Spark (3 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith,Smith

BOOK: Spark
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put some ice on that. I imagine your daddy is going to take a chunk out of my hide when he realizes what happened, and more importantly, what could have happened.

You do know he was going to force mate you when he got you home?”

“I know,” she said softly. “I’m sorry I ran away. I just… I wanted you to chase me, to see that we could have fun together, and maybe I wanted you to worry a little, so you’d realize that you want me too much to let me go.”

“Mina.” He sighed. “I already know I want you too much to let you go, but I

don’t have a choice. Your father is never going to approve of me. If you haven’t been mated yet, I’m sure it means there’s someone special he has in mind for you.”

She snorted. “Like I want to be a bargaining chip in some deal of his. I want love, Spark. Is that too much to ask?”

“And you think I love you?”

“Maybe not yet, but I think you could. Tell me you don’t feel the mating pull!

Tell me that you don’t believe we’re mates, the destined kind and not two people who were forced to tie their lives together.”

He couldn’t argue with her because what she said was true. He felt the mating

pull, knew she was destined to be his, but his hands were tied. If he claimed her, things would turn ugly between his brothers and her club. Not to mention her father would single-handedly destroy him.

“Just tell me you don’t have the balls to be my mate,” she said with her hand on her hip. “Admit that you don’t have what it takes to make me yours.”

A snarl escaped him as her words found their mark.

“Let me make this easy for you,” she said, then pulled her dress over her head

and let it fall to the floor. “I’m going to take a shower and you’re more than welcome to join me. If you don’t, then I’ll know where I stand.”

He watched her sashay her way across the room and into the bathroom, leaving

the door cracked an inch. Spark couldn’t deny that he wanted to go after her, but he reined in his beast and stepped out on the balcony, hoping it would be enough to dilute her scent. Sometime between the animal shelter and the hotel, she’d started going into heat. It wasn’t overpowering yet, but the subtle scent was growing stronger with each passing minute.

His cock pressed against his zipper as his beast clawed at him from the inside, wanting out, needing their mate. Hell. He had no doubt in his mind that she was his mate, but what the fuck could he do about it? No one betrayed the Shadow, and he damn sure couldn’t betray his own brotherhood. But that’s exactly what he wanted to do. Spark wanted to throw caution to the wind, wrap his arms around Mina, and never let go.

Minutes dragged by and then a delightful scent teased his nose once more. He

looked over his shoulder and found Mina, wrapped in a towel, stepping out onto the balcony. He looked around to make sure they were alone, not wanting anyone else to see her like this. When her arms went around his waist, and he felt her press her breasts against his back, he nearly lost control.

“Mina, stop playing games.”

“My daddy always told me to go after what I want. And what I want is you,

Spark. I’ve never wanted a man as much as I want you. Just thinking about you makes me wet.”

He growled softly. “That’s the heat.”

She pressed her lips to his back and snuggled even closer. “I won’t deny that

being in heat makes me a bit horny, but I know the difference in that and what I’m feeling now. I’ve wanted you since the moment I stepped foot in that restaurant, and you can’t claim that I was in heat then.”

“What do you want from me, Mina? Do you want to spit in your father’s face

after he’s entrusted you to my care? Betray my brothers so you can scratch an itch?”

She tensed and then her hands began wandering his body, one sliding over his

very erect cock. Mina squeezed gently and he couldn’t hold back his groan. Damn, but that felt good! And he’d bet his favorite Harley that it would feel incredible being inside her. He’d damn near give his left nut just to find out.

“I don’t want to scratch an itch,” she whispered softly. “I want my mate to claim me and make me whole. I want the man I can’t stop thinking about, to want me in return.”

“You’ve got my cock in your hand. I think you know I want you.”

She gave him a squeeze. “This part of you wants sexual release. I want the man

to want all of me, not just what can be had in the bedroom.”

“Mina, you don’t play fair.”

“I’m playing to win.” She circled Spark until she stood in front of him, pushing him back toward the balcony doors, and then she dropped to her knees.

Spark thought his heart was going to stop when the angel at his feet looked at

him from beneath her lashes. She was sultry and sexy, and he was trying damn hard to remember why he shouldn’t fuck her, but the reason was becoming fainter and fainter, just a memory.

He should have stopped her when she unzipped his pants. Definitely should

have stopped her when she took his cock in her soft little hands. And he sure as fuck should have stopped her when she wrapped those luscious lips around his shaft and sucked him like a pro.

Instead, he curled his fingers into her hair and slowly fucked her mouth,

delighting in the feel of that silky, wet heat encasing his cock. She curled her fingers around his hips and held on, giving of herself completely. When he was about to blow, he pulled free of her mouth, jerked her to her feet and spun her around. With her hands gripping the railing, he raised her towel and plunged into her welcoming pussy.

Oh, God!
She felt even better than he’d thought. She sucked him in, greedily asking for more, and he gave her everything he had.
Every… single… inch
. His beast was riding him hard, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back, couldn’t give her the flowery words she deserved. He fucked her like a wild animal—intense, raw passion.

Not wanting to leave her behind, he lightly pinched her clit before rubbing it in small, fast circles.

Oh, Christ!
He didn’t think she could get any wetter, any hotter. He pounded into her, not holding back. She tightened on him like a vise and he gave a shout as she milked every drop of semen from him, sinking his teeth into her shoulder at the last moment. Mina whimpered and he felt her pussy spasm around him. Spark eased off her clit and pulled his fangs from her soft skin.

What the fuck have I done?

“Spark, I…you were so worth the wait. I’ve never felt anything like that before, and I know it’s because we were meant to be together.”

“I marked you.”

She turned to face him, a happy, silly smile on her face. “I know.”

“You have to hide it! If your daddy sees that mark…”


Her brow furrowed. “Spark? What’s wrong?”

“I have to go. Don’t leave this room. And put some clothes on!”

Spark zipped up his pants, tried to ignore the hurt look in her beautiful eyes, and practically ran from the hotel room. When he reached the lobby, he burst through the doors, hopped on his Harley, and peeled out of the parking lot. Spark didn’t stop until he reached the Steel Riders’ clubhouse and ran inside like his tail was on fire.

“I fucked up,” he admitted to Timber, the club V.P.

“Is the girl still alive?”

“What? Of course. I mean, there was a matter of wolf napping earlier in the day, but she’s back at the hotel.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I can’t stay with her.”

“Why can’t you stay with her? Blitz picked you personally for the job. He said if anyone could keep their hands to themselves around a woman in heat, it would be you.”

“Yeah, well…that might have worked better if she wasn’t my mate.”

Timber rose from the table. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“I claimed her.” Spark winced. “I told her to cover the mark. I know her daddy is going to kill me, and I may have wrecked things for the club. But she just kept pushing and pushing and…hell, I can’t blame her. I wanted her, plain and simple. She went into heat about an hour ago and I couldn’t resist the temptation of my mate in that state.”

“This is a cluster fuck. But we may be able to save the situation, at least for a little while. He’ll eventually see that mark on her, and chances are she’ll tell him she’s already mated if he tries to force a mate on her. But her daddy happens to be heading this way right now to pick her up. The full moon run fell through at the last minute and he wants his darling daughter back.” Timber folded his arms over his chest. “So I’ll send Blaze and Luna to babysit until Shadow arrives. He should be here in an hour or two. I’m guessing you left all your shit there.”


Timber sighed. “I’ll have Blaze gather your things and return them to you.”

“Thanks, Timber. I’m sorry I fucked up.”

“When this comes back to bite us in the ass, don’t expect me to stick my neck out for you. And you know I have to tell Blitz what’s going on. He trusted you, and you betrayed that trust. I understand the pull of a mate, but damn, son… you may have fucked us over this time.”

Chapter Four

Mina glared at her daddy and put her hands on her hips. “I said no.”

“You’ve pushed away every wolf I’ve stuck under your nose for as long as I can

remember, but you’ve been worse since you stayed with the Steel Riders for a day.

What the hell did they do to you?”

Fucked me, claimed me, and then ran out on me.
Not that she could say that to her doting daddy, who was doing his damnedest to set her up with eligible wolves in the pack and surrounding areas. It had only been three weeks, but she knew something he didn’t about her time with the Steel Riders. She hadn’t just been fucked well by Spark; he’d left a little something behind. When her heat cycle had ended later that day, she’d known she was pregnant.

She just wasn’t sure how to tell her daddy that little tidbit. Or about her mating.

“What’s wrong with Bone?”

She snorted. “You mean besides that ridiculous name? He sweats too much,

belches about every half hour, and his farts will chase anyone out of a room. Not to mention, I’ve told you repeatedly, I don’t want a mate.”

“Every she-wolf wants a mate.”

“Fine. I want a mate I can’t have. Happy now?”

Shadow glowered at her. “Respect me, young lady. Now tell me who the lucky

wolf is.”

“He’s not a wolf,” she muttered.

Her father’s face darkened. “Steel Riders?”

“That’s where I met him. He saved me from Striker. If it weren’t for Spark, I’d have been force-mated.”

“I don’t remember seeing a Spark there when I picked you up. If he saved you,

why wasn’t he guarding you when I arrived?”

She blushed and looked away.


She recognized the warning tone in her father’s voice, but she stubbornly looked anywhere but at him. She knew she’d have to tell him sooner or later about the baby, and the fact she was already mated, but she had hoped the moment would be right, that he’d be in an excellent mood.

“Mina, you’re going to tell me what’s going on. There’s something more to the

story than you having a crush on some shifter you met once.”

Shadow got a peculiar look on his face, and before she could react, he yanked her top to the side. Thankfully, it was the wrong side. He frowned, studied her a moment, then jerked her shirt the other direction. A low growl rumbled in his chest and his eyes flashed the golden color of his wolf.

“You’re mated?” He bared his fangs. “You fucking mated that rat without my


“Now, Daddy, you know you never would have agreed, and in Spark’s defense,

he did try to push me away. But didn’t you tell me I should go after what I want? Well, I wanted Spark, so I went after him. He told me repeatedly that it was a bad idea, that even though we knew we were true-mates, we shouldn’t succumb to our instincts.

Daddy, I want to be with Spark.”

“It’s not like I can undo a mating,” he said gruffly. “But I wish you’d asked first.

You don’t know, I might like the boy. If he’s what makes you happy, I’m sure I

wouldn’t have given him too hard a time.”

She smiled and hugged him, then stepped back and nibbled her bottom lip.

“There’s just one more thing.”

“Christ, girl. You’ve thrown a mating at me before I’ve even had my morning

coffee, and now you have another surprise for me? What? Is he hiding in your


She shook her head.

“You’re running away and moving in with him?”

“I don’t think he wants me anymore, Daddy. He ran away after he claimed me,

and then you came and picked me up. He hasn’t tried to call me once. And…and it’s important that he’s in my life. Because we’re going to have a cub to raise pretty soon.”

Her father stared at her, dropped his gaze to her stomach, and then looked her in the eyes again. “So what are you waiting for? If the jackass won’t come to you, hadn’t you better go to him? I thought you had more backbone than that.”

“Does that mean I have your permission to live with my mate?” she asked.

“Would it do me any good to tell you no?”

She smiled broadly. “Not in the least.”

“Then go get your mate.” Shadow grunted. “But I’d better be invited to meet him sometime soon. A man ought to know his son-in-law.”

“I have a better idea. Why don’t you go with me to the Steel Riders?”

Shadow rubbed his jaw. “Well, I suppose the V.P. could handle things for a day

or two. And I have to admit, it would be fun to see the stark look of terror on your mate’s face when he thinks I’m coming there to take him apart for marking you.”


“What? I have to get my fun somewhere.”

Mina folded her arms over her chest. “Everyone thinks you’re this hard ass biker when really you’re a sneaky little boy stuck in a grown man’s body.”

“Hell. I’m forty-five. Not dead.”

“You won’t tell my brothers, will you? You know they’ll want to come too, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, much less the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. You might scare him off.”

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