Spark (4 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith,Smith

BOOK: Spark
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Shadow snorted. “Sounds like you scared him off already. Otherwise, I’d have

met him when I came to pick you up. A
man would have met me face to face and admitted to having claimed you, would have fought for you if need be.”

“Are you calling my mate a wuss?”

Shadow shrugged.

“I don’t think he was worried so much about what you’d do to him. I think he

worried that you would take it out on his club and they would exile him. They’re all he has. He told me he grew up without a father and with an alcoholic mother. He started prospecting for the Steel Riders when he was just fifteen. Can you imagine?”

“So your boy’s had a hard life. It means he’ll appreciate the things he has—like you. I can understand him worrying about losing the only family he has, but now that he’s mated my baby girl, he has a whole new family. The moment he put his mark on you, he became an honorary Silver Skull.”

“Can you be in two clubs at once?”

“I said honorary. He doesn’t have voting rights, and I would only call on him in an emergency. He is family after all. Boy might not see it that way, but he will soon enough.”

Mina frowned at her father. “What are you plotting?”

“Don’t you worry about it. Just follow my lead when we get there, and

remember, I have your best interests at heart.”

Mina wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She knew her dad could be wily, and a bit of a hard ass when it came to his kids. Spark had run from her to save his place within his club, and the last thing she wanted was for him to feel like he was going to lose his family, even if her father was just playing. She’d seen him make grown men cry, and a blubbering Spark was not something she ever cared to see.

She followed her father into the house and went to her room. The closet was so

full the doors wouldn’t shut, and her dresser was full to bursting as well. Then there were the mementos and pictures she would want to take to her new home. As she

looked around the room she’d called home all her life, she realized that she had no idea if Spark even had a home or if he lived at the clubhouse. Maybe she should just take one suitcase and have her father bring the rest of her things at another time.

It didn’t take her long to pack and she found her father waiting by the front door.

Since she planned to start a new life with Spark, she took her car and followed behind Shadow’s motorcycle. It was nightfall by the time they reached the clubhouse of the Steel Riders, and Mina knew her father would prefer that she not enter the building.

He’d sheltered her as much as possible from the M.C. life, but if she was going to make changes, she might as well start now. She left her bag in her car, brushed past her father, and pushed through the doors.

Music pulsed through the room. Nearly naked women plastered themselves to

the shifters in the room, while alcohol flowed freely. Mina waved her hand trying to dispel the smoke in the room. She knew it wasn’t good for a pregnant woman to be around cigarette smoke, and she was fairly certain she detected the scent of marijuana.

Her gaze skimmed the crowd as she searched for Spark. She wasn’t certain what she’d do if one of those skanks had her tongue down his throat.

Mina finally found him in the back corner, a slut on his lap, her bare breasts

bobbing in his face. Her temper sparked, despite the bored look on his face. Mina pushed her way through the crowd, not stopping until she reached her mate. The girl in his lap looked her up and down, but Mina didn’t give her a chance to say anything. She reached out, grabbed a handful of overly teased hair, yanked her off Spark’s lap then shoved her in the floor.

“You bitch!” the woman shrieked.

“Shut it, Jeanine,” Spark said, his gaze locked on Mina.

“Who the hell is she to throw me in the floor like trash?” Jeanine demanded.

Mina snorted. “You are trash, you over-dyed, under-educated slattern.”

“What did you call me?” The woman looked truly baffled.

“She’s my mate,” Spark said. “Make yourself scarce, Jeanine.”

She didn’t look happy about it, but she wandered off. Probably looking for

someone else to fuck for the night. It made Mina wonder just how far Spark had been willing to go. Would he have slept with her? Or was she merely a decoration so

everyone in the club would think all was right in his world? He looked haunted. There were shadows under his eyes and he looked thinner than he had last time she’d seen him. It had only been a few weeks, but the days without her had obviously taken their toll.

“It’s good to see you,” he said, standing to pull a chair out for her. “Why don’t you sit down?”

“Can we go somewhere less smoky? Maybe outside?” Her father was outside,

but Spark didn’t have to know that. Granted, there was a chance he’d turn tail and run once he saw Shadow was with her, but it was a chance she was willing to take.

He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I don’t know that I trust myself to be

alone with you. The past few weeks…” He sighed. “It’s been hell without you, Mina.

You’re constantly on my mind and I wake several times a night, reaching for you. My beast knows you’re supposed to be there, lying beside us, and I think he’s pissed at me for not making it happen.”

She reached out and lightly gripped his arm, giving him a slight tug. “Come on.

Let’s go talk.”

He seemed to meekly follow her and she wondered what happened to her

badass biker while she was gone. Spark looked like a shell compared to the man she’d left behind. Surely her leaving hadn’t bothered him that much. Maybe he was kicking his own ass over letting her slip away? She’d never know if he didn’t talk to her.

They stepped out onto the porch and let the doors close behind them.

“What made you come back, Mina? If your father knew where you were…” He

let the words trail off and she studied him in the moonlight.

“Daddy knows where I am. Don’t worry about that. As to why I came back, why

wouldn’t I return to my mate?”

He winced. “We can’t be mates, Mina. You’re a Silver Skull, the princess of the pack. I’m beneath you, and even if you father would give his blessing, where would we live? I can’t take you from your pack and drop you into an M.C. where women are slim to none. There are only two other mates right now. When the older members decided to start a new charter in Florida and retire, they took the mates with them. Only single males are left in the Steel Riders.”

“Why don’t you let me worry about where I want to live?” she asked with a

hand propped on her hip. “Quit trying to make decisions for me. You did that before when you ran away and now you’re doing it again. Did it not occur to you that maybe I came here to live with you?”

“Mina, I don’t hold rank in the Steel Riders. I’m not an officer of the club. Why would your father approve of me?”

She moved closer to him, placing her hands on his chest. “Because you love me,”

she said softly. “You can’t deny it. I can see that my leaving was hard on you. It’s been hard on me too.”

“You’re awfully damn pretty for someone who’s been torn up over our


“Is that you’re way of telling me you still think I’m beautiful?”

“It’s only been three weeks. It’s not likely I’d have changed my mind in such a short amount of time. You’ll always be gorgeous to me, Mina.”

“Spark, you have to talk to me and tell me what’s wrong. You can’t deny that

you’re different than when I left.”

He smiled faintly. “You mean I look like hell. I haven’t been sleeping, and not just because of you not being in my bed. My club was so furious when they found out what I’d done, they almost kicked me out. I spent a week cooling my heels, not allowed to attend any club events or meetings, wondering if my life was pretty much over.

They’re letting me stay, but I’m on probation of sorts. If I so much as screw in a lightbulb wrong in the next year, I’m out.”

Her father stepped out of the shadows and stopped behind Spark. “Do you love

my daughter?”

Spark flinched and turned to face Shadow. “I feel something for her, sir, but I have no idea what love feels like. I know that I want her in my life, that I want her face to be the first thing I see every morning. But is that love?”

Shadow folded his arms over his massive chest. “My Mina deserves someone to

love her and worship the ground she walks on. She also deserves a man and not a mouse. You sound more like a mouse right now.”

Spark didn’t deny the charge.

“Your club is giving you trouble?” Shadow asked.

“Not exactly. I brought it on myself by claiming Mina without your permission,

and behind their backs. She was entrusted into my care and I betrayed everyone by letting my beast rule me. He knew she was our destined mate and couldn’t hold back from claiming her.”

Shadow’s lips twitched, but he didn’t smile. “If I know my daughter, she didn’t make it easy on you. Once she sets her mind on something, she’s like a dog with a bone.

Or more accurately, a wolf with a freshly killed deer. She doesn’t let go.”

“No, sir. She doesn’t,” Spark agreed. “But I don’t hold her responsible for my

actions. If you’re going to punish someone, it should be me. Don’t take it out on my club.”

“Boy, if I was going to go after your club, I’d have done it by now. And frankly, I think your Pres is a snot-nosed, whiny child for punishing you for following your instincts. Sometimes our beasts have to rule us, especially if a mate is near. Your Pres is obviously not mated since he doesn’t understand that concept. Mine may be gone, but I remember what it was like being around her when we were young. She was taken from us too soon, and I doubt I’ll ever find another mate.” He shrugged. “But it doesn’t mean I don’t remember what love feels like. I saw the look in my daughter’s eyes when she talked about you. She loves you, even if you aren’t so sure. Maybe you need some time to figure it out.”

“I don’t understand. You’re taking Mina away again?” Spark asked.

“No, son. I’m going to take you away. I think you need to come spend some time

with the Silver Skulls. Get to know Mina better, introduce yourself to her brothers—

who don’t know about you by the way, so expect some trouble there.”

“I’m not sure my club will agree…”

Shadow waved away his concern. “You let me worry about those overgrown


“Yes, sir. If you can work things out, I’d be honored to stay with your club and spend more time with Mina. I just hope the Steel Riders don’t decide they’re better off without me while I’m gone.”

Shadow patted him on the shoulder. “I’m sure everything will work out fine

with your club, but if they do ever kick you out, you make sure you come pay me a visit. There will always be a place for you with the Silver Skulls. No way I’m letting my only daughter’s mate go without a brotherhood.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Now. You go pack. Take Mina with you. She can place your bags in her car, and

then you can follow her back to the homestead. You’ll have to be with her to get through the gate anyway.”

Spark nodded and moved down the steps toward his bike.

“You don’t live here?” Mina asked.

“I have a small house not too far from here. It’s probably not what you’re used to.”

Mina took his hand. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

Spark smiled, kissed the back of her hand, and then walked her to her car before climbing on his bike and heading for home. Mina followed, wondering if things were going to fall apart when they reached her house and her brothers got wind of the fact she was mated. Looking back, maybe she should have prepared them. Spark didn’t look like he was in any kind of shape to deflect them right now.

Chapter Five

Spark sipped his coffee the next morning, eyeing the three men at the table

across from him. They all resembled their father, but not a single one of them looked anything like Mina. All large men, every last one had Shadow’s dark hair and eyes. He knew they were staring him down in hopes of making him feel uncomfortable,

probably hoping he’d blurt out something, but it wasn’t working. Yet.

“Dad didn’t say why he invited a Steel Rider onto our property. Personally, I

think you look more like a chew toy,” the oldest looking one said. “But I suppose we should refrain from gnawing on your bones until we know why you’re here. Wouldn’t want to upset a club deal.”

Spark snorted and took another swallow of his coffee. He knew the moment

Mina entered the kitchen, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off the three wolves across from him. Her scent teased his nose and the very air shimmered with her presence. He heard her take a mug off the tree and pour herself a cup of coffee, listened as she opened the refrigerator, probably for creamer, and then stirred something into her coffee before closed the refrigerator.

When she came and took the seat next to him, he glanced her way and flashed

her a smile. The top she wore covered the bite he’d left on her tender skin, but he knew it was there. Her long, blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, making her look even younger. She took a sip of her pale coffee and then smiled at him.

Her brothers growled.

Mina jerked her gaze their way and scowled at them. “Shut it.”

“Don’t be flirting with the…what the hell are you anyway?” one of the brothers

asked Spark.

“Maned wolf.”

The third brother sniffed in disdain. “What a weak ass animal. You’d think your club would have sent a bear at the very least, if they were going to negotiate with Dad.

And why the hell he let you stay in the house I can’t understand. Guests are given lodgings away from the house and family. You’re an outsider.”

Mina looped her arm through Spark’s and stared her brothers down. “He’s in the

house because I want him in the house.”

The oldest stood, knocking over his chair. “Oh, hell no! You are not to hang

around with that mangy cur. You’re going to mate a proper wolf, someone Dad trusts with good standing in the pack.”

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