Starr Fated (47 page)

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Tags: #romance, #sex, #ireland, #london, #spank, #destined, #fated, #erotic adult romance

BOOK: Starr Fated
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It was because
we somehow reached another higher plane when we climaxed together.
I didn't understand it, but I knew what we experienced was unique.
Seraphina wasn’t just another female to slake my sexual thirst. She
was far more than that, but she didn't seem to believe me when I
tried to tell her, because she lacked confidence, despite the fact
that she was an incredibly beautiful, talented and fascinating
woman. It seemed she still thought of me as the type of man who was
spinning a line to use her, who was inevitably going to dump

I realised it
was going to take time and a lot of patience to convince her
otherwise, helped by copious amounts of orgasmic sex to help bind
her to me. At least all my previous experience would be put to good
use with that mission.

From how she
had reacted to the foreplay I'd initiated in the weeks leading up
to our first sex, I’d suspected she’d be a wild cat in bed and I'd
not been wrong. There was so much passion in her nature waiting to
be unleashed that had been kept locked away until now. I found
myself aroused and excited just thinking about how I could get
Seraphina to really let herself go. All the boredom and
repetitiveness that I’d been experiencing previously in my sex life
had vanished, even though there was no one else but her now.
Seraphina was the only woman I was interested in, even if she found
that hard to believe.

All I knew was
I just couldn’t risk losing her, so every time I felt her pulling
away from me, I had to handle things very carefully not to break
the ties that I was so carefully building between us.

At one
o’clock, I headed down to her apartment as we’d agreed. I’d put the
time away from her to good use to clear up several problems and
queries that had inevitably arisen with my business matters. It
made a change to have a woman who didn't seem to want to move in or
make a claim on me, which was ironic as I actually wouldn’t have
minded if Seraphina had. I was quite put out when she insisted on
leaving after breakfast, having assumed she’d want to stay, and now
I found myself impatient to see her again, even though it had only
been a couple of hours since we’d parted.

“Hi, how are
you doing?” she said as she let me in. She was casually dressed in
a short denim skirt, a cropped T shirt top and little flat

I swept her up
in my arms to kiss her.

“Better now,”
I grinned, as I let her slowly slide down my body. She smiled back,
letting her hands linger on my arms for a few seconds, before she
pulled away from me and headed towards the kitchen as I followed

“Club sandwich
okay for lunch?” she queried. “Oh, and I got a couple of bottles of
that Meantime London beer you like, if you want one with it?”

“Fine by me.
Our own pub lunch, So, what have you been up to?” I asked, as she
busied herself getting the plates of food ready.

“I went to a
yoga class at the fitness centre, and…”

“Why didn't
you tell me you were going there? And why have you got Scott
Franklin’s card?” I interrupted her as I spotted his business card
on the worktop. I picked up it up, my hackles rising at the thought
of Seraphina having any dealings with him.

“Liam, I
really didn't think you needed to know when I was going to a yoga
class here in the same building. And I was just about to tell you
about Scott. I bumped into him when I came out of my class this
morning. He says I have to do a formal gym induction with him as
he’s the only official qualified instructor, but…” she


“Look, please
don't be cross with me, because I know Scott’s a friend of yours,


“Liam, I'm
just going to come right out and say this. I really don't like the
man at all, there’s just something about him that gives me the
creeps, and I'm sorry if that seems illogical and female, but there
it is. I don’t want to offend him, but do you know if there is
anyone else that I could do an induction with? Scott’s obviously
into weight training, which I'm definitely not, so surely there
must be someone else, maybe a nice lady trainer who is more likely
to understand the kind of workout I want to do?”

I smiled in
relief. It seemed Seraphina’s instincts were spot on, because she’d
somehow sensed that Scott’s interest in her was less than benign
and I was delighted that she was turning to me for advice.

merely an acquaintance, nothing more, so don't worry yourself on
that score. I’ll overlook the fact that you didn't let me know
where you where this morning, but in future I expect you to let me
know where you are at all times, especially if you’re going to have
your phone off, as you no doubt will when you’re in a yoga class.
But leave this matter regarding a trainer with me; I’ll sort
something out for your induction. So, Scott gave you the creeps?
Any reason in particular?”

I’d warned
Scott to stay away from Seraphina, so what had he been doing that
had caused her to react this way?

“I don't know,
it’s hard to put my finger on it exactly. He just stood too
closely, and when I mentioned my boyfriend, he said something about
how I should be having fun instead of being an obedient pet. I have
no idea what he was banging on about, but he just made my flesh
crawl. Maybe it’s all that body hair. He even has a hairy back and
shoulders.” She shivered in apparent disgust.

“You got close
enough to see how much body hair he had?”

“I told you,
he stood right next to me, and he was wearing just a vest top and
shorts. He was all sweaty too.” She grimaced and shuddered

“Not your type
then?” I asked.


“So, how would
you describe your type?” I moved to back her up against the kitchen
worktop, where I placed my hands either side of her to cage her in.
The chemistry between us immediately kicked in, sparking and
sizzling, and of course I got a rock hard erection.

The thought of
another man daring to move in on my woman made me feel wildly
possessive, somehow even more so now that I’d claimed her
virginity. It meant that Seraphina was unmistakeably mine, and mine
alone, so I would be dealing with Scott in due course. But right
now I suddenly felt an overwhelming need to possess her again.

“Let me see. I
much prefer a blonde man, with nice smooth skin, just like this,”
Seraphina whispered in a husky voice, as she slid her soft, warm
hands underneath my T shirt to feel my chest. Suddenly, we were
both breathing heavily, both consumed by desire, and I had to have
her now, this minute.

I lifted Sera
up to sit on the edge of the worktop, and pushed her skirt up out
of the way as I forced myself between her legs. Seraphina quickly
undid my jeans to release my cock, and I pulled her little lace
undies to one side.

With one
thrust I was inside her, claiming her, as she cried out and clung
onto to my arms.

“No other man
will ever know the pleasure of this divine little pussy of yours
because it belongs to me. Only me. Do you understand?” I withdrew
and then thrust hard into her again. She felt so wet and luscious
as her tightness encased my cock.

“Liam…” she

asked…you…a…question.” I drove hard into her over and over. I had
to hear her say it.

“Only you,
Liam. Only ever you…” she moaned again.

I moved back
slightly so I could slide my hand in between us, knowing that I was
already very close to coming, needing to bring her up to speed to
match my urgency. I found her sensitive little nub, and stroked it
with my fingertip, while I continued to thrust hard into her.

She hissed as
she sucked her breath in and threw her head back, her eyes closed
in pleasure.

“Tell me, is
that good for you, Angel girl?” I whispered, as I felt her legs
quivering and her tightness beginning to spasm around my cock. Sera
just moaned incoherently, and I knew she was close. With one final
swirl of my finger on her sweet spot, I sent her flying over the

As she clung
to me and cried out as her climax hit, I let myself go, and with
three final deep hard thrusts, I joined her. I stilled, buried to
the hilt inside her warm, wet depths, and let my release shoot
deeply into her, as the intensity of our orgasms intertwined and
flowed together. This was what I had never experienced before, the
way we seemed to merge not just physically, but on every level,
conscious and unconscious. It was totally addictive, totally
irresistible, and all consuming.

After a minute
or two, I withdrew and opened my eyes to gaze into Sera’s stunning
green eyes, as she leaned back on her elbows on the worktop, open
mouthed and panting, looking slightly shocked.

I grinned as I
bent down to kiss her.

that was most definitely a very fine example of a great fast fuck.
So that’s both shower sex and kitchen sex covered before lunch
today. You are such a talented student, you’ve already moved on to
advanced techniques before we’ve even covered all the basics.”

“Liam, you’re
the tutor setting my curriculum. I can't help it if you choose to
skip some pages, can I?” she pointed out, as she kissed me back,
and then stared into my eyes. She slowly raked her fingers through
my hair, which felt good – very good actually. I really liked it
when Seraphina touched me anywhere. It wasn’t in the least annoying
as I always used to find it if a woman started fussing over me. It
was different with her. Everything was different with


“Good job I
hadn't prepared us a lunch that would spoil if it got cold,”
Seraphina commented as we finally sat down together at the table to
eat the club sandwiches she’d prepared, once we’d both headed to
the bathroom to sort ourselves out.

The deep
filled BLT club sandwich was excellent, so I soon polished off
mine, then sat back and drank the bottle of beer she’d thoughtfully
got in for me, while she finished her food. Sera declined any beer
or wine, insisting she was happy with just a glass of water.

“It’s fun to
be spontaneous,” I winked at her. “I warn you now, I plan for us to
take full advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.”

“Is that how
you’ve always operated? You once told me you work hard and you play
hard. So, with your ‘special friends’, is that how you’ve always
spent every weekend with them, playing hard and taking full
advantage of every opportunity?” she asked. Her eyes glinted
dangerously and looked an even deeper shade of green somehow, as if
signalling her jealousy.

I took a deep
breath as I considered how to answer. It was obvious my past played
on Seraphina’s mind pretty much constantly, so what should I do?
Brush over everything as if it hadn't happened, leaving her
imagination to run wild? Or tell her every gory little detail to
feed that imagination? I decided to opt for a middle path. Be
honest, but only tell her as much as she needed to know and no

“No, not
really. Whenever I had a guest over to my place, it was for an
agreed period of time, usually but not always either Friday night
or Saturday night, but not both. Sometimes they came over midweek
as well. They stayed the night, we had sex in my guest room, then I
went and slept in my own room, by myself, and they went home in the
morning. It was just a mutually beneficial sexual arrangement,
nothing more. Meeting you has made me realise that it had got very
stale, very boring and was totally meaningless.”

I reached
across and took hold of her hand.

completely different with you, Seraphina. I keep telling you I’m
not interested in the slightest in that kind of arrangement any
more. And although I’m undoubtedly far more sexually experienced
than you, in every other way being together like this is just as
much a new experience for me as it is for you. But as incredible as
the sex is, I know it’s so much more than that, because this is the
first time I've ever actually wanted to spend as much time with a
woman, with you, as I possibly can.”

“I just feel
confused and overwhelmed at times, Liam,” she murmured.

“But you do
enjoy spending time with me?” I pressed her.

“Yes, I can't
deny that I’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve spent together so
far,” she agreed.

“And I get the
distinct impression that you don't find the sex too disagreeable,
as the state of my mauled back proves,” I teased, as I tried to
coax a smile out of her.

She thwacked
my arm as she smiled back at me.

“Of course I
think the sex is amazing, as you well know, seeing as you’re some
kind of Sex God, so don't try being all modest now.”

“Sex God – now
that’s a title I think I can live with,” I chuckled. “But
seriously, what I'm trying to say is please don't let whatever has
gone on in the past spoil the fact that we enjoy each other’s
company very much. Nothing should be allowed to come between us
when we have such a strong connection, the like of which I have
never experienced before. Surely we should just be happy and
looking forward to getting to know each other better?”

“Yes, you’re
right, I know you are, Liam. It’s just hard, I feel like such an
amateur, because I'm so inexperienced and ignorant about all the
sex stuff that you know so much about.”

“Trust me, I
couldn’t be happier that you’re so inexperienced, and also trust me
that I can tell you’re a highly sexual person, the same as me. It’s
just been locked away until now.”

“And only you
have the key to unlock that side of me it seems. For ages I’ve been
worried that I was either frigid or gay because I could never
respond to a guy, however hard I tried. Then you come along and
wham, suddenly I find myself with all these powerful, intense
feelings. I think that’s why I'm feeling so overwhelmed, because I
never expected this… you… sex… all of it, to be so… so… all
consuming,” Seraphina confessed.

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