The New World: A Step Backward

BOOK: The New World: A Step Backward
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This book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or places is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2015 by Andy Skrzynski.   All rights reserved.


For information, query Post Office Box 512, Mineola, Texas, 75773


First Edition, July 2015


Cover and Map Art Design by Fiona Jayde Media,


Five Star Reviews


The New World: A Step Backward
is outstanding!  I am ready for the next book so keep working!  No pressure. The past few days when I started reading your book I found myself sneaking in at times just to find out what was going to happen next.  I tend to project outcomes as I read, most readers do.  You were able to change the plot in ways that I didn't even think of.  Yes I even cried because the characters are so real, their lives had meaning, purpose, and tenderness.  I like the personal touch given to each character and their purpose in the book.  The setting surrounding the story was clear and provided the reader with a very good visual picture.  The reader becomes part of the story, for example when they were building the wall, I wanted to help!

— Betty Santo, retired teacher


If you enjoy creative post-apocalyptic storylines — especially stories that seem plausible based on the world of today — this book is for you.  Recent hacking threats from China, aggression from Russia, and nukes in Iran could lead to something bad indeed.  What would happen if they all got together and blew up the Western world?  A new world would emerge, with strong brave heroes and nasty evil villains. 
The New World: A Step Backward
is the hero's journey, with three feisty characters — Thoruk, Stormulka, and Mercivil — who are gravely tested and evolve into true leaders.  They protect their community and way of life, while battling horrible mutant creatures and an army of marauders led by the mad scientist Zolokt.  The story has it all: action, horror, romance, humor, and a crazy twist or two.  Escape for a few hours to the world of Ukkiville and the Lake of Dreams; you won't regret it!

— Cindy Hewitt, retired IBMer with a BA in English


I want you to know that my son loves your book.  He hasn't finished it yet because he's reading it on my iPhone.  His Middle School librarian mentioned to him that if he likes it a lot then she will order some for the school.  He said it's one of his favorites!

— Crystal Patschke, mother of 12-year-old reader


I have been addicted from the first paragraph.  I have found myself on pins and needles as I read and can't wait till the next page.  I find myself at times holding my breath to see if a hero will survive.  There is a good balance of drama, action and romance all under one cover and that is very different.  From the very beginning I could picture this in a movie form and I feel it would be a hit.  I think that this hits close to home as to the way things are going in the world.

— Vickie Kraemer, Beta Reviewer


Andy weaves a tale of deep loyalty between friends and undaunted courage in the face of grim adversity.  The adventures and excitement of the story cause the reader's heart to beat a little faster — just like the characters.

— Sharon Hastings, Beta Reviewer



Map: Ukkiville and the Surrounding Area

What’s in a Name?

Slang of the New World

Chapter   1: Farewell to the Old World

Chapter   2: The New World

Chapter   3: Lurking in the Lake of Dreams

Chapter   4: What Happened to Tyler Luca?

Chapter   5: Ruthless Tentacles

Chapter   6: Taking the Red Eye

Chapter   7: The Shrewd Tutor

Chapter   8: Angry Green Eyes

Chapter   9: The Cave Dweller

Chapter 10: Wolverine Forest

Chapter 11: The Buck Stops Here

Chapter 12: Here Kitty Calf

Chapter 13: Protuk’s Adventure

Chapter 14: Animal Talk

Chapter 15: Wolfuk Returns

Chapter 16: Facing His Demons

Chapter 17: Born to Lead

Chapter 18: Unknown Origin

Chapter 19: Use Your Noggin

Chapter 20: Blood, Blood Everywhere

Chapter 21: Courage in the Face of Fear

Chapter 22: The Bonfire

Chapter 23: More Than Just Magic

Chapter 24: Zolokt

Chapter 25: Preparing for Battle

Chapter 26: Tree Droppings

Chapter 27: Visitors From Texas

Chapter 28: Amelia Earhart of the New World

Chapter 29: Muclone Mission

Chapter 30: Dodging and Weaving

Chapter 31: Battle Stations

Chapter 32: Threatening Storm Clouds

Chapter 33: Everlasting Devotion

Chapter 34: Battle Like None Before

Chapter 35: Pain of Duty

Chapter 36: Untapped Feelings Unleashed

Chapter 37: The Revelation

Chapter 38: Broken

Chapter 39: The Tribute

Chapter 40: Life’s Twists and Turns

Chapter 41: Homecoming

Chapter 42: Three Times Two Makes Six

Chapter 43: Blue Moon Magic



Reach Out to the Author




What's in a Name?


In the New World, the villagers of Ukkiville used only one name, constructed of two parts.


The first part was derived from a child's natural disposition within their first five years of development.  For example, the "Thor" portion of Thoruk, came from the Norwegian god, Thor.  From early childhood, Thoruk displayed unusual strength, lifting objects other kids could not.  He also demonstrated strong leadership at a very young age, and other children followed his example.


"Merc" of Mercivil's name came from "mercy," reflecting her childhood tendency to help those around her who suffered.


The second part of each name came from their original family.  Names ending in "uk" were from the Uke family.  Those ending in "ivil" were of the Belivil family, and "ulka" from the Ulka family.


The beauty of their names was that people knew from which family they were born and the individual's predisposition upon the first time of introduction — with no need for last names.


Key Villagers of Ukkiville:


(thôr·´ōōk): leader/protector of Ukkiville

(´mer·siv·il): teacher/protector of Ukkiville

(stôr·´mōōl·ka): Thoruk's sidekick and protector of Ukkiville

(in·tel·´lōōl·ka): intelligent professor and scientist

(´ō·di·nōōk): Thoruk's father, named after the Norwegian god, Odin

(´grā·siv·il): widow and Mercivil's graceful mother

(prō·´tōōk): Master of Arms and protector of both Ukkiville and its leader

(wool·´fōōk): tracker/warrior and Protuk's cousin

(fäks·´ōōk): tracker/warrior and Wolfuk's younger brother


Without last names, the villagers didn't use Mr. or Mrs. titles but occasionally used Missy for young girls and Miss for unmarried women or widows, a carryover from the past.  During the adventure you are about to undertake, you will have the opportunity to learn more details of the naming convention.


Slang of the New World


The younger generations of the New World, like those who preceded them for centuries, developed their own preferences for slang.  The common dialog among people in and around the territory surrounding Ukkiville included the following slang words.


for "dang," "darn," or other four letter words

Spit out the seed
for "spill the beans" or "say it like it is"

for "man," "OMG," or "shoot"

for "wow," "amazing," "awesome," or "incredible"


Such words might have seemed odd to some people, but were they any more peculiar than "far out," "put a sock in it," "my bad," or "groovy" from prior generations?


While blazes was used on rare occasions in the Old World, its use became much more commonplace in the New World.

Farewell to the Old World



Sunday, 2019

A blaring alarm reverberated through Tyler Luca's ears, jolting him from his peaceful slumber.  His heart pounded like a booming drum while he scrambled to his feet and glanced at the clock on the nightstand.  The large, blue numbers flashed 1:47 am.  Shaking his head to orient himself, Tyler realized what was happening. 
This is it!

The nerve-wracking shrill continued from two large, oak-encased speakers in his make-shift office.  Triggered by a coded message from his former college friend, Cassie, who worked at the Pentagon, the alert was a warning that Internet chatter by Iran, Russia, and China had spiked like never before.  This meant only one thing to Tyler and his two closest friends.  What they had feared for months — a concerted global strike against the Western world — would soon be at hand.

Slight but wiry, the young man grabbed a fistful of clothes and started dressing on the fly, as he sprinted to his computer.  While tying his shoes, he read the decoded messages streaming across the screen: "Attack imminent!  Leave NOW!"

Tyler's chest tightened, knowing Cassie's ominous and final advisory left little time to react.  His dear friend in D.C. had only the remotest chance of surviving, and he'd likely never see her again. 
Get out of there, Cassie!
  A fist-sized knot in his gut swelled and churned.

Clenching his teeth, he snatched his phone from a blue, glass bowl and called the number atop his contact list.  It rang six times. 
Come on, Jacob — answer the phone!

Finally the scratchy voice of his buddy broke through.  "Is that you, Tyler?"

"Yes — we have to go — NOW!  Meet me where we store the truck in 15 minutes!"


An Hour Later

Still angered by Cassie's looming fate, Tyler squeezed the shift stick and slammed through the gears of the red 18-wheeler kept just for this occasion.  The engine of the old, weathered rig roared.  Rumbling along Interstate 94 near Madison, Wisconsin, he and Jacob traveled west.

While the bright glow of the cab's headlights bounced along the expressway, Tyler turned to his friend.  "Just as we expected — a Christian holiday."  Easter was one of a few critical dates circled on his calendar as a potential day for an attack.

Mesmerized by the road's white center lines, Tyler ticked through his mental list of items in the rig as it hurtled down the highway: food and other essentials, pipes, solar panels, small-sized windmills, and five prototypes of an invention he and Jacob created.

A bluish-green flash from the rear-view mirrors blinded Tyler, causing him to swerve to the shoulder.  Blinking and squinting to erase the intense glare imprinted on his retina, he reached for his pal's hand.  "That must have been Chicago!  We've got to get away from here fast!" 
If they hit Chicago, that means New York, D.C., and the other strategic spots are nuked as well.

He continued the hasty retreat westerly on I-94 through Minneapolis to Fargo, then turned north on I-29.  Barreling through Grand Forks toward Canada, he drove the fastest speed possible with the load behind him.

Given the attacks that were surely underway across the United States and Canada, his mind raced. 
It's only a matter of time before the electrical grid and communications get knocked out.  We can't afford any delays!

Saying little to his partner, Tyler drove on as a constant blur of vehicle lights streamed by from the other side of the interstate.  Tormented visions of the
devastation unfolding across the country he loved invaded his thoughts.  Tyler shook his head, whipping his long, jet-black hair to and fro as a scorching burn torched his heart. 
Now is not the time to think about this!

He focused his attention on their destination: a valley of forests and lakes northwest of the Riding Mountain National Park, a relatively safe distance from Winnipeg. 
I sure hope they didn't hit that area.

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