Read Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection Online

Authors: Leah Kelley

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Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection (6 page)

BOOK: Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection
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Have you learned your lesson or should I whip you the other minute like I’d planned?” he asked.


Nooo... ” she cried. “I’ve learned my lesson, Joseph. I swear I’ll never keep anything from you ever again. Please don’t whip me anymore! Please!”


He laid the belt aside and gently rubbed her upturned bottom which felt hot against his palm. He pulled her into his arms where she hid her head against his chest, wetting his shirt with her tears.


It’s okay, Sweetheart. It’s over. I’m not going to whip you anymore. Shhh.”


I’m sorry... ” she cried.


I know. I forgive you. Shhh.”


I didn’t mean to lie to you,” she sniffled.


He continued to smooth her hair and rub her back. Finally he removed his blue jeans and made love to her using the utmost gentleness. When he’d finished, Bonnie was quiet though she continued to sniffle occasionally.


He looked at the clock. It was 7:40. The girls would soon be home. He sighed.


Bonnie lifted her head to look at the clock as well. “Joseph?”




You’re not going to... are you going to... ”


going to give the girls a belt-whipping,” he told her, narrowing his eyes.


She lowered hers. “Yes, Sir.” Then she turned over and started to cry again.


He touched her on the shoulder. “Bonnie, you need to get up and put on a nightgown. The girls will be here soon.”


She nodded and rose slowly to walk to the dresser. Gingerly she studied her bottom in the mirror. It remained crimson and was criss-crossed with belt marks. With a slight whimper she pulled a soft cotton nightgown from the drawer and slipped it over her head, grimacing when it slid across her bottom.


She lifted a jar of cream from the dresser top and looked at him. “May I use this, Joseph? Please?”


Joseph nodded. Sometimes he didn’t allow his wife or daughters to use cream on their bottoms to ease the sting after a spanking, but tonight she’d suffered terribly and he saw no point in making her suffer further.


Thank you,” she murmured before disappearing into the bathroom.



A half hour later, two nightgown clad bottoms lay side by side bent across his bed. Rather than allow the argument to continue over whose bottom should suffer first, Joseph decided to whip them at the same time.


This is going to hurt, Girls... ” he said as he paced behind them, “... worse than any spanking you’ve ever had. So if either of you decide you’d like to give your sister a break, all you have to do is get up from that position and I’ll be happy to land all the licks on your bottom for awhile.”


The belt swished as he removed it from his pants and the buckle jingled while he wrapped it around his hand and walked to stand between the two girls. Identical whimpers came from the bed and two bottoms clenched. He pulled back his arm and started to whip, first one bottom and then the next. Twin squeals came from the bed and twin bottoms squirmed around.









After a few moments both girls were screaming non-stop and writhing frantically. Snap, snap, snap, snap... he continued to whip one bottom and then the next until they both seemed worn out.


Get up and sit on the bed,” he ordered.


The girls instantly obeyed. Their faces were red, their eyes bloodshot, and their noses ran. Both still sobbed hysterically so he waited until they’d regained their composure before he spoke.


This,” he said, holding up the belt, “will always be right here around my waist.” He took a moment to put it back on while they watched wide-eyed. “If I ever learn of you skipping school again, I’ll give you a double portion. That means you’ll get every lick of that belt-whipping on your own single bottom. Do you understand what I’m saying?”


Yes, Sir,” they said in unison, their eyes wide.


Have you learned your lesson?”


Yes, Sir,” they said again.


Then you may go to your rooms and retire for the night.”


Both girls rose and gingerly walked from the room.



He walked down the stairs to join his wife, shaking his head. The twins were nearly seventeen years old! He could hardly believe it. He looked at his wife, so sweet and eager to please, and remembered what she’d been like before he’d started to warm her butt occasionally. No, a woman never got too old for a spanking. When his daughters got married he was not only going to give their husbands a paddle for their wedding gift but a stout leather belt as well.




To Train Up a Wife


Jason slammed the ink pen down on his desk, his jaw clenched, and gazed out the dark, open window of their bedroom. It seemed every time he thought they’d get ahead, somehow the money just slipped through their fingers. This time his wife had written several checks that bounced because she failed to balance their checkbook. It cost them $300.00 in overdraft fees. He sighed and rose from his seat. Maybe a walk outside would calm him down a bit and he could finish these bills.


He walked down the hallway and through the kitchen, shaking his head at the dirty dishes that lay in the sink. He grabbed his McDonald’s bag from off the kitchen table and stuffed it into the overflowing trashcan before removing the bag to take outside as he went. His feet stuck to a spot on the floor from an old spill that hadn’t been cleaned. Lizzie did not have a job, yet she never had time to clean the house. Jason hated to say anything to her as she was always busy with some task or other in the church, but it sure would be nice if she focused some of her efforts there at home.


Growling a bit in his throat, he made his way out to the trashcan where he deposited the trash. He walked around the yard, gazing at the sadly neglected flowerbeds his wife had so loved when they bought the house. He remembered how beautiful the flowers had been when he came there as a child. Not there exactly, but next door at his old Sunday school teachers’ house. This house had been their rental property. It felt just like coming home when he and Lizzie bought this place a few months back.


Mrs. Ellie was the fourth and fifth grade Sunday school teacher at church. Mr. Ted, her husband, was the middle school boys Sunday school teacher. The older couple had played a huge part in Jason’s Christian education and he would forever be grateful. Not having a dad of his own at home, Mr. Ted had been the primary male influence in young Jason’s life, and the friendship had continued not only through middle school but high school as well.


Mrs. Ellie was also special to Jason. He’d bet her dishes never lay undone in the sink or her kitchen floor so dirty you couldn’t walk on it in your bare feet. She was sweet and unassuming and always respected her husband. He wished Lizzie would take some lessons from Mrs. Ellie.


He had been attracted to Lizzie because of her sunny disposition and willingness to help out wherever she was needed. As the new youth minister of the church, it was important to him to marry a strong Christian who put legs on her faith. However, he hadn’t realized that Lizzie thrived on the praise of others, and that, rather than a true calling, motivated her to do many things that was asked of her even at the cost of neglecting her husband and home. They’d had several arguments over it already. Coupled with her inability to manage money, he truly worried their marriage would never make it the forty-plus years Mr. Ted and Mrs. Ellie’s had. He sighed. If he only knew their secret.


Jason took his time walking around the house, making note of a repair needed here and there, when he heard a slight noise from the front yard. Evidently Lizzie had decided to return home early tonight. He made his way around the side of the house. He really needed to speak with her.


Jason stopped at the front corner and stood very still, for in his yard stood Mrs. Ellie and she seemed to be crying as she looked up into his Weeping Willow tree. He wondered if her cat had gotten stuck or something and was about to go offer his help when she reached up and measured her pinky finger against one of the limbs and quickly cut it off with a pair of scissors. As she walked quietly back to her yard, she stripped the limb of all its leaves. Jason frowned in confusion. The older couple’s children had all moved out years ago. What in the world would Mrs. Ellie want with a switch from his Weeping Willow tree?


Shrugging, he walked back into the house, rubbing his neck as he made his way back into the bedroom to face the bills. He was about to switch on the light but decided first to close the window and blinds since the bedroom was directly across from the older couple’s. Unfortunately, if his light happened to be on and theirs off, they could look straight into Jason and Lizzie’s bedroom. It creeped him out. He would rather keep the window open, but he supposed he would have to turn on the air conditioner instead.


Just as he started to close his window he heard an odd noise and looked up to realize that his neighbors’ light was on and he could see directly into
bedroom. He stared in stunned horror. On the side of his bed with his back to Jason sat his old mentor, Mr. Ted, and across his lap lay sweet old Mrs. Ellie. Her mouth was open in a scream as tears ran down her reddened cheeks. Her little legs kicked frantically, panties hanging around one ankle. Mr. Ted’s arm moved up and down rhythmically, willow switch in hand as he brought it down where her backside would be. Thankfully Jason could not see that part of her anatomy or he would be traumatized for life.


Realizing he should not be seeing what he was seeing yet unable to stop himself, he continued to stare as Mrs. Ellie struggled frantically, knotting her fists in the bedcovers, her head bobbing up and down. Mr. Ted was relentless in his whipping of his wife. It seemed to go on forever. Jason could barely watch, yet he did, fascinated. Could this be the secret to forty-plus years of marital bliss? Shaking his head, he quickly pulled the blinds.






Jason finished his third McRib sandwich of the week just as the doorbell rang. He balled up the McDonald’s bag and pitched it into the trashcan as he went to answer the door. He hoped it was a salesman. He didn’t want to invite anyone into his home with it looking so untidy.


Jason flushed when he saw Mr. Ted standing on his porch, unable to keep from reliving the memory of what he’d witnessed a few nights back.


Hey! Mr. Ted, how are you?”


Fine, Jay. Just fine. Could I, uh, speak with you a few minutes?”


Jason looked around the disheveled living room. It had looked like that when he came home from work, and of course, Lizzie was out again. “Sure, Sir. Why don’t we sit out here on the porch swing since it’s such a pretty night?”


The two men sat in companionable silence for a few moments. Jason started to relax, pushing the memory of the private scene he’d witnessed to the back of his mind.


Jason, I wanted to talk to you about what you saw a few nights ago.” Jason reddened in horror. How had Mr. Ted known? “I, uh, saw you close the blinds and figured you’d witnessed the whole thing. Did you?”


Yes, Sir,” Jason admitted, unwilling to lie.


Ted nodded and ran his hand down his face. “Well... you know... what can I say? Every so often Ellie’s tongue gets a little sharp, and that night... well... it just ran away with her. First time I’ve had to whip her in three or four years. Doesn’t happen often.”


But... she’s such a sweet lady,” Jason said before he thought about it, “How can you bring yourself to... ”


Sweet as sugar,” Ted agreed, “but she’s not always been that way.”




Ellie Mae took a lot of training when we first married. Her daddy took a soft hand with her, so she was spoiled rotten. She had a good heart, though. All she needed was a little discipline. She’s a good one now.”


Jason pursed his lips and sighed. “I wish we were still living in those days when a man could just cut a switch and train away at his wife.”


Ted’s brows rose as he looked at Jason. “What do you mean, ‘those days’? I did that just the other night.”


Yeah, but you and Mrs. Ellie are... ”




” Jason said with a grin. “It would never work nowadays.”


I disagree with you, Jay,” his old mentor said. “the last time I looked, the Bible hadn’t changed on the husband being the head of the wife.”

BOOK: Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection
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