Spin the Bottle (11 page)

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Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Spin the Bottle
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Every breath Lillian took saturated her senses with Mac. Mac and sex. Hot, wet, mind-blowing sex. She drew in another draft of air and savoured the scent. Her chest no longer heaved, but her heart continued to pound in a fast beat that pumped the lingering throb of her orgasm to all corners of her body. As the pleasure ebbed the dull ache between her legs intensified. The unmistakable pang of tissues stretched farther than ever before served as a reminder of what she hadn’t revealed. She’d hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell but feared the small cry that had slipped free when she’d experienced the sharp stab of pain as he’d finally entered her had been a dead giveaway.

Lil opened eyelids heavy with exhaustion. She wanted visual memories to go along with the emotional and physical ones. It was worth the effort. His skin glistened with sweat and she breathed deep again. The urge to taste him stole through her and she stuck out her tongue to indulge the desire. She licked the hollow in the base of Mac’s throat and the small indent fluttered beneath her tongue. The rhythm matched the thump of his heart that echoed through her breasts where they pressed against his chest. Her blood hummed with the satisfaction of release, but she felt desire rise once more.

Mac stirred, briefly tightening his arms around her before he leaned back and used two fingers to tip her chin up until their gazes met. His eyes swirled with sated arousal and other emotions she didn’t want to examine, but the longer he stared at her the more one emotion showed. She watched as satisfaction, desire, happiness, confusion, and finally anger moved through his blue eyes. Lil knew what was coming. Knew he wouldn’t be happy he’d taken her virginity—or that she’d neglected to mention it. If only she could find the right words, she might be able to convince him he hadn’t taken anything she wasn’t willing to give.

She’d been more than willing. Truth was she’d wanted him to be her first, although she doubted he’d be happy to hear that either. And sure, it hadn’t been all hearts and flowers with a declaration of love as she’d imagined a million times, but that was because it surpassed any naive fantasy she could conjure up. There had been no shortage of boys, and later men in her life, except none of them had convinced her to make that final step. From the moment her fifteen-year-old heart and body had looked at Mackenzie Harris as something other than her big brother’s best friend, Lil’s fate had been sealed. All boys and men from then on were held up to that one unattainable measure of a young girl’s imagined perfection.

Lil wasn’t sure if she’d placed him on a pedestal or if Mac had climbed up onto such a high platform on his own. Or if what she felt was the residual hero worship of a teenager or the love of a woman grown. It had been hard to tell because until she’d moved into this house with him and Lachlan they’d seen very little of each other. Even now, they barely managed a few words a week on average. And yet the bone-deep yearning she felt for him had never diminished. It had only grown stronger. One thing was certain, the emotions Mac stirred couldn’t be ignored and far outweighed anything any other man inspired.

He sighed and ran a fingertip along her jaw, up to her temple and back again. “Why didn’t you tell me?” The harsh tone of his voice made a lie of his gentle caress.

Lil shrugged. “No point, it wouldn’t have changed anything.”

Mac jerked back. “What? Of course it would have.”

She couldn’t think how he might have stopped the small amount of pain she’d suffered, but his next words soon made it clear.

“I never would have touched you if I’d known.” He pulled away, rolling to sit on the edge of the bed, his back to her.

A gasp exploded from her lungs as pain lanced her chest. She didn’t dare speak, couldn’t form words while she tried to catch her breath.

“You should have told me.” Mac bent his head and ploughed his fingers through his hair, making it stand on end more than their romp in bed had. “Fuck!”

He shoved to his feet and paced across the room, his fingers curled against his scalp, tugging the matted strands further. “And why the fuck
you still a virgin? What’s wrong with those men you date? They can’t be blind. Hell, the whole world thinks you’re fuckable. Are they gay? Stupid? Too in love with themselves to think about loving you?”

Lillian didn’t think Mac wanted answers. Not really. His questions were fired at the floor as he marched back and forth. If it wasn’t for the angry vibes coming off him, she’d be tempted to enjoy the view. It amazed her that even stark naked he possessed the ability to project menace. Every muscle rippled with strained energy as he stalked the length of her room. She reached for the bedding and tugged it up to cover her nudity. Funny how she felt more exposed now than she had when he’d been face first in her pussy.

A shiver skipped down her spine and goose bumps sprang up on her skin. His anger seemed to accelerate with each step he took, and the euphoria she’d been bathed in since he’d first kissed her slowly leaked away, fear and anger taking its place. Fear that he wouldn’t calm down and anger that he wouldn’t have touched her if he’d known about her untouched state. Anger quickly overtook the fear.

“For God’s sake, Mac, it’s not like you’re the only guy I’ve crawled into bed with.” Lil wrapped the sheet around her as she climbed off the bed. She ignored the twinge of sore muscles.

He stopped and pivoted on his heel. His eyes, dark with anger, bore into her. “I think what just happened makes that a lie.”

“You don’t have to have intercourse to go to bed with someone.” She turned her back on him and headed for her bathroom only to be brought up short when he grabbed her makeshift wrap. Glancing over her shoulder, she eyed his hand where it gripped the sheet before bringing her gaze up to meet his. “Let. Go.”

“No. Not until you explain,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

“I don’t have to explain myself, Mackenzie. I don’t answer to you.” She swung her hips and tried to yank the material from his grasp.

“Are you going to make me show you how wrong you are again?”

Lillian gasped. He wouldn’t?

“I see you remember how I proved you wrong last time.” Mac smiled as he let her go but neither movement brought her comfort.

“Don’t you dare touch me.” Lil turned to face him fully.

“Funny, just moments ago you were begging me to touch you.” He crossed his arms over his naked chest, one hip cocked to the side. “Among other things.”

Her traitorous body buzzed with arousal as the muscles in his biceps flexed. Damn. Did he have to look so gorgeous? Lil couldn’t stop her gaze from travelling down his body or lingering on his groin. His cock was no longer at rest and the sight of it lengthening—thickening—had her mouth watering and her pussy clenching.

Mac’s smirk turned conceited as he leaned forward. “I could have you begging again in seconds, Lilli.”

Her eyes widened and her chest rose as she sucked in a breath. He was right. He could make her beg in seconds. The worst part being her heart and body would welcome his attention. Embrace anything he offered. But her mind knew better. Lil straighten her spine and took a defensive step back. She refused to give in. Not now. Not yet. Anger still rolled off him and she refused to surrender until he saw her virginity as the gift it was. Unfortunately, she had the sinking feeling it would take Mac a long time to come to that conclusion.

“Running again, Lilli?” He matched her step.

She shook her head as she retreated farther.

He arched one brow and followed. “Really?”

Lillian moved before she thought. Spinning around, she dropped the sheet and lunged for the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and throwing the lock before Mac could get his hand on the knob. She leaned back against the timber and closed her eyes. The solid panel vibrated along her spine as Mac bashed on the other side.

“Open the door, Lilli.” There was a
bang, bang, bang
on the door. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right out here no matter how long you hide out in there.”

The pounding stopped and the shuffling of bare feet on carpet grew quieter as Mac moved away. Ear plastered to the door, she tried to work out what he was doing, but no more distinguishable sounds penetrated the thick barrier. He’d gone suspiciously quiet. With a huff, she pushed away and strode across to the clothes basket in the corner. Rummaging through, Lil found the sweat pants and T-shirt she’d worn yesterday and slipped into them. If he was going to wait her out then she wanted to be fully clothed before she emerged from her hiding spot.

The pants and top offered very little in the way of protection for her heart or peace of mind, but right now she’d take all the help she could get. She could only hope Mac was getting dressed out in her room. If not, Lil would draw on the skills she’d learned over years of modelling, pinpoint a spot behind him and not take her eyes off it. As she slipped the T-shirt over her head, Lil caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and cringed. Her hair looked like a bird’s nest and the little bit of makeup she’d applied earlier was either smudged or gone. Sighing, she reached for a face wipe and cleaned her skin of all cosmetics. Once Mac was dealt with, she’d slip under a quick shower before she rejoined the party.

A twinge of guilt pierced her at the thought of leaving the party for even more time, but she knew Cassie would have everything under control. Still, she felt bad about disappearing for so long already. It had to be at least an hour since she and Mac had come upstairs. Lil really didn’t want to deal with Mac now. Not with the house full of people. But there was no getting around it. She’d have to convince him they needed to return to the party. If he wanted an assurance they’d talk tomorrow, then she’d hand him her passport and drivers licence. Hell, she’d hand over her entire handbag and even her house keys if that would help.

Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and opened the door. The sight before her made her pulse race and her palms sweat. He was in the same position as earlier, stretched out on her bed, his back resting on the headboard. Only this time the man didn’t have a stitch of clothing on. Lil swallowed over the lump of sand in throat. She licked her lips and focused on the painting above her bed as she moved towards him.

She bent down to pick up Mac’s jeans as she made her way across the room and, with a flick of her wrist, she tossed them on the bed. He’d sat forward when she’d walked closer, but now he got to his feet and stepped into his pants. Lillian tried not the think about the fact he was doing so without putting his underwear on first. Her heart kicked it up another notch. Struggling to wet the desert masquerading as her mouth, Lil closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Big mistake. The room smelled of sex. And Mac.

Every nerve ending sparked to life. Blood roared in her ears and heat scorched her skin in a wave of prickly fire. She had to get him out of her room. Had to put space between them. Preferably a few walls, some doors and possibly a flight of stairs. Opening her eyes, Lillian tried to focus on the painting again, but movement drew her gaze. Mac had zipped his pants and just slipped the button through when her feet moved. Charging over, she placed her palm on his chest and pushed.


“I know we’re not done.” Lil shoved him again and he stepped back. “But we don’t have time to talk it out now.” She continued moving towards the bedroom door.

“Lilli, what are you doing?” His fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled her hand away.

“You need to leave and I need to get back downstairs.” Lillian used her free hand to reach around Mac and grab the doorknob. “Please, Mac. I promise we’ll deal with us tomorrow.”

She had the door open and crowded into him to make him take another couple of steps backwards. His grip on her arm slipped as he stumbled. The staggered steps were enough for his body to clear the doorway and put him in the hall.


“Please.” She gave him one more shove with the flat of her hand before jumping back and slamming the door shut, flicking the lock as she did.

“Lilli?” Mac called as the door closed.

“Later. I promise.” Lil turned and walked towards her bathroom and the shower she needed to take while Mac continued to yell her name and rattle the doorknob.

Chapter Seven

Mac stared at the closed door as though he could open it by will alone. Lilli hadn’t answered him once, and he’d called out at least a dozen times. He clenched his fists. His jaw. What the hell just happened? She’d managed, yet again, to get the better of him. Why was he always finding himself in these situations when it came to Lilli? The woman bamboozled him at every turn. And he didn’t want to think about the way she’d sautéed his brain in bed either. Or that she’d been a virgin. He dropped his head, closed his eyes and groaned. How the fuck had that happened?

“Never mind, handsome, I’m sure I can make all your troubles go away.”

His eyes snapped open as his head jerked up. Sharp nails raked his back and Mac leaped sideways as a shudder of revulsion tore through him. Swinging around, he came face-to-face with a plastic surgeon’s idea of the perfect woman. Of maybe it was her idea, and the money had talked loud enough for the doctor to turn a blind eye to beauty and do what the patient asked. Her lips had that bee-stung look, except they looked more like someone had shoved her whole face in the hive and held it there. He couldn’t stop the disgust from showing on his face or in his eyes.

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