Stealing the Bride (10 page)

Read Stealing the Bride Online

Authors: Mary Wine

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Historical, #Fiction

BOOK: Stealing the Bride
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The burly man appeared before the maids had time to leave the room. He blocked their path by standing in the doorway. Hayden turned to stare at her.

“Elspeth Leask, I want to wed ye and declare my intentions to do so as soon as we find a priest.”

The maids looked to her. Waiting for her to answer. Tears stung her eyes because it was an honor that no one might force Hayden to grant her. He could use her and ride away, and even the church would not be able to force him to wed her. Only affection drew the offer. She did not know if that was love but it was far too tender to ignore. Hayden raised one eyebrow as she hesitated.

“And I’m planning on sharing this room with ye tonight.” Hayden didn’t lower his tone one bit, there was no shame at all in him—only passion. The maids immediately looked at the bed and Elspeth felt her cheeks burn scarlet.

“I will marry ye but that is all I am promising ye, Hayden Monroe.”

Skene clapped his hands together. “Well now, lasses, let’s be leaving these two to debate what they will be doing for the next few hours. For myself …” His words trailed off as the door shut and Hayden offered her a grin.

“Don’t look so cocksure. I said I’d shave ye tonight and that is all I said would be happening this eve.”

He held up one finger. “Ye said ye would wed me, sweet lass, so be very sure that I consider it fair to seduce ye.”

Seduce …

Elspeth turned too quickly to look at what the maids had brought and felt her stomach clench. Her hands were trembling from surprise and anticipation, but Hayden didn’t chuckle at her even though he must have noticed her nervous reaction to his words. He was a good man, knowing when not to tease her. That was a tenderness many wives lamented their husbands not having. A keen sense of knowing when something meant too much to make light of.

The sharpened blade gleaming in the candlelight made her mouth go dry.

She was keenly aware of the fact that they were alone and that Hayden had done everything necessary to claim her tonight. Everything was moving too quickly. She tried to think but felt as if she were being swept along. She heard him set his sword down and settle himself in a comfortable chair that had a leather back.

Elspeth tightened her nerve. She refused to be defeated by the idea of touching him. She poured the hot water into the bowl and picked up another small bowl that had a cake of soap resting in it. After adding water to it, she reached for the horsehair brush and used it to whip the soap into lather. She had seen her father bare his face, but that had been years ago. She used the brush to spread the lather across his face before setting the bowl aside and picking up the blade.

Her belly was twisting and tightening with excitement. Hayden watched her, remaining still while she pulled the sharp steel across his skin.

“Hold still.”

“I am holding steady, lass. ’Tis yer hand that is shaking.”

Another chuckle followed his words and Elspeth bit her lower lip, frowning at the small cut she’d just inflicted on her would-be lover. Every muscle in her body was tense as she stared at the bright red blood trickling down from the cut.

“I am no good at this. Ye are a fool to allow me to place a blade against yer skin.”

“Nay, lass. I’m merely enjoying having ye come to me.”

Shock held her in its grasp. For all her confidence, he was still a very important man, one she should never have gained any attention from. But he watched her with eyes that sparkled like any lad she’d flirted with. The fact that he sought to relax her endeared him to her, awakening a desire to forget the world outside the chamber.

“I still think ye foolish, but ’tis yer skin.”

“And it enjoys the touch of yer fingertips a great deal.” His tone had become brassy and deep. She suddenly recalled the silk chemise she wore and how sheer it was.

Would he like it?

She dipped the small dirk into the basin again. The water glistened in the candlelight when she brought the blade back to his face. Soap bubbles clung to his whiskers and she carefully pulled the sharp edge across his skin again. This time a bundle of whiskers came away, but his skin was left smooth and without any cuts.

“Ye see, lass? My faith in ye is paying off.”

“Ye are celebrating too early, Hayden Monroe.”

She turned to clean the blade off and moved around him to work on his other cheek.

“What are ye wearing on yer feet?”

He’d straightened up, oblivious to the fact that he had soap covering most of his face.

“Shoes.” She couldn’t help but tease him now that the chance was at hand. His face turned suspicious and he refused to return to leaning back in the chair.

“What kind of shoes?”

She held his full attention and it awakened something inside her that she hadn’t felt before. A boldness that made her want to play with him. Fingering the fabric of her skirt she flipped it back and forth so that he gained only a glimpse of the shoes.

“Heeled shoes. Pherson’s sisters claim they are made in the French fashion and that Queen Mary has outlawed them because they are fabled to raise a woman’s bottom up.” She shrugged. “I never heard of shoes doing such a thing before. I really should finish shaving you now.”

Hayden was on his feet in a second. He took the dirk from her hand. He turned to look in a mirror and finished removing his whiskers with efficient strokes that cleared his chin and face down to smooth skin. A quick wipe to ensure the soap was gone, and the dirk was left on the table behind him without a backward glance.

“Show me.” His voice was raspy but edged with hunger.

She trembled, excitement leaping to life inside her again. This time it was a full blaze that sent need and desire coursing through her. She rubbed the wool of her skirt before pulling it up to display the fronts of the shoes.

He drew in a stiff breath. But she was equally drawn to his newly shaved face. Her skirt dropped from her grip as she stepped closer to look at him.

Slipping her hands along his jaw, she smiled at the warm feeling of his skin against her own. It was delicious and intoxicating, and she wanted more of their skin to meet. His hands cupped her hips, drawing her against his body. Her attention was centered on his lips and the prospect of another kiss. She craved it, longing for much more than a single one.

Hayden’s eyes glittered with anticipation. “Now for that kiss I’ve been wanting.”

His hand cupped the back of her head, tilting her chin up so that his mouth covered hers. It wasn’t slow or soft. Hayden took her mouth, demanding a hard kiss that she eagerly met. His tongue pushed against the seam of her lips and she parted them, allowing him to thrust deeply into her mouth. Her body shivered as sensation raced down her back, all the way to her toes.

“Show me the shoes and the stockings.”

“I shouldn’t.”

But she was already opening the first button on her doublet. The hunger glittering in his eyes was too much to resist. She wanted to know what he’d look like if she gave him what he demanded. Boldness had invaded her, urging her to discover if the silk corset and chemise pleased him.

“I shaved for ye, Elspeth, now ye need to give me plenty of smooth skin to kiss.”

She gasped, her fingers fumbling the next button. Hidden between the folds of her sex, her clitoris began to throb and her mind filled with the idea of him placing a kiss against it.

She did not fight against the idea. Instead she finished opening her doublet and allowed it to slip down her arms.

“Holy Christ.”

The green silk of the corset was visible now. Hayden stared at the abundance of flesh swelling above the edge of the garment.

“I may never allow ye to dress completely again, lass. I suddenly understand why the sultans of the East keep their concubines inside wearing nothing but silk.”

He reached out and placed his hands around her waist. He held her still and took another step that closed the space between them. Leaning down, he placed a single kiss against one breast.

Elspeth couldn’t contain the soft sound that passed her lips. There was too much pleasure spreading out from that touch of lips to contain it. His jaw was smooth but his skin was not as soft as her own. She enjoyed the hardness, reaching up to run her hands along his arms and the ridges of muscle that lay beneath his clothing. His hands tightened around her waist, telling her how much her touch pleased him.

That bit of knowledge increased her boldness. She found the first button that was still closed on his doublet and pushed it through its hole. Hayden nuzzled her breast before moving to its twin and kissing the eager skin. Elspeth slipped her fingers between the open sides of his doublet, seeking the warm skin hidden from her. She made only the briefest of contacts before he lifted his head.

“Get rid of yer skirts. Let me see ye in nothing but silk.”

He began loosening his doublet but his eyes remained focused on her. Nervousness made her fingers slow but heat was rising up inside her, making the idea of being free of her skirts quite appealing.

Be honest, ye want to be bare so that Hayden can kiss ye …

Her inner voice was correct and it sent another wave of heat over her. This time it settled in her passage, making her aware of how empty she was. She had never noticed such a thing before and her eyes lowered to the front of his kilt, wondering just what he had hidden behind the folds.

A soft growl drew her gaze back up to his face.

“Are ye ready to see me, lass? Most husbands don’t allow their brides to look at their cocks until they’ve taken it for the first time.”

“If I were timid, I’d have insisted the maids sleep in here.”

Her words drew a harsh look from him, one that hinted at his control being tested.

“Nor would I be brave enough to take me own clothing off knowing that these shoes do push my bottom up.”

He sucked in a harsh breath and threw his doublet onto the chair behind him. Elspeth held the sides of her skirt closed, making him wait.

“I’ll not be a timid wife, Hayden. Best ye understand that or take yerself away from me.”

She wasn’t sure why she voiced such a thing. There was no way to enforce her will on him. But flames flickered in his eyes, making them glow with approval.

“Exactly why I will nae be taken from this room by any force save God striking me dead.” He pulled on his belt, releasing it, and his kilt began sliding down his thighs. He gathered up the fabric and sent it to lie on top of his doublet. With one more tug he tore his shirt up and over his head to completely bare himself. Her gaze traveled down his powerful chest to where his waist narrowed and his belly lay trim and flat. She swallowed hard at the sight of his cock, standing out, swollen and hard. The head was ruby-colored with a small slit and a thick ridge of flesh running around the head. A sac hung from the base.

“Now drop the skirt.”

Hard command filled each word. Her hip roll was already on the floor and opening her fingers allowed her skirts to slump into a heap around her ankles. Lifting one foot and then the other, she stepped out of the garment to face him such as he was doing to her.

The candles flickered, sending orange and yellow flames of light to lick over them.

“I owe Pherson more than I believed.”

His gaze roamed over her, touching every inch of her. She suddenly began moving, walking in a large circle so that he could see the effect of the heels on her bottom. Elspeth peeked at him over her shoulder.

“It was his sisters who dressed me.”

“I both pity and laugh at the men they will marry someday.”

“But you don’t envy them?”

She turned to face him again. Hayden returned his attention to her eyes and the hunger blazing there stunned her with how hot it burned.

“Nae, lass, I’m looking at the woman I want to be with.” His lips turned up in a cocky grin. “So tonight I’m going to seduce ye and make sure ye marry me tomorrow because of how much ye’re looking forward to nights in my bed.”

Hayden closed the distance as he spoke, his hands boldly pulling the lace free from the eyelets of the corset. Her breasts hung in their natural shape once he removed the stays. He molded her breasts through the sheer chemise, sending shafts of pleasure through her. He cupped each tender mound, leaning down to suck one hard nipple deep into his mouth. Her skin became acutely aware of every touch, every sharp tug on the sensitive tips, the contact drawing a gasp from her. Never once had she thought her own body might be able to feel such pleasure. It engulfed her while his hands stroked her belly and thighs.

“As much as I adore this silk, I am more interested in the satin of yer skin.”

He lifted one of her hands from where it rested on his shoulder and kissed the sensitive skin of her inner wrist before releasing the small hook that held the cuff of her chemise closed.

“I never thought that having someone disrobe me might be so enjoyable.”

A soft sound of male amusement shook his chest. He grasped her other hand and unhooked the cuff first before lowering his mouth toward the skin eagerly awaiting its turn to be kissed. Instead he nipped her. A short, delicate bite that sent a jolt of pleasure through her entire arm.

“I am no gentle woman, trained to serve ye with hands soft as whispers,” she said as he tugged the sheer chemise up and over her head. “But I promise to make sure not an inch of ye is unattended.”

With the last barrier removed, her mouth went dry as excitement continued to twist in her belly. A rustle of unease tried to invade her mind, an uncertainty about whether or not she would enjoy everything he planned to do to her during this seduction. Some women didn’t care for the way a man’s length felt when lodged inside them. Some whispered of pain.

But others talked about pleasure so intense, they cried out with it.

“Perhaps I shall attend to you.” Reaching out, she boldly ran her fingers along the length of his cock. It was smooth and hot to the touch, her fingers sliding easily over its length.

“Sweet Christ …” Hayden spoke through clenched teeth. His expression turned harsh but his eyes brightened with enjoyment, giving her confidence.

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