Steal Me From Heaven (7 page)

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Authors: Toni Crawford

BOOK: Steal Me From Heaven
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Jacob bites the man I find attractive next. I watch as he closes his blue eyes. I want him. I want my teeth in his flesh. I need his blood in me. Jacob sees me licking my lips and my breath increasing. I moan in pleasure. Jacob never takes his eyes off me. He lifts his head and releases my prey after only one taste of his blood. He spits it out of his mouth and onto the floor. He grabs his whisky and swirls it in his mouth before spitting that out as well. I see Jacob’s lip curl up slightly as he stares at the man, making wonder what is wrong.

The next man only gets one draw of blood also before Jacob motions me over. “Smell him again.” He leans my nose to the blood that is trailing down the man’s throat. I crinkle my face.

“What is that?” I ask.

“He has cocaine in his system. Try to remember this smell. It will make you delirious if you drink too much of this mixed with blood. Drugs are filtered out quickly from our system but if you drink it from a user who already has it in his blood, you can become impaired.”

“Are you going to fire him?” I ask.

“No. He should have told you what was in his blood, but many Vampires on staff like to party off duty. That is what he is good for. In the future, he will tell anyone who demands a lineup. Is that clear?” The man nods. “You are dismissed.” Jacob then turns to me. “Malachi and Kyle are appropriate for your choosing.” Jacob turns his whisky glass up for another swig.

I walk over to the man with the piercing blue eyes. “You barely drank from him and then you spit him out like he is poison. Why?”

“Because you want him. I know your desires, remember?”

I walk over to Malachi and trace my hand down his pecs and across the divots of his rock-hard abs. I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. He places his hand on my upper back but removes it quickly after my kiss is completed. I dismiss him, and he bows his head to me and departs. I watch him as he goes.

“Kyle, go lie in the back room.” Jacob then instructs me how to proceed.

“Are you not going with me?” I ask.

“I have seen enough of this charade. Call if you need me. I will know if something is wrong.” He motions for Nadia to come to him. I watch as he pulls her down onto his lap. He turns her head into him and sucks her blood into his body. Steam rises up my head and it feels as though it is escaping through my ears and burning my eyes. I am more than disgruntled. I see Nadia start gyrating against him. Turning my back to them, I stomp away and head for my own tall drink of dark wine.

I enter the back room, and Kyle is lying on a low cushioned table that is surprisingly long enough for his body. I approach and his breath increases. I run my fingers up his body and across his hard nipple. Circling his displayed body, I stop at his head and grab his shoulders and massage them before extending my hands over his pectoral muscles. He moans slightly. Opening his eyes, I look down at him and notice that they are the deepest shade of green that I have ever seen. Jacob’s eyes are almost black. I can only imagine Jacob’s hands on Nadia’s breast, and his shaft up her skirt. I guess that is the way with creatures of the night. I remember the lesson about the way blood tastes during sex. I suppose that is the way we drink from everyone, humans included.

“How many times have you done this?” I ask Kyle.

“Several, this is not my first time.”

“Well, you’ll have to forgive me. This
my first time. I don’t know what I’m doing, to tell the truth.”

“I guess you’re a virgin then.” He looks deeply at me as he says the words.

I chuckle. “I guess I am. Do they usually have sex with you, the other Vampires?”

“Some do, some don’t. It is whatever they wish. I am always up for it. Anything you wish.” He offers his body as well as his blood. I am starting to like him after all.

“You do not like Jacob? I could tell when he bit you.”

“I have my reasons. They are not of your concern,” he says. “Please do not ask me, for I would have to tell you. Everyone needs their privacy.”

“I couldn’t agree more. Your secrets are safe, for now.” I glide up beside him and prop my knee onto the table. I rise up and straddle his groin. My skirt rises to expose my thighs. He rubs his hands up and down my legs. I lean my upper body down and press my lips to his beating pulse. My teeth extend past my gums, and I bite into his flesh. I pull in slowly as Jacob instructed in case I have an allergic reaction to the new blood in my system. So far, I am feeling nothing but satisfaction. I do not notice that Kyle’s hands venture further up my dress, and he is rocking my hips against him mimicking sex. I feel his fingers wrap around my thong and start to tug them down.

“No,” I hiss with his flesh still in my mouth. He backs off, but removes one hand and slides it over my breast. I moan, but want to stop. I think Kyle to be a bigger threat than Malachi. I stop drinking from him. I retract my fangs back. I am feeling dizzy by his blood or by his hands. I cannot tell. Hearing a roar from behind me, I sit up. Jacob is moving faster than I can see. He grabs Kyle somehow from beneath me. I am still sitting in the same spot undisturbed. Jacob is killing Kyle.

“Wait, Jacob, stop,” I try to say but the words are slurred.

“You beg for your lover’s life,” he grovels at me.

“He is-is not my lover. We di-didn’t do anything that you di-didn’t do with Nadia.” I spit the words out but they are jumbled.

Jacob looks down and sees that Kyle’s pants are still zipped up. He is hard but he is contained. Jacob releases him, but I hear him give Kyle a warning. I cannot make out many words. I fall off the table. Kyle is running towards me, but he is ordered away. Jacob picks me up.

“You need to throw up. Now,” he tells me.

“I…I ca-can’t,” I say. Jacob opens my mouth with his hand and forces his fingers down my throat. I throw up red liquid all over the floor.

“Good. You didn’t drink much of it. Here, drink from me,” he commands.

“No.” I swipe his wrist away. “You started this. This is what you wanted. You can get your kicks off Nadia but you refuse me mine.”

“That is not what happened. I pulled her down on top of me because I was mad at you, yes, I admit that, but the moment she started moving against me, I stopped her. I will not cheat on you, and I expect the same from you.”

“Aw, but you have cheated on me. You married Deborah, remember the whole ‘I just bedded her once’ line? You think me to be a fool. And what about the offers to the guests of the mansion? You’ve offered them to be your sex slaves.” I stand and turn my back to him as I fix my clothing. I am behaving like a child again, and we both know it.

“I told you that I was forced into that marriage. As far as the guests, I’m sorry. You do not know all about the situation. You were not here. I aroused them to get their blood to the taste that I like. Did I sleep with them? Many of them believe that I did, but it is all mind control. You can’t say that you didn’t arouse Kyle just now. I saw it in his pants.”

I stare at the wall. I know he speaks the truth. My time with Arthur enters my mind. I know I have betrayed Jacob’s love, many nights over. I start to cry. My shoulders shake, and he steps up and holds me in his arms. “Jacob, I’m sorry.”

“Hush, love, you didn’t remember me or our love. You were under powerful spells. Merlin’s magic is hard to break.” He holds me for several moments as I cry and let go of my past. “Are you feeling better now?” I tell him that I am. “Will you try another drink for me?” I think of my drink on our table and nod. He releases my body and leaves the room. I wait a few minutes and then follow him out into the waiting area. I see him return with Malachi.

“No, I can’t do this. Please don’t,” I protest.

“You need to try. I promise to behave myself. Anything but sex, that is the rule,” he tells me. He motions for my new dinner to sit on a bar stool. I watch as Malachi unbuttons his shirt and removes it. He takes his seat. There is not an ounce of fat on his body. “Behave yourself,” Jacob warns him.

I walk over to him, and he parts his legs for me to enter them. I do, and he squeezes his muscular thighs around my hips, pulling me closer to him. His eyes pierce my soul. I cannot look away. I run my hands up each side, and he shivers against my cold fingers. Wrapping my arms across his shoulders, I lean towards him and feel myself starting to change. He pushes me back away from him, but I cannot stop the transformation. I look at him through my Vampire eyes and my mouth is slightly parted, baring my fangs.

“That’s better,” Malachi says as he stares at me. I feel uncomfortable thinking of how I wanted to watch Jacob change before my very eyes. “Do it, bite me.” He arches his neck back, and I bite him, sending warm surges of pleasure into his body. I want to please him. Raising his arms from his sides, he places his hands on my hips and kneads my ass. I hear Jacob clear his throat, but I do not care. My body starts to move against him. Jacob hisses and turns away. Several moments later, Jacob speaks.

“That’s enough,” he says while grinding his teeth.

I look up. “You said anything but sex, this is hardly sex.” I lower my head back to Malachi’s stretched-out throat.

“I mean that is enough blood. You can’t drain him dry, but if you keep moving like that, I may take you here and now.” I hear his words cautioning me, and I do not bite Malachi again. I lick the two small marks that I made and close them with my saliva. He stands, and I thank him for his blood. He bows his head to me and walks over to Jacob.

“You have done well, Malachi.” Jacob opens his wallet and pays him for his service. I turn away and head for the bathroom. “You feeling okay?” he asks me.

“Yeah, I feel great. You go ahead and take care of business. I am going to freshen up,” I call over my shoulder. I hear Malachi and Jacob talking some more. While in the restroom, I wash my face and hands. When I come out of the bathroom, Jacob embraces me in his arms. I relax and give in to him.

“I’m sorry tonight hasn’t gone as I had wished.” He leads me towards the door and into the night.

“The night is still young. You have several hours to impress me.”

Jacob raises his nose to the night sky and takes in several breaths before turning to me. “Something’s wrong at the house. Jessica is calling for me but it’s a trap.” As soon as he finishes speaking, Malachi is standing beside me. “Take her deep into the mountain. You know the way. I will meet you there tomorrow night. If I do not return after two nights, then leave this place and never come back.” Jacob kisses me on the forehead and hands me over to Malachi, who is taking off his jacket and shirt. He wraps his jacket around my shoulders and throws his shirt to the ground.

“Do you want to sleep with my wife?” I am startled by the question, and I look at both men.

“Yes,” Malachi answers. I gulp.

“I guess I should rephrase the question. Are you going to sleep with my wife?” Jacob steps up to him.


“You hold my heart in your hands. Here, drink from me for you have lost much tonight.” Jacob holds his wrist up to Malachi. I wonder why he does not pierce the skin first.

“No, it will weaken you.”

“Drink. You need your strength to protect her,” Jacob orders as he pushes his wrist to him again. Malachi takes the offering in his mouth and somehow drinks the pow
erful life source into his body. I see pure white wings spread out across the night. I look into Malachi’s eyes, and they are glowing crystal blue. I shiver at the sight of him. A blue light radiates over his body and covers him like an orb. He drinks until satiated.

“That’s better. Now go.” Jacob closes his wounds and lightly touches my face. “I will see you soon. He is your Guardian, your protector. He will die if he must. You must not interfere. You are still a child in the ways of our people. Malachi, teach her what you must.”  Jacob removes his shirt and transforms. His black wings are much larger and help to disguise him against the night air. He spreads them out and ascends into the sky. Before I can even speak, he is gone.





Chapter 4


“Come.” Malachi turns to me.

“What are you?” I ask. “I tasted your blood. You are no Vampire.”

“But I am not human either. We can talk later. We will have plenty of time alone together in the tunnels.” He picks me up in the cradle of his arms. I am surrounded by his blue glow as well.

“Can’t you turn that light out? It’s like a beacon pointing us out in the night.”

“No, I cannot. It’s a protective shield. Only those who have had my blood can see it. Do not worry. I know what I am doing.” He leaps off of the ground as I hold onto his neck and shoulders. I wonder what time it is, and how long Jacob is going to be gone. I feel like we should be following him and not hiding in a mountain cave.

Malachi circles a large building and heads across the field towards the large lake-like pond. I see a large well to the north, and we head that way. He rises above the well and folds his wings around me. He then falls toward the earth in a spiral. I start to scream, but he clamps my mouth shut. We descend rapidly into the black hole before he opens his wings and glides gently to his feet. I am shaking slightly in his arms. I look around and see tunnels emerging in different directions.

“We are deep within a wine cellar. This part has been shut down for decades. No one on the staff knows about it, only the Guardians, Jacob, and his sister. My quarters are down this way. I thought we could walk the rest of the way. It would give you a chance to ask some questions.”

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