Soul Survivor (14 page)

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Authors: Katana Collins

BOOK: Soul Survivor
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He looked from me to the door, then back to me again. “You have got to be fucking kidding me?”
id you do what I think you did?” Damien's nostrils flared and his hands were on his hips. Clenched so hard that the skin around his fingertips was red and swollen. The hotel sconces lit the hallway with a warm, golden glow that made Damien's tan even that more luminous. Damn, he was beautiful. Even when he was irrationally pissed.
I rolled my eyes and shoved past his shoulder, walking farther down the hall until I reached the door to my hotel room. I'd already had plenty of drama for one evening and really didn't want to deal with a man who exuded jealousy despite an obvious aversion to monogamy.
“Answer me, goddammit!” he hissed, following me.
I spun around, champagne bottle nearly slamming into his impressive forearm. “
. Okay? No, it's not what you think. Your angel is drunk in there and I was stopping her from making a stupid mistake.”
He exhaled visibly, running a hand over his five o'clock shadow. “What do you care, anyway?” I asked. “I thought you just wanted a good fuck? A chance to poke the notorious succubus—see what all the fuss is about, right?” I stepped into his chest, nudging my knee between his legs and pushing against his tightening groin.
His lips twitched into a barely there smile that dared me to continue. “A poke?” He quirked an eyebrow, amusement sparkling in his bright eyes. “I don't
anything, baby.” He paused for effect, snaking an arm around my waist and splaying his hand across my lower back. He tugged me in closer, his erection strong and hard against my belly. “I will impale you. Stroke you. Worship you.” He traced my ear with the tip of his nose, placing his lips on my lobe, chuckling deep and throaty. “But poking? That is not in my repertoire.”
I had only meant to look up at him. But as soon as my head was tilted, his lips were on mine. They were firm and demanding, and I happily submitted to them. Within seconds, he had my back against the wall, his hands on my ass, lifting me to meet him. I locked my legs around his waist and rocked my swollen sex against his. Our arousal was thick and permeated the air around us, flooding my nostrils. I was aching with need. The car, the road head . . . it had been survival, not pleasure. But as his mouth trailed kisses down my jaw and neck, it was survival of a different kind. Emotional survival. The champagne bottle was still in my hand, its weight inhibiting me as I tried to tear his leather jacket off his body.
He dropped my legs back to the floor, pulling away from me, and I whimpered. Finally allowing myself to acknowledge that I wanted him. Wanted this. Wanted more. “Don't stop . . . ,” I moaned, my head falling back against the wall.
Taking the champagne bottle from my hands, he placed it on the floor next to our feet, then with his hands on my shoulders, spun me so that I was facing the wall.
“Put your palms against the wall, Ms. Lamb.” I did as I was told, arching my back so that my ass curved into the air. Lost in the feel of his hand splayed on my hips, warm coils of sensation spiraled deep inside me. “Did you think you could tie up an officer of the law without any consequences?”
His arms were above my head, enclosing me against the paisley wallpaper. His groin pushed into my backside and I rolled my hips over him. “Don't move your hands,” he whispered behind me as his hands slid down the wall. “I have to search you . . . make sure you're not armed.” Starting with my wrists, he ran his hands along my arms, under my arms and down my rib cage to my waist. With a squeeze, he continued down my hips, then, coming back up my inner thighs, his fingers grazed my pubic area, just missing the spot where I needed him most. I groaned as they traveled up my stomach to my breasts. He stopped just below, circling his fingers at the base of my tender breasts.
“Damien,” I moaned.
He paused, hands freezing. “It's Detective Kane to you, Ms. Lamb.”
“Please . . .”
His hands dove under my shirt to my breasts, rolling my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. I yelped at the sudden intensity and my hands twitched, desperate to touch anything but the wall in front of me. His lips were on my neck, tongue tracing the line down to my shoulder, and he nipped when he reached the end.
One hand stayed on my breast, caressing and massaging, while the other one trailed down my stomach. He reached the waistband of my slacks and undid the top button and zipper. Dipping his fingers inside my thong, he stroked my landing strip with tender fingers. “How long has it been, Ms. Lamb, since someone got you off expecting nothing in return?”
I panted, unable to answer. My legs quivered, threatening to give out on me any second. The question caught me off guard. I opened my mouth to answer, a whimper escaping in place of words. His stroking fingers dipped lower and feathered across my clit. I cried out, hands slipping off the wall, I reached behind me to feel his erection. He froze. All movement, all pleasure halted.
“Now, now, Ms. Lamb. I gave you clear instructions for this pat down. Palms to the wall. If you can't comply, I'm afraid I'll have to take a more forceful approach.” He pinched my clit hard making me yelp in a combination of pain and pleasure. “Hands up, Ms. Lamb.”
My hands trembled as I raised them to the wall again. “Da—” His other hand tweaked my nipple hard. “Ah! Detective Kane, please,” I corrected.
“That's better. Please what, Ms. Lamb?”
“Please. Make me come, Detective.”
His teeth grazed my ear, stubble scraping the side of my neck as he nuzzled against me.
“With pleasure, Ms. Lamb.” Gathering my moisture with the tip of his finger, he used the lubrication as his finger circled my clit. With two fingers, he dipped inside me, pulsing them in and out while pressing into me with the heel of his hand. I wriggled beneath his fingers, unable to keep still with the building climax. My orgasm was screaming to get out; it needed release. I was forced to stare at an ugly hotel wallpaper when I really wanted to spin around and take Damien's lips in mine.
His pressure and speed increased and my body grew wetter with the movement. He circled the heel of his hand over my clit one final time, being sure to add pressure. It was the last straw. With a final cry, I exploded around his fingers, arching my back to feel his excitement pressed against my ass, I trembled over him and all my weight fell into his arms.
“Oh, my Hell,” I sighed against him and he kissed my hairline. After taking a moment to compose myself, I turned so that my back was yet again to the wall. Arching an eyebrow, I gave him my most sultry smile. “I do believe it's your turn, Detective Kane,” I said while cupping his cock, giving it a firm squeeze.
Taking my wrists in each hand, he pinned them over my head, ravishing my lips with his in another blazing kiss that left me breathless and panting beneath him. “Not this time, succubus. That one was all just for you.”
A door swung open behind us and I shifted my clothing, hair, and makeup back in place quickly.
“What the fuck are you doing out here? You're supposed to be helping me, Mon!”
Damien pushed off of me and leaned on the wall next to where I'd been left panting. “Sorry, George . . . I, I got sidetracked.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” he snapped, glaring at Damien. “We have a job to do, you know.”
“Yeah, I do know. That's how come I managed to get Dave off in his car on the way home.”
George's face registered surprise then curved into a smile. “Is that so?”
I slid a look to Damien, whose mouth was dangling open. “Yeah, is that so?” he repeated, his voice holding a dangerous edge to it.
I glared back at him, lowering my eyes. “It's my job.” Even though this fact was true, it didn't make me feel any less guilty.
“I was never good at sharing.” His glare mirrored mine and we were suddenly in a Texas standoff.
“Then, baby, you are with the wrong woman.”
“You ready, Monica?” George broke through.
“Ready?” Damien asked the question slowly, eyes not leaving mine.
“Um, yeah. I've got a guy in here that I could use some help getting into bed. . . .” He dropped his voice lower than a whisper.
Damien's eyes widened again and the staring contest was all but forgotten. “This is a joke, right? You're fucking joking?” When I didn't respond, he continued, staring at me incredulously. “You go from fucking a guy in his car to doing God knows what in Drew and Adrienne's room to getting fingered by me to a threesome?”
I shifted my weight, “I didn't have sex in the car—just a blowjo—”
Damien held a hand up, cutting me off. “Fuck no,” he growled and caveman style, he threw me over his shoulder, stalking away, taking me with him.
ut me
! What are you some sort of Neanderthal?” I hissed so not to wake the entire hotel and pounded his back with my fists. He ignored me and barged into his room, the one directly across from Drew and Adrienne's, spilling light into the blackness from the hallway. He threw me down on the bed, kicking the door shut behind him.
“What are you
?” I panted. “I am not yours to order around.”
He smiled a Cheshire grin. “You are tonight.”
“Of all the arrogant, no-good, son-of-a-bitch things to do . . .”
“Monica!” he barked.
His sharp tone made me pause and I looked at him with eyebrows raised.
“Just shut up,” he continued. “Forgive me for not wanting to share you tonight.” He stepped toward me, close enough for me to run my hand down his body.
“Yeah?” I swallowed. “And what about tomorrow night? When I have to hunt another conquest? Or back in Vegas when I'm stripping again.”
With the back of his knuckle, he brushed the underside of my jaw. “We'll just have to deal with those things as they come.” He tucked an errant hair behind my ear.
“You realize that ‘dealing' with it is not carrying me over your shoulder out of the situation, right? I'm just going to have to help George tomorrow. . . .”
Damien winced and covered my lips with a finger. “Monica, please.”
I kissed his finger, running my tongue along the tip. It tasted like me—salty and metallic.
And before I knew it, we were once again kissing, scrambling to get our clothes off, a tangle of cotton, tongues, and hands, searching for each other's lips in the darkness. Neither of us bothered to find a light. I could see well despite the darkness and pulled back to take Damien in as he ripped his shirt open, tearing it away from his shoulders. He unbuttoned his pants and slipped them off his waist. All my daydreams were nothing compared to the reality of his almost-naked body. Wide shoulders, a well-muscled chest, and lean in all the right places. With taut abs and a narrow waist—he was tight, strong, and absolutely beautiful.
He leaned down again, folding an arm under my back and cupping my jaw with the other, and pulled me in for another crushing kiss. His tongue swept across mine. “Damn, you taste good.”
My body flamed and I could feel the blush from my cheeks to my toes. “My lips are just the appetizer.” My words were needy and panting. “The devil's nectar,” I moaned as I arched into him, his tight erection pressed into my hip.
In a swift movement, he had my bra unclasped and on the floor. If he hadn't been over a century old as well, I might have found this a little unnerving. Before I could give his undergarment expertise any more thought, his mouth was over my left breast, tongue working my nipple. Nimble fingers rolled over my other nipple, creating two hard peaks. Switching sides, he moved his mouth to the other repeating the technique. The sensation shot from my nipple down south, my pussy firing to life once more.
He pulled back, blowing cool air over them to create a chill over my tender flesh. I shivered and raked my fingernails down his back. Inhaling through clenched teeth, he hissed. “Oh, succubus. I wouldn't do that if I were you,” he whispered.
“Oh?” I mocked innocence and locked my ankles behind his back, pushing my dampening sex into his belly. “What about this?” Grabbing a fistful of his hair I tugged, clenching it in a firm grip.
He grunted and I rolled my hips beneath him, once more feeling the surge through my body as pressure touched just the right area. Using the bed as leverage, I flipped Damien onto his back, sitting atop his hips.
“Oh, now this just isn't fair. You already had your way with me at the strip club.”
Holding his wrists, I put his hands above his head, mimicking how he'd treated me in the hallway. “Yes—and you got your kicks just now out there. I'd say we're even.” I snaked my body over his, breasts pressing into a smattering of coarse chest hair. My lips hovered above his, taking in the moment. I kissed him long and deep, stroking my tongue against his.
“Succubus, we are not even close to even,” he chuckled, rolling his wrists out of my grasp. He ran a tongue along my ear, closing his lips around the earlobe. “If you don't recall, you poured my fucking beer all over my naked johnson.” Curling a leg around my hips, he flipped me onto my back in a movement so fast it could only be described as supernatural. I'd never really seen Damien in action and knew very little about his powers. Super speed had clearly been exhibited just now. I wondered what else was super about this guy. I imagined him in a battle, fighting with that speed and dexterity, the vision so sexy it sent a bolt of electricity right down between my thighs.
As he lay over me, perched on his elbows, some hair flopped onto his forehead. I brushed it back, running my hands down the side of his face. “Okay, elemental. Let's see what you got.” I reached for his cock, dipping my hand inside the waistband of his boxer briefs. I moaned at the feel of his pulsing heat in my palm.
His face registered surprise for all of a moment, then softened into a wicked grin. “That sounds like a challenge, Ms. Lamb.”
“Call it what you like, Detective Kane. But I'm all yours for the rest of the night.” Squeezing his arousal once more, I raised my hands above my head, striking a pose that would leave porn directors panting. “But make it good,” I whispered. “You don't get many chances to impress a succubus.”
Damien peeled away my thong, then slipped his own boxer briefs down until we were both nude. He nestled his body between my legs, parting them, his dark gaze making my pulse race. I placed my palms flat on the bed. Damien bent, placing his mouth on me, running his tongue along the length of my sex in a slow, sensual lick. His tongue was hot and wet and as he moved it against me, I trembled from the sweet pleasure of it. I was losing myself in the feel of his hands, flexing and unflexing against my hips as his tongue swirled so intimately across my flesh.
He teased me with his tongue and just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, he took my clit in his mouth and sucked. First gentle, then hard and rough. I threaded my fingers into his hair and arched against his mouth. He moved down, sliding his tongue into my pussy, thrusting in and out just as he would if we were fucking. Then, continuing the motion with a finger, he rolled his tongue over my clit, playing with the bud over and over.
“Yes, right there, Damien,” I panted and banged my head against the headboard. The pressure built inside, squeezing his fingers as the pulsing orgasm began. I cried out as the first wave slammed into my body, shaking my every limb.
Once I finished, he knelt, taking my hands in a gentle caress and lowered them to my sides again. Slipping his arms under mine, he lifted me until I, too, was on my knees on top of the bed, facing him.
“Wow.” His eyes traveled down my body, settling once more on my eyes. “You are a vision.”
I was unsure what to make of the compliment. My legs felt like Jell-O, as though they couldn't support my own weight, and in front of me was a man who was a self-proclaimed womanizer. A man who had professed he only wanted me for a good fuck. But his actions clearly didn't match the words. Before I could answer, his large fingers raked through my hair, pulling me into another kiss. Damien didn't just kiss with his lips. His hands roamed my body, caressing in gliding motions until I was covered in goose bumps. His erection pressed into the
between my legs and I opened my thighs just enough so that he was nestled between my legs. I squeezed his length with my thigh muscles and he groaned into my mouth.
The blistering kiss left me wobbly and trembling as he brushed his hand through my hair. “I'm failing to see the payback, Detective Kane,” I whispered. “Though I'll admit I'm liking this.”
“I decided,” he said, kissing my temple, “that tonight is no longer about revenge.” He kissed the other temple. “It's about wild, insatiable pleasure.” He raised a hand above us and swirled it, slowly at first. A soft breeze caught my hair and blew it off my shoulders.
As his hand spun faster, the breeze gathered more speed. With a jerk, he thrust his hand up and the window slid open—a new, cooler gust of wind rushing into the room. “Wrap your legs around me, baby. I'll buckle you in.”
I did as he said, curling my arms around his shoulders and using them to hold my weight while I climbed on top of him. His cock pushed against the entrance to my sex and I lowered myself onto him, his erection stretching me in delicious pleasure. I felt every inch of his rock hard dick entering me. His hand, still above us, circled faster, the wind picking up. It was cold and chilled the sweat that had beaded over my body. His other arm was around my waist, clutching my body to his. We were a tangled mess of skin and my hair wrapped around him as well. I found his mouth again, pulling him in for a kiss. Enraptured by his lips, I could swear it felt like we were floating. His hard length stroked me from the inside, the tip hitting that sweet knot of desire deep inside me.
His breath was deep and heavy against my ear. His skin soft and tight with hard-edged muscle straining beneath. He groaned as he pulsed in and out of me in steady, fluid movements. I inhaled deeply, his scent intoxicating—like musk and pine.
When I opened my eyes, the room was still buzzing and Damien's lips were on my throat. The wind had picked up even more and around us, the room spun in a blurring vision. I gasped at the realization that we were in the air, surrounded by a tornado's embrace. Instinctively, I clutched more tightly onto Damien, who blinked in confusion, raising his gaze from my neck to my eyes. A smile creased his face and he laughed at my terror. Hair whipped across my face and lashed my shoulders and neck.
“Oh, my Hell,” I whispered. “This can't be real.”
He chuckled against my throat. “Says the soul-stealing succubus.” Cupping my ass, he pulled me into him deeper and I arched my back, welcoming the thrust. “It's so real, babe.” He nuzzled into my shoulder, nipping. “Lean back,” he said, then lowered his hand, which controlled the air. I leaned back, Damien's other arm still snaked around my waist and a cushion of wind caught me, softer than any down comforter. Sighing, I let my arms slowly arch up and down as though I were a bird flying through the wind.
“I'm close, Monica.” His words were a pant; a plea. His face was strained with lines around his eyes and mouth. And with his thumb, he applied pressure to my clit while quickening his pace inside of me. We both moaned and I squeezed my muscles around him—the tightening spiraling both of us over the edge. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold on much longer as he slammed into me, one thrust after another. The climax hit me hard and I bucked against his firm body while sweet pleasure rolled through my body, quivering every limb down to my fingertips. Damien groaned and tightened against me. Hot, sticky liquid spurted inside as he came with a final burst of thrusts and shuddered into my shoulder. The air around us slowed, lowering our bodies to the bed until the room had stilled completely.
We lay there entwined in each other, his hands running gentle circles over my bare back. I closed my eyes, enjoying the silence. The room was cool due to the leftover wind. Not dissimilar to the chill of a room right after you turn a fan off. A gentle breeze still caressed us through the open window, and as one specific breeze brushed across my body, I shivered involuntarily. The smell of crisp autumn air filled the room and drowned out the scent of heady arousal. Damien flattened his palms to my arms, rubbing as though feeling my skin's chill for the first time. “I'm sorry,” he whispered, then, with one flick of his hand, the wind blew the window shut.
“That was . . . incredible,” I whispered, resting my chin to his chest and looking up at him.
His mouth twitched into a small smile and he pinched a section of my hair, twisting it around his fingers. “You liked that? That was just the tip of the iceberg.”
“Oh, please don't tell me we have to fuck on an iceberg. If I thought the wind was chilly . . .” I let my joke drift off into silence and turned my head to rest my cheek on his body once more. “I didn't know elementals could do anything other than speak with the elements.”
I felt his shrug. “If you're in good standing with the elements, they work with you. If you're not in good standing, well, then, you have to be awfully powerful to get them to do your bidding.”
The room phone rang, loud and obnoxious. “Probably a noise complaint,” Damien chuckled, reaching to answer.
I caught his hand in mine. “Don't,” I whispered. “Let it ring. I'm sensing an encore coming soon.” I rolled my hips over his, an erection stirring to life beneath me.
Damien quirked an eyebrow, amusement flashing momentarily across his face. “Is that so?”
“If you can handle it,” I challenged.
That made him laugh out loud—a rare occurrence with Damien. “Oh, I think I can.” I leaned to kiss him, my vibrating cell from my purse interrupting the moment.
“Shit,” I whispered, pulling away from the embrace.
“Let it go to voice mail,” Damien said, still kissing me.
I relaxed again into his embrace. As Damien's hands curled under my ass, I brought my knees under me, my body moistening with his touch. His erection was nestled between my legs, where a sticky wetness gathered—our juices combined. I groaned, reaching down to stroke his length, just as Damien's cell phone rang.
“Fuck,” he cursed, leaning to the nightstand to answer it.
With a sigh, I fell off his body, flopping onto my back. True, I'd just had multiple orgasms in less than an hour. But a niggling feeling of unease crept through my body. This must be what Drew and Adrienne felt like all the time. Romance for them was always interrupted with work.

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