SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (71 page)

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The unilinear evolution which has taken place since then – in Prussia and in a Germany dominated by Prussia – and which corresponds point by point to the basic principles of the Society of Lizards might be considered sufficient circumstantial evidence of the survival of a secret Prusso-Teutonic organization right down to our time. But there is more. The entire process of Prussian growth seems to be inspired by an uninterrupted organic plan…. No interruption in the logic of events is observable, however, even since the time when the order ceased to manage the affairs of Prussia….

Our circumstantial evidence goes further: Germany was defeated in 1918 and the old ambitious plans of the Prussian elements seemed shattered forever; yet within a few months somebody, somewhere, behind the curtains in Germany, made decisions of the highest importance. These decisions meant revival of the old Fehme, the organization of systematic terror planned to undermine the young German Republic and to facilitate Germany’s secret rearmament. So-called ‘secret societies’ sprang up from one day to the other all over Germany – societies which were secretive as regards the details of their decisions and activities, but whose existence itself was a secret from nobody. All these secret societies were closely connected among themselves; and there was no rivalry between them. Their activities complemented each other wonderfully. Even a superficial observer must conclude that all this was possible only if these societies received instructions from the same hidden, absolutely secret sources.

And remember, Martin Bormann became a member of one of these secret societies, as did his then boss in the Nazi Party Rudolf Hess.

b. Hitler’s Only Known Initiation

Here the story takes on another bizarre turn, a turn that is
the only known verification of what many have long suspected: that Hitler was a secret society initiate, at some time and some place.
But Winkler’s version of the story points not to the usual suspects – the
and its shady associations with Viennese esotericists and racists Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels – but to the old Teutonic Knights:

At the end of the nineteenth century, Emperor Wilhelm II, who was nurtured on the traditions of the Prusso-Teutonic Order, actually reestablished this Order in Prussia and Germany.
The descendants of those who, acting in the Society of Lizards, displaced the ancient Order from Prussia – and contributed thus to its disintegration – now claimed for themselves the right to appear cloaked in the dignity of those whose place they had taken…
. Not much was said about the activities of the revived Order, but its yearly conventions in East Prussia were generally noted by the German newspapers.
A few months after the beginning of the present war, a short notice appeared in German papers announcing that Hitler himself had been initiated into the Teutonic Order.

No information is published about the internal organization of the contemporary Prusso-Teutonic Order, nor about its exact connections with what – if it still exists – is the present-day survival of the Society of Lizards.

….In this connection it is interesting to note that in May, 1924, when the 700
anniversary of the University of Naples, a University founded by Emperor Frederick II, was celebrated, a crown was found near the sarcophage of the Emperor in the Cathedral of Palermo with the following inscription:

“Seinem Kaiser und Helden

Das geheime Deutschland”

(“To Their Emperor and Hero, From Secret Germany”)

If we assume the existence of a Secret Germany, the open Junker organizations like the Reichs-Landbund and the Herrenklub – which also derive from the Order of the thirteenth century – have only a secondary role, carrying out instructions of the secret group like all the other recently established societies which we have mentioned. But even if we disregard the circumstantial evidence which proves the actual survival of Secret Germany, we must admit that a straight line can be detected between the Teutonic Order of the thirteenth century and the Germany of today.

In other words, Kaiser Wilhelm II could well afford to abdicate the imperial throne in 1918 at the end of World War One, and go into exile in Holland, for, as Grand Master of whatever secret society entity still existed in Prussia, he and the Hohenzollerns and the Prussian imperialist interests they represented still exercised power and influence behind the scenes. And in any case, the purpose of the initiation of Hitler into this order is clear enough: the bargain had been made with the public political party that would best carry through its secret ambitions.

And what of Bormann? All of this would have been known to him as well.

And it should come as no surprise that this ideology of world domination by an elite also forms the motivation of another secret society, one with its own Germanic connections: Skull and Bones.

F. Final Thoughts

So, if the Nazis, a “Brotherhood of the Bell,”
involved with the assassination of President Kennedy – and a circumstantial case has been presented that they were, and at a very high level – then what
their involvement?

The previous chapters have outlined a case that this motivation consisted of several factors, each one alone a sufficient reason for their involvement, and that, taken together, tend to increase the probability that they were involved at the deepest and highest levels of the conspiracy:

1. They were involved to
protect the technology that they had developed during the war, and its continued quasi-independent or independent development.
This was threatened by Kennedy in any number of ways, by his attempt to smash the CIA, which provided a useful cover for some of their political activities, to his attempt to establish limited cooperation with the Soviets in space. If there was an alternative technology of propulsion involved in the Apollo program, and specifically with the LEM (Lunar Excursion Module), such cooperation might have revealed to the Soviets, bitter enemies of the Nazis, a component of their technology as well as their program of its continued secret development.

2. They were involved to
protect their bases of financial and
political operation,
not only within and behind the various Federal agencies and American corporations which they had infiltrated, but also within and behind the various other host countries – particularly in Latin America – that any degree of exposure, such as “smashing the CIA” might have caused, would have threatened.

3. If one posits a connection between an ongoing “Nazi International” and international organized crime, as is likely since drug running, gambling, and so on would be easy means for funding and laundering money for black projects, then the actions of the Kennedy administration against organized crime would also constitute a threat to these interests.

4. If the actions of the Bunge Corporation in massive short-selling on the day of the assassination are an indicator of a deeper Nazi involvement – and it must not be forgotten that Bunge was at that time a German company with headquarters in Argentina – then a subsidiary motivation offers itself, though one that did not enter into the primary calculations for the murder: financial gain. Having entered into(or initiated) a conspiracy to assassinate the President, it would have been uncharacteristic for a Nazi International, especially one headed by the financial wizard Bormann, not to have planned to profit from it.

5. Finally, though not discussed, such a public murder would have an inevitable demoralizing effect on the American psyche, it would serve as a reminder that the hidden elite can remove anyone, at any time, any where, and get away with it. It was a warning, even to the rich and powerful like the Kennedy family, not to attempt to dismantle the loci of power they had put into place to ensure their own continued accretion of power, wealth, and influence.


Whether the Nazis initiated this conspiracy, or later wormed their way into it, is in the final analysis immaterial. But it is clear that they were involved, and at some very deep level.

And of all the groups with connections to the assassination conspiracy – Mafia, disgruntled anti-Castro Cubans, big business, big oil, threatened Federal Reserve shareholders, the military-industrial-intelligence complex, the space program, each group with its own motivation for killing the President - one thing stands out most clearly, when one considers all the evidence.
The Nazis were the one group that shared motivations with all the others. They were the one group with connections to all of them.


Lincoln Lawrence,
Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We Controlled?
With an introduction by Kenn Thomas (Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press: 1997), p. 102.

Paul Winkler,
The Thousand Year Conspiracy: Secret Germany Behind the Mask
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1943), p. 237.

John G. Fuller,
The Interrupted Journey
(London: Corgi Books, 1966), p.116.

Kenn Thomas and Lincoln Lawrence,
Mind Control Oswald, and JFK: Were we Controlled?
(Kempton, Illinois: Adevntures Unlimited Press) p. 102, emphasis in the original.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,”
The Rebel,
Nov 22, 1983, p. 1.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” p. 2.

Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” p. 3. The assertion of CIA involvement with one of the many jurisdictions of the Eastern Orthodox Church in North America may seem odd or completely out of place. In point of fact, however, Brussell is merely repeating information from the Torbitt document and the assassination investigation of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. The author himself personally knows of the intelligence and military backgrounds of two Orthodox bishops from yet another jurisdiction, and was made aware of a yet a third. The role of the CIA, the West German
and other intelligence agencies in establishing and/or using churches for intelligence purposes is therefore a story in and of itself, and would require a book of its own.

See, for example, Rodney Stritch’s
Defrauding America.

See, for example, the connection between the Nazis and the rise of militant Islam in Egypt under the notorious Banna.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” p. 6.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F Kennedy Assassination,” p. 11.

Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” p. 11.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination, p. 22. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, dear reader, and it is the very same Bell Aircraft that employed Dr. Werner Von Braun’s former (German) Army boss, General Walter Dornberger. And yes, that’s the same Dornberger who was pardoned by John J. McCloy, who was IG Farben’s lawyer in America, who was a postwar High Commissioner for Germany, and who was a member of the Warren Commission.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” p. 22.

Sybil Leek and Bert R. Sugar,
The Assassination Chain
(New York: Corwin Books, 1976), p. 171.

Lincoln Lawrence and Kenn Thomas,
Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We Controlled?
(Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997, p. 71.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F Kennedy Assassination,” p. 26.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F Kennedy Assassination,” p. 27.

Referred to previously in its Adventures Unlimited Press reprint edition, Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We Controlled?

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination, pp. 29-30, emphasis added.

Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” p.30.

Lincoln Lawrence and Kenn Thomas,
Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We Controlled?
, p. 23, italicized emphasis added, bold emphasis original.

Lincoln Lawrence,
Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We Controlled?
, p. 116.


Ibid., pp. 119-120.

Lincoln Lawrence,
Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We Controlled?
P. 118. Lawrence quips that “the Bunge Corporation (sometimes dubbed by financial writers as ‘The Octopus’) would make a delightful corporate villain for a James Bond fantasy.”

Ibid., p. 123.


Ibid., p. 129.

Lincoln Lawrence,
Mind Control, Oswald, and JFK: Were We
pp. 128-129.

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