Steal Me From Heaven (6 page)

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Authors: Toni Crawford

BOOK: Steal Me From Heaven
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My foot is slow to heal without access to fresh blood. I am lucky that I just drank a glass or I would be worse off than I am. I head for the closet and put on some pajamas. I snuggle under the covers as my eyelids get heavy and close. I decide that I enjoy sleepwear very much. The darkness consumes me, and I drift off into nothingness.

Nighttime comes around seven thirty. I open the blinds in the same manner in which I closed them this morning. It comes more naturally to me now. I rise from my slumber and head to take a bath. I see my peeled skin in the tub and decide a shower would be much better seeing how I am short on time anyway. When I am washed and dried, I walk into the closet to find an outfit for my date. Choosing a silk halter top dress, I put on my clothes as the door to the bedroom bursts open. Jacob is shouting something in another language. I hear Jessica’s panicked voice, and then I hear Rebecca saying that I must have perished in the morning sun. She heard screaming coming from my room. I am about to step out of the walk-in closet when I hear a gut-wrenching scream coming from the bathroom. I run towards the yell and embrace Jacob in my arms. He breathes in my scent and holds me still to his chest. He smells of expensive cologne and looks exquisite. My wet hair is messing up his jacket. I pull away to face him.

He cups my face in his hands. “What happened?” he asks me. I look into his eyes and relay the story to only him so the others cannot hear. He then turns to me. “I’ll be right back.” He leaves me standing there alone in the bathroom. I have questions for him but perhaps when he returns. Realizing the time, I take out the blow-dryer and fix my hair. I decide to braid it in one long piece tucked over my right shoulder. A few strands are too short and fall to embrace my face. I decide to leave them down and not pin them back. I apply my makeup and head out into the bedroom. Jacob is sitting in the oversized chair. I must not have heard him come back. The remote to the blinds is lying on the now made-up bed.

“I found this in Rebecca’s room. I will question her for what she has done to you. I am so sorry.” He finally looks up at me.

“Where were you? I called for you. You did not come,” I ask him bluntly.

“After I emptied some blood for you, I went to the dungeon to see Charles. I was in a different mindset and could not hear your requests. Again, I am sorry.” He rises from his seat and comes over to caress my face. I don’t know what I feel inside.

“Did you shut me out because of what I said earlier?” I search his eyes for the answer and all I see is his love for me.

“No, never, I had to go someplace dark, somewhere deep inside me for what I had to do in that dungeon. I couldn’t come out of it.” A flash enters my mind of what he did to Charles. I see silver instruments and blood, dark and inhuman, scattered about the cold stone floor. Charles is hanging in chains. He is disfigured and crying out in pain. My heart goes out for him, for Jacob. I know he loves Charles. I can end both their pain with a single word:
Maybe, in time, I can free them both.

“I hope our evening isn’t ruined. I have many things planned for us tonight,” he tells me as he scoops up my black sweater.
“You may need this, but I will wait until then. I really like your dress the way it is.”

“You just like that I don’t have on a bra,” I say before realizing how rude that must sound. “I’m sorry.” I blush.

“Don’t be. You’re right. I can’t help what I am,” he says as he leads me out the door and down the hall. “There are still visitors here, but don’t worry, I won’t let you attack them.”

“Thanks.” I look around the massive hall at the décor and the paintings. He takes me to a hidden door and it opens automatically. We are greeted by a servant who leads us down some steps and into a guest room. We wait until the coast is clear and cross the red velvet ropes. Mingling with the others who just entered the room, I am getting my first look at the tour of our mansion. He tells me that they have several tours a day, and in the fall and winter months, they have a night tour that showcases Christmas decorations and the massive fireplaces. It is now October, and the beginning of the holiday season. I wish we were alone so that I could get a more detailed explanation of what I am seeing. We make our way down the grand staircase. The scent of pine enters my nose, and I crinkle my face to it. It is too strong for my Vampire senses. Christmas music is being played by a small orchestra. We walk down a pathway of ropes from the dining hall. I see several large fireplaces, all lit except the one in the middle. It is the largest.

“Why is that one not working?” I ask him.

“I ordered the supply line cut to it. It has never been lit. I may need to enter or exit in case of emergencies. I built it large enough for my wing span. There is even fake smoke coming out the chimney. Only I know the right one to enter from the roof; the rest lead to death,” he whispers to me. I look at his face in awe. He is a smart, cunning creature with many tricks up his sleeve. I should be quick to learn them.

We are ushered through some doors that lead to a patio. No one is allowed out to follow us. The man closes the doors as a horse and buggy pull up onto the cobblestone out back. There are steps leading us down a walkway. He shows me a solid oak door with iron markings on it. It is hidden below the patio stonework.

“This is the way into the dungeon. It is protected in the day by the sunlight and guarded by Vampires at night.”

“How did you get here on that day?” I ask.

“I flew from our window up there. Not many people know I can fly. My wings protected me somewhat.” He holds my hand as I enter the carriage. He takes his place by my side and the driver lightly taps the straps to the horses’ back. We lunge forward then settle into a nice pace. I shudder. He looks at me and hands me my sweater. He wraps me in his arm and pulls me into his chest. I lay the sweater across my lap.

“Maybe you ought to put the sweater on. It’s getting a little chilly out.” He looks down at me. I feel as though he is groping me with his eyes.

“You’re keeping me warm. I’m okay,” I say to him as I snuggle in deeper. The horses’ hooves click on the pavement, making a rhythmic dance sound echo into the night air. I love the smell of horses. I used to love riding them as well, I remember.

“Tomorrow, can we go riding?” I ask with excitement.

“Anything you wish,” he says. I wrap my arm around his waist. He leans over and kisses me deeply. One hand is holding my face and the other is clutching my hand next to him. He does not maneuver to my body. His kiss is innocent and sweet. The carriage comes to a stop, but we are still too caught up in each other to notice. I do not know how long the driver stood there holding the door open. Jacob breaks the kiss first and turns away from me. I am still in a love-sick daze, drunk off his passion. He climbs out the open door and hands the man a wad of cash. I do not know this currency. I will ask him later. He helps me down.

I look at our surroundings and see a brightly lit restaurant. We walk over, and he holds the door open for me. The inside reminds me of Ireland. I was there several times a long time ago. There are women dressed in green with white cotton fabric over their bosoms. We are the only diners in the establishment. We are led to a table, and he pulls the chair out for me.

“I’ll have whisky,” Jacob says.

“The bottle, sir?” the waitress asks. Her tag says her name is Nadia.

“No, just a glass. What would you like?” he asks me.

“I’ll try a Bloody Mary,” I say, looking at the choices. The waitress walks away.

“You know there isn’t really blood in it?” He leans forward so the servers do not hear.

“I thought it ironic, that’s all,” I say. Darn. I really thought there was blood in it. He hears me and chuckles. I scowl. “Sometimes I wish I could have a private thought for myself.”

“You can block me if you want. I hope you never want to, but I will teach you if you ask.” He seems not too eager for that lesson.

“I don’t want any distance between us. Just don’t mock my thoughts. I know I have a lot to learn. Please be patient,” I tell him.

“I’m sorry, I will do better.”

“I know. So, what are we ordering to eat?” I ask.

“Anyone you wish,” he tells me as he looks around the room at the girls.

I follow his eyes. I am repulsed by the idea. I only want him.

Try love, it’s time. You can’t drink me dry each night. The sooner you start on human blood the easier it will be to digest.

“Why are they all women?” I ask aloud. I prefer to speak this way.

“If you would feel more comfortable with a man, then I can provide that for you. The cooks are male. Would you like to look?” he hisses his question towards me. I know he doesn’t like the idea, but I would like to have the choice. He hears me. I know he deliberately listened for my response. He motions for one of the women to come over.

“Nadia, prepare the men for my wife. She would like to see the picture menu.” He turns to me after Nadia walks away.

“If it makes you uncomfortable, perhaps you should order my dinner for me,” I spit at him and cross my arms.

“I’m sorry, but I will pick your meal. I was going to anyway.”

I grunt and look away.

“It’s not because of jealousy. It’s that I have to smell him to make sure he is compatible with your blood type. Soon you can have anyone you wish after your stomach hardens to the taste.”

Nadia brings over our drinks. Her breasts are full and her waist is small. In fact, all of the waitresses have large breasts that fill out their tops, stretching the white cotton tightly against their chests. The green leather top is laced up the back with ribbon
s tied tightly into a bow at the buttocks. They have on a short pleated skirt with white thigh-high hose. I wonder where their garters are. Just then a line of men emerges from the kitchen area. They are only wearing tight black leather pants. My eyes grow wide with lust. Their bare chests are well defined and glisten in the glow of the bar lights. My mouth is watering.

“Easy, love.” Jacob grabs my hand on the table and squeezes. I realize that it doesn’t matter who he picks. They are all delectable. I raise my glass to my lips. “Wait, let’s try real blood first.” He gets up and leads me by the hand to stand in front of the men. He raises my hand to his mouth. I think he is going to kiss the back of my hand, but he turns my wrist to him and bites me.

“Smell your blood,” he instructs me. I do as he says, drawing in my scent. “Now smell their necks, one by one, slowly, until you smell someone who most closely resembles your scent.” I go to the first man. He is extremely tall. I lean up towards his neck. I press my hand to his chest and step up on my tiptoe. The man steadies me with his arms by grabbing my waist. I hear Jacob growl behind me and the man releases me. I back away slowly. The smell of him is intoxicating. I want to bite him.

“Step forward,” I tell him. I go to the next man in line and repeat the process. I dismiss him immediately even though his look pleases me tremendously. I feel disappointed that he wasn’t a match. I do not know why. It’s not like I was going to have sex with him. The next man was shivering in his boots. I show him my Vampire transformation just for fun. He almost starts to whimper. “Why are you here?” I ask him through my fangs.

“I need the money,” he says to me. I try to smell him, but he smells of fear and a little like urine.

“I should pick you to teach you a lesson. Go home, you’re fired. You don’t belong here.”

“No, I can do it, just give me a chance,” he begs me.

“Go home,” I hiss at him. I circle my next victim as Jacob giggles in front of me. I look at him and smile. This is fun. All of the men know why they are here. I do not feel like a predator. They volunteered. This man smells like liquor and smoke. I turn my nose up at him. I move on. I should have fired him too, but I would probably drink at work if I knew this was part of the job description. I dismiss him, and he grumbles as he walks away. The next man has piercing blue eyes and smells clean. I look at him, and he flexes his muscles for me. Air escapes my lips in delight. I come around behind him and run my hands over his shoulders. I reach my head up and breathe in deeply while looking at Jacob. He turns away from my glance. “Step forward,” I say. I see Jacob stand. He is getting uncomfortable and is about to
explode. He walks over to our table and grabs his whisky, downing it all in one gulp.

“Nadia, bring me the bottle,” he orders.

I feel as though I should pull back but I cannot. This is my first hunt. I am too excited by my bloodlust. I dismiss two more men. The last man proved compatible as well.

“Are you happy with your choices?” he asks me.

“I know I have it right. These three match my blood,” I say to him.

“Do you want me to check?” He drinks straight from the bottle.

“If you believe that I am wrong, I wouldn’t mind,” I say to him. He gets up from the bar stool and moves over to the men. The tall man does not step back from him as he approaches. Jacob is slightly shorter but still clamps onto his throat with his fangs and draws his blood into his mouth. The man tightens the muscles in his neck. It wouldn’t hurt so much if he will just relax. His face makes a smirk, and he shakes his head as Jacob releases him. He hates to be dominated in that way. Maybe I should dismiss him before Jacob picks up on his behavior.

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