Stacy's Dad Has Got It Going On (19 page)

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“All is ephemeral,” he said, kissing
the tender nook of her elbow.

“Yes,” she whispered. Of course he was
right, but that didn’t stop her from wanting something to hold on to. She
decided, if her poem wouldn’t last into the ages, she could at least hold on to
his hair.

Chris looked up and smiled. “Seizing
the reins?”

“I get the sense I couldn’t steer you
if I tried. You choose your own path.”

He nodded, but said, “The path chooses

Releasing his dreads, Savannah traced
her hands down his face, crossing his cheeks and running a finger down the
ridge on his nose, across his lips, in a circle on his stubbled chin. And then
down. She unbuttoned his shirt from the top while he worked at it bottom-up,
never removing his gaze from her. His blue eyes shone in the dim light from
across the room. With him, she felt surrounded by candlelight, even when there
was none. She knew she was special. That’s how she felt with Chris. There was
truly nobody else for him.

Chris swung his legs around the side
of the bed and let his shirt, undershirt and then his pants fall to the floor.
When he stood beside her, he seemed miraculously tall. His pale shoulders
curved in, drawing her eye to the orangey-brown hair around his pink nipples.
There wasn’t a lot of it—there wasn’t so much that he appeared bearish—but
there was enough that she could look at his chest and think, ‘He’s a man.’ If
there was any question regarding the extent of his masculinity, the bulge
beneath his tightie whities cleared that right up.

Savannah was almost embarrassed that
her eyes shot right to that spot, but she wasn’t embarrassed enough to stop
looking. She liked the trail of hair running down his belly. What did the kids
call that strip below the navel, back when she was in middle school?
happy trail
? Something along those lines. She reached for it, stretching
her arm out as far as it would go, but Chris’ body was just too far away.

“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed
his grasp,” he whispered, “or what’s a heaven for? Robert Browning.”

“Are you an English major now?” she
chuckled as he took her hand in his and approached the bed.

“English minor.” Setting her
fingertips just below his belly button, he pushed down on his underwear. A
raging erection shot out of it so fast Savannah gasped. It urged up against her
wrist as she traced her hand down Chris’ front. He moaned and tossed his orange
dreads side to side. His smile reminded her of…something… It wasn’t like
Eric’s—that had been a smile of gratitude directed toward Savannah. Chris’
smile seemed to express gratitude directly toward the maker of his fine physical
form. He seemed grateful for the ability to experience such pleasures.

Savannah enjoyed her own brand of
gratitude as she let her fingers fall past the base of Chris’ hard cock. It was
big. It was
big. She hadn’t expected big of Chris. There was
something about his mild manner and his hippie poeticism—not to mention his
lean and lanky body—that made her think his dick would be somewhat slimmer. Not
that she’d really thought about it. One makes assumptions, though. Hers were
wildly inaccurate. 

Brushing her fingers down his balls,
she cupped them gently. Chris’ breath hitched, and he closed his eyes,
directing his face up toward the ceiling. She had to touch it. It was looking
straight at her with its gleaming pink head. And then a thought occurred to
her: “Condoms.”

His eyes burst open as though he found
the statement shocking. “You want to?” he asked.

“To use a condom?”

When he laughed, his curved shoulders
bounced, and his cock did too. His balls jiggled under its weight. “No, I mean,
you want to go all the way? I wasn’t sure…”

Now Savannah laughed. ‘All the way’
seemed like such an outdated term, and it amused her that Chris would use it.
“I just assumed…” Now she took the sexual leap of fitting her fist around the
base of his cock. Its girth was so massive she couldn’t quite touch her thumb
to her index finger, and that realization made her gasp in time with Chris. She
pulled her hand slowly down the supple flesh his shaft, closing in on his
cockhead, and then releasing him altogether. “But if you don’t want to…”

“Very funny.” He rolled his eyes and
smirked. “Of course I want to make love to you, Savannah, but we’re not
animals. We’re evolved. We take our time with fingers and tongues before we get
to all that.”

“Tongues?” she asked. Now there was a
word that always piqued her interest. “Where are we putting these tongues?”

With a grin, Chris sat next to her on
the bed. Bending over her naked front, he said, “I was thinking I’d start
here.” And, without further delay, he licked her nipple.

Savannah’s body rippled with pleasure.
His tongue was warm, but he licked her so fleetingly that her nipple fell prey
to the cool night air. She watched it harden into a stiff peak as Chris moved
to the other breast and licked in circles. He climbed carefully over her leg
and settled in between her thighs, kissing a path down her electric body.

“You’re going to get marker all over
your face!” she laughed. Her core was pounding in anticipation of the skill
Chris might bring. The last thing she wanted to do was stop him. Fortunately,
it seemed like there was nothing she could say that would keep him from kissing
her body.

When he arrived at her belly, Chris
slid his fingertips beneath the thin elastic of her slutty g-string. If it
wasn’t for the sprained ankle, she might have dug both heels into the mattress
and pushed her mound sky-high. His touch made her wild. Every time his fingers
brushed her flesh, she just wanted more, more, more!

He pulled down on the sides of her
thong. She could easily pull one leg out, but Chris was slow and careful as he
lifted her other ankle to take it off. Now she was bare. Utterly nude. Naked as
the day she was born. And Chris kneeled between her legs, gazing in wonderment
at her reclining body.

Folding a pillow beneath her head,
Savannah let her hands rest underneath. She bent her good leg and gazed past
the marker gracing her skin. Chris met her gaze with adoration as he descended
between her thighs. Grasping her ass in his hands, he blew gently on her trim
pubic hair. The cool breeze made her shudder, and she opened her legs a little
wider, offering her body to him. She could hardly watch as his tongue lolled
out of his mouth. She knew how good it would feel, and she wasn’t sure she
could handle the pleasure.

When she closed her eyes, his tongue
touched down on her pussy lips. Hot on hot. She couldn’t really tell who gave
off more heat, but they sizzled when they joined together, mouth on mound. Her
lips were wet. His lips were wet. As he lapped at her slit, they were nothing but
sopping warmth on sopping warmth. When he licked her clit, her belly muscles
went into spasm all at once, and her upper body jerked forward. Her brain
wasn’t a part of this anymore. She was all reflex reacting to stimuli. Her mind
melted in a pool of hot pleasure.

Tracing his hands up her front, Chris
sucked Savannah’s clit. She tossed her head back and forth on the pillow until
hair covered her face and she had to spit it out of her mouth. When he tweaked
her nipples, she felt electricity in her clit. Everything was connected. Her
neurons overshot their bounds and made her toes and fingers twitch. She grabbed
his head and guided him back and forth, since it was still hard to thrust her
lips with an injured ankle.

He ate her pussy at triple speed, like
a squirrel gnawing fruit. She didn’t even know what the hell he was doing
anymore, but he worked so fast it didn’t even matter. Everything felt like a
highly corrupted version of heaven as he licked and lapped and bit and gnawed
on her pussy. She dug her fingers hard into his scalp and commanded him to make
her come. He did not disappoint. He kept at her until she squealed and closed
her thighs over his ears. She pressed them together like his head was a nut she
was trying to crack. Ripples of pleasure soared through her muscles and she
cried out with intense gratification until she couldn’t take any more.

There were condoms in an old chocolate
tin by the bed. She couldn’t quite reach it and didn’t have the energy to move,
but Chris took instruction well. He grabbed a packet and slipped the latex down
his firm shaft.

“Have you ever tried Tantric sex?” he

“No.” She could barely catch her
breath to speak. “No, I don’t think so.”

He slid his sheathed cock inside of
her, and every muscle rebounded. She sighed again and again as her rejuvenated
body sprang to life. Her pussy enveloped him. He was hard, but she was soft,
and together they were warm and wet.

Wrapping his arms around her core, he
kissed her lips without moving his hips. “Milk my cock,” he instructed. He
didn’t thrust in her body. He was the still point around which her muscles

“Like this?” she asked, tightening up
her pussy and then relaxing.

When he moaned in her ear, she knew it
was good. She tried again, and this time evoked a strong reaction of her own.
He kissed her in long, lingering sweeps of his tongue against hers. She could
feel her tits pressing up on his chest, meeting the hair there. Her belly met
his, and they were connected pussy to cock.

They moved only on the inside: tongues
inside mouths and cock inside pussy. Chris rocked his hips gently while
Savannah’s muscles milked him like wet hands on a hard shaft. The sensation
astounded her. Without the distraction of external motion, she could feel every
minute movement of his cock. When she compressed her pussy against his huge
erection, she felt pangs of him everywhere. She had devoured him, but he had
taken over her body. He inhabited her. She embraced him. The togetherness she
felt in this moment would never be drawn out of her. Her cells would remember
this day forever.

She milked him with quick, successive
compressions of her pussy muscles, seeing his cock’s enjoyment in her mind’s
eye. Every simple action was augmented tenfold by the stillness outside. Peace
was all around them, and the frenzy was inside. He squeezed her tight in his
arms. He kissed her hard with his mouth. She wrung his cock with her powerful
pussy until she knew for certain they were on the brink. And then he jutted
forward, ramming his erection deep inside of her, and her mind exploded with a
burst of white light, followed by crystal rain. Her breath jumped and seized in
her lungs. Her heart beat like a drum. Or was that his heart? They were so
close it was hard to tell him from herself. Better yet, they were joined
together in a manner that went beyond the physical. She felt as though she’d
invited Chris to share in the most intimate aspects of her being—her mind, and
her heart and…her soul? Spirit? Something as yet undiscovered, but more
important than anything she knew.

Chapter Nineteen


They slept in each other’s arms, and
when Savannah awoke the next morning, she’d already missed two classes.
Extenuating circumstances, she figured. It wasn’t every day she opened her eyes
to find the handsome King of Chem Lab gazing back at her. She still couldn’t
believe Chris was really in her bed, under the covers, right by her side!

“Morning,” he said, tracing the
outline of her jaw with his fingertips.

“Morning,” she mumbled back, covering
her mouth with her hand. God, how she would love to kiss him…but not before
brushing her teeth.

“Time for a shower?”

Savannah offered a nod, and tried not
to yawn. She moaned as Chris put an arm around her shoulder and helped her sit
up in bed. Like a gentlemanly serpent, he slid down her body to take off her
ankle brace. When she got a good look at his naked body, she couldn’t help
exploding with laughter.

His face fell. “What?”

She pointed to the traces of marker
all down his chest, his belly, his arms and his legs. “The poem you wrote on my
skin…it’s all over you!”

He looked at the backwards letters on
his pale flesh and laughed. “That’s the difference between making love and
fucking: when you make love, pieces of you rub off on your partner.”

Savannah had never drawn much distinction
between making love and fucking, and she wasn’t perfectly convinced by his
argument, but she had a feeling, over time, he could sway her. She was
fortified by his faith in intangibles. In the shower, Chris washed the marker
stains from their skin even as he worshipped her flesh. He licked her under the
falling water. He kissed her everywhere. His touch was electric.

Their next class wasn’t until three.
Ample time for Chris to cook up a little breakfast while Savannah rested her
ankle on the coffee table…just like the other night with Eric. A sense of
discomfort came over her when she thought about all she’d done on this couch
with her roommate’s dad. Last week, she’d been all excited about Chris’
invitation to Kingsley’s. Now Chris was standing in her kitchen cooking her
breakfast. In between, she’d fucked Stacy’s father before learning anything
about him. What a weird tangent life had taken her on this weekend.

As she lowered her gaze to the floor,
a brightly-coloured book jacket caught her eye. If she leaned down and to the
side, she could grab it without removing her foot from the table. The book was
hers. It was the autobiography she’d loaned to Eric the first night he stayed
over. He must not have read it. Too bad…it was a heart-wrenching account of an
African woman’s experiences of mutilation, abuse, arranged marriage, and
rebellion. She really thought Eric would enjoy it. Savannah felt a sense of
loss in her core as she opened the book, but her heart nearly stopped when she
perused the acknowledgements. She had to read the words twice over before she
could believe it was true. “Oh my god!”

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