Southern Shifters: Bear Sentry (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Enforcers Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Southern Shifters: Bear Sentry (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Enforcers Book 2)
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The first few songs were fast, and she enjoyed the attention he gave her, even if he was laying it on thick. Every now and then he’d touch her shoulder, lean forward and whisper a compliment in her ear. They ranged from praising her dancing skills, to her beauty, to sexual innuendos.

A slow song filtered through the speakers, and he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her body against his. She felt his hard cock against her stomach, and her cheeks heated, exposing her innocence. His lips touched hers in a gentle kiss, and then he smoothed his hands over her ass, pulled her close, and whispered in her ear.

“I’m so horny right now. Let’s go out to my car and have some fun.”

Sex in a parking lot wasn’t her idea of fun, but she wasn’t about to admit it. She had no idea if Drake was a shifter or human, but most shifters had no problems with nudity and sex in public places. She wouldn’t risk revealing the truth, plus she’d never lose her virginity if she followed all the rules she had for herself.

She waved at Monica as she allowed Drake to pull her out of the Dark Moon, grateful she’d kept her tiny purse tucked under her arm.

“My car is over here,” he said, pulling her toward the edge of the forest.

A niggle of doubt started to rear its ugly head, but she pushed it down. She wanted sex, and Drake was willing to give it to her. That’s all she needed to know.

When they reached his black SUV, he pushed her against the door hidden from prying eyes, placed his hand around her neck, and slammed his lips down on hers. His rough, aggressive behavior was so different from the gentle kiss he’d given her inside the bar, and she gasped, allowing him the opportunity to shove his tongue down her throat.

His teeth banged against hers in his haste, and she placed her hands on his chest and tried to shove him away. His thumb pressed against her windpipe, and he pulled back, breaking the kiss and laughing hysterically.

“What’s the matter, fatty?” he sneered. “You don’t like it rough?”

“No, I don’t,” she said. “Let me go.”

“No, I don’t think I will,” he said, sliding his hand under her skirt. “I didn’t spend all that time dancing with you not to get rewarded.”

“I don’t owe you anything,” she said, pushing on his chest again.

“I beg to differ,” he said, shoving his hand between her legs and cupping her sex. Pain shot through her body, and she tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He tightened his grip, and pressed harder on her windpipe.

“You owe me this pussy and your ass, and you’re going to take it in both holes until I say you’re done. From behind, though,” he added, “because if I have to look at you while we fuck, my dick will never stay hard.”

“You’re an asshole,” she spat.

He removed his hand from between her legs and slapped her across the face. Pain burst across the whole side of her head, causing her eyes to water.

“You’d better watch it,” he said, “otherwise you’ll die a virgin.”

She knew he was baiting her, but she also knew he would kill her when given the chance.

She glanced at the entrance to the Dark Moon on her right, and the entrance to the forest on her left. She still had no idea whether he was human or shifter, but it didn’t matter. If she could get away, her chances of making it back to the bar were slim, but she might be able to hide in the forest if he were human. If he was a shifter…

No, she couldn’t think about that right now.

“Now turn around, bitch, and get ready for the ride of your life.”

Luckily, her brother had taught her a few things.

Drake loosened his hold on her neck and stepped back, allowing her room to turn around. The idiot honestly thought she would bow down and give up without a fight, but she refused to give up. Her brother had taught her how to defend herself for a reason.

She took a step forward, giving the illusion she would obey, and then slammed the heel of her boot on the top of his foot. Luckily, he’d dressed up more than most of the men in the bar, and he was wearing dress shoes instead of work boots. His face scrunched up in pain and she took that moment to knee him in the balls. When he bent over slightly, she punched him in the throat and ran.

His angry growl echoed through the parking lot, answering the question of whether or not he was a shifter, but she didn’t look back. She ran into the forest and called her wolf as she moved deeper into the trees.

Hair sprouted all over her skin, and her clothes shredded as her bones popped and reformed, turning the human into the wolf. The entire process took about a minute, and while it was uncomfortable, it didn’t hurt.

Unfortunately, the change had slowed her escape, and she wasn’t a fast runner to begin with. Drake had speed on his side, and he must have shifted in the parking lot, because the huge black wolf rapidly ate up the distance between them.

Suddenly running seemed like a stupid plan.

She needed a miracle to survive.

The forest of trees gave way to a bed of wildflowers and a huge grizzly bear stood on all fours near the opposite end. Besides the newcomer, Calder was the only bear anyone had ever seen in Deals Gap and she knew the bear wasn’t Bhric’s bodyguard.

Her wolf ran behind the bear, seeking refuge, and though she didn’t miss the irony, she didn’t have time to worry about it. Once she was safely behind him, the bear charged the wolf.

Growls and grunts filled the air as the two animals fought. They used their claws and teeth to tear into each other’s flesh, and though the bear was bigger and did more damage with each swipe, the wolf was faster which gave him the ability to strike more often.

Several harrowing moments passed as they both repeatedly ripped into the other’s fur, and blood canvased the now trampled flowerbed. The wolf clawed his way up the bear’s back, seemingly gaining the upper-hand, and clamped his jaws down on the beast’s shoulder. The bear roared long and loud, pulled the wolf off with his claws and hurled the animal against the nearest tree. The wolf whimpered when he hit the bark, and then silently fell to the dirt below.

The bear advanced, but when he was about to deliver the final strike, the wolf jumped to his feet and ran back toward the Dark Moon with his tail between his legs.

Violet watched as the bear surveyed the dark trees, sniffed the air, and let several minutes pass before he turned and walked back toward her. She understood he wanted to make sure the enemy really had retreated, but the waiting made her nervous.

She emerged from her hiding place and met him half way.

His injuries looked worse up close, and though shifter magic healed most wounds, many of his gashes were deep enough to warrant concern. She wanted him to shift and finish the healing process.

Most of the time she avoided shifting in front of others, but unless she wanted to forgo talking to him and run home in her wolf form, she didn’t have a choice.

She took a deep breath and started the change back. Her fur, fangs and claws receded and her bones popped and reshaped into her human form. Nearly a minute later, she stood in front of the bear completely naked.

The bear furrowed his brow, cocked his head, and in an instant, the man from the coffee shop stood in front of her.

Fully dressed.

Oh god. Kill me now!

“You’re not naked,” she squeaked, crossing her arms over her chest. It didn’t matter though, he’d already seen her unremarkable body and she only had two hands.

“No, I’m not,” he growled. “What’s going on? Where are your clothes?”

He seemed angry, but she didn’t know why. It seemed like he regretted helping her.

“They shredded when I shifted,” she said. “No one around here can complete the change as fast as you did, or keep their clothes intact if they don’t remove them first.”

His brown t-shirt was dotted with blood in two places, but he pulled it over his head and handed it to her.

“Here, put this on.”

Deep down, she’d secretly hoped he would find her attractive and disappointment flooded her. She took the garment and pulled it over her head. It was loose around her middle and the seam stopped just under her ass. Wildflowers, cool evening air, and something she couldn’t quite name, assaulted her nose and made her pussy flutter.

She knew he would smell her desire and her cheeks heated as she studied his incredible chest. Most of the small cuts and scrapes had healed, but the sight of two huge open gashes on his side and shoulder doused her arousal.

“You didn’t heal completely,” she said, looking up at him.

Despite her earlier fears, she desperately wanted him to touch her.

As if he’d read her mind, he slowly reached out and cradled her chin in his huge hand. He turned her face to the right, and her skin sizzled under his touch. A surge of energy raced straight to her core causing a soft gasp to escape from her lips.

He ran his fingertip over her temple and pulled it down the side of her face, then he turned her head back toward him and smoothed his thumb over her bruised upper lip. He glanced down and growled as he traced the sore spots on her neck and windpipe.

“He tried to rape you,” he growled, his face hard.

It wasn’t a question, but she nodded once. Her eyes filled with tears at the memory of Drake’s hard touches and cruel words, but she blinked them away. She didn’t want to cry in front of the bear.

“I shouldn’t have let him go.”

A moment of silence stretched between them, and the way he looked at her made her hope for things she knew weren’t possible.

“You’re still bleeding,” she whispered, breaking the spell.

He glanced down and inhaled as if noticing the wounds for the first time.

“I might need a first aid kit,” he said, solemnly.

Chapter Four


“I think you need more than that,” she whispered. “There’s a clinic on Comyn land, and I’m sure someone there can help you.”

He had no idea what Comyn land was, but he never wanted to see a healer again.

“No healers,” he said. “I’ve had injuries like this before and the kit will do.”

“Okay, come on,” she said. “I know the Dark Moon has supplies.”

No way in hell did he want her walking around the Dark Moon in a bloody t-shirt that barely covered her ass. He caught up to her in two strides and gently grabbed her bicep.

God he loved touching her.

Moments before, contact with her skin had lit him on fire and his hand on her bicep produced the same result. Electricity surged straight to his dick, and he wanted to pull her against him and kiss her senseless. Unfortunately, she’d just been attacked, and he knew anything sexual would be unwanted.

Even if she wasn’t truly his mate, he couldn’t picture her any different. The urge to protect and claim her still rode him hard, and it killed him that he let her attacker get away.

He’d failed her the same way he’d failed his partner.

“If you think I’m letting you go into the bar looking like that, you’re crazy,” he growled. “It’s either my place or yours.”

He hadn’t meant to be so aggressive, but he needed to keep her safe.

Her lips turned down for only a second before she recovered and kept her smile neutral. If he hadn’t been watching her so closely, he might have missed it, but he’d been watching her every move since she’d shifted back into her human form.

“My place then,” she said. “My name is Violet, by the way.”

“Jase Wagner.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Jase,” she said, honestly. “I’m sorry I ran from you earlier, and thank you for saving me just now.”

With that, she turned on her heel and led him back toward the bar.

When they were close enough to hear sounds from the parking lot, Violet veered off the path and picked up several scraps of material and two thrashed boots. He didn’t care about the tank top or the skirt, but he’d miss the boots.

Back on the path, she turned in a circle and squinted into the darkness. The action confused him, especially since his night vision was excellent, but he decided to let it go. Obviously, there were many differences between their origins.

“What’s wrong?” Jase asked.

“I had my purse with me.”

He looked around the area and spotted the tiny black bag a few feet away. The zipper was open and the contents lay in the dirt. He picked up the cell-phone and credit card and walked back toward his mate.

“It was open,” he said, handing her the bag and contents.

“He took my keys and my ID,” she whispered.

Fear laced her words, and he wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he didn’t think his touch would be welcome.

“Do you have a spare key hidden?” he asked. When she nodded, he added, “I’ll stay with you tonight, or we can stay at the hotel, and I’ll change your lock in the morning.”

“I want to go home,” she whispered, staring at the ground.

He hated the fact that he couldn’t take away her pain.

“Okay,” he said, grabbing her free hand. “We’ll take my bike and I’ll bring you back tomorrow to get your car.”

“I am so stupid,” she mumbled, as he led her out of the forest.

“Hey,” he said, turning to face her. “This is not your fault.”

“But, I—”

“It doesn’t matter,” he said, cutting her off, his voice firm. “It’s not your fault. Any man that forces or beats up on women deserves to die. I should have killed him.”

“No, I…,” she looked into his eyes and trailed off. He had no idea what she saw, but her tiny smile soothed him. “Thank you, Jase.”

“Let’s go.”

He led her to his bike and took the shredded clothes and boots from her arms.

“Stay here,” he said.

She obeyed without question, and he walked to the dumpster and threw out the scraps. When he returned, she gave him simple directions to her house, and then he started his bike and instructed her to get on.

Violet swung her leg over the seat and plastered her front against his back. His dick hardened to the point of pain and he tried to remain perfectly still as she wrapped her arms around his waist, carefully avoiding the gash on his side. When she rested her head on his unmarked shoulder, her trust, plus the fact that nothing stood between him and her uncovered pussy made his cock throb in the confines of his jeans. He longed to see what she looked like on the back of his bike wearing nothing but his shirt. 

Her touch felt like heaven, and he never wanted to let her go.

Too soon, they arrived at her address, and he smiled when he looked at the quaint little cottage. The cozy home was painted yellow with white trim, and had a large covered porch. Red and yellow roses bloomed on either side of the small staircase leading up to her door, and green grass lined both sides of the walk.

Only a few other homes lined the street, and unlike the city where he grew up, her closest neighbor was nearly half a block away.

He parked his bike on the street and watched as she reached under the stairs to find the hidden key. When she bent down, the t-shirt rode up and a growl slipped out when he saw the fleshy globes of her ass.

“What’s wrong?” she worried.

“Nothing,” he lied. “Sorry.”

She gave him a fake half smile and unlocked the door.

Violet left him in the living room, and went in search of the first aid kit. His gashes had stopped bleeding, but the concern etched on her face made it easy to believe she felt something for him. He looked around her apartment and smiled. Compared to the outside of the building, the inside was like walking into another world. The furnishings and accents were modern and comfortable, and he immediately felt at home. The instinct to stay and make a life with Violet was almost too much to bear, and he knew he had to leave once her lock was fixed.

A few framed photos sat on top of a small bookcase, and he bent over to see them better. In one, an older couple, a young Violet, and a boy close to her age all smiled at the camera. In another more recent photo, she and the boy were all grown up. Jealousy swamped him until he realized they had the same dark brown hair, hazel eyes and smile. Even though the muscular man towered over her, it was obvious they were siblings.

“Sit down,” she said, and he turned to find her holding the kit and a wet washcloth.

“Is this your brother?” he asked, pointing to the photo.

“Yes, that’s Tobias,” she smiled.

“Does he live in Deals Gap?”

“No,” she said, motioning toward the couch. “He doesn’t live anywhere, really. His job takes him all over the nation, and when one mission is done, he packs up and moves on to the next one. I usually only see him a couple of times a year.”

He thought back to the photo, and recognized the guarded man behind the smile. He’d seen it so many times in pictures of himself and in those of his colleagues.

“Is he an Enforcer?” Jase asked.

“Is that like an assassin?” she asked.

“Security detail, bodyguard, and assassin when necessary, yes.”

“That sounds about right,” she said.

He nodded and obeyed her command to sit down on the couch. She sat next to him, still naked except for his t-shirt, and silently cleaned his wounds. The moment was incredibly intimate, and the smell of her arousal drove him crazy. It took every ounce of control he had not to move the t-shirt up her legs and expose her soaking wet pussy.

Violet applied the last piece of medical tape and set the first aid kit on the coffee table without breaking eye contact. Her hand slowly trailed up his chest, and wrapped around his neck, pulling him toward her. She sought his lips, and as much as he wanted to give her everything, he knew he couldn’t. Being this close to her was dangerous.

“I think you’d better go put some more clothes on,” he said, pulling away, “and we should get some sleep. I’ll take the couch.”

She cleared her throat and nodded, her cheeks crimson.

“Of course,” she said, standing abruptly. “I’ll be back with a pillow and blanket.”

The look on her face made his heart ache, but he knew it was for the best. He couldn’t risk ruining her life for one night of passion.

“Thanks again for helping me tonight,” she said, placing the bedding in the chair next to the couch. “Make yourself at home, and let me know if you need anything.”

“You’re welcome, and I will,” he said. He needed her out of the room before he changed his mind and pulled her down on top of him.

“Goodnight, Violet.”

“Goodnight, Jase.”




Jase flipped off the light and lay down on the couch. He heard Violet turn the lock on her bedroom door, rummage around in her drawers, and then collapse on her bed. A few minutes later, her muffled cries filled his sensitive ears.

His bear urged him to protect her, to take away her pain, but the man knew better. She’d had a traumatic night, and she needed time to heal. His kiss might have provided her with temporary relief, but he wasn’t sure he could stop with one kiss. If he took things too far, she’d hate him in the morning.

“So what did you do to make my baby sister cry,

The wolf’s voice came from behind him, but Jase remained calm. He quickly rose to his feet and faced the shifter with the length of the couch between them. Tobias was big, muscular and deadly silent. He’d entered without a sound, and Jase still couldn’t sense him.

If her brother had been an intruder, he would have failed to protect his mate.

The scar on the back of his head began to throb as he flashed back to the day he and Montgomery were attacked. The similarities were hard to ignore. Pain shot through his head and he swayed. He bumped into an end table, and knocked over a lamp. The sound of glass shattering echoed around the room, and Violet’s door burst open.

“Tobias,” she squealed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

She’d changed into a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and a baggy sweatshirt, but she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. If her brother hadn’t been standing in the room, threatening his existence, his dick would be hard again.

“Wait!” he yelled, holding out his hand to stop her entrance into the room.

A burst of anger surrounded him, but he was surprised to find it coming from Violet and not her brother.

“There’s glass,” he said, ignoring her rage and pointing to the shards on the hardwood floor. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Her anger dissipated and she smiled shyly as she tip-toed past him, avoiding the path with the glass, and then bounced toward her brother. When she reached Tobias, they hugged each other tight.

“I didn’t expect to see you so soon,” she said, elated.

“I know,” he said. “The job ended sooner than expected, and I decided to take a vacation.”

“I’m so glad you did,” she said, half-hugging him again. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Now, who’s your

Vi kept one arm wrapped around her brother’s waist, and turned toward him. She used her free hand for introductions.

“Jase, this is my brother, Tobias,” she said, smiling. “Tobias, this is—”

“What the hell happened to your face?”

The wolf roared like a bear and the vibrations ricocheted around the room. He turned Violet toward him and growled as he inspected her injuries.


Tobias set Violet aside, cutting her off, and then rushed and pinned him to the wall. The scar on the back of his head throbbed, but Jase ignored it. The man’s huge forearm pressed against his throat, and his other hand pressed into the wound on his side. The wolf had the upper hand.

“Tobias!” Violet screamed. “Stop!”

“What the fuck did you do to my sister?” Tobias growled, pushing more weight against him. “Is that why she was crying? Do you get off on beating up on women?”

“Tobias!” Violet screamed again, pulling at the arm cutting off his air. “He helped me. Let him go.”

“He helped you?” her brother asked carefully, maintaining his stance.

“Yes, he did,” she said, tears filling her eyes. “Please, stop.”

Tobias let him go and he staggered to the couch, gasping for air. Violet sat down beside him and rubbed his bare back. He closed his eyes, concentrated on deep breaths, and willed the pain away.

“Are you okay?” she asked, inspecting his bandages. “There’s a lot of blood.”

“I’ll be okay,” he said quietly.

If anyone else had questioned him, it would have pissed him off, but her words and touch soothed him.

“I’m sorry man,” Tobias said, handing him a bottle of water. “I honestly thought she was crying because of you.”

“She was,” Jase admitted, “but I didn’t put those marks on her.”

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