Stepbrother Catfish: The Complete Series (14 page)

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Chapter Twenty-Two



The following morning, I’m rudely awakened by his air raid siren and I silently vow to change that alarm the first chance I get.

AJ untangles himself from me. He brushes a kiss across my forehead and rolls out of bed. We slept together last night, locked in each other’s arms, comfortably naked. We made love slow and deep while looking into each other’s eyes. I can’t even count how many “I love yous” fell from his lips.

He’s still naked now and I enjoy watching him stand and walk to his closet. God, he has such a nice ass.

He reappears, dressed for work and looking far too much like Andrew. I try to push that thought away. For this relationship to work, he’s made it clear he wants me to think of him as AJ.

I sit up, the sheet drops to my waist. He comes to the edge of the bed, bends down, and kisses me.

“Good morning,” he says as his mouth pulls away.

“Good morning,” I respond and then I can’t help but giggle as he fondles my breast.

This early I’m ticklish.

“Don’t have too much fun without me,” he says wistfully and steps back.

I smirk and give a small shake of my head, “Have a good day.”

He starts to walk out of the room. I let my head drift to the side as I openly ogle his ass. Suddenly, he stops and spins around.

“Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?”

I straighten in surprise, busted. “Uh, sure… I don’t really have anything to wear, though.”

He grins, “I’ll have something sent over.”

“Okay, that sounds great.”

His eyes roam down to my breasts and then flick back up to my face. “Be ready by six.”

I grab the sheet and yank it up. “I’ll be ready.”

“Have a good day, gorgeous.”

“You too, AJ.”





I spend most of the day just doing a lot of nothing. It’s great. I take a shower, clothe myself in one of AJ’s work shirts. I roll the sleeves up and wear it as a dress. I enjoy my coffee, eat leftovers for breakfast, and binge out on my soaps.

Later that afternoon there’s a knock on the door. I answer the door assuming it’s the dress AJ said he’d send over.

I’m taken aback as the door swings open. Standing in the hallway is a gorgeous blonde haired woman. By the pinched look on her face and the narrowed look to her eyes, she doesn’t appear to be happy to see me.

A wrinkle of disgust appears on her little nose as her blue eyes take me in from head to toe. “I knew it.”

I want to slam the door in her face for the way she’s looking at me, but she pushes past me and walks into the apartment.

“Is Andrew here?” she asks, her red heels clicking against the floor.

She’s dressed as if she just stepped off a New York runway. Her hair is curled, her makeup is perfect. There’s a black purse slung over her shoulder that probably costs as much as I make in a year.

She walks around as if looking for AJ, as if she’s familiar with the place.

“No,” I answer, lingering by the door. I’m hoping she’ll decide to leave.

“Good,” she answers. “We need to talk.”

I shake my head. “You should leave.”

The woman ignores me. She walks over to the couch and sits down. She crosses one leg over the other gracefully. Then she grabs up the remote I left lying on the cushion and clicks off the TV.

“Did Andrew tell you about me?”

I sigh. I really just wish she’d leave. We look at each other. She looks exactly like every other girl I’ve seen Andrew parade through the office. Expensive and high maintenance.

“Andrew’s not here. You really should leave. I didn’t invite you in and this is his place.”

She smiles as if she’s amused by me. “I’m Tiffany. I’m Andrew’s fiancé.”

I want to smack her across the face. The violent urge unsettles me. I’ve never felt like getting in a fight with another girl before but hearing her say she’s his fiancé while sitting there all haughtily brings out the claws in me. I settle myself down with were. You were his fiancé.

“Normally,” she goes on, “I wouldn’t worry too much about you. Andrew does have his flings.” She rolls her eyes, “I understand men have their needs….”

Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes. I walk over to the couch just to grab my phone. I half expect her to stop me. I’m within reach. She smirks at me as I dial Andrew’s number and lift the phone to my ear.

“Are you calling him?” she asks.

I give a curt nod of my head.

The smile that forms on her face makes me sick to my stomach, “Good, let him know I’m here. I came over to tell him the good news.”

“Hailey?” Andrew answers. I can hear confusion in his voice. He’s probably wondering why I’m calling him and not texting him. “Is everything okay?”

She laughs. I feel all the color drain from my face. “I’m pregnant. Andrew and I are expecting a baby.”

Chapter Twenty-Three



“Hailey? Hailey?” Andrew repeats worriedly.

The phone starts to slip from my hand, snapping me out of my shock. My fingers tighten and I click the phone off.

Tiffany is still laughing as I race for the bedroom. I have to find my clothes, I have to get out of here before Andrew shows up.

I’m such a fucking idiot!

I stop at the door of his closet and lean against the wall. I’m wasting precious time, but I feel the torrent of tears coming. I have to keep it together. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Right now, I just have to survive this. Later I can break down and let it all out. I won’t give Tiffany something else to laugh about.

Chin up, I tear through Andrew’s closet looking for my little blue dress. I have absolutely no respect for him and don’t care if I mess up his overly organized crap. Shirts and pants go flying. I pull open his drawers only to leave them hanging on their hinges.

Unfortunately, I come up empty handed. What I wore the other night is nowhere to be found. Even my shoes are gone. Bare foot it is.

I give the closet one last sweeping inspection and almost lose it as I spot the black velvet box on the floor. I must have thrown that jacket and it fell out.

FML I’m the other woman. My chest starts to tighten. I feel like I’m going to be sick. I have to get out of here. I’ve already wasted too many minutes.

I run from Andrew’s bedroom, heading for the kitchen. My purse is on the counter. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Tiffany stand from the couch. I disappear into the kitchen, snap up my purse and shove my phone in it.

“Are you leaving?” Tiffany asks as I rush for the door. “I was hoping you’d stick around so we can discuss this with Andrew…”

Is she serious? If I were her, I’d be saying something like
Bye, bitch. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

I clench my teeth together and grit out, “There’s nothing to talk about.”

I grab the door handle and yank it open. On the other side is a very surprised delivery man. One hand is raised as if he was about to knock. He’s holding a garment bag in his other hand with a box balanced on the crook of his arm.

We blink at each other and then he clears his throat. “I, uh, got a delivery here for a Hailey. Are you Hailey?”

I hear Tiffany clicking up behind me and I’m half tempted to just push past the guy and continue making a run for it. But I’m shoeless, and there might be shoes in that box, so I say, “Yes, I’m Hailey.”

The delivery guy looks relieved and unloads the garment bag and box on me.

“Oh, what do you have there?” Tiffany asks from behind me, too close for comfort. I can smell her perfume. It’s sickly sweet and reminds me of cotton candy.

The delivery guy heads for the elevator. I drop the garment bag and tear off the lid to the box. Inside is a pair of black stiletto heels. Just what I need. I lean against the wall and slip the heels on.

The elevator dings, the doors slide open, and out comes Andrew nearly colliding with the delivery man.

It’s official. There’s no doubt about it now. The universe not only hates me, it wants to completely destroy me.

The two guys exchange apologies and step around each other.

Andrew looks to me, I don’t think he’s noticed Tiffany yet. “Hailey, are you okay? What’s going on? I rushed over here because I thought something happened to you…”

I feel like a deer caught in headlights. I freeze, unable to act. I thought I had more time to get away. I thought I wouldn’t have to face him.

Tiffany steps out from behind me and Andrew comes to a halt.

His eyes narrow at Tiffany, “What are you doing here?”

“I knew you were hiding someone. Her purse was on the counter.”

Andrew looks to me and takes a step toward me. Somehow I find myself taking a step back.

He frowns at me now and his brow furrows, “Did she say something to you, Hailey? Did she threaten you?”

Tiffany gasps and I shake my head. I so don’t want to be doing this.

“Really, Andrew? I didn’t come over here to threaten Hailey. I came over to share our good news.”

“Our good news?” Andrew asks as if he doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about.

I don’t want to see this. I don’t want to see Andrew find out he’s about to be a father. If I see joy on their faces, if I see them come together in front of me for their baby, I will literally die of a broken heart.

I can’t breathe, I’m holding my breath. My eyes ache with the tears they’re holding back.

Tiffany’s manicured hands drop to her belly, cradling it as she says, “We’re going to have a baby.”

“Get the fuck out,” Andrew snaps.

Together, Tiffany and I both gasp in shock.

“You mean her, right?” Tiffany stammers.

Andrew shakes his head and his fists tighten at his sides. “No, you, you crazy bitch. Get the fuck out before I have security toss your ass out.”

Tiffany bursts into tears. I look at Andrew as if he’s turned into some kind of monster.

“What is wrong with you?” I yell at him.

Andrew’s eyes go wide and I find myself yelling some more. It’s like all the sadness, all the defeat has jumped at the chance to turn into anger. And all I want to do is unload, on him. “She’s carrying your baby. You can’t just throw her out on the street!”

“She is not carrying my baby!” Andrew snaps back, his face going red. Then he curses and quickly apologizes, “I’m sorry, Hailey. I don’t want to yell at you…”

I sure as hell want to yell at him but Tiffany let’s out a shrill whine and rushes past us. I watch her back as she makes it all the way to the elevator, whining and sobbing. And Andrew doesn’t lift a finger to stop her. In fact, he looks more relieved than anything.

The elevator doors slide open and I look back at him in disbelief. “You’re seriously kicking her out?” I ask, my voice much softer now. Who is this man? I don’t even know him. He’s nothing like I thought he was.

Andrew rakes his fingers through his hair and watches the elevator doors close. When the ding chimes, he turns back to me and says, “Look, Hailey, I can explain…”

Chapter Twenty-Four



“You can take your explanation and shove it up your ass, Andrew!” I yell at him and make for the elevator.

I should have left with Tiffany. Now I have to wait for it to drop her off at the bottom and come back up before I can make my escape.

“Hailey, please!” Andrew calls out as he chases after me. He grabs me by the arm and I have to stop. I can’t run in these blasted heels.

“Get your hands off me!” I snap and try to shake him off my arm.

His fingers squeeze and he spins me around to face him. “Don’t leave like this, Hailey,” he pleads. “Please, talk to me.”

I close my eyes, refusing to look at him, and shake my head. I will not allow myself to be swayed by his hurt puppy dog eyes. I will not let him weaken me. “Let go of me, Andrew. I don’t want to hear it.”

“So it’s like that then, Hailey? You’re just going to take her word for it and hate me? You don’t even know her.”

I shake my head again and the tears start falling.
I don’t even know you, Andrew AKA AJ.
Even though my eyes are closed, they’re leaking.

“Well, I don’t care what you want. I’m not letting you get away thinking the worst of me.” Andrew sighs and I flinch as he touches my cheek. “Don’t walk away from us, Hailey.”

My throat is so tight it feels like I’m choking on the words as I speak, “I’m not walking, I’m running.”

“She’s not pregnant with my child, Hailey. She’s a liar, I swear” Andrew tries to convince me.

I shake my head. I try to shake him off my arm, but he won’t let go.

“Tiffany is crazy,” Andrew goes on. “Technically she was my girlfriend over a month ago. I kept trying to break it off, but she wouldn’t accept it…”

“I don’t care,” I say, but he ignores me. I don’t want the explanations. I don’t want the lies piled on top of lies. I just want to get out of here.

“I stopped talking to her completely over two weeks ago hoping she’d get the message. When she showed up, I didn’t explain it to you because I wanted her to find you.”

“What?” I ask in disbelief. “Why?”

“I want everyone to know about us, Hailey. If she caught you, we’d be out. There would be no more hiding what we feel for each other. The look on your face…”

“Then why didn’t you lead her to the closet?” I ask, still not believing him.

“You looked so upset, I just couldn’t do it. When I got her to the bedroom and you weren’t there, I just decided I couldn’t do it to you that way.”

After all he’s already done to me, he drew the line at that?

“Why not?” I ask and then regret it. See, already he’s sucking me back in. I’m tangling myself up in his web of lies.

“Because I don’t want you to be ashamed of what is between us. Our love isn’t something that’s dirty or ugly just because our parents married first. I’ve loved you from the moment my eyes touched you. I loved you before they wed. I love you and I don’t care what anyone else thinks about it.”

Dammit. I’m so mad at him and he has to say something like that, confusing me even more. My heart leaps to hear that he loves me, only to break when I think he’s only telling me what I want to hear.

I look up at Andrew, but all I have for him are more tears. I want to believe him, I desperately want to believe him, but there’s been too many lies, too many deceptions, and too many hurts. I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore.

He can see it in my eyes.

Andrew curses softly, “Fuck.” He roughly rakes his fingers through his hair, messing it up even more. “I’ve fucked everything up.”

I look away from him. My tears fall and shatter against the floor, just like my heart. Just like us. The elevator dings, reminding me I need to get out of here.

“All of this…. All this is because I love you and want nothing more in this world than to be with you. You are everything to me, Hailey. Without you,” his fingers squeeze me, “there’s no reason to exist.”

My heart still leaps with joy at his words. I’m weak to him. Weak to his sweet words, weak to his hurt eyes, and weak to his touch. If I stay here, I just know he’s going to sweet talk me into doing something I will regret. I so tired of being hurt.

I can’t make a rational decision, I can’t figure out what to believe under this kind of shock and stress.

“I need space,” I say softly. “And time to think.”

I look back up and he hesitates. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t want to give up, he doesn’t want to let me get away. He wants to keep talking, keep convincing me, but I don’t want to hear any more. Even if he’s telling me the truth, right now I just can’t believe him.

I pull on my arm, at first I don’t think he’s going to let go. I pull again and he releases me.

Nodding his head while wearing a look of defeat he says, “Alright. If that’s what you need.”

I almost sigh with relief before he adds, “I’ll give you a ride home.”

“No,” I say quickly, too quickly. Just the thought of being trapped with him, in an even smaller place, sends my heart racing with panic. “I’ll take a cab.”

“You can’t go like that…”

I look down at myself, forgetting what’s wrong. I’m only wearing one of his shirts and it fits me like a dress but one strong breeze and I’ll be flashing everyone.

“Here, take this.” He shrugs himself out of his jacket and then drapes it over my shoulders. I bite my lip. Now, I’m surrounded by his warmth. I’m surrounded by his smell. I’m surrounded by him.

“Thank you,” I choke out. All I want to do is take the jacket off, I don’t want the reminder of him and I don’t want him coming for it.

“I’ll walk you out.”

“No, please don’t,” I say and turn away.

My eyes drop to the floor and I walk forward. My world is falling apart but somehow my body still works. One foot goes in front of another then another. Barely looking up, I push the button on the wall with the arrow pointed down.

He hangs back. I sense him anxiously shifting from foot to foot. The elevator dings, the doors slide open. Before he tries to stop me again, I rush in.

I have to turn back around to push the button for the lobby, but I keep my eyes averted. I can’t bring myself to look at him. If I look at him, I’ll lose it again.

“Take all the time you need, Hailey,” he says sadly as the doors start to close. “I’ll be here, waiting.”

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