Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set (15 page)

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“What do you think is going to happen now?” asked Max.


“I don’t know,” Allison replied. “I’m used to not knowing.”


Max took one of her hands from his face and brought it to his lips, gently nibbling each finger and caressing it against his rough cheek.


“Perhaps we will know tomorrow…”


Max pulled out and lay next to Allison on her bed, wrapping his arms around her and pressing her head into his chest. He gently stroked her hair until her breathing was shallow and steady and her eyes were closed in dreams.


Allison dreamt of Max once more that night. They were sitting on a park bench with books and iced teas, reading excerpts to each other.


She couldn’t quite remember when she awoke the next morning, but she swore they were both much older in the dream. Aged with lines in their faces. Perhaps it was a sign to her, but she wasn’t sure. She was used to not knowing.








Stepbrother: Forbidden Pleasures

Felicia Sexton

 Copyright 2015 by Felicia Sexton


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced

in any way whatsoever, without written permission

from the author, except in case of brief

quotations embodied in critical reviews

and articles.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

First edition, 2015



Chapter 1


There’s nothing wrong about it. Just breathe, Linda. He helps you, that’s it. It’s not charity. He expects your involvement in return. Just breathe and do your best.

It was the first day at a new job, and I tried to make myself look confident and professional. Yet, I couldn’t get rid of a thought that the boss was my step-brother.

How could it happen? As easy as that. My dream was to go to college, but I was tired of working endless shifts in dirty snack-bars or cheap cafes. I hated them.

I changed eight places in six months and nothing helped. It was the same story everywhere: omelet leftovers, grinning managers, freakish clients who didn’t know what they wanted… It was the only way for me to get some money for a college though; I didn’t see any other way out.

However everything changed when my mom married a man who turned out to be a billionaire. He could pay my tuition fees in Harvard! But I didn’t want to.

It would be unfair. Live off a complete stranger? Yes, he was my new dad; a step-dad, to be precise, but it wasn’t my line to beg for money, giving nothing in return.

Then his son, Jeff, suggested that I should take a position of his secretary. He would pay me, and I would work. Just like that. No weird offers, just a fair job and a good salary. This meant that I could abandon my disastrous attempts to be a waitress. Finally! So I agreed.

I didn’t know how to behave though. I wasn’t really familiar with my new step-brother; I just saw him a couple of times and we had a few short chats. He was always out on business or somewhere else, so I didn’t have a chance to get to know him better.

Jeff was tall, dark-haired and incredibly attractive. He had a soft, deep voice, strong arms and an athletic body. I saw him once diving in my new dad’s swimming pool. I wasn’t spying, I swear, but I was always so curious about the swimming pools and people who owned them…

My mom and I used to live in a small two-bedroom house. A tiny garden and a gnome greeting at the doors – that was it.

Now we moved to a house which resembled a palace, and I was dazzled by the number of rooms, corridors and a swimming pool which offered enough space for a whole swim team.

So here I was, standing in the office hall, waiting for Jeff. I felt incredibly stupid in a tight dress and my new stilettos. It was much better at home, when I turned in front of the mirror and looked stunning. Here, in the office, nobody noticed me and passed as if I was invisible.

Just breathe. He will come eventually. Or did he forget about me? What if it slipped out of his mind? What if he’s on some business trip now, and I’m going to spend the whole day here in the hall?

“Linda! You’re so early.”

I turned around and saw Jeff.

“You look beautiful,” he said and smiled. “Are you ready for your first day?”

“I am,” I said.

“So let’s start.”

He showed me my desk at his office door and told me how to use the phone. Then some documents followed and more, and more… My head was spinning.

By lunchtime, I was exhausted, but excited. I loved everything about the job: the clean, bright office, professionally-dressed colleagues, discipline… It was so different compared to the filthy snack-bars I used to work in!

Now I didn’t feel weird in my new outfit; I felt gorgeous. After all, Jeff said I looked beautiful. That was what I needed: his appreciation.

Not only was he giving me some money, he was also raising my self-esteem. Being a waitress is not a dream, it’s a short stop on the way to something grand. Working in a real office is different though; I felt it was the thing I could do after I graduate from my college.

“Do you want to have lunch with me?” Jeff asked. “I’ll show you the best place.”

Did I mention that I loved everything here in the office? I meant including Jeff’s smile. I hadn’t had a lot of time to take a good look at him before. Now I worked with him and I just couldn’t but see him all the time. I realized it’s hard for me to shift my glance from Jeff.

“Sure!” I agreed. “Let’s go.”

Now I was ready to go anywhere with him. I was so grateful for my new job…

He showed me a small restaurant nearby.

“I always have my lunch here,” Jeff explained.

I noticed he also gazed upon me as if he was assessing me. I blushed.

“It’s so hot here,” I explained quickly. “Such a warm summer this year!”

“Oh, yes. I wish I was in French Côte d'Azur right now,” he said. “I think I’ll go there eventually at the end of the week. I have a contract to negotiate… And you go too, of course.”

“Really?” I was surprised.

“You are my secretary. It’s your duty,” he said smiling.

I laughed.

“I love my new job!”

“I’m glad you like it.”


Chapter 2


After the lunch, we returned to the office. We had an awkward moment leaving the lift; it was too crowded and I stepped out first, but Jeff did the same. We turned out to be face to face in the corridor, and Jeff’s hand was resting on my waist.

“Sorry,” he said at last. “These lifts!”

He didn’t look he was sorry though. I realized he touched me on purpose. I blushed again, but Jeff, fortunately, didn’t notice. What was he doing?

I could swear he was attracted to me, but it was rubbish; he was my step-brother and we worked together. There were two serious arguments why he wasn’t allowed to like me.

The first week went by quickly. I still couldn’t believe I worked in a large office with my step-brother, wore smart dresses and high heels and had my own responsibilities which didn’t involve any dirty plates. I made coffee for Jeff, of course, but it wasn’t too hard, and I didn’t have to wash the cups. At last!

At the end of the week, we flew to France. Earlier, I booked two business-class tickets to Nice, thinking it was a dream. I’ve never had a seat in business class (the price was horrific!), and I’ve never been to France.

Moreover, I’ve never travelled to Europe at all! And now I had four days to enjoy sunny Côte d'Azur. Not forgetting about my work responsibilities, of course. I packed two swimsuits and a straw hat, ready to put them on as soon as possible.

We had four days in Nice, and Jeff managed to settle all his business in the first three hours.

“I thought it would take more time,” he smiled. “Now let’s enjoy France.”

A silly romantic girl would imagine that Jeff knew the contract wouldn’t take much time and asked me to book our trip to France with something on his mind.

But I didn’t want to delude myself. Jeff was a serious businessman, and I was his secretary. We had separate hotel rooms. Nothing more.

After the lunch, Jeff changed from his business suit into Bermudas and a T-shirt. He wore sunglasses too, so I couldn’t see what he looked at. It was weird.

He smiled at me, and I wasn’t able to understand if it was a regular, polite smile, or a flirty one. I didn’t see his eyes, and it irritated me.

Especially when I left my room in a swimsuit and we met in the hotel lobby. Jeff was in his swimming trunks too, and I did my best not to stare at his magnificent muscles.

As for him, I didn’t know if he looked at my breasts in the new bikini or not. I wished he did, but I knew it wasn’t supposed to happen.

We went to the sea and had a swim. Then we laid on chaise longues to sunbathe a bit. Jeff’s bronze skin was covered with water drops, and I wished I took my sunglasses too. I wanted to stare at this amazing torso for ages. Without being noticed, of course.

“You look even better in your swimsuit,” Jeff suddenly said. “I loved your office dresses, but this one is gorgeous.”

I felt I was blushing again. Why did he do this to me? Why was he so nice?

“Thank you,” I said.

“But your cute little bikini won’t help you win a swim race,” he smiled cunningly.

“Want a bet?” I asked. I liked Jeff’s playful tone.

“I do!”

He got up at once and rushed to the sea. It was too quick for me, but I didn’t want to lose so easily. I followed him and dipped into the salty water. Jeff was already far away, but I caught up with him in a minute.

“You call this a race? It’s a snail's pace!” I teased him.

He gave a splash; my hair was wet.

“What are you doing?” I was jokingly angry.

“It’s your prize,” Jeff explained and winked.

He splashed me up again.

“The first prize,” he added.

I wouldn’t let him get away with murder. I did the same, and now it was Jeff’s turn to screw up his eyes.

When we got back to the beach, we were both out of breath.

“You’re so quick! I can’t believe one can swim like that,” Jeff said, panting.

I smiled.

“I grew up by the ocean. So nothing new here in the sea.”

Jeff laughed. He didn’t put his sunglasses on, so I could see his eyes. Jeff was looking at me thoughtfully, and I felt tingles down my spine.

In the evening he gave me a call and suggested having dinner. I went out of my room in a new dress; it was a bit more revealing than my usual office dresses, but not too slutty. I didn’t want Jeff to think I was flirting. Or did I? I was confused.

He took me to a restaurant by the sea, and we chose a table on the terrace. The stars were blinking in the dark night sky; the sea was quietly whispering; we were alone. The seafood smells were so inviting that I couldn’t wait to order. Jeff smiled at my haste.

“You’ll love the oysters. They are the freshest here,” he said.

“I’ve never tried them.”

“Really? You’re so cute.”

I think he enjoyed my delight about the trip; he loved my inexperienced, surprised look. I wished I could show him I wasn’t so inexperienced in something else…


Chapter 3


After the dinner, he took my hand.

“We should have a stroll along the sea. It’s very special in the night.”

I nodded, hiding my smile. He was holding my hand!

We left the restaurant and came down to the beach.

“So this is your first time in France, right?” Jeff asked.

“It is.”

“How do you like it?”

“So far it’s amazing. The oysters were delicious! And I just love listening to French people. Such a beautiful language!” I replied.

“Do you want to learn a couple of French words?”

I could hardly see his face expression in the semi-darkness of the night beach, but his tone was playful again.

“I do!”

“Je t’adore,” he said. “Do you know what it means?”

I had a vague idea.

“It means I adore you.”

He drew closer and took both my hands. Now I could see his eyes clearly.

“And I do. I like you so much, Linda,” he said, leaning over to me.

It was a long kiss, and I wanted it to last forever. Jeff caressed my back and then suddenly went on, kissing my neck. He obviously wanted more, and I… I dreamt of it too.

I didn’t want to ask myself if this affair was going to continue back home, and I didn’t want to think that Jeff was my boss and my step-brother. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. I just longed to feel Jeff’s hands on my bare skin…

We were too far from the hotels and the public beaches; I could only see the cliffs and hear the sea; nobody would see us. Jeff took out a towel (so he had a plan!) and laid it on the sand.

The next moment, I realized I lay on the towel and Jeff slipped the shoulder-strap of my dress down. He kissed me and kissed as if he couldn’t get enough, and the world was spinning around.

The whispering sea, the dark sky above us, the tiny sparkles of the stars, the faraway town lights… I just pressed myself to Jeff and wished this night never ended.

The next morning, I woke as if nothing happened. When I opened my eyes and saw the window of my hotel room, I just thought it was another usual (French!) day. Then I suddenly remembered.


Josh and I! Last night there was something between us! Between us, colleagues, and, even worse, siblings. Well, step-siblings, so to say, but…

I got up as quickly as I could. I washed my face, got dressed, put my makeup on and then panicked.
What if he fires me? What if it was just a one night adventure? What if today he says it was a big mistake and he can’t look at me like he used to?

When I got down to the hotel restaurant, I was trembling. We didn’t sleep together after we returned from the beach; we parted. It was a bad sign.

I saw Jeff at one of the tables. He was drinking coffee.

“Linda! Over here!” he waved to me.

Is everything fine? Or does he want to have a big talk?

He smiled, when I came up to his table and sat down.

“It was a wild night, don’t you think?” he asked.

I didn’t know what to say. It was, but I obviously drank too much at dinner and that’s why I couldn’t remember well what happened after the
. Or was I too tired? We came back to the hotel in the middle of the night, and the things we did at the beach were just crazy…

“Why didn’t you come to my room? You said you wanted to take a shower and then…”

Remembered it. I took a shower, put on my ‘sexy’ nightie and… just fell asleep on my bed. Oh yes, I was exhausted after the

“Oh, Jeff, I’m so sorry!” I said.

“I hope it doesn’t mean that you want to dump me?” he smiled.

I was surprised. He wanted to go on!

“You see, it’s a bit complicated,” I said.

“I know. That’s why we need to talk,” he looked serious.

I made a deep breath.

“Office romances are forbidden in my company,” Jeff explained. “So we will have to keep everything in secret.”

“I see your point.”

Jeff was serious again.

“I’m sorry, I was too fast. I haven’t asked you.”

“About what?”

“What do you think of

Jeff looked so cute, being so obviously anxious. A big boss was shy as a schoolboy now.

“I think it’s a terrible idea,” I couldn’t hold my smile. “Do you remember that we are siblings?”

“We are not,” Jeff looked a bit relieved by my smile. “
, to be precise.”

“And here is another argument to keep everything in secret.”

He brushed against my cheekbone.

“Linda, I really want our last night to be just the first one. I’m mad about you. Mad about your smile, about your voice, about your skin… Your curves, your lips, your fingers…” he held my hand. “I was waiting for the night together since we met.”

“Wait,” I narrowed my lids. “This French trip and everything… Did you plan it?”

“Of course I did!” he smiled cunningly. “I needed to sign a contract.”

“You know what I mean,” I sounded severe.

“Well, don’t ruin all the romance. Don’t you like it here?”

“I do. And I loved the beach especially,” I admitted.

“Me too.”

He drew closer and kissed me over the table. My head was spinning again.

“Just tell me why you left yesterday. You didn’t come back to me…” he said looking in my eyes.

“I just…” I chuckled. “I fell asleep.”

He laughed too.

“I won’t let you sleep tonight,” he warned.

“Why wait?” I winked.

“Good point, Linda!”

He took my hand and got up.

“Wait, I haven’t had my breakfast!” I said.

“Are you really hungry?”

I wasn’t. Well… I was, but in another sense.

When we entered Jeff’s room, he put his hand round my waist.

“I’ve never had such an adorable secretary before,” he said, closing the door.


He nodded.

“And no sisters like you.”

I laughed.

“You know we are not supposed to do it.”

“I do. Forbidden fruit…” he said.

He was right. I fell for him the very moment he entered the office hall, on my first day at work. Or was it earlier? Catching a glimpse of his silhouette in our new house, I didn’t believe such a handsome guy would look at me.
He must have thousands of girlfriends. And we are family, after all.

Now I saw what Jeff meant: a fire burnt inside of me when I thought of having an affair with my step-brother, my boss. I knew nobody would approve of our love, but I couldn’t but kiss Jeff again and again.

There was something unbelievably attractive in the idea of secret relationships. Something teasing. Something incredibly hot. A desire which is not allowed.

“You know, it will be difficult for me to work side by side with you after all
,” Jeff said, smiling.

“What about the lunch break?” I asked. “Forget about the food. We can find a better use for this hour.”

Jeff laughed.

“You are so right!”


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