South Row (6 page)

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Authors: Ghiselle St. James

BOOK: South Row
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d gotten home that night and immediately taken the coldest shower I could manage. Seeing Collin after all those years did nothing to assuage my feelings or my reaction to him. I was so turned on throughout our reunion that I wondered how I didn’t spontaneously combust. I saw that in a porn parody once.

Still heated and turned on after the shower I laid in bed, kicking off the sheets because they were clinging to my already sensitized body. I had squeezed my eyes shut, trying to force myself to sleep, but images of Collin between my legs – with various parts of his anatomy – filtered through. Now, I have never received cunnilingus before – who even calls it that? – bu
t I have seen it in porn, and I’ve watched those…a lot. Okay, don’t judge me.

Butterflies flitted through my belly and I found myself skimming my fingers down
into my panties. I was already slick down there so I slipped my fingers further down my waxed pussy to my swollen clit. My night subsequently ended with me throwing my vibrator across the room and me crying myself to sleep in frustration, because even after two orgasms, I was still so fucking horny. My last thought as I drifted off to sleep, was if they made female Viagra.

do they?

Which brings me to now.

I’m at the gym trying to work off some of this tension that seeing Collin has brought on. I am on the treadmill running like a mad woman, having increased the speed. Sweat is pouring down my face, trickling between my breasts and is settling in some undesirable places. I feel gross.

The run is spent thinking of how I can get Collin to see me in a different light
, so nights like last night won’t be spent in a lonely bed with a vibrator.

I come up with a few things:

One: make Collin jealous.

Two: make Collin horny.

Three: have mind-blowing sex with Collin.

I didn’
t say it was a good plan, but a plan nonetheless. I may have to enlist the help of Connor for
Operation: Get Collin to see me as a hot babe
. I couldn’t come up with a shorter name for it, so sue me.

I look
up and I think I glimpse Collin’s friend, Johann. I gasp in surprise and I end up mis-stepping and now I am on the floor sprawled out on my back while the treadmill runs by itself.
Way to be coordinated, Red.

There is a small crowd gathering around me and I hear the concerned questions of various persons above me. I want to answer, but I nee
d to conserve my energy while I’m down here.

My eyes come into f
ocus as my heart rate slows and…hey! It was Johann.

“Hey, are you okay?”
he asks, concern etching his brows.

Hey,” I say. “Yeah, just thought I’d continue my exercises down here.”

I start faking s
it-ups, to take the shame off. “One, one thousand. Two, one thousand…” Is that how they do the counts?

Come on, crazy girl,” Johann offers, extending his arm to me.

I take it, wobbling a little as I adjust to being upright again. We walk to an office, which turns out to be his office judging by the large portrait of himself over his leather chair.
Conceited much?

His office is decorated in intense dark browns, blacks and beige. A large, plush black leather sofa takes up one side of his office. His large L-shaped polished wood desk looks imposing in the small room,
but makes a clear statement: I’m the boss. The black carpet with the beige ends and odd swirls, creates a sort of warm feel to the room. The equally polished, wooden trophy wall behind him – that consists of pictures he took with celebs, trophies and various awards – gives me the impression that this guy is proud of all he’s done. Very admirable, if you ask me.

We talk for a while and I find out he owns the gym and the club around the corner from it. He has owned it for four years and is thinking about expanding as well as opening a new gym in San Diego and Houston.

Johann has a girlfriend of six months, but doesn’t wish to get married anytime soon – surprise, surprise. He tells me that he got to know Connor through Collin and that he’s been friends with Collin since college and considers him a very close friend.

I end up telling him how far back Connor, Collin and I go; leaving out the fact that Collin took my virginity.

“Do I sense you having feelings for Collin?” Johann predicts.

“Huh? What? Pfft…”
I splutter idiotically, trying to deny what I know is pretty obvious.

I capitulate with a pout.

Strong, huh?” he assumes rightly.

Yes,” I answer glumly.

Johann drums his fingers on his desk for a long while, staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I am starting to get
so irritated at his inspection of me.

“Come to my club tonight,”
he suggests, totally switching the subject.



“Yes, really. It’s on me.”

“Can I bring company?” I ask, immediately thinking of my two best friends.

“Yeah, you can.”

“How many?” I inquire, possibly pushing it.

He looks at me with a smile th
en answers, “No more than four.”

I squeal excitedly and hop up to hug him. He laughs and embraces me then walks me out of the gym. Immediately I ring up Lydia and tell her the news. Scott is already there so we all agree to meet up for lunch and the spa later.

This is just what I need: time to unwind. Getting all prettied up, drinking and dancing the night away is just what the doctor ordered.




“Oh, honey, it’s fate!” Scott gushes as we get our toes done and sip Mai Tai’s.

Scott is one of my best friends. We met five years ago after I moved to San Francisco. He is handsome with short blonde hai
r and the hottest grey eyes. He’s tall, lean, gay, and I love him to pieces.

’ve been telling him and our other best friend, Lydia, about my unexpected reunion with Collin. They know all about Connor as well as Collin’s and my history. I hide nothing from them.

Girl, your dream is finally coming true,” Lydia adds. “Your wet dreams,” she mutters and we burst out laughing.

Lydia is a dark-haired A
mazon. Tall, thick, curvy and beautiful. If she were to ever try out for the role of Wonder Woman, she’d totally get the part…barring the fact that she can’t act for shit. She and Scott had met a few months before they met me and we’ve all been inseparable ever since.

“Yeah, but he is so infuriating,”
I groan.

“And don’
t forget hot. You can see with a man being infuriating if he’s hot,” Scott affirms.

Mmm, so hot,” I mumble, closing my eyes and remembering how good Collin looked last night.

Lynnie, come back from the depths of erotica for a minute,” Lydia jokes, laughing along with Scott.

I narrow my eyes at both of them and take a welcomed sip of my fruity drink, cooling my temperature.

“Do you know if he’s going to be there?” she asks. “At the club, I mean.”

My stomach
dips. Johann is his friend. It
Johann’s club. The possibility exists. Now I’m nervous.

I-I dunno,” I stutter, exhilaration lying beneath the surface at the thought that I just might see Collin.

Well, then, just in case he does make an appearance, we’re going to make you look irresistible!” Scott excites. “
Operation: Get Collin to see South as a hot babe
, is in full effect!”

We clap our hands together and squeal in excitement as Marta and her ladies finish up our pedicures. Anticipation coils tight in my belly. I ca
n’t wait for tonight.




I’m dancing with Scott and I feel completely stress free. We arrived at Evolution – Johann named it after his gym – just about an hour ago. Dressed in a form fitting white, off-the-shoulder dress that stops mid-thigh, suede pumps that match my fiery red hair that I’ve put up in a bun, with curly tendrils down the side of my face, I am having a ball.

When we stepped up to the bouncer, we were surprised to find that we were on an approved list. Even more surprising was when we were led to the VIP area.

As we passed the main floor, the dance floor caught my eye. The floor was black, but in the center of it was a glowing aquamarine portion that made it seem like you were dancing on water. Scott and I couldn’t wait to get out there.

We spotted the crowded bar, wondering if we were going to have to go through all of that chaos just to get a drink. Our worries were put to rest, when we ascended to the VIP section.

The VIP area is a wraparound extension of the club that has its own bar and waitresses dressed in dark grey booty shorts, tight white button downs tucked neatly into their shorts, black stilettos and black ties. These girls are very hot.

One of them flirted with Scott and the butt head flirted right back with her. I could
n’t blame her though. Scott was looking especially scrumptious in dark blue fitted jeans, and a long-sleeved, grey button down shirt with a black embroidered eagle on the back, that clung to his muscles like skin. He left a few buttons open at the top to show a peaking of his smooth, toned chest and rolled the sleeves to his elbows. He left his hair messy, giving it that just-fucked look that all the women – and men – love on him. Scott was getting attention from everyone, but I was his main girl for the night.

So after three shots of the Red-headed Slut – no joke, th
ere is a drink named after me…aside from the slut part – I am feeling loose and Scott and I are heating up the aquamarine dance floor. I’m so glad I took those twerking classes. Money well spent!

I love dancing with Scott; going anywhere with Scott. He
keeps all the perverts away. We’ve been dancing for about five songs and I am feeling the protest from my feet. Scott could dance all night if you allow him. I could never match him even with my pole dancer status.

As the song commands, I drop my ass to the floor and shimmy back up, expecting
to feel Scott behind me. I don’t.

Just as I am about to turn around to inquire of his presence I
hear him shout over the music, “You’re lucky I like it rough and that you’re so cute!”

turn into a hard wall of man; strong chest and powerful breathing, the most intoxicating scent of perfume and all-male assaulting my senses. My skin becomes heated with awareness and a shiver of desire jolts through me as I look up into Collin’s sexy glower. My stomach dips and heat settles between my legs. He is wearing all black and he looks every bit a bad boy.

I imagine tearing through his button down and sinking my teeth into his toned pectoral and digging my fingers into his shoulders as he hoists me and impales me onto his waiting cock. As I remember, from our last and only sexual encounter, I had left some nail bite
s in his biceps. Oh, God. Now I’m horny in the middle of a crowded club.

I swallow thickly and start fidgeting under his attention. He notices my nervous movements, and no doubt the blush creeping over my cheeks, and he smirks. Smirks!
The nerve of this man! Well, he won’t get a rise out of me…no more than he already has.

What the hell is wrong with you? What are you doing here?” I hiss.

Collin chuckles at my little hissy fit, again, and I have the urge to knee him in the balls.

“I should be asking you that, Red.”

I hate when he calls me that. It gets me distracted with all the warm and fuzzies.

“First of all,” I begin. “Why I’m here is of no concern to you. Second of all, what I’m doing here was pretty obvious before you manhandled my friend. Third of all, you’re an asshole.” That last reason was because I had nothing else reasonable to say and because he really was acting like an asshole.

Collin quirks that damn
ed eyebrow at me and I huff, careful not to stomp any bugs this time.

Fine!” I relent. “Johann invited me. And I was having a great time before you interrupted.” I gesture behind him to Scott who is watching us like he’s watching a soap opera unfold.

Collin shrugs his stupid shoulders, obviously not sorry for his behavior. God, I want to knee him in the balls. He is so damn unfair with his big brother act; not to mention annoying. If he keeps treating me this way and I keep letting him, how is he ever going to see me as
anything other than his brother’s best friend?

I can’
t think with him staring at me like this! My body is reacting to him in a most pleasurable way. I don’t need him standing there scrutinizing me. I need to dance…and make him jealous.

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