Starr Fated (52 page)

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Tags: #romance, #sex, #ireland, #london, #spank, #destined, #fated, #erotic adult romance

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I pushed her
over onto her front on the bed, and then held her down.

“We’ve still
got one more basic position to cover.”

“We have?”

“Yes. I still
need to take you from behind, but as that can be a little boring, I
thought we could spice things up a bit, especially with your
penchant for being restrained and pinned down.”

“Liam, ….” her
voice sounded all breathy, so I knew this whole idea aroused her,
even if she was a little hesitant.

“You said you
trusted me, didn't you?” I whispered in her ear as I pinned her
down on the bed, then trailed kisses over her shoulders and down
her naked back until I reached her gorgeous bottom, which I nipped
with my teeth.

“You know you
want to play,” I murmured.

“Okay,” she

I smiled to
myself as I reached down by the side of the bed to find the two
silk scarves we’d bought yesterday. The bag containing the candles
were there as well - we’d never got around to lighting them last
night. Never mind, there was always next time.

“Just relax
and do as I say, Seraphina. Close your eyes.”


I lightly
smacked her bottom, which made her jump and cry out.

“Be a good
girl and just do as you are told.”

With a sigh,
she closed her eyes, and I used the green scarf we’d bought to
blindfold her, tying it firmly round her head

“Okay? That
should feel nice and silky and not in any way uncomfortable.”


“Now stretch
your arms out in front of you, and lock your hands together. That’s
it, right out.”

As Seraphina
complied, I used one end of the silver scarf to tie her wrists
together, then looped it through the side of the metal bed head to
tie it there. She was now lying restrained and prostrate on the

“Liam, what
are you going to do?” she whispered.

“Trust me.
You’re going to love this, so let’s get you into position. Spread
your legs. Wider. Now bend your knees up.”

I helped ease
her up, so that her lovely bottom was up in the air.

“Perfect. Just
perfect. Have you any idea how beautiful you look right now,

“Beautiful? I
just feel very exposed, and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with
this,” she said nervously.

“You only have
to say the word, and I’ll stop and let you go at once. Remember, I
said I would push you, but nothing you couldn’t handle. So just go
with it, and it’ll be fun, I promise.” I caressed the cheeks of her
bottom, and then ran my finger down the intriguing seam between her
two cheeks.

“No! Not my…
you promised,” Sera exclaimed, and tried to wriggle away from me as
I trailed my finger down.

“Relax. I
promised I wouldn’t do anything anal, and I'm won’t. I always keep
my word. I am going to explore the rest of you though.” I slid my
finger along her pretty pink folds, which were warm, wet and very,
very inviting. “As I thought. The evidence from your pussy very
clearly tells me that you’re enjoying this. Stop protesting and

I lightly
slapped her bottom again, and then positioned myself over her,
totally restricting her.

“This is what
you like, isn’t it? Being overpowered and held in place while I
pleasure you. You have no option but to enjoy it because you can't
escape. So, tell me how much you like this?”

I curled my
arm around her waist, and then reached down for her clitoris, as my
cock rubbed against her pussy from behind.

These were all
new sensations for her. Being blindfolded. Having her hands tied.
Me pinning her down from behind. I hoped it wasn’t all too much for
her, and I needed her to tell me how she was feeling.

“Answer me,

“It.. it’s
nice,” Seraphina whispered, as I rhythmically circled and stroked
her with my finger tip.

“Do you want


“Is this what
you want?” I gently edged the tip of my cock against her entrance
and then waited. I was thrilled when she tried to push back against
me, obviously wanting more. So she did like this game, no

“You have to
tell me want you want, Sera. You have to say the words.”

I withdrew my
cock and my fingers from her completely, and she mewled in

“No! Please,
Liam. Don't stop. I want you, all of you.”

“Are you

“Are you
trying to make me beg? I want this. I want your great big cock to
fuck me. Happy now?” she virtually spat out the words as she
squirmed against me.

I slapped her
bottom again.

“That’s for
having a dirty mouth. You have to ask me nicely.” I lightly stroked
her with my fingers, as I dipped my cock teasingly in her entrance
again, but held back from giving her anything more satisfying. It
was torture for me too, of course, but I wanted her to lose her
inhibitions about letting me know what she liked.

Professor, would you do me the honour of inserting your rather
large penis inside my woefully empty vagina, please, sir.”

I burst out
laughing, which I couldn’t remember ever doing during sex

“We can't have
a woefully empty vagina, now can we?” I chuckled. “Very well. Now
you can have what want you want.”

I very
carefully and slowly slid my length into her. The velvety
smoothness of her slick walls begged me to lose myself in her, to
drive as hard and as deep as I possibly could into the enticing
heaven that was on offer. But I couldn’t lose control like that. I
had to do what was best for Seraphina, and it would be too much for
her in this position. I stopped and waited once I was buried in

“It’s very
deep this way, let me know if it’s too much for you.”

“It feels as
if you’re driving into my very core,” she whispered. “But it’s
good, it feels really good.”

Her body was
moulded tightly against mine, her back to my front. With her hands
bound and fixed, she was helpless to move away from me. I loved
being in total control like this, because I wanted to give her such
incredible pleasure that she would never want to leave me.

concentrate on the sensations, the pleasure, the way I am
possessing your body. I own it. My cock filling your pussy. It
belongs to me.”

I withdrew,
then flexed my hips and pushed into her deeply again. Each time I
thrust in, I stroked her clitoris with my finger, and I could feel
her trembling and quivering with the delicious sensations. Her
sweet pussy seemed to be licking and sucking at my length. It was
heaven. But I had to think of Seraphina. It was all about making it
good for her.

“Tell me how
you’re feeling.”

“Oh God, Liam,
it just gets better and better,” she moaned. “This is so good,
don't stop, never stop.”

“You like it
then, hmm? Just as I told you?” Now that I was confident Seraphina
was coping well with everything, I stroked in and out, over and
over. It was pure bliss.

“I love it. I
want it. Please. Just keep doing it.”

No question,
the shy, timid girl from before was transforming into a very
demanding little sex kitten, and I was more than happy to give her
everything she wanted.

As I felt my
orgasm building, I kept up the pressure on her sweet spot until I
finally felt her explode, her walls squeezing and milking me as she
screamed out my name.

“Liam, oh God,
Liam …”

I gripped her
hips as I carried on thrusting, desperate to join her, finally
stilling as my release pulsed deeply into her. It went on and on,
blue lights flashed in front of my eyes, as wave after wave of
pleasure washed over me. Finally, I collapsed on top of her. She
was right. This was just getting better and better between us.

“Sorry. I’m
squashing you,” I said after a minute, as I rolled over to the side
to try to catch my breath.

“S’okay. I
don't mind. But can you undo me now?” she mumbled.


I slipped the
scarf from her eyes first.

“That was
something else,” I whispered, as I tenderly kissed her forehead.
“You liked our little rough play?”

“I liked it
very much,” she smiled back, as I undid the scarf binding her
hands. I rubbed her wrists, before I pulled her into my arms.

“You’d do
something like that again? You were okay with being blindfolded and
having your hands tied?”

“It made it
more intense, not being able to see what was happening, so I guess
that’s good. But I did have to tell myself not to panic when I
couldn’t move away when I thought you were going to touch

“Never forget
that you can always tell me to stop. You have to be confident you
can trust me. If you prefer, we can use recognised safe words.”

“I don't think
that’s necessary. Not at the moment anyway.”

“But if I were
to push things a bit further, if things got a bit rougher? Would
you feel happier knowing you had a safe word to fall back on?”

Depends how much rougher you were to get. I’m a bit wary to be
honest. I’m not sure I’d still enjoy it as much.”

“You just have
to trust that your Professor knows his subject very well, hmm?”

“I guess so.
No question, with all your previous experience, you are the
undoubted sexpert.”

Fuck. I felt
her suddenly cooling towards me. That was all it took with
Seraphina. Just a tiny hint or reminder of the previous women I'd
been with was enough to make all her insecurities resurface, and
cause her to immediately withdraw from me again.

“There’s never
been anyone like you before, Seraphina. Nothing matches what we
share. I keep telling you. When are you going to start believing

Just then the
alarm on her phone sounded to remind her to take her pill. She
smiled at me, slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I
sighed as I lay back. Winning her trust was obviously going to take
a long time.


“I’d rather be
with you than see Jamie.”

“I seem to
recall we had this conversation last week, Liam. And anyway, it’s
all arranged. You’ll need to get going shortly. Jamie will be at
your place soon.”

“Are you
throwing me out?”

“If that’s
what it takes.”

“I’d like to
see you try.”

I raised
myself to my full six foot four as I loomed over her. We were in
the kitchen, clearing away after breakfast.

“I could if I
had to - I’m tougher than I look.” She ducked under my arm and
headed for the sink.

I wasn’t happy
about the fact that she was insisting we wouldn’t see each other
later, and neither would we be sleeping together tonight.

“Surely we can
see each other for a while later,” I pleaded.

I wasn’t used
to this. I’d never done any kind of pleading or chasing after a
woman before, so this was a whole new experience for me. I was used
to being in control, being the one who set the agenda, and I was
finding all this somewhat unsettling.

“In case you
hadn't heard, I’m starting a new job tomorrow where the boss is a
complete ogre. I need to prepare, and I need an early night to get
some sleep,” she stated firmly.

“We can just
sleep together, if that’s what you want.”

“Yeah, right.
Like that’s going to happen if we’re in the same bed.” She raised
her eyebrows at me sceptically.

“Fair point,”
I conceded with a grin. “But if we went to bed early enough, you
could still get plenty of sleep.” I tried to pull her into my arms
to persuade her, knowing our strong chemistry would work in my
favour, but she was having none of it.

“Just leave
it, Liam. Don't push me. I need some space. I need to clear my
head. Don't try and use your Sex Godliness to bamboozle me .”

“Fine, if
that’s what you want.” I sighed, accepting defeat. “But at least
let me give you a lift to work tomorrow, rather than take public

“We’ve been
through this as well. It hardly matches the story that we can
barely tolerate each other if I turn up to the office with

“I’ll drop you
at the corner and you can walk in by yourself. No one will be any
the wiser.”

“No, Liam.
It’s best if I make my own way in, and we keep our distance, keep
things just as if I was any other employee at SCV. That’s the only
way this is going to work. I intend to do a really good job, so I
have to be able to get on and concentrate. I also have to build up
a good working relationship with Tom, seeing as we’re going to be
working together so closely. No doubt he still thinks of me as the
silly little intern who could just about handle making a decent cup
of tea. I have to prove to him that I’m more than that.”

“Tom has seen
the quality of your work, so he understands why I’ve taken you

“Even so.
Please Liam, just step back a little. This is my first job, the
first step on my career ladder. I have to prove myself, without you
meddling and micromanaging everything. I’ve always managed by
myself. That’s the way I am.”

“Very well.
And for the record, I’ve no intention of showing you any special
favours. If the work you produce is shit, I’ll have no hesitation
in telling you so in our daily meeting. I offered you the job
because of your talents and skills, because you were the best
person for the job. I don't carry deadweight. I’ve worked too hard
and too long to risk my business in any way.”

“Good. I'm
glad we understand each other. So I’ll be at my desk, bright eyed
and bushy tailed first thing tomorrow morning, Mr. Starr.”

“I look
forward to that, Miss Jones.”


why do
you have to go and
see your horrid, rude brother? You only saw him last week, so I
don't see why you can’t stay here with me instead,” Poppy whined as
she clung to me in bed, and pouted in a way she clearly thought was
endearing. It wasn’t.

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