. This asshole decided not to tell me that he was engaged to be married. Inside, I was fuming. Of course, I couldn’t tell a soul in the room about our encounter, so this had to be my little secret. This girl might be pretty, but she wasn’t a match for me. Sebastian was the one thing that I wanted the most, and I wasn’t about to give up on my desire.


Coming November 12

Book III, coming November 19



About the Author

Lauren Branford has traveled the world, meeting people from all walks of life. For Miss Branford, writing is more than expressive, it is liberating. Scribing subjects on matters that society has deemed racy and prohibited are the most delicious treats from her library.
Lauren Branford currently holds residence in California.

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