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Authors: Nicole Edwards

Speechless (Pier 70 #3) (8 page)

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So, technically, Teague had taken the first step. Now he needed to agree to be all in for the duration of their … arrangement.

Although he should probably lay out the rules first and let Teague decide from there what he could or could not handle. The longer they allowed this to simmer between them, the more intense his craving for Teague became. He had no doubt he could satisfy the kid in ways he’d never imagined; he only hoped he could keep himself in check. The guy drove him fucking crazy, made his balls ache no matter how many times he jacked off in a given day.

Yeah, it was safe to say the kid deserved to know what he was in for if he did accept; otherwise, he might not be able to handle it.

Hudson picked up his phone and started tapping out another message.


NORMALLY TEAGUE WOULD welcome a distraction that kept him from having to deal with Hudson, but this one irritated him. Still, he managed to have a lengthy conversation with the two guys who were buying a boat from a friend and wanted to know how much it would cost to fix it. Considering they had no idea what was wrong with it, there was little Teague could tell them, yet they’d managed to chat him up for a full half hour.

Now, as he headed outside to clear his head and refocus, he remembered his phone had buzzed in his pocket a short while ago. As he leaned against the steel wall, propping one foot flat against it, he pulled up the text message he had received. It was from Hudson, which wasn’t a big shocker. Not many people texted him. Or called, for that matter.

Rules we have yet to discuss:

Great. Just what Teague wanted, more rules in his life. He’d had enough of that shit when he was younger. Every damn person he’d ever encountered had rules for him. After his mother had died, it seemed he’d had to deal with one rule after another. Whether it was from a foster family, a school, a counselor, a social worker … they all wanted to lay out what Teague could and could not do. Mostly the latter.

Needless to say, he wasn’t fond of rules.

He continued reading.

  1. No getting intoxicated for the duration of our agreement.

    Well, that one seemed easy enough and he wasn’t blindsided by it. Hudson had already mentioned that he needed to be sober, which he was, thank you very fucking much. However, he didn’t see a problem with having a beer from time to time, and he intended to tell Hudson that.

  2. Testing for STDs required. I’ve got my results to give you.

    Okay, so that made sense. Teague had his test results from two months ago. Since he hadn’t had sex since, that should suffice. If it didn’t, then … whatever. Safety was crucial, even he couldn’t deny that. But it did make him wonder whether Hudson thought that meant they wouldn’t be using condoms. Teague had never had sex without a condom. Hell, he’d never given or received a blow job without a condom. He was rebellious, yeah, but he wasn’t fucking stupid. No way was he having sex with anyone unless condoms were involved.

  3. No time limit. You can end this whenever you want. As can I.

    For whatever reason, Teague had thought this was going to be a one-and-done type deal. At the most, twice in one night. Based on that rule, it sure as shit sounded like Hudson expected this to be ongoing. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

  4. During the time we’re together, we will be exclusive. Period.

Again, that one made sense. No reason to take risks. Then again, if Hudson was as good as he claimed he was, Teague wouldn’t need to stray. Not that he believed Hudson could hold his interest for more than one night, but whatever.

Teague stared at the screen, rereading the rules over and over again. He was partly taken aback that Hudson had the audacity to pin rules to his offer, but in the same sense, they weren’t completely unreasonable. Maybe the drinking part. That seemed to be a stickler for Hudson, and Teague briefly wondered why. Still, Teague found himself battling back the urge to rebel against them. That was how he’d spent his entire life; he didn’t feel the need to change that now. If Hudson wanted rules, Hudson could go fuck himself.

It didn’t take long for the calm to morph into a firestorm of frustration. It was a familiar feeling, something he was used to dealing with. He rarely knew what caused the rage to start boiling, but it never failed to appear.

As the anger burned hotter, he typed in a response:
Take your rules and shove them up your ass.

Before he could hit send, he stopped himself, staring back at the words he’d typed. The resentment was prevalent, as it always was, but there was something else bubbling up inside him, something that was almost stronger than the anger. He just didn’t know what it was or what it meant.

Deciding he needed time to process that, he deleted the words he’d written, dropped the phone in his pocket, and headed back inside. He had a job to do. Confronting Hudson had been a huge mistake. He didn’t need this kind of bullshit in his life; he had enough of that.

So, rather than accept or decline, Teague did what he did best. He ignored it, pretended it never happened, and decided to move on with his life.

AFTER GOING TO the gym, then stopping by the sub shop and grabbing two foot-long turkey sandwiches and devouring them before hopping in the shower, Hudson found himself sitting on his couch, reading some crime novel his brother had recommended.

The psychopathic serial killer was almost good enough to keep Hudson’s mind from wandering, but it appeared his thoughts of Teague were overpowering his ability to stay focused. When he found himself rereading the same page for the third time, he knew it was time to give it up. Tossing the book onto the couch, he dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling.

He’d been trying to figure out what had happened to Teague after their conversation in his office. While Teague had been busy helping the customer, Hudson had outlined his rules and sent them over. He’d never gotten a response from Teague one way or the other, and for the rest of the afternoon, they had worked side by side with Teague acting as though nothing had ever happened.

Looked as though the kid was back to hating him once more.

He wasn’t surprised, to say the least. It seemed one second they were making strides—more like baby steps, really—and the next, Teague was pushing him away, treating him as though he were the shit on the bottom of his shoe that he couldn’t seem to get away from.

Not that he cared. Okay, maybe a little. But only because he’d started anticipating what would happen when Teague finally gave in to him.

Closing his eyes, Hudson recalled the kiss he’d shared with Teague after he’d barged in and chased off the orgy crew. Just like the kiss on the cruise, Hudson had been leveled by it. The way Teague responded…
. He’d been done for the first time, and now it appeared he wouldn’t be getting the opportunity again.

A loud pounding sounded on his front door, but before he could get to his feet to answer it, the door flew open and Teague stormed in, glaring at him.

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing to me, but you’ve got to stop.”

No inside voice there. Teague was clearly angry.

Hudson stared back at the kid, confused.

“I can’t stop thinking about you. About your stupid fucking offer, your stupid fucking rules, your stupid fucking kiss, your stupid fucking … everything. I don’t want to think about you, goddammit!”

Hudson was on his feet, moving toward Teague before he knew what he was doing. He stopped in front of him, cupped his face, and stared down into those stormy blue eyes that sparked with an odd mix of anger and anticipation. Teague was breathing hard, as though he’d just run a mile; his eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open. There wasn’t a hint of alcohol on his breath, so Hudson knew he wasn’t intoxicated.

No, it looked as though Teague was finally giving in. And relaying it in the way he knew how.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Teague protested, most of his bravado fading from his voice. “I don’t want to think about you.”

Hudson knew better.

“Why me?” Teague asked, a hint of vulnerability in his tone. “Why the fuck did this have to happen to me? Couldn’t you find someone else to fuck with?”

Hudson didn’t want anyone else.

As for the rest of it, Hudson wasn’t exactly sure what Teague was talking about, but he had a good idea. Teague was referring to the attraction that was blazing between them. Maybe neither of them were looking for anything more than sex, but they couldn’t deny the need that was building, swirling, suffocating them both.

Still holding Teague’s face in his hands, Hudson brushed his thumbs over Teague’s smooth cheeks. He wasn’t gentle with his touch, making sure Teague knew who was in charge. This wasn’t about romance; it was about pure, unadulterated desire. The need to fuck, the need to claim, the need to…

Hudson watched as Teague swallowed hard, before the sweetest words came out of his mouth. “I accept your offer.”


It took all of his willpower not to slam his mouth down on Teague’s, not to bruise his lips with a kiss so punishing neither of them would survive it. Instead, he continued to stare at him, waiting to see what Teague would say next. He wasn’t disappointed.

“I wanted to tell you to go fuck your rules.”

Hudson cocked an eyebrow, interested in Teague’s reasoning.

“I don’t like rules.”

Everyone knew that.

“I don’t like you.”

Now, that was a lie, but Hudson knew Teague believed it.

“But, so help me, I want you to fuck my brains out.”

Hudson’s cock was rock hard, straining against his shorts, desperate to get out, but he ignored it.

“I only have one condition,” Teague muttered.

Hudson lifted an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue.

“No fucking in a bed. I don’t do beds.”

Interesting. Hudson wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but he opted to agree. If Teague could compromise, so could he.

Hudson nodded.

Something passed over Teague’s face, something that looked a hell of a lot like submission, and fuck if that didn’t make him want to rip Teague’s shorts down, spin him around, pin him to the door, and drive his dick right into Teague’s ass, claiming him, showing him just who he was submitting to.

Again, he didn’t.

“Tell me what you want from me,” Teague pleaded.

Hudson couldn’t tell him, but Teague already knew that.

However, he could show him.

Yes, he could definitely do that.

So he did.


ONE MINUTE TEAGUE was sitting on his couch, watching television, the next he was staring up at Hudson, watching as desire contorted the man’s absurdly handsome face into something that captivated him unlike anything he’d ever known. He had spilled his guts to Hudson, hating that he’d been worked up enough to do so, but he got the feeling the result was going to be so worth it.

Hudson’s callused hands cupped his face, holding him in place, making him lift up on his toes as their lips brushed. He felt light-headed, all the blood draining south, making his dick swell. His mind registered the sound of a door shutting, then something hard against his back before he realized that Hudson had him up against the door, their mouths fused together. The kiss ignited, the same as the last one. Hungry and desperate.

Fuck. Maybe this was it. Maybe Hudson was going to give him what he’d been dying for. A quick, brutal fuck that would set his world to rights and make him forget all about the giant fucking asshole who had plagued his mind for far too long.

Teague gripped the waistband of Hudson’s shorts, pulling him closer, trying to feel his body flush against him. The man’s bare chest was right there, rippling muscle beneath the intricate scrollwork tattooed just below his collarbone. There were no words, simply designs. Sexy was what they were.

Teague wished he’d gone without a shirt because then he could’ve felt the heat of Hudson’s powerful body on his. It was rare that Teague ever saw Hudson without a shirt, but when he did, he couldn’t take his eyes off him. Unfortunately, he couldn’t even admire him now because his eyes were closed and Hudson was feasting on his mouth, but he couldn’t complain too much. Instead, he used his hands to
, feeling his way over the hard, tense muscle of Hudson’s washboard stomach, the surprisingly soft hair on his chest, the firm planes of his pecs...

When their lips broke apart and Hudson’s mouth trailed over his neck, Teague cried out, the sensations overwhelming him. He wasn’t used to this. He had always limited his sexual encounters to blow jobs and fucking, no need to bring kissing or any of that other shit into the mix. Now he remembered why. His brain was fried from the intensity consuming him.

Teague tried to pull away, not wanting to send the wrong message. Rather than stop, Hudson’s grip tightened on him, his mouth working more furiously against Teague’s hypersensitive skin.

Oh, fucking shit. It was too much.

Hudson’s tongue slid over his skin, warm lips skimming, teeth nibbling. The sensation bordered on pain, the pleasure so overwhelming he couldn’t think straight. Teague tilted his head more, giving Hudson better access, allowing the man to drive him higher and higher. He used the excuse that he was too worked up. He needed to find release, and he didn’t give a shit how it came about, as long as this man was the one delivering.

Unable to help himself, Teague rocked his hips forward, grinding his cock against the hard ridge of Hudson’s.

Oh, fuck.

That felt good.

Too good.

Teague did it again, dry humping Hudson’s leg, when the big man adjusted their positions, shoving his thigh between Teague’s legs. He ground his hips forward, sliding his dick against the hard muscle separated by their clothing.

It was too much. Too fucking much.

“Hudson…” He tried to hold on, tried not to lose his shit, but Hudson was furiously nibbling on his neck, sucking his skin into his mouth and… “Fuck!”

Teague wrapped his arm around Hudson’s head, holding him tightly as his body shuddered, an orgasm slamming into him right then and there, fully clothed, plastered against the door, Hudson’s lips suctioned to his neck.

Embarrassment slapped him hard and fast, causing him to try to pull away, but Hudson held him in place. Teague couldn’t believe he had come in his fucking shorts like a stupid horny teenager. He hadn’t dry humped a guy since… It’d been years.

He looked up to see Hudson studying him, fully expecting to see a smirk on Hudson’s mouth, but there was none. There was a tremendous amount of heat swirling in his emerald gaze, but not an ounce of triumph.

Teague swallowed hard but relaxed into Hudson’s hold. He couldn’t fight him off, even if he’d wanted to. Hudson’s giant body still loomed over him, pinning him to the door, unmovable. And for some stupid fucking reason, Teague didn’t care. He was satisfied with remaining upright for now.

When he managed to get control of his breathing, Hudson’s mouth found his again. This time the kiss was less urgent but just as intense. Their tongues moved together, Hudson’s hands continuing to keep Teague’s head in place, while Teague explored Hudson’s rock-hard body with his hands. This was something else he wasn’t used to. Sex was all about give and take as far as he was concerned. He’d gotten his rocks off, so now it should’ve been Hudson’s turn. Only Hudson didn’t seem to be moving that direction; he seemed to be slowing things down.

A whirlwind of emotions swamped him, making it hard to think. Desire, confusion, anxiety, maybe even a hint of desperation … they consumed him, made him unable to think rational thoughts. It seemed Hudson understood, because he didn’t push for more. Hudson continued to kiss him, gently, softly, until Teague felt the world shift back into position. He was more in control, less panicked. Only then did Hudson pull back and stare down at him.

He wished Hudson could say something. To tell him what the fuck was supposed to happen next.

Only he couldn’t.

And if Teague hadn’t been so stupid, so damn rebellious, he would’ve taken the time to learn sign language and wouldn’t be in this predicament.

THE KID HAD come un-fucking-done and it had been so damn beautiful. Holding Teague while he shuddered and came apart in his arms had been unlike anything else Hudson had experienced. He wanted to make him do it again and again, yet Hudson knew he had to pull back, to put the brakes on before he freaked Teague out.

There was no doubt Teague was as fragile as a live grenade. Only he could blow at any second, with or without the pin being pulled.

Not to mention, they still had a few things to discuss before they went full steam ahead.

“I’m … uh … I’m just gonna go,” Teague mumbled, staring up at him.

Hudson wasn’t sure if Teague wanted him to convince him to stay, but he figured letting him go for now was the best plan. For one, Hudson couldn’t speak, couldn’t say what was on his mind, and that wasn’t fair to either of them. So he simply nodded, then pressed his lips to Teague’s once more. The kid held on to him, and it felt oddly reassuring.

Once Hudson stepped back, he let Teague figure it out from there. With one last glance back, as though he was still confused over what had happened, Teague then turned, opened the door, and walked out, closing it behind him. With weak legs, Hudson managed to make it back to the couch, where he plopped his ass down and took a deep breath.


Like, seriously. Holy. Fucking. Wow.

He reached for his phone, tempted to send Teague a message to check on him, but decided to hold off for a few minutes. He needed to get his bearings, figure out what his next step was going to be. Teague had accepted his offer, which meant…

Well, he didn’t really know what it meant, because other than offering to fuck Teague senseless in order to keep him from doing the destructive shit he’d been doing, Hudson wasn’t sure how this was going to work. Sure, they could have sex. And it would likely be mind-blowing, possibly bordering on earth-shattering, but he had to put some structure around it. Even if only in his head. He had been purposely avoiding Teague for so long, the idea of giving in to him scared him a little.

What if Teague ended up wanting more?

Hell, what if
wanted more?

How were they supposed to handle that?

And was it possible to keep that from happening?

Maybe they should make a rule about no sleepovers. He shook his head. No, that was stupid. When Hudson invited Teague into his… Well, technically it wouldn’t be a bed since that was Teague’s one condition. Okay, so when Hudson lodged himself deep inside Teague the first time, he fully intended to stay there for a while. That could very well roll over into the morning, so that was out.

They definitely wouldn’t date. It wasn’t like Teague would expect Hudson to take him to dinner or a movie, so that was a given. He didn’t need to outline that.

He was sure he didn’t have to worry about Teague telling people about them. Teague didn’t tell anyone anything. As a matter of fact, Hudson knew absolutely nothing about the guy’s family. In the two years he’d been working at the marina, he had never once heard Teague talk about someone he was close to. And the dumb asses Teague had fucked in the past couple of years damn sure didn’t count.

Where were his parents? Did he have any brothers or sisters? Grandparents?

Those were questions he doubted Teague would answer. But would the kid want to know about Hudson’s family? He’d already met AJ, and there really wasn’t anyone else to meet at this point. His father had bailed on them right after Hudson was born. And their mother had suffered from mental illness. She’d taken her own life when Hudson was sixteen. AJ had been eighteen at the time, and with help from their aunt, they’d kept Hudson from being sucked into foster care. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a good relationship with their mother’s sister, so his family was limited.

His phone buzzed, pulling him from his thoughts. Picking it up, he glanced at the screen and smiled.

I have my test results. It was done two months ago, but I haven’t been with anyone since. If you want me to get it done again, I will.

This kid was no doubt going to get under his skin, he could feel it.

He typed out a response:
No need. Those results will do.

The next thing he saw was a file downloading on his phone. He clicked on it and saw the test results. Looked as though Teague had been given a clean bill of health.

Good to know.

Another text came almost immediately:
But we’re still going to use condoms with intercourse. No condoms, no deal.

That made Hudson smile, for the simple fact that Teague was adamant about safety. And maybe it brought forth a little measure of relief, as well.

He replied with:
No issue with condoms.

Although the thought of going bare with Teague…

Hudson reached down and palmed his dick through his shorts. He was coming to life once again, and he needed to give it some attention or he’d be hurting come tomorrow. Tossing his phone onto the cushion, he unbuttoned and unzipped, then pushed his shorts down his thighs before getting comfortable again. He took his cock in his hand, stroking slow and easy while he stared at the door. The memory of making Teague come from a few well-placed kisses brought his dick roaring to life.

Shifting his position, Hudson kicked off his shorts and reclined on the couch, propping up on pillows while he fisted his cock, tugging it slow and easy, teasing the head, cupping his balls. He wasn’t in a rush, enjoying the thoughts of Teague playing like a slideshow behind his eyelids.

It would’ve been better if he had Teague’s mouth on him. That warm, sexy, smartass mouth… sucking, licking. Hudson continued to tease his iron-hard length as he debated whether or not he would allow himself to come. If he held off, it would spike his anticipation. Then again, if he held off, his balls would be aching by morning.

He wanted to see Teague’s face, wanted to listen to those breathy moans.

Reaching for his phone, he shot a text to Teague:
Come over here and watch me jack off.

While he continued to stroke his dick, he waited for a response, half expecting Teague to ignore him. The message came back within a minute.


As a heart attack.

Hudson set his phone down on the table and resumed his hand job. When his front door opened and Teague stepped inside, he had to admit, he was surprised. He’d taken the chance to offer up a command, expecting Teague to rebel. But Teague had heeded it. Hudson wondered if the kid even realized he had. Since Teague wasn’t fond of being told what to do and all, it was a little odd to see him respond so easily.

Hudson nodded toward the end of the couch where his feet were. He paused long enough to sign for Teague to sit, then pointed just in case. Whether he understood or it merely made sense, Teague propped his ass on the arm of the sofa, put his bare feet on the cushion between Hudson’s legs, and watched.

BOOK: Speechless (Pier 70 #3)
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