Splendor (Inevitable #2) (26 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

BOOK: Splendor (Inevitable #2)
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“And that’s another huge problem.” He picked up her hand, forcing her to release the lock of hair. “I’ve always missed you when I was away, but at least in the past it helped having some distance between us. Out of sight, out of mind, that sort of thing. But now that we’ve been together it won’t be nearly so easy to stop thinking of you. It will be damned near impossible, in fact.” He brought their clasped hands to his lips, his voice solemn. “I want you with me all the time, Tessa. Here in San Francisco, living with me permanently, but also traveling with me wherever I need to go.”

She made a small sound of surprise and gazed at him wide-eyed. “But how would that be possible? I mean, there’s no way to keep that a secret. Plus, I have to work. I couldn’t just take time off whenever you had to travel.”

“You’d have to quit your job, Tessa,” he told her gently. “And if we’re going to continue this relationship – something I’m going to do my damndest to make sure happens – then you’ll need to do that sooner than later. I don’t want to pressure you, it has to ultimately be your decision, but we could be together freely if you left the company.”

She gazed down at their clasped hands quietly, her expression almost brooding. “I wouldn’t be able to work at all if you want me to travel with you. You’d be – I’d have to be dependent on you to - ”

“Support you. Yes, I’m aware. And that is certainly not a problem, love. I’m more than willing and capable of doing exactly that.”

Tessa shook her head. “Ian – as much as I appreciate that, I can’t do it. I can’t just be your – your girlfriend or whatever the correct term is for that sort of arrangement.”

He smiled wryly. “The very old-fashioned term you’re thinking of is a mistress. And that’s not at all what I’m proposing, darling. My thought was to have you travel with me and provide any administrative support I needed. As you know, Andrew rarely travels with me, only a few times a year. The rest of the time I depend on the office staff at whatever hotel I’m visiting to provide assistance. But if you were along I wouldn’t need to do that.”

She instantly brightened at his suggestion. “So I would unofficially be your traveling PA, something like that. Just not officially an employee of the company.”

“Exactly.” He smiled to note how pleased – and relieved – she seemed at the idea. “And you can expect to work quite hard during those times. I work long hours, attend far too many meetings, go to incredibly boring dinners. But if you were along to help me – not to mention grace me with your beautiful company – it would make everything a great deal more pleasant.”

“That sounds – reasonable,” she agreed. “I mean, I wouldn’t be earning a salary but I also wouldn’t feel like a – a kept woman, or something like that, so long as I could be doing real work.”

“I think it’s an excellent plan. In addition, I’d like for you to continue doing all of my spreadsheets, whether we’re traveling or not. I frankly don’t trust any of the others to do them correctly, even Andrew.” He gave her a conspiratorial smile. “But don’t you dare tell him that, he’d be quite offended. And truth be told, he can be very intimidating.”

Tessa laughed. “Not you, too? All of us try to walk on eggshells around him, not wanting to annoy him. Though poor Shelby seems to receive the brunt of his displeasure.”

“So, it’s settled, then? When you feel the time is right – after we’ve come to know each other a bit better and you’re more comfortable with the idea – you’ll give notice?”

She nodded. “Yes. I just need some time, as you said. And I want you to detail for me exactly the sort of things I’d be expected to do as your traveling PA. I want to make sure I’m really doing something valuable, not just fetching you tea and sorting out your papers.”

He grinned. “Not to worry, love. I’ll find many ways to keep you busy all day long.” He bent his head and nuzzled her throat. “All night, too.”

Ian gave her a quick kiss, then set her down on the sofa before standing and offering her a hand up. “It’s still pouring outside, I’m afraid, so we’re stuck here. How does a workout in the gym sound?”

Tessa was more than agreeable and joined him a few minutes later in his small but well equipped home fitness room. Ian usually worked out at the exclusive private club he belonged to, one that boasted two Olympic-sized pools, an expansive weight and cardio room, handball, squash and tennis courts, and a boxing room where he could keep his skills sharpened. But his home gym more than filled his needs on those occasions when he didn’t have time to get to his club, or when the inclement weather made it preferable to stay at home.

During his condensed shopping spree at Neiman Marcus yesterday, he’d thrown in a set of workout attire for Tessa almost as an afterthought. But as she walked inside his gym, he silently congratulated himself on his hurried choices.

She wore an exercise bra of dark blue piped in black, with a wide black zipper down the front. The Lycra fabric clung to her breasts lovingly, and sweat popped out on his brow even before he’d begun his workout. The coordinating shorts were even tinier that the ones she’d been wearing that day at the office gym, when that bastard Jason had dared to put his slimy hands on her. The dark blue cotton shorts bared a great deal of her long, shapely legs and cupped the luscious curves of her rounded ass enticingly.

He was thankful that no other admiring eyes were around to see her dressed like this – or, more accurately, barely dressed. Ian made a mental note to buy her some other workout gear that wasn’t nearly as skimpy. He shuddered to imagine the reaction she’d receive walking into his club looking like this – all endlessly long legs, ripe tits, and glowing skin.

Over the next hour he tried –
tried – to focus on his own workout – lifting weights; doing several sets of crunches on the slant board while hefting a medicine ball; using the pull-up bar before dropping to the floor for as many push-ups as he could endure. But he found it impossible to stop sneaking glances at Tessa every five – or two – minutes, and then having to stifle a groan at the tempting sight she made. As she jogged on the treadmill, her breasts jiggled slightly, the exercise bra not quite as supportive as it ought to be. When she took her turn on the slant board, the waistband of her shorts dipped a couple of inches to reveal her navel. And as she bent over at the waist to stretch her hamstrings – flexible enough that her palms were flat on the floor – the hem of the tiny shorts crept up to bare part of her ass cheeks.

What made these frequent, furtive peeks at her even more alluring was the realization that she wasn’t even trying to seem enticing, and that she didn’t appear to even be aware of his gaze upon her.

After an hour, both of them were sweaty and fatigued. Ian took a long swig from a bottle of water before handing it to Tessa.

“Had enough for today?” he asked.

She nodded, swallowing a gulp of water. “I’m good. This is so awesome that you have your very own gym. You must work out here a lot.”

“I try to get in a workout at least five days a week, but I don’t actually use this room very often. The club I belong to is much larger and I like to use their pool and other facilities.”

She ran her palm up his arm under the sleeve of his workout shirt. “Is that where you box?” she asked in a husky voice, her big eyes seeming bluer than usual.

Ian stifled a groan as Tessa stepped closer, her breasts brushing up against his chest. “Yes, that’s the place.”

She gave his bicep a squeeze while her other hand slid up his chest. “Would you let me – that is, could I watch you sometime? Go through your workout? I’ve love to do that.”

“Of course you may,” he replied, pleased at her interest. “But we might need to wait on that a bit, love. Several of my executives belong to the same club and work out there frequently, so I’d have a bit of a tough time smuggling you in.”

Tessa rubbed her cheek against his throat. “Hmm, extra motivation for me to leave the company that much sooner, I suppose.”

His hands gripped her hips, pulling her close against him, and letting her feel his rapidly hardening erection. “When it’s time, I’ll get you a membership there so we can work out together. They have classes you might like, too – kickboxing, spinning, yoga.”

Tessa ground her pelvis invitingly against his cock, severely testing his already fragile self-control. “I love yoga,” she told him, sliding her arms up his chest to clasp around his neck. “Julia has brought me to her studio as a guest a couple of times and her teacher is amazing.”

Ian grit his teeth as she pushed her breasts into his chest. “I – ah, didn’t realize you saw Julia outside of the office.”

“Is that all right?” she asked anxiously. “I mean, she’s always been so nice to me and I don’t have many friends so - ”

“Hush.” He kissed her softly. “Of course it’s all right. I’d much rather see you going out with Julia than with one of the girls from the office. She’s far more grounded and sensible than any of them, not to mention engaged to Nathan.”

Tessa regarded him curiously. “What does that have to do with it?”

His hand splayed over the band of bare skin between her exercise bra and shorts. “She’s already spoken for, darling, which means she won’t be talking you into trolling singles bars looking for men.”

She tunneled her hands up beneath his shirt, exploring the muscles of his back. “And why would I want to do something like that anyway?”

He hissed as one of her hands slipped beneath the waistband of his athletic shorts, not stopping until it reached his buttocks. “So that you could find someone closer to your age, perhaps.” He shrugged, feigning a nonchalance he damned sure didn’t feel. “A hot, gorgeous girl like yourself would only have to walk inside a bar or a club, and you’d be swarmed with interested young men.”

Tessa swiftly slid her palms to either side of his face, gazing at him with fire in her blue eyes. “If I was in a room surrounded by a thousand different men, you’re still the only one I’d want – the only one I’d see. I don’t care about the age difference, Ian. My God, you’ve got the most beautiful body of any man alive. Why would I ever want anyone else?”

Her passionately spoken words not only touched him profoundly, but aroused him fiercely. “I’m a damned lucky bastard,” he muttered. “Though I’ll have my work cut out for me keeping up with you, my sweet. Extra workouts, more vitamins, increasing my intake of red meat. I’ll need to do all of that and more in order to have enough energy to keep you satisfied.”

He yelped as she very unexpectedly gave him a smack on the ass.

“You’re making me feel like some sort of sex fiend,” she pouted prettily. “I can’t help it if you turn me on.”

“Are you turned on now, Tessa?” he breathed in her ear. “Tell me, love, are you wet?”

She groaned as he cupped her buttocks and ground himself against her cleft. “God, yes!”

His tongue traced around the dainty shell of her ear. “And are your nipples hard?”

The little laugh she gave was positively wicked, and he was rather shocked at how quickly she’d shed her inhibitions. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?” she challenged in a naughty voice.

“Jesus, Tessa.” He didn’t have to look down to realize his erection was already tenting his shorts. His gaze fell instead on the lush mounds of her breasts straining behind the snug fitting exercise bra. Her nipples were definitely hard, poking against the slick fabric, begging to be touched.

His fingers toyed with the pull tab of the bra’s zipper. “I admit to having an ulterior motive in mind when I picked this particular item out.”

Her breathing had grown choppy. “What – what kind of motive?”

Ian began to lower the zipper very slowly. “This kind.”

Tessa was trembling as he finished unzipping the bra, her breasts bursting free to tumble into his waiting palms. She let out one of those erotic, drawn-out moans as he squeezed her breasts then tugged at her nipples.

“Oh, oh, that’s so good!” she cried. “Please don’t stop.”

“God, darling, you make me crazy with those little sounds you make,” he groaned, bending his head to take one of her nipples in his mouth. He circled the hard tip with his tongue before sucking the entire areola into his mouth.

He was so focused on lavishing attention on her breasts that he wasn’t aware of her hand slipping down between their tightly fused bodies. At least not until she began to tentatively palm his throbbing cock, a light touch that nonetheless almost had him exploding on the spot.

“Tessa.” This time he was the one who moaned, long and low.

“Let me.”

He was helpless to resist her as she pushed his shorts down past his hips, freeing his pulsing erection.

“Fuck.” The harsh curse hissed out from between his tightly clenched teeth as her warm, smooth hand closed around his cock. He sensed her uncertainty, the hesitant way she tried to please him, and he placed his shaking hand over hers.

“Like this. Long, slow strokes. God, yes, just like that. Easy, love. Christ, what you do to me.”

She picked up the rhythm quickly, her hand stroking his cock until he was groaning, thrusting eagerly in sync with her motions. Then she startled him again by sinking to her knees, the tip of his penis mere inches from her full, lush mouth.

“Is this how you pictured me?” she breathed seductively. “How you’ve wanted me?”

His hands gripped her shoulders tightly as she continued to stroke his erection. He made a raw, dangerous sound deep in his throat as he gazed down and saw what a decadent, carnal picture she presented – tendrils of blonde hair escaping her ponytail to curl about her flushed cheeks; her blue eyes huge and round as they stared up at him wantonly; her lips full and trembling, eager to suck him off and give him untold pleasure. She still wore the unzipped exercise bra, her ripe tits fully bared to his gaze, the nipples hard and pointed. She looked like sex incarnate, the most tempting, irresistible beauty he could ever imagine, and she was his – all his – to do with as he pleased.

“This is exactly how I pictured you,” he murmured hoarsely. “Except you’re even more beautiful, more tempting.”

“Tell me how to please you, what you like.”

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