Species Interaction (14 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #paranormal adventure crime comedy sensual romace

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That simple request resulted in more muted chuckles and a loud snort from Janie. "Meat, if you could stand behind Shy, lift her up. Shy, you will need to spread your legs so Ducian can stand between them."

Meat did as was directed, lifting me until I squirmed to be put down. "Oh, I don't think so." Pushing at his hands, I looked up at Ducian who smiled with mischief. "We're not taking pictures of me… my… nude parts!"

"Her very nice hairless parts," Ducian muttered under his breath. I whapped him on the chest. He grinned all the more.

At that moment, I swear Janie suffered an out of body experience. The slightly annoyed woman, in a momentarily flash, became the demon from the Exorcist. "You
do this and I
be done with this infuriating shoot in an hour. YOU GOT IT?"

Nodding and swallowing, I pulled Ducian against my front. "Up please," I whispered the words lest the demon lose all semblance of humanness.

He grinned, lifted, and settled me against his leather clad groin. "Mmmmmmmm."

Meat stepped forward, running his hands under my bottom to help support my weight. Those long fingers explored before finding a place to rest. "Oh, yeah. She is totally bald down there. I can't wait to…"

I buried my face against Ducian's neck, hiding my embarassment.
Maybe I should have let the runner-up take this weekend after all.

In what seemed to be an eternity, Janie ordered the men to go change into the final costume for the shoot. I followed along behind, until she stopped me. "Oh, no. You're wearing that for the entire time."

"But…" I peered down at my Miracle Bra-clad cleavage barely remaining under the material.

"No. It took too long to get you in that outfit. Need I remind you, I have to be done with this shoot in"—she glanced at her sparkling gold watch—"seventeen minutes?" Her eyes flashed red. I ducked my head and headed the other direction.

In the back of the room, a table sat full of refreshments. Spying the punch bowl, I quickly filled a glass and gulped it down, feeling as dry as a desert under the bright photography lights. I ignored the celery and carrots, simply filled my glass twice more and guzzled. By the time the guys returned, I perked up immensely.

I beamed happily. Much happier than I had been since this whole prize situation came about.

Meat walked back in the room, clad in biker black leather, oddly reminiscent of one of his dance outfits. I idly wondered if the pants had Velcro on the sides, allowing him to yank them off at opportune moments.

Ducian followed, bare to the waist, with black leather pants that melted to his rear. Both men wore boots, while the vampire had some sort of copper bracelet wrapped around his right bicep.

Sure, they looked yummy. Very sexy, if I had to admit. But at the same time, they looked adorable. I grinned at them both. "You guys are cute."

Meat's eyebrows shot up while Ducian frowned. "Cute?" Ducian asked, heading in my direction.

I nodded as a giggle slipped out. "Yeppers. Cute. Just like Rudolph, minus the red nose. Although I wonder if something else sticking out might be getting red?"

Meat stepped over, giving me a sniff. His eyes landed on the punch bowl. "How much did you drink?"

"Huh?" I blinked trying to make sense of his words.

"The punch bowl. How many cups did you drink, Shy?" Ducian pointed at the pink liquid.

"Oh, I was really thirsty so I had three. Who knew getting nakie would be so dehydrating?" I smiled wistfully up at them.

"She's buzzed," Ducian declared.

Meat nodded, catching me as I stumbled in my heels. "What? I'm not either!" I stomped one foot, or at least tried as I ended up listing to one side.

"We need you three over on the bed now!" Janie ordered, from her position behind the tripod with camera mounted on top.

Ducian crab-walked me over as Meat pulled me by the hand. He settled on the bed, pulling me on top of him.

"Oh, now this looks like fun." I grinned down at him, suddenly feeling all sexy and horny rolled up into one. My hands fluttered across his chest, pausing to flick his nipples. He groaned in response. "The girls said you would like my new hairless parts. They said you would be…" I paused trying to find the word. "Thrilled. Yep, that's it. Thrilled."

I wiggled on top of Meat's lower belly, feeling Ducian get on the bed behind me.

"Now what are we going to do with her? She's well on the way to plastered," Ducian whispered over my shoulder.

Hearing that, I giggled. "Do me! You should do me!" I bounced happily in rhythm with my sing song voice. "Do it. Do me. Do it to me." I laughed outrageously at my own ingenious rhyme.

Meat grunted after each word, finally using his strong hands to clasp my ever bouncing hips, essentially stilling my movements. "At least she's a happy drunk."

"More like a horny one."

Janie cussed, jerking her tripod this way and that. "This won't do at all." Frowning at her camera, she fixed up with her annoyed gaze. "Shyanne, get off the bed."

I pouted. "But I like it here. Meat is gonna do me and Ducian…" I had to think for a moment. "Ducian is gonna do me, too!"

"Mmmmmm," I heard from behind my shoulder. His body pushed against mine, his muscle ripped chest resting against my back.

"Over my dead and buried body!" Meat snarled. With a shove, he had us both off the bed before I knew which side was up.

Ducian took his time, grinning wickedly as he scooted to the edge, sat down, and patiently waited.

"I feel…" My hands roamed over Meat's groin, rubbing hard against the apparent bulge.

"Horny?" Ducian offered.

I shook my head, palming the area with one hand while tugging at the waistline of his pants, wanting them down immediately. "I feel…" I pulled again. "Off. I need…"

Meat grabbed my hands. "If you don't stop, you're going to be flat on that bed, with your legs up in the air, and I don't care who's watching."

Frowning, I licked my lips and gave the extra large bulge a desperate caress. "I need…"

"Shy." Meat groaned low warningly.

Pausing, I looked at his pants, then at the bed. Just as he wrapped his hands around my hips, I felt it.

"I feel…" Without a second more warning, I vomited. All over Meat's leather outfit, his boots, and the floor.

The Exorcist demon screamed. I puked again. Meat jumped back with a scowl of disgust on his face, and Ducian rocked back on the bed, holding his sides as he laughed like a hyena.

Chapter 16


I woke with a cotton mouth and more than a little confusion. The strange room didn't ring a bell, although the warm body wrapped around me felt quite familiar. Taking in the walls and bedcovers, I decided we were still in the photoshoot room.

"What happened?" I croaked, shifting on my side to look Meat in the face.

He kissed the tip of my nose. "Feel better?"

I nodded.

"How much do you remember?"

Furrowing my brows, I thought back. "I got sick after drinking the punch."

His large hand gently rubbed my back. "Spiked punch. You should have waited for me to check it out first," he lightly reprimanded.

"I was thirsty." A pout followed, earning me another kiss, this one to the forehead.

"No worries. It won't happen again." He shifted a bit, nudging me closer. "As to what happened… Janie declared you incompetent and fired you. The maid cursed you and any future offspring for making such a mess. Oh, and Ducky salivated over your naked body."

I sighed in resignation. Just great. So much for the wonderful weekend of sin and debauchery. "Anything else?"

"You passed out. Not sure if it was from the alcohol, the vomiting, or the way too tight corset, or a combination of all three. We removed your clothes just in case, though." He flashed a wicked dimpled grin.

"That would explain my being naked under the sheets."

"And how Ducky saw you in all your splendid glory as well."


A chuckle followed along with a pat on my nude rear. "It's not all bad."

"Okay. I'll play. What's the good part?" Tired of craning my head at an awkward angle, I shifted to straddle his hips, lying down across his chest, resting my chin on my hands at the top of his sternum.

He shifted under me, lining up body parts a bit more comfortably. Both hands wrapped around my back, holding me snug. "We're here, in bed, naked. You did brush your teeth afterward and the evening is still young."

Those words went straight from my ears, zipping through my brain, to zing down to my Shy parts. Those areas agreed happily with everything he said.

"Mmmmmm." I set about licking and nipping his chest, paying extra attention to those well defined pectorals. "You always do have such wonderful ideas."

His hand moved from my back, caught my chin, to pull me down for a thorough tonsil check. The other took the opportunity to smooth over my exposed rump. With a bit of guiding, Meat's parts found Shy parts and both reacted enthusiastically. Then I burped and frowned at the aftertaste.

"You okay?" He pulled back from the kiss. "You were just sick. And I do
want to get puked on again."

I shot him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Using my fingertips, I traced some of his known hot spots. "But I'm all better now. And, I need you. All of you."

He tilted his head and looked at me for a long moment, pushing my fingers away from his nipples. "Shy… I don't think…"

"Good. Don't think. Just act. I need you. I want you." Leaning down I nipped his chest, then growled at him. "Meat is fine, Meat is a treat, Meat sends me into heat." I giggled at my own rhyme, even as I meshed our bodies together roughly.

Meat groaned in response, no longer pushing me away. He continued to argue, though half-heartedly. "Shy… don't."

"You're right. Don't play games. Just get down to it." I giggled again, nipped his chin, and then went about counting his teeth, even the very back ones. I rubbed my body all over his, bounced, writhed, ground into him. Anything and everything to increase hard bodily contact. Sitting up, I braced my hands on his chest, watching his face intently. A grimace, a groan, then he frowned with concern.

"Are you positive you feel okay?"

I quickly took inventory. "Maybe… sorta. Why do you ask?"

He grabbed my hips, stilling my movements. "Because you went pale and a bit of green just now."

Now that he mentioned it, my tummy started to do slow flip flops and not the good kind. "Uh oh." Breathing, I held still and waited. The feeling abated slightly when all movement ceased.

Meat started to sit up, taking me with him. "No!" I closed my eyes and prayed the world would right itself.

"What?" He froze, anxiously scanning my face.

"You make me seasick when you move." I pushed him back down, slowly by inches. Watching his abs contract would have been quite sexy at any other time. Right now, my mind could only focus on riding out the stormy sea.

Luckily, he seemed to understand. "So you're fine as long as you don't move?"

I nodded. "Maybe if we just wait a bit, it'll pass?"

He shrugged, causing a round of leftover punch to quickly re-enter my throat. I gagged, but managed to keep it down. Barely.

"I thought I heard puking in here." Ducian's voice heralded from the doorway. "Figured the puss in boots had a hairball."

My back was to the vampire, but I had a full view of Meat's face. It clouded with annoyance as his muscles tensed as in preparation to jump out of bed.

I whimpered as the reflux hit once more.

"Listen, Fabio. When I get up from here, you're going to wish someone had shot you to put you out of your misery."

I could almost see Ducky's hamster wheel spinning in his brain. "Why do I have a feeling if you try to get up anytime soon, you'll be wearing her lunch
?" A soft chuckle started before it morphed into full blown laughter.

Meat ground his teeth, closed his eyes. I could hear him counting to ten and then a few numbers higher.

Ducky laughed. Meat plotted. And, amazingly my belly settled down. I debated making the announcement as I considered the consequences. Meat would leap up from the bed, chase Ducky, beat him to a pulp, and return to me with high adrenaline levels needing a good outlet for release, namely sex.

That didn't sound horrible. With a smile, I gave Meat a wiggle, wrapped the sheet around me, and slid off the bed. I headed into the bathroom where my clothes waited. In the background, I heard curses, running steps, and a big boom.


* * * *


A nearby bellhop kindly assisted us to find our prize penthouse suite, showing us the card keys that granted access to the expensive room. He clicked the lock, then pushed the entry way door open, allowing us a glimpse inside the room.

The main living area spread out before us, surely running the width of the hotel itself. Hardwood floors shone with fresh polish while expensive plush area rugs dotted the area, drawing the eye to the furniture. I couldn't resist stepping over to run my fingers over the soft leather couch, noting the warm colors that immediately made one feel at home. Various other chairs dotted the room, along with a business desk, television, and a wet bar.

The kitchen sat dead ahead. A large dining table took up most of the area, with oak cabinets presumably filled with dishes and utensils. Several trays of food sat on top of the table, with fragrant smells enough to make my belly growl.

The bellhop quickly excused himself, informing us dinner would be delivered in an hour, and reminded us to call if we needed anything. Too busy peeking under the covers of the dishes, I hardly paid attention to his words. Besides, judging from the many appreciative glances he shot at the guys' parts, I ventured to guess I held little appeal in his world.

After a first gasp of surprise, I couldn't help but grin at the options hidden under lids. Penis shaped cupcakes in both white and chocolate littered one tray. All of them "pointed" in the same direction. A second tray held servings of fruit. Tilting my head in question, I stared at the melon rings. I could understand the pineapple cut into a circular shape with a donut hole in the middle, but melons?
How odd
. Shaking my head, I scoped out the final covered tray, finding large chewy lifesavers. The size threw me. I reached for one to snack on only to freeze when I heard a man yell.

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