SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (72 page)

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Ibid., p. 134.


Ibid., p. 139.

Ibid., pp. 139-141.

Ibid., p. 142.

Ibid., p. 143.


Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We Controlled?
p. 147


Mae Brussel, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” p. 30.


Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F Kennedy Assassination,” p.


Tom Bower,
The Paperclip Conspiracy: The Hunt for the Nazi Scientists
(Boston: Little, Brown, and Company: 1987), p. 245.

Peter Levenda,
Snister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political
Witchcraft: Book One: The Nine
IWalterville, Oregon:: Trine Day, ISBN 0-9752906-2-2), p. 173.

Sinister Forces, Book One: the Nine,
pp. 173-174.

Ibid., p. 174.

Ibid., p. 266.

I shall offer evidence, from a source, in this chapter, however, that Hitler was initiated into one such secret society
his appointment as Chancellor by Field Marshal President Paul Von Hindenburg.

William Stevenson,
The Bormann Brotherhood
(New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovitch: 1973), p. 29.

The story first surfaced in the book
The Mind of Adolf Hitler
, supposedly based upon a secret psychological profile of the Führer prepared for President Franklin Roosevelt. The allegation that Anna Maria Schickelgruber, one of Hitler’s grandmothers, had an affair with her employer Baron Rothschild and bore an illegitimate child of him, was the subject of a secret dossier prepared on Hitler by the Austrian Chancellor Dolfuss prior to the Nazi annexation of that nation before the war.

Karl-Heinz Zunneck,
Geheimtechnologien, Wunderwaffen und die irdischen Facetten des UFO-Phänomens
(Amun Verlag, 2002), pp. 68-69.

William Stevenson,
The Bormann Brotherhood,
p. 25.

Linda Hunt,
The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991), pp. 32-33, emphasis added.

Carter Plymton Hydrick,
Critical Mass: How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States’ Atomic Bomb
(Whitehurst and Company, 2004), pp. 19-30, 241-242.

Linda Hunt, op. cit., p. 34.

Hunt, op. cit., p. 42.

Hunt, op. cit., p.219.

Ibid., p. 52.

Tom Bower,
The Paperclip Conspiracy: The Hunt for the Nazi Scientists,
p. 126. It should also be pointed out that Bower makes it clear that General Patton’s U.S. Third Army was somehow involved in Operation Paperclip. (p. 141).

For exhaustive histories and examinations of the Skull and Bones society, see Anthony Sutton’s study,
America’s Secret Establishment
. More recently a valuable contribution of the lore of “Bones” is the collection of essays by editor Kris Millegan entitled
Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society.

Fleshing Out Skull and Bones,
pp. 173-294 for the whole story.

For the story of the émigré groups and their role in Republican Party politics during the Reagan-Bush years, see Russ Bellant’s
Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party
(Boston: South End Press, 1991). ISBN 0-89608-419-1. Gehlen’s émigré fronts not only continued to exist, they not only continued to be headed by former Nazis, but also helped elect Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush! That puts a whole new perspective on G.H.W. Bush’s “New World Order” speech, and Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” remark. Similar émigré or exilee community connections exist in the background of former (West) Germany Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who was backed by the Silesian Exiles’ Society. (Q.v.
Rechte Machen Kassen
The New Reich

Paul Winkler,
The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the Mask
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1943).

Paul Winkler,
The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the Mask
, p. ix.

Ibid., p. 3.

The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the
pp. 27-28, emphasis added.

Ibid., p. 32.

Ibid., p. 35.


The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the
p. 35.



The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the
, p. 47.


Ibid., p. 51.

Ibid., p. 79.



The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the Mask,
p. 190. The esoteric connection of the chosen name “Lizards” should be noted, for the lizard, in the form of the salamander, is a symbol of the greatest esotericist, the figure of Hermes Trismegistus, or in his Egyptian nomenclature, Thoth.

The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the
p. 236,

The Thousand-Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the
pp. 236-238, emphasis added.


“What is the Brotherhood of the Bell?”

The Brotherhood of the Bell in History and Practice

“And yes, in addition to these many ‘petty’ little conspiracies, there really is a
conspiracy – in fact, there are many of them. Churchill just referred to the entire set of conspiring cartels as the ‘High Cabal.’ This is a loose-knit set of extraordinarily wealthy cartels that between them control much of the financial power of the world.”

So what was the SS Brotherhood of the Bell?

From one perspective, that represented by the epigraph above, it was the latest in a long line of organizations designed to suppress alternative energy sources in a history of suppression that began in the nineteenth century, and really took firm root with J.P. Morgan’s suppression of Nikola Tesla early in the twentieth century.

But that is a simplistic picture.

The SS Brotherhood of the Bell was the entire organization of secret research – and the security to protect it – that was developed by the Third Reich in conjunction with its secret weapons projects. That this group intended its existence and research to continue after the war is evidenced by the measures it took to protect the secrets of the Bell by murdering most of its research team, and by spiriting the Bell itself and its project documentation out of Europe to… wherever it went.

From the historical perspective, the “SS Brotherhood of the Bell” is both reality and a symbol. As a symbol, it is a sign of what happens when a network of cartels and greedy power-hungry businessmen decide that they know what is best for everyone else, and put into power a political party whose ideology is in consonance with their own grotesque designs for a “New World Order,” who plan the rise, rule of terror, and dizzy fall of a world military superpower all within the lightening fast period of twelve years. In that sense, too, the Third Reich was perhaps a dress rehearsal.

But as a reality, the SS Brotherhood of the Bell was the first historically documented case of a secret development of an off-the-books physics and technology that promises limitless good, and possesses the boundless potential for evil. It is likewise the first documented case of the genuine existence of an alternative and very secret technology. Similarly, it is the first historical example of the measures taken not only to secretly develop it, but also to suppress any thoughts or inclinations toward an
development of its full potential. The “SS Brotherhood,” like its Teutonic Knights forebears, did not hesitate to murder in order to protect the instruments of its hegemony.

In yet another sense, the SS Brotherhood of the Bell is also the first historical example of a “Military Assessment Joint Intelligence Committee;” or, to put it more succinctly and familiarly, the Brotherhood of the Bell is the first
real example
of a kind of MAJIC-12 group, a group tasked with the secret development of technology and with security and disinformation campaigns designed to deflect attention of anyone who might get too close, and when that fails, to eliminate the interloper. Whether or not this Brotherhood infiltrated the later MAJIC-12 group or indeed became its nucleus, there is little doubt that a connection exists, and my intuition tells me it may have been a component in its initial formation.

In chapters five and six, argumentation was presented that the Bell represented perhaps the first known “scalar” device, a device most probably intended by the Germans to be a breakthrough in propulsion. It certainly was that, and in this instance, the Brotherhood of the Bell may likewise be seen to be the first historical example of a genuinely secret space program. In this regard, recall the significance of the fact that Dr. Kurt Debus, a member of the Peenemünde rocket team – Nazi Germany’s “open” space program – was also a member of the Bell’s research team, a very hidden and secret project.

In any case, as a proto-scalar device, its weaponization potential, if not initially planned on or realized by the Germans, was quickly perceived by them. Of that there can be no doubt, since its classification as
clearly indicates their perception of its potential as a weapon or weapons platform. Its significance as a proto-scalar device would thus seem to render Tom Bearden’s following extensive remarks about the suppression of alternative physics and technology – and who is behind it - more significant. Bearden’s remarks, cited extensively below, should be read not only for their intrinsic worth, but in the context of what has preceded in this book, for they are characteristic of the operation of any “Brotherhood of the Bell”.

And yes, in addition to these many “petty” little conspiracies, there really is a
conspiracy – in fact, there are many of them. Churchill just referred to the entire set of conspiring cartels as the “High Cabal.” This is a loose-knit set of extraordinarily wealthy cartels that between them control much of the financial power of the world. You can only find the principals behind a couple of hundred of interlocking corporations, if you penetrate deeply enough. Much of their great financial income comes from the control of energy at its various levels, through a net of interlocking corporations. Something like $2 trillion dollars per year is their “take” from energy worldwide. Oil plays a great role in that. These “high cabal” fellows make or break nations financially, as is almost being done to Argentina as this is being written. They also have been stopping (Coefficient of Performance greater than unity) electrical power systems since shortly after the turn of the century, using whatever means are necessary – fair or foul. That is why we are still burning oil, coal, and natural gas, and why our automobiles and trucks run off gasoline and diesel, and not off free electrical energy from the vacuum. The high cabal intends to keep it that way. Some of the major primary means of “stopping” invention have been as follows:

a. Manipulation and improper use of the law (Gray’s production line was shut down by law officers before his engines could roll off there and onto the market).

b. Involving the unsuspecting inventor in drug charges by planting drugs on his property surreptitiously, then secretly notifying the drug enforcement officials who suddenly raid the premises and discover the narcotics, resulting in the inventor going to jail since he had been caught “red-handed.”

c. Threatening the inventor’s life and the lives of his family, to frighten him away from what he is doing.

d. Arranging a fatal accident for the inventor, such as a fatal auto accident, a fall from a high place, or drowning.

e. Assassination. Hit men are fairly simple to hire; a good one is a bit more difficult to hire but it’s doable. A good hit man might assume a disguise and fake a robbery, shooting and killing the target in the “robbery.” In an extreme case, he just fires at a distance with a professional sniper rifle that is silenced.
A variation is the use of a “throwaway” assassin, a fellow who has been deeply conditioned by very harsh methods, to deeply involve his autonomic nervous system. He can be spotted by the “glaring eyes” effect of autonomic nervous system involvement. This fellow is only marginally functional in real life, and requires a handler. He also must “fixate” for some minutes (usually from 20 to 30) on the target, by staring at him for a period. Then – say, the next day – while the target is at lunch in a public restaurant, the throwaway walks in, walks straight to the target, and empties a pistol in him at point blank range. He remains there until the police arrive and arrest him. He is immune even to torture; nothing can be gotten out of him, even by electrical shocks on his genitals…..

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