Read Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection Online

Authors: Leah Kelley

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Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection (4 page)

BOOK: Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection
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He and Bonnie made small talk while the girls chattered at the other end of the table. Gradually he became aware that the girls were having a disagreement.


It’s my shirt, and you shouldn’t have put it on without asking my permission,” Cassie said, her voice sharp.


You wear mine without permission all the time,” Candy countered. “I never say anything about it to you.”


But I wanted to wear it tomorrow. You always mess things up. I’m sick of living with you!”


Sick of living with me! Look at you! You leave your dirty clothes in the floor all the time and I have to pick them up and...”


As their voices rose, Bonnie looked their way.


Girls! That’s enough arguing!” she told them.


The girls ignore her and continued, their insults becoming heavier.


Girls,” Bonnie tried again, “if you don’t stop your arguing I’m going to give you another essay to write. You don’t want that do you?”


Both girls turned to look at their mother and quieted briefly. Then there was suddenly a kicking match under the table.


I didn’t kick you!” Candy wailed. “I was just crossing my legs.”


You did too!” Cassie spat, kicking her sister again.


Candy kicked back hard, causing Cassie to cry out.


Girls!” Bonnie yelled.


Maybe what they need is a good spanking,” Joseph said calmly.




Immediately three pairs of female eyes rested on his face.


Joseph, they’re too old...” Bonnie said quietly.


You said you gave them an essay over this very thing, but it hasn’t helped that I can tell,” he told Bonnie, but his eyes were on the girls. “They didn’t blink an eye over the threat of another one. But a spanking? Well, they seem a little quieter now.”


But they’re too old,” Bonnie again insisted.


Girls, go to your room and prepare yourselves.” His daughters simply stared at him, disbelief in their eyes. “And take those awful pants off...put your nightgowns on. You won’t be coming back down here tonight anyway.”


The girls still stared wide-eyed and unmoving.


Move!” he barked, causing them to rise from the table at once.


Mom!” Cassie wailed.


Joseph started to rise. Both girls ran up the stairs.


Joseph.” The old Bonnie was back. He could hear it in her voice. “You are absolutely not going to spank those girls. They are fifteen years old. They are way past the age where a spanking will do any good.”


I don’t know, Bonnie. They seemed pretty upset about it. If the threat of a spanking causes that kind of reaction imagine what the real thing would do.”


So you’re only threatening?” Bonnie sounded relieved.


No, I’m not only threatening. I have every intention of paddling their behinds.”


No! You can’t! I won’t let you.”


Bonnie, walk out back with me for a minute,” Joseph said as he started for the back yard. She followed, probably from sheer curiosity rather than a desire to obey. He walked across the walk to his woodworking shop. He used to spend a lot of his time down there simply to stay away from his wife, so it was equipped with a radio and a television. It wasn’t a really warm evening, but he turned the fan on since it was a little stuffy in there. She looked at him inquiringly.


Bonnie, you are my wife and I love you, but I’m not going to let you interfere with my leadership in this home any longer. I am going to punish our daughters for their misbehavior, then I am going to come back here and we will discuss it. If you continue to disrespect me I will punish you as well.”


Her mouth formed an O and she stared at him speechless. Then she opened her mouth to protest. Joseph moved swiftly through the door of the woodshop and closed it behind him, deftly padlocking it shut. He could hear his wife screeching and cursing as she banged on the other side, issuing all manner of threats. It was going to be an interesting evening.


Joseph’s mind turned to his daughters as he made his way back into the house. Steeling his heart, he walked up the stairs to knock softly on their door.


Come in,” one of them called timidly.


Both his daughters lay in their nightgowns bent over their respective twin beds as they’d been taught as children. He was pleased he wouldn’t have to lengthen their punishments. Both their eyes sought the door hopefully after he entered, no doubt looking for their mother.


He rolled the sleeves of his shirt past his forearms. “Your mother is not going to save you,” he told them as he walked to their closet and removed the paddle from where it still hung on its hook.


Daddy, we’re really sorry,” Cassie said frantically. “We’ll never argue again. We swear!”


Joseph walked over to Candy, tapping the paddle lightly against his hand. “Ladies, you were told to stop arguing three times. Not only did you continue, but you started kicking one another in addition. We’ll have no more of that in this home. This should help you remember that.”


No Daddy!” Candy begged. “Cassie goes first. Remember?”


Joseph was puzzled for a moment before he remembered that Candy was the leader of the two and had usually instigated the problem that had earned previous paddlings. Hence she usually received a harsher punishment. Joseph always first paddled the bottom with the lighter sentence so that the bottom with the heavier penalty would witness the first and dread their own. But tonight Cassie’s bottom would suffer more since she’d instigated both the argument and the kicking match.


He placed his knee on the side of the bed and his hand firmly on Candy’s back. “Please, Daddy! Please!” she begged as a ten year old might, her bottom clenched.


Ignoring her pleas, he raised the paddle and began to spank until he was sure she'd thoroughly learned her lesson.


Afterwards he paddled Cassie until she seemed utterly repentant, as well. He waited until the wailing ended before he spoke. Both daughters looked at him with new respect in their eyes as he told them they were to stay in bed the remainder of the evening. They nodded in unison, tears still streaming down their faces.


Too old for a spanking? He didn’t think so.




Joseph tucked the paddle in the back waistband of his pants and walked back to his workshop, his jaw clenched. He knew his wife may very well divorce him for what he was about to do, but he realized the marriage was over anyway if something wasn’t done. He had nothing to lose.


When he unlocked the padlock and walked in, he gasped, his heart jumping into his throat. His wife stood tippy-toed on a pile of crates and boxes just over his tools in an effort to reach the small window near the top of the building. Didn’t she know she could fall on his sharp tools? He gritted his teeth as he flew across the room. The fool woman!


He grabbed Bonnie around her slender waist and dragged her down from her ramshackle platform. She screamed in protest and started to pull his hair. He landed a solid smack to the seat of the thin pants she wore, causing her to curse. He easily wrestled her over to the antique chair in the corner and bent her face down across his knees. She tried to bite him. He pushed her forward until her head was almost touching the ground, pinned her thrashing legs with one of his own, and swatted her bottom hard and fast with the flat of his hand. Bonnie screeched and threatened to kill him.


His anger fading, he realized his hand hurt. Bonnie cried angry tears in between her threats when he stopped. He wrapped an arm around her upper body and held her in place while he wrested her pants down to her ankles, followed by her panties. She screamed in rage, renewing her efforts to escape. Joseph pinned her more securely before he removed the paddle from his back waistband. He eyed her backside. His handprint stood out vividly in several places.


Be quiet,” he ordered with a solid smack of the paddle to the rear.


Oooohhh!” she cried hoarsely, her rage lessening now even though she continued to struggle. He held her securely until she exhausted herself. Panting, she finally laid still on his lap.


That’s better,” he told her.


Let me go,” she said through clenched teeth.


Not until you’ve been taught a lesson,” he said.


I am not a child,” she said in a low, angry voice.


I think you are still capable of learning,” he countered.


Joseph, let me go!” she wailed, attempting another wiggle from his grasp.


Bonnie, I am going to punish you for your disrespect. You have cursed me and yelled insults at me for the past five minutes. I will no longer put up with that. Every time you show that kind of disrespect I will paddle you. Is that understood?”


I’ll divorce you. I swear if you touch me with that paddle again I’ll leave.”


That is your prerogative. Our marriage is over anyway if things don’t change.”


She craned her neck to look him in the face, angry tears streaming down her face. “What do you mean, over?”


I mean I refuse to live in a household any longer where I am not respected and recognized as the head. I will lead this household or I will leave it.”


Joseph…please let me up and let’s talk about this.”


We’ll talk once you’ve had your punishment,” he promised. “I think you’ll be more reasonable then.”


I won’t! I swear I’ll hate you forever!”


That is a chance I’ll have to take.”


Joseph raised the paddle and brought it down hard on Bonnie’s upturned rear end. She squealed and renewed her struggles. He brought it down again. He didn’t watch the clock, only his wife as he blanketed her bottom with fast, solid swats. She screamed until she was hoarse before she started to plead.


Oh, Joseph! Ooohhh! Please stop!!! Oowww! No more, pleeeaasse…”


When the hot pink color of her slender bottom deepened to a near red and his wife’s voice no longer held a hint of disrespect, Joseph paused. Bonnie sobbed and lay limp over his knee.


Tell me why you’re being punished, Bonnie,” he ordered sternly.


Joseph…” Bonnie pleaded in a hoarse tear-filled voice.


He brought the paddle down where her bottom cheeks met her thighs, the spot that seemed to elicit the most response from her. She cried out hoarsely. “Answer me,” he said.


B…because I was…disrespectful,” she said between hiccoughs and sniffs.


He brought the paddle down again and she yelped. “Are you going to be disrespectful any more?”


Nooo!” she wailed. “Pleease!”


He brought the paddle down again. Her bottom jerked and trembled. “No what?” he asked.


No, I’m never going to be disrespectful again!” she said frantically as she choked on her sobs.


He swatted her hard again. “No, Sir. Say it.”


She paused and he swatted her again. She yelped, but still she refused to say it.


He renewed his efforts, spanking her with even more force focusing on her lower bottom and thighs. She writhed and squalled in agony. “No, Sir!” she screamed after only a couple of swats. “Pleeeaase! Joseph! No, Sir! No, Sir! Pleeeaasse, Sir!”


He spanked her until her pleas mixed with her sobs and became incoherent. She seemed to have no fight left. He released her and she slid to the sawdust covered floor, one hand gingerly holding her behind while she sobbed.


Come here,” he said.


She shook her head wildly. “No, Joseph. Please, no more.”


It’s over,” he told her gently as he reached for her arm. “I’m not going to spank you.”


Rising slowly, she crawled toward him. She stood on her knees between his legs and cried in his arms. “I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’m so sorry for how I acted.”


Joseph couldn’t believe his ears even as he hugged and comforted his contrite wife. He couldn’t believe he’d missed out on the family secret all those years.




Joseph and his family arrived at his brother’s house for his mother and father’s fifty-first anniversary dinner. He looked at his family with pride. His wife was beautiful. She’d let her hair grow; now it was long enough to fall onto her shoulders, and she wore a lavender flowered skirt with a white sweater. His daughters wore skirts and sweaters as well, and they hadn’t had an unkind word to say since they left the house. He was proud of how far they’d come.

BOOK: Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection
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