Stacy's Dad Has Got It Going On (15 page)

BOOK: Stacy's Dad Has Got It Going On
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Chris nodded, but she wasn’t sure if
she wanted to follow the line of thought she’d started on, or if it would be
better to back up a touch. “It’s always nice to meet another non-drinker,” she
said. “People usually interrogate me over it.”

“I know what you mean,” Chris said
with a nod. “And, sure, I used to drink. When I was a teenager, I was terrible:
drinking, drugs, at home, at school. Don’t know how I survived those years, or
how I got into university. All the way through, I did the bare minimum. But
life is very different for me now. I’m a lot happier without the substances to
dull my experience of the world around me.”

None of his confessions surprised
Savannah—in fact, she was more surprised that he was now clean and sober.
Surprised and relieved. There was no way she could date a guy who did drugs.
She didn’t like being around people who were in some sense gone from reality.
Too many bad memories.

Savannah took a sip of her hot jasmine
tea. “For me, I think it’s…okay, this isn’t something I go around telling
people, but for me a big part of it is…” She furled her brow. The things she
wanted to say were strangely difficult to get out. Ultimately, she couldn’t
tell him the full truth right away, so she stuck with the watered-down version.
“Okay, so, my mother’s Asian and my father black, right? And there’s a whole
set of competing stereotypes that go with each. But there’s nobody who’s going
to look at me and be like, ‘Hey, check out the Asian chick.’ People see me and
go, ‘Black girl,’ so that’s the set of stereotypes I feel like I need to
combat. I’ve always felt like I have to be extra vigilant and don’t do this,
don’t do that, so people can look at the way I live and be like, ‘Okay, she’s
not the kind of person I thought she was. She’s smart and she works hard,’ and
all that.”

So many words had just tumbled from
her mouth that she wasn’t even sure what she’d said. When Chris only nodded,
with his body turned to face her, she felt self-conscious. “That sounds totally
paranoid, doesn’t it?” she chuckled, hoping he’d say no.

“Paranoid? Yeah,” Chris replied. “But
have you ever heard that saying? Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean
they’re not after you.”

Savannah’s heart fluttered with
affinity. “Exactly,” she laughed.

Chris looked down into his teacup and
Savannah followed suit. Would it take any special skill, she wondered, to read
tea leaves? Maybe she could learn.

“So, here’s my paranoid question,”
Chris began. “Why didn’t you stick around last night after the end of my set?
Didn’t you like the band?”

“I loved the band,” she nearly shouted.
She didn’t want him to get the wrong impression. “I loved your music. It was
incredible. Seriously.”

Nodding slowly, Chris shrugged his
shoulders. “But you left…”

What was it about Chris that allowed
her to reveal herself in all her neurotic splendor? “Okay, this is going to
sound super-paranoid, but when I saw my roommate helping you guys out, I was
sure you’d forgotten all about me. She’s such a sweet little pixie, you know?
And she’s blonde. Every guy wants a blonde.”

“Not this guy,” Chris replied. Taking
Savannah’s tea mug from her hands, he set his and hers side by side at his
feet. Before she could really compute what was going on, his soft pink lips met
hers. She wasn’t too surprised to respond, though. Her body anticipated his
every move. When his hot tongue moved in her mouth, she sighed and let the
tingling sensation in her pelvis spread throughout her body. Slipping her hand
behind his neck, she held him close. Even wearing a sloppy hoodie, she could
feel her breasts pressing against his chest, and the sensation nearly put her
over the edge.

When he pulled away, her lips came
with him. She wasn’t ready for the kiss to end, but she had a strong sense that
there would be more kisses to follow. Maybe not right this second, but soon
they would kiss again. And then, though she didn’t want to, she thought about
Eric and his predicament, and lowered her eyes to the tea mugs on the ground.

“Sorry,” Chris said. “I should have
asked first.”

“No, no,” Savannah consoled him. “No,
it’s not that…” Should she tell him? The Cosmo approach was to never tell one
man about experiences with another, but that just didn’t seem right when the
guy was Chris. She knew she could tell him anything.

“Last night,” Savannah continued, “I
brought my roommate Stacy’s dad to Kingsley’s.”

Chris’ brow furled in bewilderment. “I
thought you and I…”

She cut him off. “I know, okay? I know
and I am so sorry. Her dad’s been staying with us because her mom had an
affair, and he’s been sleeping on our couch, and Stacy had left me to babysit
him for the evening while she was out screwing your laptop player.”

At that, Chris laughed. “Yeah, Yu was
pretty psyched that such a hot girl was into him.”

Should she go on? Best not to. Chris
really didn’t need to know that she’d broken their date to go home and fuck a
man twice her age. But this was Chris. He wasn’t like other people. He was…more
aware. Picking their mugs up off the floor, he took a sip from hers and handed
Savannah his. “I understand,” he said. He looked into her eyes for a while,
with no visible hostility, and then he smiled. “Everybody loves an underdog.”

Savannah nodded, and then stared into
her tea mug. The leaves at the bottom danced when she swirled it. What would
they tell her if she knew how to ask?

Chris sipped his tea. “Does Stacy

“No,” she said firmly. “And I’m not
going to tell her. It’s too…embarrassing? Or…I don’t know…I just don’t want her
to find out.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.”

She looked at him, deep into his
baby-blue eyes, and wondered out loud, “How can you just be okay with things?
Why aren’t you mad about what I’ve done?”

With a shrug, Chris said, “I was
disappointed when I didn’t see you last night, but you’re here with me now,
aren’t you? You told me a truth. And, ultimately, you’re not mine in any sense,
so how could I be upset about a choice you made?”

Savannah almost wished he was upset,
or jealous, or possessive—that would show the extent of his care for her—but
then she thought back to instances of jealousy, upset, and possession she and
her friends and family had experienced over time, and realized how enlightened
Chris truly was. Most guys couldn’t let that scalding kind of water roll off
their backs. This guy was special. And he had his eye on her.

Clinging to her warm mug, Savannah
leaned in and kissed Chris’ lips. She knew other students were walking by, but
she didn’t care who saw. She slipped her tongue inside his mouth and let it
mingle with his. Their joint motion was so fluid, it made Savannah smile until
she laughed. When she laughed, he did too, and they broke away from the kiss to
laugh together.

“I like you,” she said, feeling silly
but not caring how she sounded.

“I like you too,” he replied.

Her belly tumbled with glittery
tremors. That was such a nice thing to hear. Savannah looked up to the skylight
to see if the rain had passed. Nothing but pure, brilliant sunlight shone down
on them now. “We should do something together,” Savannah suggested. “Hey, do
you think I could come listen to your band rehearse?”

Squinting one eye, he said, “I’ll have
to ask Eve about that. She’s really nervous around people she doesn’t know.”

“She’s the one who covered her face
with her hair on stage?”

Chris nodded. “Her voice is just
perfect for what we do, but she can’t stand an audience. It’s really painful to

“I used to sing a bit when I was
younger. If you give her the boot, would you let me audition for your group?”

Breathing a huge sigh, Chris said, “We
would never boot anybody. That’s not the kind of band we want to be.” He must
have seen the disappointment in her eyes, because he followed that up with a
consolation. “If Eve ever quits, you’ll be first on my list, okay?”

An irrepressible smile broke across
Savannah’s lips. She could see her life changing with Chris.



Chapter Sixteen


Eric and Stacy had arranged to pick
Savannah up from the library when they were finished with their gallery perusal
and stroll around campus. She bid Chris a fond farewell and a “see you soon”
before strutting toward the car. Chris had laid hands on her ankle, and she was
sure the boy had healing powers that went beyond the capabilities of physical

The minute she set her butt down in
the passenger seat of Eric’s comfy little car, she felt the tension in the air.
It burned her to the bone as she slipped on her seatbelt. Eric mumbled a brief,
“Hello,” but Stacy said nothing, and that’s what convinced Savannah beyond the
shadow of a doubt that her roommate knew everything.

Her heart stopped beating. At least,
that’s what it felt like. She didn’t seem to be breathing either. Had her body
simply given up on her? Did it not care to function any longer? The atmosphere
buzzed as Eric pulled away from the library. She wanted to apologize to Stacy,
but she couldn’t seem to open her mouth and produce speech. God, where was she
going to live after Stacy kicked her out? This was nuts! And all because of a
stupid dalliance with Eric. His jaw clenched as he drove, and Savannah
remembered why she’d wanted him in the first place. The man was hot, pure and
simple. He had a sexy body and an exquisite face. Nice hair, too.

Since she couldn’t seem to speak,
Savannah just sat there in the front seat, waiting to be blasted. Every so
often she snuck a glance back at her roommate, but Stacy was staring out the
window. Savannah thought about all the things she could say or ask—“I met up
with Chris,” “How was the art exhibition?”—but no question or statement seemed
reasonable right now. She would just have to wait for the execution.

When they arrived back home, Eric
parked in the back visitor’s lot. Stacy opened her car door, stormed out, and
slammed it closed again even before they’d come to a stop. The second she was
gone, the sky opened up again and it began to pour.

Savannah didn’t move. “You told her
about us?”

“Hmm?” Eric was staring straight
ahead, at the massive droplets striking the windshield and flowing down. “What?
Oh, no…why?”

Now Savannah didn’t know what was
going on. Either Eric was lying or…well, she just didn’t know. “You and Stacy
didn’t say a word the whole drive. I thought it must have to do with us.”

He laughed. “No, it’s…family stuff,
that’s all. She’ll get over it.”

“Are you getting a divorce?” She
wasn’t sure why she was asking. Did she really want to know?

For a long moment, he hesitated. Then,
finally, he said, “I don’t know.”

His sadness aroused deep feeling in
her heart. As she watched him stare out at the rain, her feelings for Chris
tumbled into a land of forgetfulness. She’d retrieve them later, she knew, but
for the moment, she just wanted to make Eric smile again. She wanted to make
him happy. Anyway, Chris was so understanding. He wouldn’t be bothered.

“Push your seat back,” Savannah
instructed. “Lock the doors.”

Eric looked stunned. “What are you…”
She pulled off her hoodie to reveal a lacey pink bra holding her breasts firm
together. “What are you doing? Someone will see you!”

Pushing out of her pants, Savannah
climbed into Eric’s lap, glad her ankle would allow it. She reached down beside
his seat and pressed back on the latch. The seat moved back, and the backrest
fell down.

“No one will see us through this
rainfall,” Savannah reasoned. “Besides, who knows if we’ll get another chance.
We’ve got to take advantage of the situation.”

Gazing at her tits, Eric nodded
slowly. How could he argue?

Savannah fought her way past his belt,
and in through his zipper. When she found his cock, it was still soft, but
she’d soon change that. With her butt in the air, she leaned forward and kissed
Eric hard, pumping his dick all the while.
How could she do this to Chris?
How could she?
The thoughts persisted, but she pushed them aside. This
wasn’t about Chris. It was an act of goodwill toward a man who’d been cheated
on and who felt good for absolutely nothing right now. She needed to make him
happy. Nothing to do with Chris. In fact, if Chris were in her situation, he’d
more than likely do the same thing. That’s just the kind of guy he was.

Eric’s cock hardened in her hand, and
her pussy spilled juice onto her pink lace thong. Sure, she wore sweats for
comfort, but there was nothing to equal the knowledge that, just beyond the
fleecy track pants, she had on the sexiest lingerie known to man. Slipping the
crotch of her thong to the side, she held Eric’s erection still and drove her
body down on it. Eric threw his head to the side and let out a magnificent moan
while she swallowed him up. Where had all this wetness come from? From kissing
Chris? Or had she become instantly aroused the moment Eric turned off the
ignition. Not that it mattered why she was so damn horny—all that really
mattered was that she had a hard cock to fill her up.

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