Star League 2 (3 page)

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Authors: H.J. Harper

BOOK: Star League 2
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The moon is just beginning to rise as we make our way through Quartz National Park. A dark forest covers most of the enormous park, which at this time of night is completely deserted. Seems like the perfect hideout for a fake werewolf up to no good.

It takes us a while to find the spot where Howard Higgins was attacked, but there's no mistaking it's the right place. The ground is torn up in huge chunks, as though by enormous claws.

I close my eyes and make the Change into a werewolf. Even though I've been making the Change all my life, sometimes it still feels a bit weird going from human to werewolf. But when I throw back my head and howl at the moon,
nothing feels more right.

‘Quit your yowling, Furface,' says Roger. ‘We're here to find a werewolf, not listen to your singing.'

I growl at him then drop down and sniff the ground. My nose is immediately filled with a thousand scents. I can smell the animals from the forest that have crossed through here and a river in the next valley. But I focus on two scents in particular. One is a strange chemical smell that burns the back of my throat. I've got no idea what it is, but it seems completely out of place in the forest. The other is …

‘Werewolves,' I mutter.

‘As in more than one?' asks Jay.

I nod. ‘I can't tell how many, but this guy definitely isn't working alone.'

I sniff the ground again, trying to figure out which direction the werewolves have gone. I follow the scent into a thick knot of trees with leaves so dense they completely block out the moon.

‘Anyone bring a light?' asks Roger.

‘My eyes double as torches,' says Sam. He blinks and suddenly the trees are lit up by torchlight. I always knew Sam was a bright guy.

As Sam turns his head one way and another, I catch a glimpse of something shining in the light.

‘Wait! What was that?'

The others shrug.

‘I didn't see anything,' says Leigh, then looks at the monkey on her shoulder. ‘Neither did Chu.'

‘Turn the lights off,' I tell Sam. He looks like he's about to argue, but then keeps quiet and turns his torch-eyes off. It's pitch black again, but my wolf eyes can see better in the dark.

A flash of white to my left makes me spin around. My ears prick up and I can hear paws padding through the leaves on the forest floor. Whoever it is is trying to be quiet, but they're not quiet enough.

I hear a twig snap to my right, and through the
darkness I spot a huge wolf-like shape.

‘What do you see, Connor?' whispers Jay.

‘They're trying to surround us.'

‘Right, here's the plan,' says Jay, trying to keep his voice low. ‘Connor, you and I will launch a direct attack. Asuka, you head into the trees to ambush them. Roger, I want you at the ready with a Paralysis Potion. Leigh, you talk to the animals in this forest and see if they'll help us out. And Sam, on the count of three I want you to switch your lights back on. Maybe that'll stun them. Okay, one, two, THREE!'

We spring into action as Sam's torch-eyes flood the forest with light. To my right is an enormous grey werewolf. He's twice my size, but I know I've got a chance at beating him. What I lack in strength I can make up for in speed.

I see Jay veer off and close in on the white werewolf to our left. I get ready to attack the grey
werewolf, my muscles tensed and my senses on alert, when I notice something I missed before. I grind to a halt.

‘Wait, don't attack!'

Jay comes skidding to a stop and looks at me, confused.

‘I mean it, nobody attack them!' The others pause where they are.

‘Have you gone crazy, Connor?' asks Roger.

‘Trust me.'

I glance at the big, grey werewolf in front of me. His lips are pulled back in a snarl, revealing some very sharp teeth. He looks like he's going to pounce, but something else tells me he's not going to, and neither is the white werewolf.

‘It's okay,' I tell him calmly. ‘We're not going to hurt your cubs.'

He still looks like he's going to pounce, but I see his eyes soften.

‘What are you talking about, Connor?' asks Leigh, coming to join me.

‘I caught the scent of their cubs just before we were about to attack,' I explain. ‘They're not here to hurt us, they're just protecting their children.'

The white werewolf pads over to the grey one and nudges him. He nods and straightens up, no longer looking like he's going to rip our throats out.

‘I'm sorry,' he growls. ‘We thought you were after Henry and Josh.' As he says their names, two very young werewolf pups appear out of the darkness of the trees. They tread towards us, cautiously at first, but they wag their tails when they realise I'm another werewolf.

‘I'm Abigail,' says the white werewolf, ‘and this is Daniel. We're sorry if we startled you.'

‘Good to meet you,' says Jay. He introduces the rest of us. ‘We were looking for werewolves, but I'm guessing you aren't the ones we're after.'

I watch as Daniel and Abigail fuss protectively
over their pups, and something inside me twinges with sadness as I think of my own family. But I shake my head, telling myself that this is definitely not the time.

‘Have you guys seen anything strange lately?' I ask.

‘What do you mean by strange?' asks Abigail.

‘A human was attacked by a werewolf,' explains Jay. ‘That is strange,' mutters Daniel.

‘You looked ready to attack us two seconds ago,' Asuka points out.

‘A werewolf will only attack a human in extreme circumstances,' explains Abigail.

‘And somebody hurting one of our cubs is definitely an extreme circumstance,' says Daniel with a grunt.

‘Plus, we're a little bit jumpy after the other night,' adds Abigail.

‘What happened the other night?' asks Sam.

Abigail and Daniel glance at each other, but keep silent as they watch their two cubs wander about, sniffing the rest of the Star League.

The cubs are a bit wary, and I wonder if this is the first time they've ever seen humans. A lot of werewolves choose to live in the wild, completely apart from humans, staying in wolf form all the time. It's hard for our kind to trust humans, and with crazy people like this fake werewolf on the loose, I can't say I blame them.

One of the cubs walks up to Leigh, fascinated by Chu on her shoulder.

‘My name is Henry!' He holds out a tiny clawed hand towards Chu. ‘Is that a real monkey?'

Chu screeches and Henry jumps, obviously startled. We all laugh, which relaxes us. I hadn't realised how tense we still were after the fight.

‘Boys, please don't interrupt,' scolds Abigail, trying to hide a smile. ‘Go and play for a bit so we can finish talking.'

The cubs whine but do as she says. When they're gone, Abigail and Daniel look at each other.

‘It's not often that you hear of a werewolf attacking humans,' says Daniel. ‘But I think we might know exactly who you're after.'

‘We didn't want to say anything around the boys, but a strange thing happened to us the other night,' says Abigail, careful to keep her voice low. ‘We were asleep when Daniel felt somebody tugging at his fur.'

‘That's right,' he says. ‘At first I thought it was just one of the cubs so I ignored it and went back to sleep, but when I woke up a whole chunk of my fur was missing.' I notice his grey coat has a bare patch.

‘Why would someone want to steal your fur?' asks Leigh.

‘I don't know, but we could smell that a human had been close by,' says Daniel.

‘And there was something weird about the
scent,' adds Abigail, ‘like it was mixed with chemicals.'

I snap to attention. ‘Chemicals?' I remember the weird scent I picked up earlier.

Abigail and Daniel nod. ‘Yes, the next morning we tracked the scent to an abandoned building,' says Daniel. ‘We would've gone further, but we had the boys with us and we didn't want them mixed up in anything dangerous. When we were younger nothing would've stopped us from exploring that place.'

‘But when you have a family that all changes.' Abigail smiles. ‘You learn that there are more important things in life than just adventuring. We came to this park because we thought it was safe, but with all this excitement maybe it's time to move on.'

Daniel nods. ‘I think you're right, Abbie. Besides, a werewolf can never stay too long in one place. Maybe we can find a nice pine forest to live in.'

‘But you're werewolves,' says Roger. ‘Why don't you just change back into humans and go live somewhere with less mud and fewer bugs? Maybe even somewhere with a working toilet.'

Abigail and Daniel smile at each other. ‘We prefer it this way. It's too easy to lose sight of the important things when you're human and you've got a million distractions. When you're part of a wolf pack, family is number one.'

Daniel glances at me. ‘What about you, Connor? Where's your pack?'

Everyone looks at me and I feel my stomach sink. I don't want them to know how my pack left me behind, or how I can't stop dreaming about them every night. My face goes hot and I can't speak.

Thankfully, Jay notices and does the talking for me. ‘Connor's surname is Lowe.'

‘Lowe, huh?' Abigail nods. ‘We met a pack of Lowe werewolves about a month ago. They were on
their way out of the city at the time. A big brown one, a medium black one and a small white one, right?'

I nod. ‘That's my family.'

‘You must've been the son they were talking about,' says Daniel. ‘They wouldn't stop talking about you and your new crime-fighting team.'

‘They told you about us?' I growl. ‘The Star League is supposed to be top secret!'

‘Don't be mad, Connor,' says Abigail. ‘They were just so proud of you, and they knew they could trust us to keep a secret. We are werewolves, after all.'

My anger quickly fades as I think of my family, and how much I miss them.

‘I could tell they were sad to leave you behind,' says Daniel. ‘But in the end, they wanted you to be happy, Connor, and they knew how important being in the Star League was to you.'

My mind drifts back to the day Ben Beaumont first approached me. When he told me I'd be able
to use my powers with a team of kids like me, I practically jumped at the idea. I mean, I love my family, but it gets pretty boring just doing the dishes and taking out the rubbish every night.

But joining the team had one big catch: it meant I'd have to leave my family.

At first Mum and Dad said they'd stay in town, but I knew that wasn't fair for them. Like most werewolves, Mum and Dad have always needed to move around almost as much as they need a kilo of raw meat every month. I told them that it was okay if they moved on. I knew they'd come back to visit me. But now I'm starting to wish they'd stayed.

‘You know, Connor, I believe that even if the members of a pack are separated, they'll still feel as if they're right next to each other,' says Daniel.

Suddenly Abigail stiffens. ‘It's quiet … too quiet. Where are the boys?'

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