StarCraft II: Devils' Due (37 page)

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Authors: Christie Golden

Tags: #Video & Electronic, #General, #Science Fiction, #Games, #Fiction, #Media Tie-In

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Unwil ing to become a propaganda tool, the reporter

begins transmitting rogue news broadcasts that

expose Mengsk’s oppressive tactics.

StarCraft: Liberty’s Crusade
by Jeff Grubb)

StarCraft: Queen of Blades

by Aaron


Arcturus Mengsk declares himself emperor of the

Terran Dominion, a new government that takes power

over many of the terran planets in the Koprulu sector.

StarCraft: I, Mengsk
by Graham McNeil )

Dominion senator Corbin Phash discovers that

his young son, Colin, can attract hordes of deadly

zerg with his psionic abilities—a talent that the

Dominion sees as a useful weapon.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 1, “Weapon of War”

by Paul Benjamin, David Shramek, and Hector

Sevil a)

The supreme ruler of the zerg, the Overmind,

discovers the location of the protoss homeworld of

Aiur. The zerg invade the planet, but the heroic high

templar Tassadar sacrifices himself to destroy the

Overmind. However, much of Aiur is left in ruins. The

remaining Aiur protoss flee through a warp gate

created by the xel’naga—an ancient alien race that is

thought to have influenced the evolution of the zerg

and the protoss—and are transported to the dark

templar planet Shakuras. For the first time since the

dark templar were banished from Aiur, the two

protoss societies are reunited.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 3, “Twilight Archon”

by Ren Zatopek and Noel Rodriguez)

StarCraft: Queen of Blades

by Aaron


StarCraft: Twilight
, book three of the Dark

Templar Saga by Christie Golden)

The zerg pursue the refugees from the planet

Aiur through the warp gate to Shakuras. Jim Raynor

and his forces, who had become al ies with Tassadar

and the dark templar Zeratul, stay behind on Aiur in

order to shut down the warp gate. Meanwhile, Zeratul

and the protoss executor Artanis utilize the powers of

an ancient xel’naga temple on Shakuras to purge the

zerg that have already invaded the planet.

StarCraft: Shadow Hunters
, book two of the Dark

Templar Saga by Christie Golden)

On the fringe world of Bhekar Ro, two terran

siblings named Octavia and Lars stumble upon a






investigation goes awry when the device absorbs

Lars and fires a mysterious beam of light into space,

attracting the attention of the protoss and the zerg.

Before long, Bhekar Ro is engulfed in a brutal conflict

among terran, protoss, and zerg forces as each fights

to claim the strange artifact.

StarCraft: Shadow of the Xel’Naga
by Gabriel


The United Earth Directorate (UED), having

observed the conflict between the terrans, the zerg,

and the protoss, arrives in the Koprulu sector from

Earth in order to take control. To accomplish its goal,

the UED captures a fledgling Overmind on the zerg-

occupied planet of Char. The Queen of Blades,

Mengsk, Raynor, and the protoss put aside their

differences and work together in order to defeat the

UED and the new Overmind. These unlikely al ies

manage to accomplish their goal, and after the death

of the second Overmind, the Queen of Blades attains

control over al zerg in the Koprulu sector.

On an uncharted moon near Char, Zeratul

encounters the terran Samir Duran, once an al y of the

Queen of Blades. Zeratul discovers that Duran has

successful y spliced together zerg and protoss DNA

to create a hybrid, a creation that Duran ominously

prophesizes wil change the universe forever.

Arcturus Mengsk exterminates half of his ghost

operatives to ensure loyalty among the former

Confederate agents who have been integrated into

the Dominion ghost program. Additional y, he

establishes a new Ghost Academy on Ursa, a moon

orbiting Korhal IV.

StarCraft: Shadow Hunters
, book two of the Dark

Templar Saga by Christie Golden)

Corbin Phash sends his son, Colin, into hiding

from the Dominion, whose agents are hunting down

the young boy to exploit his psionic abilities. Corbin

flees to the Umojan Protectorate, a terran government

independent of the Dominion.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 3, “War-Torn” by

Paul Benjamin, David Shramek, and Hector Sevil a)

The young Colin Phash is captured by the

Dominion and sent to the Ghost Academy.

Meanwhile, his father, Corbin, acts as a dissenting

voice against the Dominion from the Umojan

Protectorate. For his outspoken opposition, Corbin

becomes the target of an assassination attempt.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 4, “Orientation” by

Paul Benjamin, David Shramek, and Mel Joy San



Nova Terra, having escaped the destruction of

her homeworld, Tarsonis, trains alongside other gifted

terrans and hones her psionic talents at the Ghost


StarCraft: Ghost: Nova
by Keith R. A.


StarCraft: Ghost Academy
, volume 1, by Keith R.

A. DeCandido and Fernando Heinz Furukawa)

Nova encounters Colin Phash, whom the

academy is studying in an effort to harness his unique

abilities. Meanwhile, four comrades from Nova’s past

desperately seek rescue from a zerg onslaught after

they become stranded on the mining planet of Shi.

StarCraft: Ghost Academy
, volume 2, by David

Gerrold and Fernando Heinz Furukawa)


Arcturus Mengsk reaches out to his son,

Valerian, who had grown up in the relative absence of

his father. Intending for Valerian to continue the

Mengsk dynasty, Arcturus recal s his own progression

from an apathetic teenager to an emperor.

StarCraft: I, Mengsk
by Graham McNeil )

Reporter Kate Lockwel is embedded with

Dominion troops to deliver patriotic pro-Dominion

broadcasts to the Universal News Network. During

her time with the soldiers, she encounters former UNN

reporter Michael Liberty and discovers some of the

darker truths beneath the Dominion’s surface.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 2, “Newsworthy” by

Grace Randolph and Nam Kim)

Tamsen Cauley plans to kil off the War Pigs—

who are now disbanded—in order to cover up his

previous attempt to assassinate Arcturus Mengsk.

Before doing so, he gathers the War Pigs for a

mission to kil Jim Raynor, an action that Cauley

believes wil win Mengsk’s favor. One of the War Pigs

sent on this mission, Cole Hickson, is the former

Confederate soldier who helped Raynor survive the

brutal Kel-Morian prison camp.

monthly comic #1 by Simon Furman

and Federico Dal occhio)

Fighters from al three of the Koprulu sector’s

factions—terran, protoss, and zerg—vie for control

over an ancient xel’naga temple on the planet Artika.

Amid the violence, the combatants come to realize

the individual motivations that have brought them to

this chaotic battlefield.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 1, “Why We Fight”

by Josh Elder and Ramanda Kamarga)

The Kel-Morian crew of
The Generous Profit

arrives on a desolate planet in hopes of finding

something belonging to the planet’s former

inhabitants that is worth salvaging. As they sort

through the ruins, the crew members discover the

terrifying secret behind the planet’s missing populace.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 2, “A Ghost Story” by

Kieron Gil en and Hector Sevil a)

A team of protoss scientists experiments on a

sample of zerg creep, bio-matter that provides

nourishment to zerg structures. However, the

substance begins to affect the scientists strangely,

eventual y sending their minds spiraling downward

into madness.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 2, “Creep” by Simon

Furman and Tomás Aira)

A psychotic viking pilot, Captain Jon Dyre,

attacks the innocent colonists of Ursa during a

weapon demonstration. His former pupil, Wes Carter,

confronts Dyre in order to end his crazed kil ing spree.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 1, “Heavy Armor,

Part 1” by Simon Furman and Jesse El iott)

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 2, “Heavy Armor,

Part 2” by Simon Furman and Jesse El iott)

Sandin Forst, a skil ed Thor pilot with two loyal

partners, braves the ruins of a terran instal ation on

Mar Sara in order to infiltrate a hidden vault. After

getting access to the facility, Forst realizes that the

treasures he expected to find were never meant to be


StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 1, “Thundergod” by

Richard A. Knaak and Naohiro Washio)


Dominion scientists capture the praetor Muadun

and conduct experiments to better understand the

protoss’ psionic gestalt—the Khala. Led by the

twisted Dr. Stanley Burgess, these researchers

violate every ethical code in their search for power.

(StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 3, “Do No Harm” by

Josh Elder and Ramanda Kamarga)

Archaeologist Jake Ramsey investigates a

xel’naga temple, but things quickly spiral out of control

when a protoss mystic known as a preserver merges

with his mind. Afterward, Jake is flooded with

memories spanning protoss history.

StarCraft: Firstborn
, book one of the Dark

Templar Saga by Christie Golden)

Jake Ramsey’s adventure continues on the

planet Aiur. Under the instructions of the protoss

preserver within his head, Jake explores the shadowy

labyrinths beneath the planet’s surface to locate a

sacred crystal that might be instrumental in saving the


StarCraft: Shadow Hunters
, book two of the Dark

Templar Saga by Christie Golden)

Mysteriously, some of the Dominion’s highly

trained ghosts begin to disappear. Nova Terra, now a

graduate of the Ghost Academy, investigates the fate

of the missing operatives and discovers a terrible


StarCraft: Ghost: Spectres
by Keith R. A.


Jake Ramsey is separated from his bodyguard,

Rosemary Dahl, after they flee Aiur through a xel’naga

warp gate. Rosemary ends up alongside other

refugee protoss on Shakuras, but Jake is nowhere to

be found. Alone and running out of time, Jake

searches for a way to separate the protoss preserver

from his mind before they both die.

StarCraft: Twilight
, book three of the Dark

Templar Saga by Christie Golden)

A team from the Moebius Foundation—a

mysterious terran organization interested in alien

artifacts—investigates a xel’naga structure in the far

reaches of the Koprulu sector. During their research

the scientists uncover a dark force lurking in the

ancient ruins.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 4, “Voice in the

Darkness” by Josh Elder and Ramanda Kamarga)

Kern tries to start his life anew after a career as a

Dominion reaper, a highly mobile shock trooper who

was chemical y altered to make himself more

aggressive. But his troubled past proves harder to

escape than he thought when a former comrade

unexpectedly arrives at Kern’s home.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 4, “Fear the Reaper”

by David Gerrold and Ruben de Vela)

A nightclub singer named Starry Lace finds

herself at the center of diplomatic intrigue between

Dominion and Kel-Morian officials.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 3, “Last Cal ” by

Grace Randolph and Seung-hui Kye)


A world-weary Jim Raynor returns to Mar Sara

and struggles with his own disil usionment.

StarCraft: Frontline
, volume 4, “Homecoming” by

Chris Metzen and Hector Sevil a)

After four years of relative silence, the Queen of

Blades and her zerg Swarm unleash attacks

throughout the Koprulu sector. Amid the onslaught,

Jim Raynor continues his struggle against the

oppressive Terran Dominion … and the restless

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