Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2)
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“I see that asshole tonight,” Calix said, “the lycans won’t be the only ones getting their heads severed.”

“Relax. Ryke is all about appearances.” Gavin slid his hands into fingerless black leather gloves, straightened his leather coat and slammed the door of the Bentley. The demon hardly had to try—he carried a lethal grace about him—a smooth killer that a victim likely couldn’t help but admire before dying at his blade. “He doesn’t want to announce to all his patrons that he’s got any beef with Wrath. Still, he has it in for you because of Ava. Lay low.” He cleared his throat. “Should he find himself in the back-alley with no one around, though,
better watch his nuts. I got a new blade that I’m just itching to break in.”

“Feshjule?” Calla asked, lacking the eloquent roll of the tongue of Gavin’s pronunciation.

“Gavin’s just trying to be polite in front of the ladies.” Zeke gave the signal to follow as he fell into step behind Gavin.

All the brothers carried a dark aura—a brood of supernatural crime bosses, but with much more stealth and class.

Calla glanced up at the building; it boasted an ominous, shadowy exterior except for the bright silver crescent moon and the
sign lighting the sidewalk from the top of the structure. The door remained hidden against the black—a ‘keep out’ vibe like the owner didn’t want the entrance easily located. It threw off an abandoned look, which likely kept most humans out and screamed trouble—a place where supes could easily get away with bad deeds. Thanks to the two brawny demons flanking either side of her, the rush that flowed through Calla’s veins carried more an edge of excitement than fear.

Calix pulled a black hoodie up over his head and led the group to a door camouflaged in black paint. The anteroom bled a bright red, almost blinding, as it swung open. The bouncer at the door stood equally intimidating in his black leather vest, like some kind of rogue biker, though even he shifted as the brothers piled into the small space behind Calix. A few quiet words exchanged between Calix and the bouncer, and the door clicked, the bouncer gesturing their admittance.

A flash of a smile peeked out from Calix’s hoodie as he glanced back. “Dipshit must’ve forgotten that I had any part in whooping his boss’s ass last week.”

“Man, I gotta get some of that shit. That memory-erasing thing is the secret to lifelong mates.” Zeke casually put his arm around Calla. “I’m telling you, the Incubi are on to something.”

Gavin shook his head and expelled a forced breath.

The delicious smell of the Brothers’ colognes faded into the overpowering scent of wolf. Every Alexi hunter had been trained to pick up even the most subtle hint of it.

Red lights of the anteroom merged with those inside the main barroom as they stepped through.


Bodies congregated in areas that left the main drag fairly open but tight. Through the haze of smoke, Calla focused on the white glow beneath the bar stools casting shadows onto the brick floor. Large archways gave the room a churchy atmosphere, along with the black cast iron detail. Off to the right, a room, one step down, opened up to a sectional couch that spanned the circumference, with candles and sconces illuminating the walls. To the left, an exceptionally large dance floor; a protrusion rose from the center of it and appeared to be some kind of electronic device for changing up the lighting. No sooner had she realized it, the strobe cast a blinding seizure of light that forced her to look away.

The deeper they ventured into the club, the stronger the sensation tugged at Calla’s insides.
. Wolves disguised as lambs, mingling amidst the flock. Wade’s words drifted through her mind:
Only the shepherd wields the spear.

“Looks like the usual clusterfuck,” Calix said over his shoulder.

A force from behind yanked Calla’s body backward, stealing her breath. An object whizzed past her head and crashed into the bar.

The statuesque bouncer, with his dark sunglasses, suddenly lurched into motion, heading in the direction from where the bottle had been thrown.

Zeke’s wink met her quick glance upward and she exhaled a sharp breath. “Thanks.”

His arms released her shoulders. “Keep your eyes peeled for flying objects in this hellhole. Wolves get crazy when they drink.”

“This place is full of them.” She noticed the humans, real bona fide humans, were few and dressed like they’d just been snatched off the eight mile strip.

“Sometimes. Tonight’s our lucky night.”

“How’s that so? Why haven’t you guys burned this place down already?”

“You shittin’ me? Makes our job easy! Like putting out an ant trap. All we gotta do is follow them.”

“But you’re not
all of them. You could wipe out at least two dozen of them tonight.”

“Too many humans. And this place isn’t the underground scene, babe. Our faces would be all over the news. It’s easier to track them. ’Sides, this is the one place we know we’ll find them. We burn this shithole down and we’re out chasing them in the streets.”

Yeah, it made sense, but didn’t keep Calla’s need to kill something at bay. Her hands trembled as a tall and pierced muscle-head passed by giving her carnal eyes. His smell invaded her nose and strummed a murderous chord.


She blinked hard, willing away visions of blood spurting from his neck as she dragged a knife across his throat.

Images of one tearing into her brother’s stomach surfaced and Calla angled her gaze toward the floor to keep the wolves from seeing the glowing gold of her eyes. The need to kill something had her hands balled into fists. One stupid move could ruin her first hunt with the demons and a tip to find Draven.

Keep it in check.

Through the crowd, they made their way to the opposite side of the bar, where a large booth took up most of the back wall. Empty. Calix stood off to the side, allowing Calla to slide in first. One by one, the Brothers piled in: Calix, Zeke and Gavin, sandwiching her in the middle.

A young, skinny girl with bleach-blonde hair and a biker hat, half her breasts poking out of a cut-off like some Hooters wannabe, walked up to the table and pulled out a tablet of paper. Her eyes scanned the booth and a smile crept across her face. “Well, what’ve we here?” She ended the appraisal with a long stare at Calix before her gaze trailed back to Calla. “Mind if I squeeze in with you, honey?” She winked.

“No need. I’ve got a seat right here.” Zeke patted his thigh where it stuck out of the booth.

The waitress bit her bottom lip and sat down on his lap. “Now, what can I get you fine looking folks?”

Zeke’s gaze trailed down the woman’s back, landing on her ass. “I want something hard that’ll have me crying like a pussy later.”

The waitress turned and smiled. “I’ve got just the thing.” She raised a brow, eyeing Gavin. “How ’bout you, handsome?”

“I’ll take a beer.”

“Same here,” Calla said.

Calix held up a finger, signaling the same.

The waitress stood from Zeke’s lap and ran a hand down his cheek before walking away.

“She’s got potential. Killer ass.” Zeke twisted back to the group.

“Zeke …” Calix shook his head. “I think you get more ass than I do in a week and I’m half incubus.”

“That’s because you pine after one ass, Brother. Broaden your horizons a little.”

“I’m curious.” Calix leaned back and rested his elbows on the table. “Say you were stranded somewhere, in an avalanche, or some shit. Just you and one female. No chance of rescue. Your last fuck ever. What kind of girl do you want to spend your last moments on earth with?”

Zeke threw back his head and laughed. “You’re shitting me. Like I couldn’t barrel through a pile of snow, take my little snow bunny’s ass back to a ski lodge, and find three others to join me in a hot tub orgy.”

Calla rested her head on her palm. “You’ve never given thought to the type of woman you’d want to spend the rest of your life with?”


Gavin entwined his fingers. “My man Zeke is going to be one miserable motherfucker when his Savidon hits.”

“Savidon?” Calla tilted her head. “What’s that?”

“End of days,” Zeke said, sinking down into the booth. “You tell me how that goes, old timer.” He knocked Gavin in the shoulder.

Gavin sighed. “The Savidon is when a demon goes through some physical changes. It’s designed to encourage him to find a mate.”

” Zeke chuckled. “Who you kidding, Brother? You’ll be like a bloodhound for a piece of ass, and wherever your nose leads you is who you’re stuck with.” A frown slipped across his face. “For eternity.”

“I’m not getting into this with you again, Zeke.” Gavin turned to Calla. “How’s it going with Logan?”

“Oh. Uh …”

The waitress brought the drinks and set them out on the table. As she turned to leave, Zeke grabbed her arm and tugged her toward him, whispering something in her ear. She bit her lip and smiled, stealing another glance as she sashayed away from the table. Zeke lifted his bottle up to her and tipped it back.

“Now what if something better comes along tonight?” Calix held his beer to his mouth. “You just committed yourself to that one.”

“I didn’t commit shit.” Zeke leaned forward. “That’s how you play the game, my man. Leave all options open. ’Sides, there’s plenty of room in the SUV if I happen to pick up more than one.”

“We’re here to hunt. Not play.” Gavin cleared his throat and sat back, stretching his arm behind Calla. “You were saying? About Logan?”

“I’m pretty sure he hates my guts.”

Tilting his head toward her, Gavin spoke low. “Did I mention he’s an ass?”

Calla smiled.

“Good evening, gentlemen.”

All three brothers and Calla turned their attention to the man standing before them. Calix shifted forward, Gavin jerked beside Calla, stopping him no doubt. The whiff of lycan danced past Calla’s nose and gnarled her lip.

“What do you want?” Gavin’s tone came across as business.

“My name is Marrick.” He offered his hand, only to lower it to his side when no one bothered to shake it. “My apologies for interrupting your evening out with the …
lady there.” He bowed his head and gestured toward Calla.

Marrick equaled lycan? Fucking hell
. Gavin frowned. “You’re the one that contacted me about Draven?”

Marrick bent slightly forward. “I understand the Alexi compound went up in flames. I’d first like to take the opportunity to thank you.”

Zeke’s arms crossed over his chest and, leaning back, appeared nearly as tall as Marrick standing near him. “What makes you think we did it?”

Marrick sniffed and straightened. “I have my sources. You’ve done us a great service by ridding the world of that sick fuck.”

sick fuck
could only be Wade. As the leader of the Alexi warriors, he’d become a natural enemy to the lycans, even more so than the demons, with his reputation of torturing and taking prisoners simply for the pleasure of mutilating them slowly.

At least the demons were quick about their kills. Aside from Logan, anyway. As Calla had come to understand, his kills could be classified as something of an art.

“I also understand that this young Alexi, Draven, has infiltrated your fortress. My guess is that you wish to find him.”

“Well, how’s that for fuckin’ fast traveling news,” Calix said.

“Do you know where to find him, or not?” Gavin’s voice, always business, held less amusement.

“Again, it pays to have very reliable sources. We would partner our efforts with yours, in exchange for protection and loyalty.”

are loyal to
, asshole.” Zeke sneered. “Not the other way around.”

“You indicated that you had knowledge of the kid. Where to find him.” The irritation in Gavin’s voice had become increasingly apparent in his tone.

“I’m sorry, I happen to know you’re quite selective in your contracts. It was the only way I felt you’d agree to meet with me.”

“You lied.” Gavin scratched his jaw. “Contracts are established through mutual trust. Lycans cannot be trusted. Therefore, I cannot honor this request.”

“Would you have met with me otherwise?”

“Probably not. We’re not exactly going out of our way to build an alliance with your kind.”

“Perhaps in time. I can assure you it wouldn’t take long to find this young man.”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Gavin’s flat tone accompanied the crossing of his arms.

“I thank you for your time. And my apologies for interrupting your party. I’ve another, somewhat urgent, matter to attend. Have a good evening.” Marrick bowed a second time and strode off.

“What the fuck was that? You ever see a lycan speak so prim and proper?” Zeke belted out a hearty laugh. “
My apologies for interrupting your pahty
,” he mocked.

BOOK: Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2)
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