Starlight in Her Eyes (16 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Starlight in Her Eyes
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“Of course. I'm sorry, Colin. Please come in.” Holding up the hem of her gown, Serena moved forward. A sudden shyness overtook her. Her heart thundered in her chest and her pulse threatened to take flight.

Colin's gaze briefly drank her in from head to toe and his deep brown eyes shone with obvious appreciation. He gave her a small nod that promised so much.

“Mr. Colin, you look like a handsome prince!” Lily jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you, kind Miss. I'll tell you a secret.” Still holding Lily, Colin closed the front door and then whispered in her ear, making her giggle.

Lily's eyes grew rounder. She glanced at Serena and nodded, making Serena curious as to what he'd said.

Colin's gaze followed Lily's and rested on her.

Lily slid from Colin's arms, ran over to her and grabbed her hand, swinging it back and forth. “Isn't Mommy pretty?”

Colin moved one hand over his heart. “Oh, Lily-Love, your mother is more than pretty.” Stepping forward and taking Serena's hand in his, he planted a gentle kiss. “Without a doubt, I will be the most blessed man at the Liberty Bell Ball.” He leaned close, caressing her temple with the faintest touch of his lips. “You are exquisite,” he whispered.

Serena lowered her gaze and murmured her thanks. “I daresay, you are my prince.” Behind her, she caught Marla's and Trina's soft laughter. She'd said it again. And no doubt she'd keep saying it.

“Colin Young, you make my heart go all a-flutter, you do.” Marla moved one hand over her heart and thumped it on her chest.

Trina waved her hand. “I'd say so. Is it warm in here or is it just me?”

Moving his hands into the pockets of his tuxedo trousers, Colin laughed heartily.

That laugh warmed Serena's heart every time. When he turned, she admired the perfect fit of his tuxedo and noted the thin satin stripe down the side of the pants.

“Thank you, ladies. Careful lest you swell my head. Serena, I have a red rose wrist corsage for you in the car, if you'd like. If not, we'll give it to Miss Lily.”

“I'll wear it for the ball and then give it to Lily when I return,” Serena said.

Lily beamed her approval of the suggestion.

She suspected Lily had been playing dress up with her beaded handbag which explained how she knew where to find it. As a child, Serena had done the same thing many times. “When Marla and Trina tell you it's time for bed, I want you to listen,” Serena said before kissing her daughter's cheek.

“I will, Mommy.” Running over to Colin, Lily motioned to him. When he crouched beside her, she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. “I love you, Mr. Colin. I hope you and Mommy have fun at the ball.”

“We assuredly will, Lily-Love.” Colin's voice was a bit husky. Straightening to his full height, he held out his hand for her. “Do you have a wrap?”

Serena was tempted to say “You,” but thought better of it, especially with two witnesses and her daughter in the room. Although Colin would probably love that response, it would be too provocative. She couldn't wait to dance in Colin's arms. Without a doubt, he'd be the most handsome man at the Liberty Bell Ball. Going to the front hall closet, Serena retrieved her white, fake fur coat and Colin helped her into it. When she gave Lily a nod, she opened the front door for them.

“A Rolls Royce!” Serena said a minute later as she stepped outside on the front walk. “Oh, Colin, this is so elegant. Thank you.”

A driver waited beside the sleek silver car and opened the back door for them.

Colin helped her inside and waited as she arranged the skirt of her gown before climbing onto the seat beside her.

As the driver began their journey downtown, Colin opened a bottle of sparkling cider and poured it into two champagne flutes. “To the beautiful woman who has blessed my life beyond measure. Here's to many more special shared moments together.”

Serena touched her flute against his and felt as though her heart might burst. “You make me so happy,” she said, leaning close and giving Colin a kiss. “This night is like a dream.”

“Much more to come, love.” He leaned in for another kiss, this one longer and slower.

The dinner was divine although Serena ate very little.

Afterwards, Colin did his duty and posed for photographs with Gabrielle, who'd arrived at the ball with one of the city's most eligible—albeit octogenarian—bachelors.

The photographers called for the news anchors and other show co-hosts before snapping another round of photos.

Serena hid her smile as Paulina and Gabrielle fought for positions on either side of Colin.

When they called for the other staff members of
Wake Up, Philadelphia!
to join them, Colin motioned for Serena to join him and then tucked her next to his side. “Not that I'm being territorial,” he whispered, “but I want you beside me.”

“I don't mind. Go right ahead.” Serena's smile reached far beyond her lips. In her heart, she'd never been happier.

“I thought that would never end,” Colin said as they returned to the dance floor.

“I couldn't help but notice you've turned down multiple dance partners this evening.” They'd included invitations from Gabrielle and Paulina. “One of the hazards of being a famous person, I suppose.”

“They have their own escorts. I'm only dancing with you, love. Besides, I don't want to be famous. I only want to see that lovely light in your eyes every time you look at me.” Colin twirled her under his arm. “That's what life is about, not the accolades or the attention.” After dipping her, he dropped a light kiss on her lips. The man was an accomplished dancer and made it easy to follow his lead.

After bringing her upright again, Colin nuzzled her cheek. He smelled so good, and his skin was so warm. “Have I told you how beautiful you are tonight?”

“A few times. Thank you.” Gazing into his eyes, Serena sighed with the greatest contentment she'd known since the moment in the hospital six years ago when she'd held her newborn daughter for the first time. She'd examined every inch of Lily with wonder and awe, marveling at God's perfection and His workmanship. His miracles. Not that Colin was perfect, but he filled her heart in new and soul-satiating ways.

She leaned her head on his broad shoulder. “The Lord always knows what we need, doesn't He?”

“That He does,” Colin said as they continued to dance. “I'm learning that lesson more every day.”


A short time later, Serena stood next to Colin at one side of the ballroom and marveled at how comfortable she'd felt all evening. “How is it possible you've gotten to know so many people in Philly in such a short time? You've introduced me to longstanding members of Philadelphia's social circles that I've only known by reputation, many of them charitable donors for Graham's foundation. You've effortlessly worked your charm on them.” The last time she'd attended the Liberty Bell Ball she'd been tense and had faded into the background of Graham's shadow.

Keeping his hand over hers throughout the evening, Colin had made it a point to introduce her to everyone and include her in every conversation. He smiled. “I met most of them during my whirlwind introductions the first week I was here. The Lord's blessed me with an uncanny recall for names. On the other hand, if you ask me a fairly simple question such as what I had for breakfast this morning, I might not remember. Hold tight and I'll go get us something to drink.”

“Ginger ale sounds good,” Serena said. “Thank you.”

As Colin walked toward the bar, Lawrence strolled over to her. “You're looking lovely tonight, Serena. Are you having a good time?”

“Yes, thank you. And you?”

Lawrence angled his head to where his wife was talking with some of the other producers' wives. “Jacquelyn's in her element.” His gaze was kind as he focused on her. “It's wonderful to see you so happy. You deserve the best life has to offer, and I can tell Colin wants to give you the world.”

“Thank you, Lawrence.” She appreciated the fact that he didn't want to talk about business matters. He'd been very pleased by the numbers for the newer “Out and About” segments with Gabrielle, and he'd made his opinion known that they should continue. But for this one night, Serena wished not to talk or even think about the show any more than necessary.

Serena focused on Colin as he waited in the line for their drinks. Her jaw gaped as Paulina moved to him and draped her arms around him. She didn't stop there. When she stroked the side of his face with the back of one hand and leaned close, Colin pulled out of her reach.

Serena turned her head in the other direction.

“If you'll excuse me, I'll go corral Paulina,” Lawrence said under his breath. “Looks like she's had one drink too many. Wouldn't be the first time.”

Serena murmured her thanks and couldn't help but look as Lawrence stepped between Colin and Paulina.

With undisguised relief, Colin excused himself and returned to Serena's side. “I'll try to get us something to drink again in a few minutes.” Taking her by the hand, he led her to an upper balcony and they stepped outside. “I realize it's a bit cold out here, love, but I'm sure the view is spectacular, and I wanted a moment alone.”

Seeing her shiver, he removed his jacket and draped it around her shoulders.

Standing behind Serena, Colin wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they admired the view of the city beneath the blanket of night and stars. The air was crisp but the wind had died down, making it bearable.

“I love the city at night. It's so beautiful, isn't it?” She leaned her head to one side as Colin kissed her neck, igniting her senses. For a woman who thought she could never tingle, she tingled all over. “Hmm. Maybe you shouldn't do that. You do it too well and it feels too good.”

With gentle hands on her waist, Colin turned her around to face him. “Thank you for telling me. Always feel free to stop me if you're not comfortable. I never want to disrespect you, Serena. I want to honor you. With that said, I want nothing more in the world right now than to kiss you. Thoroughly. May I?” Tilting her chin with gentle fingers, he met her gaze. When she nodded, he chased away the cold with the warmth of his lips on hers.

When they parted, Colin whispered in her ear. “Serena, come away with me at Christmas.”


Dazed from Colin's kisses, Serena blinked hard and rested her hands on his chest. She trusted Colin, and surely after that speech he'd just made about being honorable, he wasn't suggesting… “Where would we go?”

“I want to introduce you and Lily to Starlight, Iowa.” His smile, and his words, sent relief shooting through her.

“Imagine the most idyllic little town you can imagine, and it's ten times better. A virtual paradise on earth. Lily would adore it, and I want to share it with you. When I last talked with Nikki, she invited us to come for Christmas.” He kissed her cheek. “She wants to meet the woman and her daughter who've completely captured my heart.”

Colin's gaze caressed her, making it difficult to think. “Please say you'll come.”

His idea was very appealing. Lily would enjoy a trip anywhere, and Starlight sounded perfect, especially at Christmas. He'd mentioned Starlight a few times. Serena had met Alex when he'd been a television network executive, and she was curious about Nicole Reardon.

“She's like my sister. We're very close,” Colin told her during one of their numerous lunches. He'd since explained that although he'd entertained a crush on his
Wake Up, Des Moines!
co-host early on, Nicole had soundly quashed any romantic fantasies he'd held.

For that discernment, Serena was immensely grateful.

When Serena shivered, Colin led her back inside.

“Colin,” she said as they stepped back into the ballroom, “I'm sure I speak for Lily in saying we'd love to come to Starlight with you for Christmas. Are we driving or flying?”

He smiled and hugged her to him once more. “Wonderful news. For the sake of time, we should fly into Des Moines and rent a car from there. We can discuss it tomorrow and then I'll make the arrangements for us.”

As the Rolls Royce pulled in front of the townhome in the early hours of the morning, Serena invited Colin to come inside for a few minutes.

“I'll need another ten to fifteen minutes,” Colin told the driver.

Unlocking the front door, Serena slipped inside the townhome with Colin behind her. She smiled when she spied Trina and Lily on the sofa. Trina reclined on one end and Lily was curled on the opposite side, both fast asleep. Serena's smile faded. She was accustomed to seeing her daughter with her arms around Truffle.

Lily missed Truffle but she'd insisted she didn't want a replacement teddy bear.

Still, Serena needed to think of something to fill the void.

Colin chuckled under his breath. “Ah, the sleeping duo. What a heartwarming sight. Where's the third musketeer?”

“With five children at home?” Serena quirked a brow.

“Precisely why I thought Marla might take a break tonight,” Colin said. “Girls night out and all that. Shall I carry Lily upstairs?”

“That would be great. Thank you.” She'd offer him a cup of coffee, but the hour was late and the driver was waiting.

“It's my honor.” After scooping Lily into his arms, he started for the staircase. Speaking of a heartwarming sight. She could get used to Colin being around more often and helping to tuck Lily into bed. One of these days, Lily would be awake at bedtime when he was visiting, and he could read or tell her a bedtime story.

Serena imagined Colin could tell very entertaining tales.

After lifting her gown and carefully climbing the stairs, Serena paused in the doorway of Lily's bedroom.

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